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allt uaderstaagsad and bent fal thought requ, pep th 1 you wish 1 enoy the mont bees From Man's Higher’ Conounest = pesky Fach te ym real the work you wil Cents oar pepe Pep “Tales of Men's Higher Conou- ree 0 that more and er poe ay ‘Rips wih tr os 55 Heath Resets PUBLISHER'S FOREWORD ‘his work frst appearod in 1982 under the utle Man'e aizaculous Unused Powers, and the author was presented fb Kenyon Klanont, « pscudonye ‘The domand was so grast thatthe work was soon sold out, and'a tecond eaition was published and soon exhaust— (06, The work hes been out af print for several years, end {his third edition is published to meet the continued demand for ‘This work contains some answers to the questions appear sng in Hotema'a work Utled Anotent Seorst of Personal Pow~ Man, the clever untator, regarde St as @ common vor" pow to make redios and television sets that respond to com Inic redlation end bring Mm messeges end pictures st ell ‘Over the world, For mallione of years Creation, the Grand Gristnntor, has tie Instruments that respond to cosmic radiation and covered the earth wath then ‘This work attempts to show the reasons why the radio and television mecheniem in the human esi file 9 reepond {lly now to cosmic radiation as it dia twenty thousand years fo, wher the Anciont Mastors sccurulatea their Wisdem of ‘Crnation, Life and Man, then recorded it fletion end fable for intorproteion to those who prove by Lest they were The sreat schools in which the worthy ones ware taught thage secrets of Creston were known 08 the Ancient Mys~ feries. Thaw requirements for admiasion were a0 high, that the tbe came when despots rulers of the people had sure 0 low thot they were uneble to meet them. In their anger ‘hey ‘cided to establlan @ counter system of thetr own Invention, and then employed thalr armies of servants and Slaves to destroy the Temples of the Ancient Mysteries and to slay the Mastors who presided over them, @) ‘The tank of destruction and slaughter began in the 4th sotuy AD. afad continued thru the next two centuries, ‘Wt’so terete and blondy that more than a hundred fullion people were alsin. in Egyst, the Great Lond of ight end Leavoing 2000 yours ago, where ancient Greek philosophers, including the renowned Pythagoras, went fic hele higher education, the destruction was so deves— {atung that the country became known as the Land of Dark tn la work titled "Ancient Eaypt The Light Of The World” orald Massey wrote: Tor perhaps titty thousand yoars or more, people lived tn pence upon this earth snder tho spiritual guidance of the original end True Religion ofthe Ancient Payptians (Gecetved from Atlantia). Times have changed. For severa) thousand yours seiflahness, hatred ond greed have brought ied miserlos to the euffecing Masses. The True Light, fe Light that Lghteth all the world, tho Light thet shone fo brightly in Ancient Egypt, no longer shines. ‘The Masters who escaped death, were those who fled ‘to distant India, where their successors stl) abide in the fastnestes of the Himeleye Mountains, and whose ages are ald to ‘ange from 500 to 1500 years, From that source there ‘Giokles the anal stream of that Ancient Wisdom which Hotema presents in his various waiting ‘me author of this wock Ls not open to any engagements, does not receive visitors, Aor grant interviews enter Inco any correspondence with hs readers. He tells 20 fortunes, does aot teach divination, makes no predictions ‘ro phliters and lands himgelf to no sorcery and ‘ehunble student of sclanee and not ‘The publisher ofthis work bas no authority to comment on the postulates and opinions presented, net to give any ho the address of the author. His engagement is simply to (ubllah end sell this work, and there hs obligation ends. o coks are sold to be accepted or rejected, and the piepore ft Pro Hotema's writings ia to diipate dvkness aad Sake poopie think "All Goatiny begina with think id Percival, and thinking ts @ process most dangerous {9 the inetittions of ciuiiztion which contra the masses by means of skillful braln-washing and sind-condtioning ‘methods, Many who rejected certain ities sone veers ago, fave now discovered their enor since they bogen vo as, dnd have become Hotona's strongest supporters, The statements in this work are the recitals of sclentiftc findings, known facts relating to Men end Creation, an tslarnots fo cnt wigs as ey fe dscovred ent ‘resented may do for anyone in any given caso, ond the futhor and the publisher assume no obligations forthe opinions expresced. Protogue Life ts Creation’s greatest treasure for Man in the flesh, and most men should enjoy #t much longer than ‘they do. This can eastly be done by learsing the body's Simple requirements, and living ix harmony with that Knowledge, wach 1s contained in Hateme's late work ‘utled Long tie {8 Fiona. Some men are now living 120, 150 and 200 years and even longer, and what 18 possible for one men Is p9zsi- bie for millions more. Gharlte Saith of Florida Ie vital and vigorous at the age of 19 and says he intends to live con Sloerebly longer, Buch about him le contetoed in our work {tied Long Life in Florida, which every one shoul ea0, a8 te i's tho greatest work ever writen on Longevity 1m 1943 Santiago Surviate, a0 indian, died in Rrizone at the age of 135. In 1036 Zora Agha, a Tusk, aled in Turkey st the age of 162. Tn 1321 Jose Calverio died in Mexico at tho age of 18S, tn 1798 Thomas Cam died ia England at the fage of 207, In 1933 Li Chung-Yun died in Chine ot the ge 9f 256, tn 1566 Nunes De Cugra diod in India at the oge of 4170. He grew four nev sets of teeth and his hair tamed from black to grey fou tines. Im December, 1888, when Mrs. Fred Miller was two years old, het mother found a litle turtle nearly frozen tn ‘ns alley near their ase tn Baltimore. She took the ture home, named It Pete, nursed it back io Mealth, and now et nage ectinated to be nore shan 100 years, Poto is stil ‘the fomlly pet ond shows iltle slgns of his ege Ail ving eroatures are ruled by the some lows of Ccreetion, but they 40 201 al live In harmony with those Jaws. Those that come the clorest to tt era thore that live ‘the longest in proportion to the length of thre requited for There are many reasons, most of them preventable, Why eopie dia young apd hospitals are filed with th sick, Sinead ottr are seldom I and tive thee to ten ties 1k would logleelly seem that Living creatures with the higher intelligence skould be the ones to live tho nesrost to the requirements of the laws of Creation; but In action Ii seem 19 work the other way, the more Intelligent crea~ ues belng those who appear to stay the farthest ftom the Sraloht ard naveow path which leads unto life (Mat, 7:13.10. ‘he large majesty ofthe so-called hesith writers are not noted for longevity. They seem to dle 95 early ws those Sih read their weitings. And soma who Jive 120 years can't ll why thoy lived 20 loog, as in the case of Diamord, sno lived 120 yoars, wrote @ book of Jong life in 1804 when Tbe was 108, on page 43 of which ne Itemized "My Datiy Menu", whch s tether good, yet not one we would recom ‘to reduce longevity to a sctantific baste means that wa must Inern the requirements of the bedy and supply thom. The faate show that living is breathing. We can't dle as [ong aa we can breatne--end we stop Lving when we stop Breathing {s the primary function of the Body, Wo can uve for weaka without eating, and for days without dni fe Dut whon wo #top Breet for @ few minutex we stop Living And elaht here ts the most neglected spot in the entire health field. Why that 507 First, ignorance: second, th claim of sclance that man lives on what he eats; and hic, 30 one has yet found a way to commercialize alr fant Breathing This ts the discouraging condition we found sbety years fago, when we tat out t9 learn how fo live heelthy and Jong. ‘And's0, we began eimost slone to learn something about 5 breathing and the Breath of Life, Tho first valuable hint came when wo Sound thls: “If ‘wo maintain ou blood in normal condition and circulation Slckness would be elmost impossible. The blood te tne life of the flesh, Wo are whot wa are by the influence of ‘ou blood flowing thru our body" (erner Mactacden, in ‘Vitality Supreme, 1810). Thon there come another surprise whon we diacovered ‘that blood 12 nado of gas, The gesns ofthe att constitute the total composition of the blood. We Know that water ia ‘the product of tho uniting at hydrogen ana oxygen gase= Whon wa drink water, we eine gases iv fiid form. Bloc! 5 gases in fuld foes. Everything con be tonafoimed to sus by heat, Tho earth itsoit ts constituted of condoned 4925. There is the source and origin ofall things. We have heard of fire damp, Ignis fotus, end will-o'~ ‘the-wisp. That flery element is the Living Gas in what wo eat and drink, Thet Living Gas is all the body uses of ‘what we eet, Of that Living Gas the Dloa! 12 mace ‘This ts the fest velunble lesson in dietetics, Selontiste tatk learmedly and foolishly about protein, carbohydrates ruoloie acids, fats, lipiss, otc., lonocing the fact tint the ox, elephent, horse and moose live in good health all their days on gress and green leeves, ‘The next lesson in dletetics 1s not to hest food and drive ‘out of ifthe precious, volatile gases which the body uses {nite laboratory to méke its blood and the products 't reeds, wach Includes all the elements mentioned above Remember this one: Crestion naver uses second-hand material in its building work, The protein in the food we t never becomes the protein af cur body, Thet proteln hes served its purpose, 12 8 seed product, and Ye never Used again by Creation In Its constructive work, ‘The living gas in what we ext 1s all the body uses, c ‘The West {8 useless waste, and cast off by the body feces. Hence, most of what man eats goa down the [As gatos are al the Body wis im making blood and bone afd bullding flesh, consider the condition of the bicod, bone ana tosh that are made of the polsonou gases that saturate the alr of moder cvllizetion, where health tr the excaption instead of the rule, if chemist ‘anolyzed the air we breathe and gave us his report, we ‘would be shocked to learn the great emourt of potson ‘the body must endure to live in our pollutes environment. This subject ss 20 broad and vital, $8 would take & large book to discuss it edequatoly. But enough has beer sald to make 8 thinking person be more carefsl about the ind of air he breathes. the condition ofthe air in his home, and especially '9 his bedeoom, whace lack of st sity dating th nigh allows the air # stognate and grow ‘That's another season why people de in thle sleep. ‘he pollased, stagnast ats in thelr bedroom paralyze ‘he Breathing center ofthe Brain, and they just stop breathing. Stagnant alr gots foul, like water im stagnant poo) oop the ais in cliculation in homes and bedrooms, Use ‘lectric fans for that purpose, Fewer people would die lethelr sleep if they has en electric fan tn operation in ‘alr bedroom, ‘This wrstar ts only fifteen years under the eentiry mack, which he expects to pass by mary veers, es he feels a fit as he did forty years ago, And be ts telling the world here, In this work of Rls, some ofthe secrets of how he has done tt To an inteligent, unpeejudiced person who can and doos think, the information contained in thi work may seem Simple, But tt 19 the fundemental simpliciies thet are flways difficlut to accept, because they are 80 very simple, fnd, therofore, unbelievable on that account, Prof. Hilton Hoteme Tequisquiapen, Oo. Messe ie S060" ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Sia {The sae Ge mse = ‘Be eemarcion ‘Spe tmp te. Vi Aunt ede Not ill neg Ne Bal Og ma Sear aa oe ‘oy. 8B Baling Mal a & ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, INCLUDING THE RIGHT ‘TO REPRODUCE THIS COURSE OR ANY PORTION THEREOF IN ANY FORM avs earn NOTICE Stamens in ths couse are rectal of wlestie finding, ew fasts ofpiey and rlseces to ancent wings 8 Se) fo Wad No Boer acco that te sebelah fee ane many gen case andthe pubs ares ean, {or epstoe tps : = strona ncaa and ec lad to ht od Wnty, whereas, a form of ren ede ood ere “Ye thik the DARK AGES ore gone Beenie you ore i AWAKE! "Your boated ibety da onighenaled ov largely ‘msg. You canna mis chat nor ha” Publted in the USA. » WHY WE LIVE AND WHY WE DIE Sobre svestigatae shows that— Wo brent to iv and we breaths to de, We dik to ve and we dnt di ‘We ea to hee and wo ea tdi. snes ne DEAE ISSR my el a “RR eG ea et Ste auteur Tssaljan rein, wh we act a igen, yt 3 ld eat ISravechoritnilea sedis sedation mais oko Men wl cor 200 yor of age ite working Inthe elds uth mach gounger sem deg on ach ook nd Leng Soma 18e he your mene da Tat unable to di: uh he ol fro the young”. Coe in Ouet Eating, Esteogis Ad, tal iwmopvcrion ‘The vo el sania by Cone Pre and Intl by Commie Caneoures “The human ody ra mat of trllons of ells, ged by Tite sot ‘Eh cls a mat films of floms cach of which «mine ‘ores pte, wth -panet i he oe ty eto wing 2 tamendoas sper arndwcarnan gets o rata, “The solr stem has oe or fond The lctrons So nak et ‘Tho atoms do att The cell do aot et. Why shld nn at? ‘he ast Cal bg the dy of uy ander th ‘anny leligence whch Sobers fom the Comme Taipe ak Creton This ell does nt come from fos and dane ao depend fn fod ‘The bay wot the producto fond, and shold not depend fod ood cant stain what cant produce As the boy i not the product of food is etal et suted by fod Taste Inteligence mens ia the cl. fom the Patent Call oo Grout the entizesnstnce ofthe body. Bag dete! by Inger Inraligeace, the el Know epgtaceaty lances they art ‘evans inthe cotton apd mantonsc of he ody ‘The tate sntaigenee of Se put te Call most play fn the wala ndy Sa mode of beg ofall the lament ofthe Body, Thee tend ‘leg ote wk dan ep il ty an Bards 3 Boy else steno tadertaed mmol ecm 4 cd of the wk yoo ts lg an act cone or te to ented nyo ah tne he maces a ‘he expe of the body prmary datum of oberon cp iy pr iced ody, rom the Part Cell om ult by tecnigues eed by Iateligence eat foegn tothe bot centile i From the Parent Cal composed of tnvicble sau and oof the inv Esenoe of the Universe a the Int Ar whic ens ‘ALL fo te ed cpa co at tg bye rk Of cat eaderod wir ite Ln pence, “Th ells prove y thir work tht they poms provision ofthe ‘auf np, diy ce he tere subce ht appears be ted fhe psa mt oy he ‘uling mera otal he badder “The tine of eae Saming the Boy sce tay une a ‘cmpred of the sane come snes ond goveed by thes ‘Some lw 1 doople of wate forms a tny micrcoem cmtining» ret arity of coun chemical clement The way ell 9 pay ‘plete o's water droplet, but rae othe fig pace af doe TE the cle depend on fod end dea, san shoud ceatinne to (row an ve as Tonga he bed silent fod sod drink "o the ples of May ith 10H, Sra ala, of Ba kr Inia abe 8 bd tacn'no fod oer iter soe shew 72 ‘The account st “Sh ees gy and look ike cid” ‘he pestle fa ce cael pote ia slice fete coves, Alias N° Montaneen De Vilar tated Snr book Tt fhe scent Masters at fol sly fo peur and bees of nace (Coste Be Cabal), MAN EATS TO DIE ‘The world i foodad with books on fond and feeding, No exe ser to vedze that ealing 1s not tsa. but an eyed tabi Ii saking and deskng, sad that Al th Cave Reso a all fing. cing the vlc Hat sa stuns aa i: ‘Since shows thatthe body is but of cell, whieh are com od of mr, wih we poe of Toe fects gecesi waht me ha wing eter "Eecwocs donot eat, atmt donot eat; moles do act et, pc a a a fo hd Sta by cos 5 Me tt xg tay bt ad a pen nije ina na sn beget nce oer wet Ben 1 Foods and even shows sg of romang younger "Ths ld be lt wos be geo fo one tof cating eve staal fod were nade nai the bey ‘iy dae man set ane fo death when ‘Tht ride MAN'S MIRACULOUS UNUSED "or more than basen the autor reed books on fod a feeding and clomly ollwed te arrests and explanations. He {bund ove who favre Vegetarians acted al he bad fertare, ‘oie ous rat ped by thw who ve Carr Bock fvoring Westar mya rd ii tort ea "hg vig Can ae cet he anpog properties offs "ie auns ae nde ey wit alta Dal xt te deer tha ya i ee ao “Tne dete dg uti, ll ed, lao gtk hon Wak hy re nd sown ‘ty hee up of emiomt door in fhe Tae cay alter soy Tithe 060 gation fom every ange, conde wh is aun Sg stone We et toe, od we at de” ‘Why ist poste at we et to ie and et to is? we et tole hiwentesat to Ge? we exto de bow can aca et “nls work teas pening quustons ore eonsiored ad snowed Leow No.1 PHYSICAL PERFECTION Tyra Pefetion nouk be Pysal Inmotay and Herbert ‘Spent Fons the Low 9 Physical Imaal allows tow ‘Soa be Blea Eeeoee and Bernal Knowiage’ (Feat Pricpl) Zsthaganian Phyl Peden, Ma cn to psa ates 4 Perec: Breton, God breathed ito his os the BE LAN sed mn nc ang ty (Cx. 27). Ning fn hig, ad ong moe was Deeded ‘he ah of Le spa th eqns of elato. “The Breather sed ly, an nfhing ore, ssa is bod 1m tht slate of Phyl Patton an as no oher was. ‘The es stan need tbe mote becomes ide gods who we hing tnd sre {Errata he fet Mae Man and ike ae the work af ma. They ae the prac a bras wich coreapand wih Soe. eens aa eis Swat "The fon man tees the mare complete ke bones. He fine ‘Puech ga colo fom a Waste ma Wan he Sah the far confit hes sd he farther he aloes fram Perks Ye anger hr wd ah lange hse BREATH OF LIFE Syierehs ee eats SEC nacraevetee os ESE Pay conaromncatse fe eae heads be ge? Tian hae 83 ECHR? Lio ° s ‘Beg ane ein: ie ‘om expt. Iho fat bet inane sal ep Reeser fa deka a ae ir Modom Manic the degenerate desert ofthe Breath Dog the lions of yeas that man ht nlite the ety fvrtreat and tho mrt Dabs he bar formed have fore ay np ese fhe aw of Vit Adj a any oi sins ed Pl substances in rer 9 sive, allo al ‘efoto the bod end ijusou a eaerate, STAGES OF DEGENERATION Every fat of ving eee, the Law of Vital Aste, the evden orate in Sade spares, grove slat te erty tin that modems man it the product of descrodig Evleon Devan "The sont evidence that har survived fa the remote pot shows at ler mat Tas ny descends hragh we Be ages ‘Brat Piensa — 7 ‘orhartn tacts » plant or animal tht alter cats nor doh snd mbt etic fe lstnee clave fa Be fr Ih tuprsig oi ow any soc pln and. sal tee “Th Spunb mos banging onthe ess of Pca gets all sb sane om ty aed row rey she ig es pls thd, fasten Gest of the sowie part the USA. get Yh soba fom the a, irra serving a8 enchos to old "he plat plc aed complete the Lie Cae, Thcveaat seme ee AT rm sche Ts mara my mesa Scar, wot aod loopy ete he Boy he aac tro TA ge tr woh tons, and all Ue car sl crocs Eaiiaete ape acme eget ceattinscemst! eis the goreral bela cop consis the olin which they ence aN SRTR a a campeteaerer St thes the tub weighed the te The grow of be bee ee a non o eee ermee tee ne ee eel mente eee Ptah the ecco ebccve he ght inca mute ithe tent. hey ae eau o spy the eonbtions nce fot Cane {iat an an ne ty ve ei i ee SFC mat gn te iy co ee A ing en vn et ly a de ot a ty ad eehenct tasihor Soe se Sane Fae soTRIONAL MOT fee en og tnte cama eabetie etet Soto are gant a hue seg ee icf Sy 2 Ba onl oe 2 na nay el Shas Rohe Se St Mee ars Serta Sane Te Bahar cara EU masts hg opt i yu es Pe er ee ed tok anata ‘ at el a trod gu ada Se aS near be Boas at Us Raggio semly Tac [SUP cy fo feof of rah ad one vo a et it ak Sa 4 tr von ue ane SPIRITUAL, POTENTIALITY TO PHYSICAL ACTUALITY ‘Scholes old tha! in Phyleal Pecoton unin wa ete) fee ofa wants and dees” The seede and murat be ody ‘tote ly supplied by th Pre Air His Pee Enalronner. "Tat eet sate wast een precedent tah soming to pgs bag Te was the comic pefeton of hi Eovrwnment hat Inde gsi eon fo Spal Pally Psa emai. Te a staiched fet ht someting cnt come fs nating ‘Mes coal not became phyal eat fad aot rsd es sl ‘tol potently. There ue be 2 recede! for evry suet, ‘eaute fr every elect, The cus, wheier St, lt or any Shag the can of cna, ut be th open egal of he ‘The ateam carne te above it sures Ifthe suet co fo bot an inch her tate alleen ofl ease thee ron fxs shy should not lin the motatarop sadn bythe force foun tena" at esas flee, No ect can rose own case The Ue eld st cco Ste Euler rae Ferenc ix eter exitence, What appears the oe Uae exes ce. Win ape 3 siya Na hh we el Natu Ge mtron of Sp Rt Faroe td ‘man not existed Spiritually, be a ee eames ae nae peat a= tye sty peed LPIRR, flea Mic Ravcout oben of he yee TE ronment Ido and lps the prt powers and Munn iat Sed man 28 Sam ag, pes bn SLED Wa Payson nctiky, Welle very me, Se rea eve sequent of spa bog al 5 SO sag 2 al een ad “THE WAY TO IMPROVE PHYSICAL MAN Advanced sla ptt on tat thee cold hve bon nm poles Ea ewan yale ad etapa Thuy show thatthe oly way to bnpone pip an Bins tnt egehs eie s i pea cc ee yu i maa Fer othing must be dime, wong ro be ies ne pet wil tor derange bn foe cal ol ‘Sedan “Fhe th pact of age of planning td scheming. 1 pei Gos cn Eten yu want bd een he cepa Bde te prs an facewe hes Tot SPeEton sdreae "chad department of ciation las avoy fom avactoe, The tweet neny fom Perfection begat with the ZEEE shoo und concer al rough Ue 80 CALLED CIVILIZED VIEW en Pn nan Cn it De sceSOPSERERIN ea sams min a ce ‘Sire ny tat tcp aap ope te grote pg ot es es Sopra ee ees ws Pitan sain ene seo ee me re 0 ‘This the etbodoe view an, according that vew, the pur pose af edicts fo maintnin and expand he markets of buses, ld to fete a devaad for commodities, To tat ed bilees of hilt ae expended aanusly tthe elacatcn of Ge chezen of “The comtat cry of Conmecasn is fo comes more, crete ow makes ad sew denne poste the production com ‘toes, employ ore sage aves, torne th scooemle bsden WHY THE TRUTH 15 SUPPRESSED ‘ho at of seni ogi 9 Ip repaded that receives no aes, He Wott so Sead he Beltoe sro apc thn tcl puters's promot fenced, dugaced ad lqudd, the peer cas Ege aoe prodding that an coeny of fl tees Ta br wd ad pd The dace eco “Gas tsching maybe in hamony with Gods Man of Lf, the aw af Peter and the Sener of Comic Economy. But tat {thing ns vie wh aon ae wo, or SSpport cca pater thelore tenant bo scoped sof PEE ty soy miles cy Tes af genome Te mk psec “or he god ofthe por” Pal bow lo mas ceed wants wd mtd wil ‘neat ey for Comers, ead evil yo bow eng san wil rma hs preset conton of Gepemsey acd eabemic Tien ECONOMIC FREEDOM Tee intresting and snpetant to not tat as mas eves back toward potmalFececton, hs waats dene sn hr exonome bens ‘deren We thus les) wht eae burdens ae sed wbenoe ty fume Wo se tem a the product of mass acted wants and Sntral deste which Fesec den bad not, Man has produced tee, End be een Gotoy ee 1 at ot ttl ma boys to form habits and ado practises which cated wants that he begin to decline and degenerate He Was decid then, as be lero, hy the sion of progres ae be {eloped mew ab hs Soseaied hs waste caadsed tie, Ste dees aw tat each new Seventon ag 2 mat of popes While and the doctors wre pueed by the face at hl bel ‘omiued to desine and bis Me span to deren ‘cogomie frenlom the fst Sp inc twmrd mas bigh otto ‘of primal Pefectcn, Evry anal fH sare say as ‘ozone ream Mon the ny comers sve on earth hae ‘Sade Rin roc by his noatu want and aoqued dese. " i complete fredom fom every watt, to be f sot. ral nisl tol sme te de oma, Ho lated froin te consequence of aton, wich ae bonds and ein, nding love those who ave the see of want and dene. aso No. 2 THE LIVING CELL, “Ele eg le ‘Moder scence bar rent years tying dele Life, and some of sy Sebaine read tplatonier "Le oe ork Se SCIENTIFIC LWING ee a of Pope Sener ial se lig ame ie at Se nan ne en 2SbiS ager eres atonal oes aca nu iret neue octets cies SAY cee ier amir pn ony ecfetah Tao aa ae eee (SE nade ees ee ee i ean eee ie ea, a eae pel ree a sec ee cre ‘Sis bil offal ed mater provi, ia hlow Sheds eee ee racer SA Bie oh Seca aa ll Se eS Lee ee ca mm et ae SR ou wn yo =r norma te ee en tae te Schr exits showed that oo ae Ee ease ice Ee : ead "se Maia At wh ao ew of Ply, nd a sot av fs to at Sa he ly hn 2 CHIROPRACTIC LAW OF PHYSIOLOGY The Sconce of Civopractiedcovered thew of Phys sn the lw as fomelat bythe pest Wind Carver, wh Sed in 19h ath ago of enn he Carver Copa Coleg 2 Okara lyn i, Caner wrote “il ge ae in tle, este ef ae tate openon ad ne ah ay ne iee tt As sina by the Lle Principle wing thrage ™—Papo Be Paps a Accoring to Carer, the Living Ogee anion, nd ‘te animating power isthe Life Tipe at th ld doce of re Anaiect Mase, who held hat the Connie prt sists eo ‘tman (60), a mere mspertion” according to meer se ‘ence, and aecepted som only By te layin sl the Cosepttes ‘No sistory tory ofthe eclten of man, asada ‘he otto, az be stained vo long the Gens oe ‘pen this planet it shrouded tm darknest ‘The have facts and "hg of etait are bond up in he sues of Lie el 2 eg a eg Oe en 9 inochi cel eapable af repodaeon ad sory les ie ee aun pyc ty, lected mony” Aes to modern stience, all thse properties appar innate a he rot The erent of oi fete ing eros, That enced tho wank 2 We mapa pling white bate ut of hat Th WHERE DID THE LIVING CELE. COM FROM ‘The evolutionist makes o atempt to exan the niga ext fhe ig let Nr spa tn se ‘Pia gine dae tela el Ss of livogengaioms into male end female" He dowel expla te evesenan of itligence played i the condet of th Robe Big Nioderm since epi none of thee things On the ste Jan, tor usin velts tem tt elo the Modern science cmfestes il baled at every point whet i ‘woul explain bow fe eves fen aon if, bow tabeion ees » ‘rom noses, bow itligece appears i ving crete. It {Sf cpa te lesooeSs ft fale ee ew Ii tig i tlic Sw wr ‘seein te ie meal concepts “Te vist bilogot aes eto the mudested cl. Here, in the depart of rots, he bese: ewbdeed Se mien the CSuaeding lnk He fle to doeower tha mbe pncile which ‘Stes tad convert uate acbtane to vg orgie “Tis lack of bse owindge cased Cae ate Wat “Our ‘guarnce (of the body and He foncons) pound. The ‘Sechant ynogt h saty a ite i ec in erdeavorog to Tadic tan entre) to pa chery A a tgan o ae ae ‘chal elo anu ao the beds quent ed anton ‘eth bey end to sen and Wa Re Fens a ngs Ulaowe to eae "The fill wie open for the consideration of Maa, with a spot nothing dete aon by pte strc, and ay neasenble ‘ea advanind maybe comes any one. 1S EATING NECESSARY “Aapeite cones wih eng™-P. A. Ml. out work eled “Tur Neraznoxat, Miss” we sated thats 4; ma ato expan why man ld x ha To sow at be 1 sald by some unorthodox pbysclogt tat man should not a that ait Ee hee eat dees ne sain body tat te el ‘rich Ti bey is eoupoed ae teleiant aod slutanog, os {reall ther objets ht are cmponed of tora the by el are, ‘that can dod bave no ee ned oe fod than» ome OF 25; tah ae reed o tw he ae me es suet geet cient wes ate eet a noes ie de ERs Serie ieee exit ll The sew ll pie te duitted cell” Moker, Se Seo ieee en Gowistecy of thought demands that we proced sour processes on aer tations nest were reece Semen fmeaiairececs u nd cannot nou and stn the cll. Jn hat cate th eal ed So count, uno recive or sei asd are sleet aad coma "fod cap produce and mitain Livng Cols f onintligo ster on ety, oeS rn y a sod tabolcanret Soret tee a ELIMINATION sperineatsconstety show withoat ax excepto, that lint ation mich more import than feeding, aay ute t 100 eatee ae A ‘The mnintenance of the vital conden ofthe body mow nt say dey eed oa dept he een ‘Part of the physlogie! proce tas upon the pple of ne Hien | “any refs to eopniae ha fact tat ting maybe sspnod fora eouidrble period witht causing anything mene seatrn Ion of weight ent Seng Tae seconded tal people ve gore whoo fd he nay om fry dye to otf yea, aad Bran go att th mit of he ere wage poe te tegration camot be cheske for even few mints, & warn SSSA way wate nding fa a "Brey ac of Teipiaton i fect fe ading proces of ex cation sad the oly froer of animation Foro sy he beating ‘oni the Hg LONGENITY Chap) “The podocty of cell dategaton we lguds nd ges, of vic the gas form the ete prt” ‘The ler pote of he ft ond nh Ko ae ot lovey i he yt abd an The ge tio leave the by vin the Key, Tog nd ke CELLS ARE NoT PRODUCED BY FooD We seerate that what man eats and dis, doesnot prod cele te. "The clone fam te Paes Che "thy cals do not pend oo wha man cts a dls ‘They ae ot courted. That» mie luven The cas ste fa ‘hve the mitonal level, are independent futon, and a ‘eitent wed ermal fact demesne by Care. “Upon te domae of te oly, the tener. nds snd orane sintgrte, sing five the cle at cote hee sca {nd We immoral cis eum t0 the Comic Ether, whence they line, ‘The alae perpetual and dence, oh ae a oval ‘hess of the Univer fo which ander the Sodels Heong 1s [EARLY MEN WERE BREATHARIANS “These fs have constrsined unorthodox phyla to advance the teary tht the hist men inthe ery cays were renal, dex ting tom the Divine Beth af Life (Gen 27) all the subtance the Ey regied for is eence, and they ved rem ify Thowsand tos hundved thoosnd yate-or antl they were ready > ‘ton to testa ome ast a oor weve em LONGEVITY, Chapter 2 The umn boy i ow known tobe » compotion of tilione otc Eh ol at of oe aut cc of wih i Sabu syten. with planet” whiing wth teen" pe what ues ake the wnostedon physio, hae euch sat for Rolied ta? What uokar of st olan. ‘THE MIRACULOUS CELE “The body ells are endowed wi unsuspected powers and ae tovnding propose Despite ts smal he ell a axed Siapey Bel tat des sot te bast seenble he fae inictue fe nderm bum" drop of goon snrunded by 2 honiprncable memree, ‘Wit the sonar complesty of the ling ll dan sain the crdadar league chemical cnstution 1 et Sto atnste, opie f ater forma tay mires conan, [Ee tite of extime tition get varety of corse slenents Te bree prateny 2 dopeate thea, el aed fe exalted pine diane arama, ‘aril ss tat the Paros Cal and the Cull tha come there from afe"net rae of oxnoncow maton iy a howe” (P 107) sie enor tat he ste are nok epeced of wat man et aod dol He soir thet we the body somposes of al at nates of rcs the body Bora ea eal ut makes ror cll, jt as though s house sisted fram ae bri “a mie bk hat Auld set tiout sunset olber ticks Thaw bk, wit ‘ling forthe aehiets drawings oF the coma ofthe bilayer ‘aor Camel “wosld stemblo thensever ard form howe” a0d parte thereat Lon No PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY aeth elec 6 Jot Carder, MLD, Ss wore “Longe.” wre, Sta oni te ‘Dr, Fol wrote in hit book “Longevity” that Then he of he ie pa rand ee [ies wth tow be apc tan ad es Sete no ni br teh ly (lo I Chg Alter yoars of Sovran, the fun Meshell decal that deterioration of Se boxy seat anda age ave ‘mile quamtee of pokonauetnees ia the Nese, \WiNY MAN DPGENERATES Tn bis book, "Plongaton of Le,” Metco frites te fe loge explain in toder tne ef ts dogeneativo changes great ety ly Hh digs be bee erred Fy lesding rrorcer, including sch noted doctar a ole, En: onghas aod Cea 1, Ci ih "Tare no mages) eA dn fom wed ‘hese aly Se pel npesn nd ss 2 eee tn Ber pen nine Sc PRDE Gt pam mre cine 4 Serna he ser, tye i bel roe Surtees sere SE Er ce, Bela fh ay os fans Goch ere Segre Wy Ua ne iey oo pes ety be reve, tip ose tee nt eo Ema ee Carel was grat ot he mise sme wil pete Hy could nt ise above the Seda ther of cll aurtice. We show in Seo “Tle NUTAMTIONAL LTH tot heel of he Edy ae heiog velit, stl hy oe aso te nos Ip atm enh cls which edo mht, He ne ofthe err ut naar an oe vedi est sEgecuave oces, wheres fing, opponte so, {Er cpp cee the prose at vente " “he bay is compo of trons of cl, Cael shows that at orgie ad ssc a conte the bly a's whol ane "oe ong Parent Cal bys reef all vison eed tb isn, Tt fic oily aed vats oto ‘Te hohy mgr to sone that Care fre ates ea arent Calan Cll tat sme fom ent made of ‘ior nee es howe” Heron ta oe cas ov ot mde {2d compere of wht san betes, Gril and et Teal an sda fat thea he lla nt the produc ‘of food, they are independent of food and are n0t sustained by 1 Sr fat dor oe lates sort sen “hte by Sk of "roasts nates” wo aot food wich ati sch ate org tt ie & ‘Th ody x compan of elle, rot of fds andthe cls ate compen Dental hah te cna of samy wake Seen ce ae eng ae ty os Stan “cel cbsrvtons show tt the eat Material Wo cuiy.s vate manioraton of aig wwe fom Dr HH Shao aiernty of New York, wre send Aten, te more cbvow ae nthing ts acepe tree, 1 aint pe fw mate iff tan rnb ve slyly mae om, so tn cag ffs oh woes “This means ho all cenit of bane of such waves a elle sce Gomponed f tog bi atone Thr further wane oat the thay cons of 2 bunds of rach waves a the body ie compred i tng bt ene So fata sach plea sructres a ma and annals ae con ered, ths dvd might be contested by the ld schol of sien ‘St ot Sheldon sy: “We indi wy hae ene ey the a Speed wd en, eg rn Hlectens do net ea, atoms do not et, molecules do ot eat, cellido not eat, an the Bay doe 2 at ‘Then why doe san eat? That question sence cannot answer, tut we enneer t amording to Come Law out work “THE [NUTRITIONAL MYC” We sl ‘THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Gooidr the water andthe waterwheel. ‘The water blow the hdl the same tat activated the whoo i ased “The Sune sobstance that eaves the bod as wate ithe same substance that ‘eaters the boy a6 al, gid and food In thir Pesage truth Bey, a the wnter psig the wel, dey stimulate {nd activate the els which compoce the organs so tates hk ‘onatate the dy. "The mbtanses can breaes, danke and eats enter the body tnd pts atthe boo. The boc, a acipertation stem, aries the Sebetancer tthe ele where ‘hey saat and acti the tol bat pa on wack Incoming » rt of the cells the aes fasts on withont becoming «pt of fe whee o the all And 36 {hen activates the whl pang, tates ll the mache te ait ‘Gare, at an othoor medal doctor, wet mo farther "he el nd etd to the med theory ef mon. Me expeninents ‘Bowed the cel to be inmaral. When the Bais fa tary of ‘nat be repaded as tho exrement of the cell, he found tat the Tas dogentats: grow wale and show du of dying, Each tine they were refrented by a cleaning poste ‘lve aga Carel ted a vial post Body ell do ot ie ‘nd be hms ecard them tobe Samra ‘The cole ly ee ‘ow the lle evel of vibratory ection bene tet mage pole Secome comoded byte ais that are sot cari! 9 and chimed ree nen thy te meee afin, a ie ote es Py peer Teen eas Sia Seles Pe a ry et ey hee ee ee ieee iy W 1» “his starting Inowledge lads physiol to declare that de ode and pla dest, xcept ‘we dont copies) pel bed yeh xd (2) fenumalation of gt ‘This relia corrosion of te maguetic ples of the el, ‘making than lcompetet to recive the asmtiog amount of ita ‘rations of the Lie Pre, abd hey fa bow the level saa ‘They ate knnoral“Bel when thet batary rte fale baw Ie level ate, the body accordingly sinks blow the ie level ln fd hat rate wha we term peal death ‘BLOOD PURIFICATION fie tafe oe Satara me cet menu rae eprae eo SEE on teh eamecacta a danse oo ee Ce oot Gr Ar sin a SEE ovens ae Eoaw ae concrete reat. nueen ne eens nui eee ar tiaek ee menaris ost rept AAI aS Ses ne back tothe Lasso No 4 VITAL ADJUSTMENT Carlen Lakbowky are the gat satis ofthe age 29 fu ate tii ot wud i rd See Inte the aly and tr proce pup a sy on Ge ok Ses, eh ter wept tee ht ach forth et rl deve » capa of hi werk Man The Unknown tthe sprit ut of apne Fuscon, sed ecard tho Bo Ee ae Uae owed ry eat ‘sw oan, ta phn Pade a Nes 3 ny sh bat nly om i at vgs abe ile primer es at SSA att BS see ars ae Riel tas Oyeccrm dy Seite ae asia Saag eee cae Sore ee oe ren Sr eyes inte ge nie eae auth gen ae oan ie iioree se StS aa Toil low so ile cera te adap uci fe body. Hence wil be difiel forthe seader to tndentand that 1 emle Us tei) ies Ue ingest we esa : “Gia tl sae nt ooo ht ma pes nog sespite plyseal, economic and socal uphesvaly” huss af THe IPPC ap as all eat Wa te pts terepig mene aie S'S ence [wotbeds ted tla cplnatin il be Sone to teste fate ah Sa Pot nad er sa [DISEASE GERMS Jip apo by fering oh deel hs he word sl th ol els ith tac iy prs iat fon od Ge rout “dare sometbing 9 daboros tat ea ‘So cmbatod and ened oe Seed as th dts al at rghit Cane Ukeved in the etent tat heated, asec att has gon no rial a (3) Teeequres great pede to blind sca 9 comply that be etot ge ie abv abot of sick statement ‘According to couch ea ase swe a thst J arn (Gal ve alo tr lt ead ‘Stroop ie were eid conan cute slate ‘dite ?. (GOOD HEALTH 1S NOT IMMUNITY Doctors vob dca the theory of "esitance tod and Gael believed in Seppe Food Balle akos mai ‘rime to dla brcding adannce, 10 Hh stack Of fos 10 "lo habit het ena ‘The theory of “scenic edllo” is tat mam t aeaced by gab ean th al oly dene. ad hfe, MD. MHLS, PACES, « medal prsctocer of ity a ‘ean nto om et BRIS Er ERS Saas iu dytie baa daa ou ney meh ie ee ee SESS glted to aoe thon 08 ‘The beter dctrs know the germ theory of dase Is fale. 1 ‘t were tun ao snan_nor bear Could Sve Lng. They would be Tica Ss yaa gre rae ‘Nasal snes show that irespondence most preva at toe the Ing oraatn tad ts eovionment. That te pate, nal and fendamental cnditon of Eustence it'wore apace or pmitve man t co Lto phys eng ves the proper perc 2nd monies codon of his Envir rent pepe the ways Farhernor, the hath eed ofa: Tiiy Eas never be ny beter an te heh coda of hit Ee overt wis the condom of which hs body mast always be i Soopendene, ‘anes iow notin a cold imate Because they eonattion ows ot crepe wih such eliate Set water sh ie not ip fresh water bchue thir craton aes net comespand with such ‘Melee That fe tora sone “Stan the mort pre of al cenurs, and able to se so punto bananat and fy by resto of boy's “wate sto ‘iar wth itr spel character” which “wake human eines itl He con madly te sntton of srt imate a st [nso srt ve foe's Utd tne nthe hotest and ca segins ee er "The Law of Comespandace fo tis ase means tht codon ct tron mite betwen ving tings tod th enlreres, GERD de and anppears That dove occ reawia erate plant and animals to bere extn: pepe Fre the Law of Eteral Phseal Extece and spel toe Set Desh se dll vs Sige whch the igo aot ‘ones, ‘Torteating a condinon of dacrd and fasion Wat Sat the bod ‘own 0 deth Thu men bay 50 pect conatited tht possess the ows to plng ie dacaton by acaptng sull to coditons so Ppa they would ethers crue net only excly death, but st death ome as, ‘Sake i eal vet ogee tn NE cre a ‘Se be tnd spn ge he pra fst ae Speed che Prd tae al Foon ey Secret es ers ‘eel eo aera ey abe pe Fes a ce a ig ‘Thre iss deine terest of what occurs inthe hady a is “wach automation wth fe sped clarcers make ora e. ‘kee poebie™ imam atmompe a badly poutne! tat t fers iSScaEE whee ne hat car &, The sdohaton eer he ‘pees of 5 depron of al the el fut, ich must be tn (hou of tonentinucd or often eopested "That 6 how the body buds ep “asic restasee” to ines) ‘nduence atdvobesel endo, We st fst weaken Weave val powers before (wil suboit without to "he ‘agen’ of the oid war” andthe ei eet of Yad habits IMMUNITY REDUCES POWER TO RESIST ‘he sce of Vita Adapatin i he idle sat pols the do to. Fy tern Boma The body acqres semen to dangers Iyrredecng te powers forest then Busty the opponte of st elle tees rr ‘We shall erke another inane of this wiskeed codion ‘whch medial at tee Inmonty.Gree conta tothe ht af eay bed ptt, ‘Seater wil dn at oe” [Kas Poly. reve’ by Gen 4) According to medi theory of yl resitance” th fm heat tied should he ested the ef of the pled i the ball a st ied fo thee hows. Bot ied inlay whereas he the tied that had been wider the bells for to fous and sured sleeain degree of deataten by rexon of resting te pans (SEElitine oom body, ctu Lave led fr ancy ne “vec lana nat Gael mets when he ay Ow re Tiopovine eta of meeting eery ew ston, and hae Sea are such that they tend to ghe man (lug eestres) = ‘eoamum dovtion. The phsuloycal proces (al nana) a = ‘way inline in the dietion esdng tothe Ingest survival of nan” ‘Mea a estion i born int and pow pin an ttre of plloted eta ay il n'a day aed Indian of he hil wee ‘el aly won act ety tes tht death yn ‘Np matter how sepugnant or detctive thing my bey we an cure proved ine given sear the een operon GF the bodys power of adjusten, where n roventad vet Satng” of at ates am one exceme’ the ether Only seat and woe changes esate iaedtly derive to MC, ‘onsometine wher ti change fam vl go tab ‘sy the reduc ef aby. te Body pase the proses of becoming manu” to dead 2 ‘a pasenos stan, too babe "hat the ceston why the vigorous Indians of Aree became “ying” ben thy came Seatac with te ena as ff tha white mun af Euope who srived i pte othe en fet Brecie ho was bom in an grew ap under tove hel desing ooditone Har body was ascume to thn, was adja hens inte body of the hei lnone wae not ind they died oe fe ‘evidence prover ens atthe more ithe ho mova quekl it sucubs to utalfl conde and fee actin, That another paradox, We lve sr werd of ison “Thee Ls @ nau! cotdion of Viel Adjust to urethfl couditons asd harafl abl, but o Vil Renaance ‘That ti aig ager ewe wih se hy Ts perder that the body, in weakened condition, wil ‘olrte a endure longs than amare wal dy the vais ol rete and mal ierecs whlch Weare etl, and gust onde or di ‘Carel ys the ody peseer the emote 1 wel athe nay, te ftir ar ell es the eb and progres Maa TE ue al cai ‘rete Isllgene knows thatthe weaned ody wil endare sare ad ne ger er ess emia ‘Teseal yt the Guth of every seen can demas for bial. CONDITIONS THAT DESTROY HEALTH hn conan ofthe lg organ x governed by Ibis, en- ‘rc nd inate thee ar god, vigros beh and lo ‘iy are the news ean a Gnves whe sto of facto 6 bad the badly forced to aja tal to dare em ox ere Te eter adres ot tat ‘it fr the Law of Vital Adarment th race ha persed ges ‘ago, Asi, 9 gradual dognaratice process trgh the age has ‘dot man ifspan fom oh hood yar t an eee of ‘eh lv than eh Tir Vial Adjrien not Vial Recitaney, that enable the body to sure for fo mczble yeni aches and pane in a 12 ful that ove in viguous health woud bein danger dropping ‘had by suddenly een in eotact Wh (the al ied Et ‘tothe a hat as plied by the elton of hu previo Bed der the bell le DANGER OF SMOKING ‘he taw of Vist Adumient aes it posble fr the bay to lama hit a ae pie for the soe ‘dere and even enjoy his panos pps The sce pipe would ‘Ske gor st onke or mip we dene, ath a Sick uote been separ. “Teva youth his ignorance takes is fot smoke. His ‘tal bay rear nth such garage the dan geaie poten that “chen fess" The dege af be sinew le mest a Ws ‘lige The mire via Nt bey, he ser "lve ae th porns found n'a chemi alse of tobe, Notte retinue, exon menunde cana de amis ‘means, melilamise,hydogersugbde faa, aie ‘epi, pene, hain, eine formaldehyde, cc tid, rote cd ren omic! sma shows that ciarts contin the following sctve pn "Fartral aera daene,”ghesl "xo ‘ona prin, scone, cab acd ammount of tary otic "he ary mbsances Io tees spoke are approvnwtely 225, pent, othe al og oie «ing Ct theres the fice pare of arygen nto the Hood, "Those wheat ‘rete irate wilrtlncod anche ae fre alot at och yi a are fe acer “Tose athe pssne to which the boy of the soaker edape isa h ae tn ses Ie er ears ah "he us of argtivs and tiv th ease af Constpatin tater thes ofthe Law of Val Adjument Ar See pou ‘or sctanes te uted fo face the bel fo more, the Bay dy ‘Ghat tal te em end fom tine Yo tie the dongs mst be ‘nd op oy oe pen oro ‘Ti athe heres grow ety drawing the beay lod the whip mut e wet Radar ove the Aste aly weak fon ssp ca an the psoas at fre bowel maveneat fe dnge ee ‘Songer or sore porefl pln tied to make the body act 3% ‘The youtbfel moker dleeirs the waning ation of his lady He centines the barat bat, and dah the pos of ‘he tbaceo Ween the nerves cn seduce the wy ts whee (act ght back Now he can soohe comfort and espereace ‘Srmedatly ao. elec, ie tar eaablaied “sammy sy tae TP Eg ios fe tog eat he pane he fis oto grocer esto end sow sae dr the power of the deadly ena “We ay sy tat wh ie termed the Law of Vital Adj seat aio the Law of Viel Reduction. It the provers al ection that ng tbe body oto subjeion any devas ob ‘ance, nducne, sit or paces ‘TOLERATION bY THE BODY “Th ysis redone ove foment and ring te Sea Yad tpg dk ts isc Traine procs of slow dying tne soll unt the Bly cas Sion mined tape So at pone of en al tas ad in tat wal oso bP peat havin rae PontThe Law af Vital Redaction wil enable the body to adj elt le ea ue pun silt Ca in at ie ne dope solange that had led him ulcly had oat Set ten 3 2 urge ‘The lw may came the body to adjust iulf tothe pont where he elm ap wi alo Ee Ga of lt 1h 1p ton a ho be a is "Bos see alow Dag seenchse he Ree oer es aS EET ater oe Siena ug 1st La of Vi nent gai te of aotog and herbed abt spas operat tho eae of etng. When Ee igi nit at ean La OF Snes Sakae ray theca oes Spee ely ol aw of Va sh bag he bales gee eben, ek dg lonely ota et of dept te Sa ni chm ar a Sedo ened ts enw tad 0 es Ter apenion 6 eae big tal pts He te ae log age owed the practice is boty tes actr been ble ‘Ripe tolcomphay vo sare of he Shing be ex "Tena coffer sll make sk wre who tes, and no sae can avd ther barf eft 2 eh ate Desc optacn, the Law of il A jtment goer ito operon, tad the tine comer wb oe The aor of Co meat atat or x bollng Ine. ich war foamy co Fragrant th, becomes oxi oi Thse ae face hat ut unbelevabe ttm win laos them Pot by aa epee IMMUNITY ‘hat medio at toe “immunity” ea condition pended by reg the tals al, The seution i acpi by lela ili th eve i od yb rai “ho Fede! Burau of Conus dilones the shocking fact thet ‘he number of pent 151619 yee od oth sou 580 at 14 pace et thai 1940, wore the poplin the sn pe incenmt 19500000. ca "Te srting ceete n the umber of young people may be tho damaging ofc of vacation and goelaton—in am eet to ‘athe san dew proc. Pekapsthowe who manage fo suvie the ros aad lve lang enough reaeh adutbood, wll never kxow lhe eaning of he ta goad bet “The duoaging ct of vccnitig and inoculating al school cludten Sema to appear Ss the young non of rte age The pest ‘Aji ape at LS pn, og aa {009 ii ie ou fet SO ere ake ‘sem fave Ta Gls 4, ap unt for airy serie "Firs Whe een she nse of Colaba Sd he tex stots. The Canal Zoe, ge he oi le fs iid ae cintion nd Inoubtion f chic, bad the lowest pores wir Achte dese are siting sve thin splot of the body’ eto fo internal pans ot enon Gf Ed tte” Ce ‘all “Thee ts no able munity to femal posoung. The bay carat be nturated with pousot and not frm comespondng Senne rate "The condita of apprent emus to polos 10 bad abt, to wrasse, al bears the pocorn, he ‘teces and serams, dll he peeves sal reduce the body aly, ‘nsLing she bry arate to cenct again the polo that ee LE weno a Sette pct nh ae ered as gues sled immanty by paying the pee. That pie a dling She west ects FLGGPS aya a the ‘tect to the cemetery “Tn whale practice of vaca and inoculation pac. ing the bay an redoing ily and desouing dation so id thatthe dealt ater the ape Of 45 steady sy Pfr it Foye of Darenath Caloge was separ theres of uy 80h 128, 5 satin my pst got aise zines 2 i da pert mtg gi pers putea Gomori {Tite bangle eovsonment sed he ev ate Coen Ce gan tat weirea intercept Slee aes Soe a pene ee MISLEADING THE MULTITUDE te ints sept coc tn tof ean de ogy deep, he Sesto atc wa Eng peo te a hea reg wt i me tw a iy pee Be fie int Mop of og fu the no ae ies pened "ie es em of so spat ts cigs, Ty wo cog wd i ane ey pe i eh do mah date gual Thy wee a es thea etre ed ded hte win tr at Say ‘Sth mk ocean ot sey yee to meh inte my ta tee aking Engen tip fad nd ona ae nponcent “eso ea a ay fet te Ig ogy fearing of he tho at sag a le ‘Sti ep at roomed ty miu cae ‘The ay ee gp cr cen Pe cso stains nh econo snl hl ‘a bail een Gio fm ec abt end ad ante say ony in ela dag oe ide we eG SEA hg tat uot enue 0 ween Biya ted Wo he gay bt te iron anges iin sand mode pint lus mers Se of he al wal a rt oe i ont wh mb, scl ine eae at wer ring hae ‘Sg wl omc te Hdy change aad of erage The Bly cage may be Bey emir ener te main ends vy RE 2 (1) a eng ta the orga and glade ruled by the Law arial Agusan © (2) Gousng change othr fuetong, nd {5} schange nthe ually ofthe ca ad nae, ‘iy this csr the Bay ently sk tnt slow gree of do seein ind ing ny gang Se ed ane satan under the eeustnce, bute able to ange a Cre aye 1. Th changos nthe body's organs ad gan, der te Law of Vital Adj, evme a Geto a bow parade, pe at ate of doomasy oad, fi oan sk Inset in sor and fect to compen thie, pring . faces ‘tai on thr a the bey stoggler to mevive under tt Iota fo” eh ae 2."the changer tn funtion reat fom the shange ia sg lands ae mers and ane forthe wore. A condion of Sow ‘Seton ce, abd espa ae wt tree eae {term "dieae” In tine thee ange appear at Geter, Begs secs, art, eet labago, uma, a 50 tag Oe a he eh cd e sac enn bens Len a a oo ctvty apd las of youth are mcd by the lowes a Situen of doceptele: HARMFUL PRACTICES FROM BIRTH “The changes wo not the work of Te a Tas, bt of bal tata’ hele eavinmen ad hat mea ene wih be er the babe boy vaca so eels mae toy dace tan costed ong Me The ny 1 te and waa tt, begs sae inl dee {Ub temedatayand never gies ot oppor fo recone Arthe epee tc as Eoce Peat roel the ‘ey ane nctons nage a aapaion to infra tk schicinah oly nd ty so er oe ‘Stal spec td ney to fncton ste spl pane Pen eee mot opr ad pod of tie ian sfondi the tstain of oath ae Bed fr the isae adele de It cums ewiclge ak ‘ised man & manly ny fon peeet of bat be sul {ie fow omer ll mceedy we tose he bgt ee tho who fe ald od igs on srg hurting cal preg by ‘Spang esol pater, Dice «Beata rece al bi bane ofthe Connon ily Ooh ha A Spend) Ong sod toes fone oo » seat preg a. ep se ei ee tt tt Ecioncres mete ‘erat sred by hi orgs at's moat the boos il ote el hens hh cal a cd ed Th the peer sate of Breaasanim, mans ay was foe of the lego ard dling itn eat word ree agin of these damaging sistance belo Sn ec sate, when an copied a calee i, tl Ualvero aad paso schsl Keowle}ge of the fat that he of tat Kingdom fod Par cle ie Dut one anger by tying to tetrn to Brethariany to sl reson, degenerate sae, mac's edly i ted wid he culafive ecenof Behar bis, as bower ‘the paseo ntreded into hs bay by the dcr "Tot Ul Shaoge, ne Cael eld whch we know ae the tuck Saco ‘wheretn mls posed eras sat ita “ie dete sage i ‘Wage. nope 9 pc at hb wet be contrary, Be bem doctor doce tat he body does oe and eat wed! cat, and St 30 prfocr.n4 tchine, that ‘hoa gon forever. FEWER CENTENARIANS As evidence ofthe popes of degeneration, Royal S Coplan ‘Mp, fomer New You Heskt Canina aed Inthe foes of fume 2h 150 peop bane! Rite WE hn mecha” witty Bungie aoa re Dz, Jon Harwy Kalogy wrote: "Cized man dying. This i tae Rong Opal wants of enbSogy ech tmnt emai a Moje Darwa, soa of te fomout Chores Darwin td Prfecor CB Daverpot ef Caraie Ensaio, ‘tere eae bnpelay and elon tae an wl tial cons ‘tice Usough degesertion™=Good Heath Aogut 108 Ma eel 2 thc of 2 wrt Man's pst ea im, poentcostition and fete development” ste toto Sh beak ndar the Senco of Nubtien Gt decropted. ant ath rer froma change i bays org sous nd es cof what ad is He ce the atin cod Stop ofthe cule word” wich Cane so ao Sale 9 ote a the wholesale manne i which the rice i ing pote. Hinde, ‘i, peas Sas meio qneag sn es ey Stlstaner fhe torah rnp aed er ea Te as b- “sh iy tots ps rd ne, So cee Fini ei aap i Ee ng ore Rees et es ae ee es SAGE Re SP rhe = at bg a) Bsn ig ‘rowel Finally, it dies of old ge . Medical at says the Body wears out. Camel says & changes Gren ahove tea good desertion of the core apparent ange. From the changes Used many othe ascur hat a oe ton nd hades to deste Tes uncut fr the boy ths o change; and the changes do ‘ot come of tte own accord, The body tates gaits the bat Shy ate Sed pn they By he peste Bone ce podomeat end eb harm bn ‘THE BODY FIGHTS AGAINST CHANGES ‘The changes cane slow, grado, saad, whe te body is coutany staging agin She anor neg Bah (2 Ine Eh enters the nogue sete rapt tered dene. The cae ote cogent ee Py bet te ets nd ges fe ats woe the its nd Shige ool oa tee [RUDIMENTARY ORGANS The great Carel ig his work, “Man The Uninown. wot “The by sen to moh Hal” co events Instead of wearing Out (ying) t hanger (egeeats) (F32)- We lave desea sme Yay change the eeoing mas, showing how and why te bly sus ito degeertcs and est The ender pn of Lift to wiih we dal nw eee ‘oe page a? Cech ad atthe bodys eg s ‘ott ion and «point perches te tend te tea ane sel rat ado, by dete cing is ache and eapeces fe ein obs Ua ae fad for ue rea, to posted fm the end peat sompe evidence af changes whith’ body snakes and hat mae in Crs re var cdo ta pel oo te int ‘Sen man eae ne yal og Had be Gow ob wd TNE aicoeed sae Suge and rig ng ‘Ga Cure wf «ator se he pet radinenty eras sn ond n the body ad no Undestatd hat they aust Have cn ‘Silla otal some ety pred inane? Thee ee ‘maar scr a pres ge the ey Ss de Sfggie to surive under oven coitens, ah oh in pe on sot vein sey ry cimentny fetes te aye an wa eongke Betas” Jah tate der Contain peat ha teed th “alta ore and cfs ef Benet (, of nonach and ovel tls, wt ocd aabag B02 reales andy ng entender wa, are ps ow ea bo, «doctor, fl to ungetand tat Stas by a8} thre dre net sing of he od tnt cial ce ten ayman knows hat fs machie aso peor ety a ea wr tat are event atte mene ad Soha at et oad Spon ltligeceeGupped the bis, nto phic beg gga in en Ua wd sad we wae ne pfs and compte, Dot see ht map bes sage een late fs the on ah of le oa war se jad by a oman Gear “Mado mau bs th anenary Bet ft fae. oe cave hey tr icine nd en can none bb Ss te it el Ren 3 alow tha te a Gnds ef gemaonsppeat sn sit fe ey We a ‘trotaes Zeprevnt changes tht have secured i the body trough ‘Be age nto of changed oan Es rena tn fad al he op, bth Gocoa d s sei pt te a Sree mt ire te at oe wah tei neers ated Sa ee ak oe See Gete cee Eeaitil oot aloes Sean mo as se By ew cnc net event, and new habs ry te PRS rs ‘Hany and Darwin Seca at the rine ngs in ex wine ee tte Fiera en Eire ess uke SS Seo acne = Haley si, Eu rapes desske ee Se SET often heey itv a SECT lp cay oven Darwn made x dep study of thi ater and he wrote: “ay csp nx rt sate dct ac af ne sn oe in var Ee peat ‘eet bak to vay taser fs adic eg of a wing np tae iy a of ‘pap om ely tego fer Sy pete t ‘ocr, nae bean anti na eco te os change condos (anki deeming eos “Epps esse go pe “hala ms coche See aces RON hh Hd be etdevond Se ee eon of ee (Vas PRS : In en M7 pe a ry mn tua ate ie ae BBE ves carts a eas hat ne wk, wt enn tt sung te ws eg et tr ie eat Te the egg he alist tt wt riety, epanmay Ssdbon mats Cetin me et ‘itn wher myn ening gees hace chan ak “tet sn ote has hn By te wh Col el fae Fe ty A ug perl ler aipaa er pate he bay Ses Meters y mag th etc cane ut Clot i galas © se Et Ad ea wns Nag Cha Gig Yat) ecb new ie acing eb ‘sting a snd wit we hs ty Ed ang "The body ing eo ean, a ching pad sarc oa eric te Sec tng iat darn tr eBoy soi a dann Th bal ean ang ets enn nd can ao carpe alt tert ena hos Cane at pe ‘sea gat el ftom Cage wine Eh Suche tr fninas man clang os etna Se = esc hw canes deat and a eal wel qe sbrpalies coving ose ey a Sone supang dnp uo ne etn, At whe smininr bis Somat vr 1s rea chunge ot wn canta tba pe fay. toma ao cng mn tne ite of aa Crt Stwsia Scce e Ue al at nm nego none Ua ra ‘ihn ta gta a et ene iy ew ray a league xpi del ageing tse wile tly b's iW tee gtstan ter fe Sa “hens ly 0 ee og we ms sen sage ata rata et gmt ec ‘ope’ Has tey ne ommde to yiloy y ee emf Sh aod ea The pene fly 35 ead he cs of mye sgt gape Aida te Sh es a pea oe ‘he Sct ei ar "pe soo as er epee tof dle he US. ik ps teria Wier a's ot oun oy acl ad fog rouse ee as nox No. MANS NATURAL HOME 1 sons ama to el eating not natural, Mot men never eu of ph wa ‘We show in our work, “The NUTAITIONAL MYTI” that eat. ‘pir an aoqid ab ic etn The senaton of hong et ke coats stanton f the ality tt “ARS comet wh eating” OE Each srt tml An pends and gee mae ‘Man dd te sprig fom the slave ofthe sex nor fom worm sin, sd ef gt pt a, ‘eng fo ie plane n 2 space ship, now sallod “Shing mace Ser hich bee bee tien see 1907, Sod sone hve landed (heal ant dend en hae bee fad ns hem, "The man Gil at eat, ot suai cm cum element He was 1 Beeathurm and audued sunshine aod omic ys fot the upospere of th eth to whi be had cone, abd seclnatzd hit ‘etic ad gem and igh caged th soe end cole yy Ts coe ine be isla twa termed the Brech of Lite By Wb nd) was animated and sutton? fa the high alte the eather sts perptaly cool tis pow tality hep hi comlral ip ay tec ged, an ad espa of ney ‘hundred thouand yearn le dd aot know satis dat accord te Bagget end, wi eg mae oe le hae eS ama Sh Sah aration ‘Long ages pas ad th tie came when man decided toe pre ra water, bo he added gl fo is aang base Tis a Set lol i complsin fad pring Olt eye at sand BE gt tthe ays of en! eo tat eed "The ancieat Gres bad a tron ofthe Hy we dat ode mouse a ado “ealoe and st Oo fr, bt orgy Hke the gos frm wn they descend, ab Sted ge sirend Hunhise. "They were never an the dation of 6 hie waa tnsend yous. The word Hyprbot msn brend ‘Mars tadiinal “Fall cecced when he migrated to lows levels hao he found fue growing and ate thaeei-an ee ‘nmbized by eng te ep ea een eth one te top, ee frond ft goving tr unane, Ketone © cn lad aed Severn ele ALTITUDE I BENEFICIAL, Science sows tha clint and shade govere man. Each cae uti event gh a aye ‘arty middle ego, She ow ht vege, the yp of people ‘ier ot each fein they ae bases ‘ecaing to cist, atade andthe eandton of the ai, v0 sma Hy thee be ld, hs consti formed and hb Shape mt Tears of where or how mun lies, his body is basely mpi of and stained hy comma ay stereo indices i te fom fies cadee om se ray lar he ‘he ts inner eo hi aca in hh ate hte oimie refs areatrnger: the ai contins rote 1 “tts the body, making iy fo sist om coum aye at Nh wes thee Bow eine eee Loe a Tp fo litle we ity Imo of feed Cy et ar eee “Th a of seh gins ck frees: and vigor, otis ton ‘och cboadxdo ado litle oxen and aera Alea the hs ‘heeposeng mus he seme ode 0 ad day ta Fhe? stent dyad in eon ‘ror speaking generally. the stagnant, wing, mn sc lw spon of th tape tnd eae Sonee Te ater ‘an either Seer, ad me hes ‘ogins th average Meupan arprnngy shore Tangvor, lene, weakest apr est come when the ody ella satrated th nels ht itu te neal alc, ‘ey al hcg ee ad reper cies openly Winn the susral deteny aSvaneer far nnagh: he gan raio fae fone onthe he level and that ses tetoed py death. Leto No.7 SHE EATS NOTENG 1s eogard to eating Jodth C. Chucil yaote a L tas you own oe ay, you at agi noe CIEE Joe Scud ep Speed te eee py {n'ai fon fas you may wander how yo hare reviouly 13 sauder ig ‘Whatman has done man can always 80. Tare san ‘cain to the eft thatthe Est sen id not ext and 8 Isis tying to prove ton Sel ‘The Landon Sunny Cizeatls of June 17 USL, eamiod « stage af Ms, Batra Moore Putalcena, of Londen, with ber 7 Tar beri” conte fn, suice and an osama gas of ‘wer The acne Ht Hil nro 5 wok a he wa aly 80 aon yoy at RERULGRA Rae ig ad geet net pr SMa Say eels op ale eal dp ny "Sen ed tas! lao uk panel acl ME" i tin Sn goag bts ghana wes Sed STi fee dos amon ocean” (NOTE titi the tute of tho lorie inthe water does not recone at pooner rabrtnes from the wate, aad i te the ‘Sulthe efecto the posse will spe mse dent she omnes donkng tht ib of water Khoon) oy “ir ach rn gt hn be ee (0p ll i ema miss rine is 1 pow pets Wil neal pee rs anne We LEIPTEE GE lr a Sa eZ Defi Loapenes aro we debby ta SPRL Ferd tny ca Saag "gin tl nl is ot et, ar RA eh at regi atae creo Sanat richata gaemsopet meh aH aatiemee ms babe see on alec Serene op me LER rig ame ce fe ee ed noch power wal y BEE th tide nz ee coger at ets area snes Superstar ant St kPgeme te Steet {SSS hs Goh A a SURVIAL 1S NATURES GOAL ‘The grat Carel devotes on ene chpter tothe sbject of tative Funeuon in his work Man Te UrEnown, ating that te tea asm faa tel ow evens “mad of wea caged" (198). He cont ‘The pbyatsoga proces ays meine Inshore Tesi" ioe al ee idl We have an example of some ofthese changes oscsins ts body ef Ai wena He stony tees ing ti Felco sas ot wes blr ton brpra fo Ts te teganing te alimentary tal was ratimentay. 2+ “he mummy lands oh a's ret and it eves toe or ‘ie when ma gives t's chance by not ete This wor i proving ine exgerent tat sega, ude ape afr te bay fo eset ad try PEIEL anc. At degeneration lc eget psy [BREATHARIANISM TO GLLTTARIANISM sab Brian mass wt wt rity td ‘is art rnd he evap of he alec tt ad 2° lca che apse ofthe ale crane, been eating reduced the liye seed ir “camie foods eee ‘homie erga! nate of Bretttrianion, the body as gradually hanged tire he ges ad decd toe poet Sat f hata ‘i The By hat changed from a Super Ey ht wae made to ‘ht of Comme Suttence tan Infor Etiy that sb rely the give prodet of motrin mbstences "Ty fay seve ear ou a daimed Be hange eps Cael. ‘he ese tow Cues the tata way tat the bay Zink nto degeneration foot mise and abuse, whith chides fa “nrranent and ll of mans Bod abe "hrihe Duy sink im degeneration, itt tity ie rendered too wea to fight tthe ea aot dangerow and eto cond ns. ‘onendfguing dow mn sud death he existence othe ‘fer bay Bolg Tit" ehange unr the Law of Vital Adjustment by whieh man caper eam curly dash for days of ery that ple for te “eth body changes to adap tl Wo the downward care cans ae change to gt iat to upward corse, a shoe fh ee of th cman 1S the oy stk in degeneration ander abuse, 10 wll se sn egeneraton unde proper eae BURIED SIX MONTHS AND LIVES “Te body phe hat realy ils to mas denen and pact, mister food er kad 'Ths © down by the Hoge o he $i wi re epic toate scieed at ena power hy wonceutote errs ae fy tema cond of renting any buy scompored ef le aicable nano sacepibl of sup sangeet akg ks lng than fade “nd Ses the by at butt cence overcomes the ange. ane a of ma a “he prew of fly 26h a4 eared the acon Yo 1 Ein nko fad eb oe by Beng eo Steed ston fre paths in rave, witht ond or ke ‘Shen be emerge fr te pve St Bears, be ates were sit lo have been tam away andr Yo covere with whe tte iy vig hoy dpe ba na sa to hae fed a bead 0 ‘onan ksers wee ong tha wen he wan er “The satemers were ade by Br BL Atey, rte of lat her Bone Hin Darya geal try ian Sty of ya Rec oy “he ow. pocticng heat whch oni nape of sven cis deplete body col ef ey sno he, ad a few ater wot things, yin the pve from September Det 13 to are 2 182th Str sa SPENT TIME IN CELL “The yo speat hs tne In apt cal eared with es teoent. The diye eneged lod e tb a sowd af more sn In pone wa ond, he der se “Ax gpenog was nade into ovtrwelonre and then an openig she allaround coed sell The Bot dab of ane was reno Ey ‘hited pens, some af them His profes and alge tach, ‘Sid’ De Ateys, “Peep wa ely sue spe dtd nn it ‘hav Ae ko er soot es ed ug es el dm omen ee acce orien Gh Soe ae Ie appears that the Yog now carta sect af the Roy end ‘s fton which emable tam to ruppen all ena tse, ‘cata the lunar mach, and wre te ane fom at ‘ial outward expres Lasso Ko 8 MATERIALISM. ‘Te Mates ised the pit whem be wrote oe an ft dat be od. er hw a and ‘ons do hou rime Oh ‘As black oie inv comic substance materind, v0 oe body ot me ‘inng erperinents prove at wait, ea mines ee come sot fn th man et ny ar ee ye tht merle UI wbvtanee At cane tyr condense Sat cme vl #5 “hte, hey bse aoe of cr ppt, one of which al oe "cece santa wulty and Rest come fo the conbeston ot casben compolnds io food seeding to care Ue Witch ‘Sroenly compares the Uvng gio foo tn eg. o Latbovaly bald that the Yong call san eacomagneti nt, etna by cea, he mre of eats Ta ells evel ‘het i red by cnoic rays, whch wate nthe fae dy minerals ad eee th vie omdtion needed forth yates sf morphic logan into oly. poeo, ar wall ae atmephere ‘Salon dot ne ya e appar hat Fou th of the si we inhale toon, The Sy syesies ths stance to form pote, whith ccs by Ts sein ndogs i he mentary fe ny conte ino ents filet fhe form of meubo end posse [WEIGHT AND VITALITY L085 DUE TO AUTOINTOXICATION ig ft ti ay Ses weight Neuse i ke, There ses cqeltion of auteitostion, ood the Iterator Tibet use densa af ey eaten sd fat ibe wgunen were alcenty” te, no condition of eto lovaetng a no os of weg would ce during a fst ee SR aa y's pr ne a ta gh of ‘When ont vitality deceaser £4 ne st eting tf Boe to sutton sie he bags ad wo 1 ack of Fa Sp) energy Food supplies no en gy Tada teed dm bl eperment hat protien thers stances eratiag the ody ae sooverted iam commie mys hy the bad pysllgil poses ‘Oxgan grow ond maton ay Labhowy, ate the work {comic aye "The living ogni x ateriaation 3 ee ye, They be stl sete of subtnee af telecon IND alee per nl ley etc evry $0 te bs mation of Te denestated ths Tat by heping nll eging in see est tie messing the own of hon they conta before Sta i ev rw ea uc of incred af he ea mp, vee though tbe te bee ware sed "The extra on came from the comic ays to which the ele wre attuned Thay thee he sown tye tam io ete of ‘et he mys matical sen alos, showing tat the {atl of he body a6 matin by coma itt shebet that slight comet info minerals in the ty secre ae eles, ech compan to ferent fins of totale "Al Wat food doer let hamish cera type rats [At we advance fiom vegetarian Yo liguidaini, a en up t Breathnianem, we ebange sam th omer fmt of sto Ih the Ene for, Tstend tthe Buy geting tere fn fod and ge gett stan fom he em ‘lion the ete theory of Matern exploded, material ce eploded wh and tools ame Skt. Pres Wie S Hale, the pt aeonane, si Seva uist pee styl Sperm heme Ee ae 4 tte cole i de ie Ee Wh the decoery that stan are eompoed of eketront and rot sod at these slemeats ees ing sent ot Free Siete, matics sis dae eis ep no Poicits and chet now ke tht ll Mari sbatry vieromagnete sev, Nutr opined uate sed tone cone of wy min aera inthe tke Ene of Hose tat? sutre poses 0 magic Pony tht postive inthe potan sod egive mth ect fl mates tent ee are aan Tie Ahdernepropestis hich ngs The wb per Sf mats tn the burman body, such as prot, enubytrates, fats, ele, a Fase nothing are than fhe erences he umber ad Hogenent of the protons an electors, “The pros and etn are i thei ere Inthe stom soc rgulited ns tothe combinations they arn By the Sell titeromsegation generated by thst eid onto In ender > uanfonm any given ge of rater ate ashe, 0 roi inte fae, tte neces ony atte satay equeney the eastomagactic ety. componng the malt I diene. srreeet Sc a be arformation of mate acca by exposing to sibeatry seit a the appropriate fequey, impaled hy fms Jpostrtan the Soe in bilythe nao he Blane [oP ectormet. ‘A simple stration of this procs appear i the tracer ‘om fe a weater and water i sea esponng the rence te est Te rma wtatryequey of he tbeanen comp "hires by benting el he stance suns 2 ses items mad Ge ice eam to ove denen ea, he a ® LIVE WITHOUT EATING “The prt of Jeoury Sit 160, sls {foe np Sy Sth Mode, at Ue MA sites sR dopa ary 0 ye dg So ‘kt meh! pasts eel” St pode en yt hapa ba so ty ‘Eo tbe ple np Bernat Macfadden of Py whore he fasted tas for 90 1 Care famo reported a ease rhc Ee bape i sna 208 pes when the a Ste Machadden ad ‘THE GREAT BODY NORMALIZER No measures known wl 0 soely sally and speedily ermal « dernged boy az wil stig It tie mont sara al cevtaia (fal temodial procedures It ops at once te ntrtion it the Body of ete na wate eg the rane tom te nb csing, wd ving them a Bn ie eyo (Be etal plus Spee Br 3s pr i vl i RL ge cr ty re area eee Sian ratte ene Shay ara, Pet Bia ia mace ete eves won eee Poietarieeirar free Soares chtmetee sera RI GSe Stress lee at arta ele prt 89 dye Dang a ak Sn Sem grind ae Waaouees Soop bane of ath care or eee tap ean “ahs "Beew it or Not” im the pres of Jnuary 16th, 1954 “ ey tated at el La of Grd, Bed aed as tilt yee inayat ed aes tetra gol Accig toe danke apes bed ve Sha aSt arma Acg pes of oly 8b, 10 Yop ot Bete, Anaya ts gave fe monte wat Td et ar Toto vena 9M, 194 opted me Roe BO 58 repre ca of Jon rst, WS Mri o Hoy fe er Sot sing unter i se oh eso ei ‘of October 12th, 1948, reported the case af a Beith i ayer we fst for 8m io ott wr {Me iiora Meester ponerse Se nen oe ho Beet nog inert sou Poe tes ena it eept fer not ete and eng very ite water Sh owed Buia were ern wecs Se eoraericces Biers nea Seas Clon areal ce eioel an anon paestaiey Eee brice r erta BPEL steed Maa, eey ae AS a ae Ft Bh a Be sce aoe sedi ett eres aiaaieieesirea i Ee ao are it rive nnamr ae saineres Su eee maehes 6 Lzsiow No, 9 BODY BUILDING MATERIAL AL wath nay al he aan iy oon of eyo er" er ett Spel ed Sle nl tthe Res CA tt Oe rt a i se at allt sagt te at el fair ta ha fol 6 tnd i pre dos Sst date pine ol na ege aenke cl stn and oly nse on coh neni, fa simian pte laa fi Bho re Seng St a Sal PS ee aon Tal ofears do as ‘they do in their fifties snd stxtios, tt shine a oh Sh tsp a le! an ted ed sien int dpe sel rae at cae ng Sete Jae ah ten that ggg wr, wae St te a. Rl Bae e ati he anand woo he Pula mye. Ta ie cel white hepas the Yuding of he by. That el cares ot vik pie he Soralle sed of She parents it not sod a the serie that 2 patie an Wig eae? ce is teling tnt tan or sate soap Et hers tnd oe tal tog Coe TO nd ao ends ot frm or slntbay el sor eye oe Rae anh eta Pi cher oe gag rt aaa {ou wlach Cosme Raye materia ido cell that form the grow wie Teng tt iy he gt Cael wae he ny lt yee wy roe ee a TALE ce maar tenet Sachs Serene ate ieee ie ona eer cee ma EL mation soe = SSL Su Whee coe the cl rth atl which iy cme spat Ty ie mado ad ese atone BIS cadets aol lade Ca Rage Tat © ince ot food constr dhe element of the Unive tt fw aay exe andre wal “As the seal sed ofthe parts come near to each cet evan slemeots af each stand ot spit sad coming cee, ‘hese apart, iia! paces gaan fate ee ee ‘ch oles peel a ler Seld i wih nothing spear Fly ieee penn of seeming gulescence,yranulason ter at fk Irn iy ey he ts of ret Shs Whey serge. se fom sight " Wel th scaled eel te pacrts ec Sed fe, ey Us ‘gete contin oe cleeossgnelic center which ey for there of te penn hat pics ne Ti eee cme rye ode Im, o- vending tothe chemisty of that centr The tape eilios st ne he ino Smtr saben oh com Iie pha being ude « magic proca of taarmton ot WEE Someta fone "The great Gare! mined the pot when be sid that the body st tl enn mat He's Hove The i bay tt ec for gro ater fram tne exranen scte lat tary the ibe cowie rays The pose grow sak ofthese rap they tec into Mon ne Se fo DISCOVERY AMAZED MATERIAL SCIENCE A Block of fe represents & teins of comic vapor $0 the body af mun represents tatsasation ef toms tke Tie pe, pee ae sess Se Tha prwsis ar fod by the sme commis I ‘elie chery ell oprodaton cannot exh how fh alll pede ct od. etc nee Data and other jas. Thee deena el ch see so eames of diftent wave length ‘Tho cole aj Boome vile by eondenston and teri un a ivile Hints tat estoy ts warning mons whe Ingest feee toned lero, caseming whi sihba Uaiuerst of New Yor, ote ston, eng ped eh pes wi ll sh DB. eae ee ‘Ths discovery smd mater sles and empl the base Mees of Mates, Fart shows att cel ft oy con si of bundles of waves, oto wsindated ford Soman ot what fees “Th body cas are compose of toms only, nd he bay care seated of nabing but nes of sian aes So for ax masts pyle stractre say be concerned, this doc sin nit be comely de ll hel as bt Sells on a Rage ee cals ay Sa Po gel age or ref me See Rise ae Rae ae See Siar a ass “This mies the gustan, WHY DOES MAN EATP to our work “tun Nmumonat Alen” wo wrote ct nn rr + gh tn a i Ea eae a nde TION sed mt byron iz By “hee mat nn el ic of hg Rage ss “Pe ages ees oie tue ty ‘hat det te pining". pinch eee Ta erate ctnpae pr emf want ie oth fichaeng mes nds gees os sateen Se ee ire aia eel ae Sonim emo ae a {el sacs. e nagiee crams rete ee 2s Pe Saduine eid armen fe aeotee ee Foes oleic iach cies cant Suis Skene ier of vans mines cary Foi ay enh nd rte dina oanconh rae ce Sah cdi negra whch ‘naruto, 8 water combination af hydrogen and ie uacer es cpa! “6 ELECTRO-MAGNETIC BIO-CHEMICAL RAYS suv A. / \ os if |\\\ 3 oeag flees © & Ee g/e i 3lq|B3, eee SSIS ET BReert S a age oo | Jan To Tan Fag tm Te pm ign Bioos (Wee) Low BLooD tresuome (SE“| “PaeSSERe IMPORTANT NoricE We tae no patient, and hee ao nid! eae. We hve eo inde prc, and Go at eh oF sere meizine, We tach may ba Me ute gin el ‘we hve to offer input Ino Sut vation book for Soci War yf ene sea areas Sod eh we ts opio pbleeo by he lens itt ick Nese Sar pel doea ne We (Sek tenn cetera ee Set pt tad pin eck Tetra ead ase exe snony people rte us tng for epci test tents Bnd pate help, and we cant pce Grndad cues os All tht wav fo ofr he Balt knee the tach Werdo abt pretend tear, for ‘eating power ts iberedt tthe brag epem Heals Reser ot te tne 1902 i, ners earn Health Research P.O. Box 850 Pomeroy, WA 99347 aaa = Eris Roca Font bap Soar inci aes fb i LOOK 70 THs DAY Far it Lif, the very Life of Lif 1 ts ih core He all the Vers od eats of your eter ‘The Bis of Growth; The Glory of Action, The Splendour of Becoy: For Yesterday but « Dream, “and Te-morene is ony Vision: ‘But Today wel ead mcker every Yesterday a Dream of Haines, end eu BSBEE HERE ‘Eom Gree Randy Wes Wedel ‘ore Dvn fold Creal hee A Bad Foe a ERAN fee aw aioe Rite egeengee cenesesne yaa ing agra if eu ‘i au a Meubles ag a PT Lae er fae UT TUE Rude ig abd uh aetell a ip apn fads ine = hi Ua baer dirs idl aia Ha aft Es tay ie ety i il en oak ag ale al Hen due lp rad Og Pag ee fl fa ASP ap seit Ee Le Th zal vy ln coe of ng dy fn i heme tir of emu eng on elt extant ad hi 4 od dking babi, at ‘wereCoegn the ody ie og ‘Rot whan rooted ity fom tho Al, te come rea a {ge the namelaton needed to acts cle ‘Poverty sad want ace condos eeaed by man's Uving an stil Me, “The lm we naa tha more complete we 4 on we ‘Shin gerfeson nly when fre of all wants The moe sate oes Sis les complete we Sm soi the father we icine ort ‘plete CONDITIONS OF ARTIFICIAL LIFE Dally expertene proves that the body st onines to aust so a ald ee to ling king ol ‘Sor cate eras fonds wich some seem ta ej, $0 he bay fs cn Edy ag ais of sng her ait el ‘Te og abst ma a cepe Ts of pg syn a of mans er th ay chats and sik Ino dopenereion Our organe alway Ampeae ‘Sen of mening ey ace uation cd thts can he ste at they end @ gee or suman dutvioa uoder the cranes ‘he Fanetonl prowses sivas tlie inthe dete leading to ihe oget suru of man (Care B12). Sossnd fond fora to the body None of enters ita ‘hp bays eomsttion and eamtuctan [ mans boy were Balt ‘bat he eat 2 process of pal tansomation mba Se ‘Senge the body tray to tee bys the tgs an eal an wa bea, boy were bat of the fond a coowes, the stg cE pork woud in tne tar hi pgsealy ca ‘he body was faced toads taf to what man eats fore to save. It was ether afstnent ordeals Tew ate hs bce 20 conplete Ut man now som fo "aro to deat wea (epevd of that stint which food famihes RETURN MUST BE SLOW AND GRADUAL “Tha ern oe transformation to Breatarznisn, where fad it lege suet for body station, st be sow and pad Sin ony de he at of od ne day h ithe body Sine to meet the ew conden send al © he eros pyc sne of Teng ap en the nr me inl ‘Spplil all OF daimlton the boy needed” We must alo leave {he palutd alr of elation, ope ‘4 Site ast hat tas en och a rllon yar a rogvoe eran evidence to prove i De WC Is sete fallow of the Caiere Nein Glsogia vey, = fared “The Poin Man's senate neat Pepe 182" a is recording to slner, pushes back ma spgeranon ‘seit By lion Sears. i ANTIQUITY OF MAN Ia Bis book std “Stoo Kriss” Pomanand Bharat sate ‘int this a th Dine Cyele of whith the st thee eons it, Whe Golden Age she Siver Age and the Copper Age his fosied away. Weare sew ia fhe sry prt of th Toute sectos Tio Ra a eon (Dusk Age ‘The Diige Cyl i eamposed of 12000 Divi Yeas, eich of hi ts etal to” 60 ham yeus. So that 12000 Divo. Yess shied By at gies 320,60 huwan Yee, wh ee nth "Dime Cyc As tha the 25d Divind Cle Unt would tw total of 1308600 years The Minds serps vate th aa "od ees exh 4000000 yeas bon te Gre! Delage cas, ‘The uitor of five Keklas ays = ‘hey ty WF tal Ea ytd end thee ewer Ing Stee ade ark Sone posits Bald that i¢ rege threefouthe of ss time oo er to deseend tren Beeabaranien to” Claas, whieh ws accomplied by am aletion af the bods fnetons Sh teed an aaptot al! to the ew Goaiione apace ‘eich come comet. "Tis would place te Brestharian state so fr bck inthe nghe fe tat Lie evdene of could be found ter thn wists team now by fang «san, bo bear at see to regal tah wea geo fod and eves thaws ies of growing Younger Trfessor Monge wrote Py tn any aad by ag te df pe Sat tele Ree Las ail et SP Seid bee sat ap” Berarr Macfadden of Physical Culture fame mite, “sae grey mld at he ly an ex ad 2 Dovid ery yay peal. by ae” Dr Mocter sd, SERA ENS SS SA eo Mayer, eauent Gems py, dele atog he mot fit ms oes ensign” (The Wan Ca) _ Dr, Densmore wrote, ‘Mie Sed coe ut cap at cs fr th aay a ce of ry Satan tees ood een” (FS, De. Evens sid, “Aang, ta fg we he he tx Boos ha a oligo Far need pw 9 whe fod eae Soe cacy of aa ail Tad er De, Cskon and Kunde, Uniersty of Ching, found that 9 fast of I days reed the tea of oan of 40 othe plop Ccndiin of thse ofa youth of 17. The amanng ditovery ste: ‘o epi the bbe seen, ZatRhia ass tonnage SSS ‘Here ae evidence of damage tothe body by fond. Ete of pe a nt hes Lge pr Stop eating ta the sick mts stomata sponte Sega tte is equa? by aie to Ueda ‘pede so inalh etna. For tat sass Eating os Reed 18 bie cendenoed by some wer of eat would put tome people out of buses. The 2 ‘oth 168 stated at Liew brogr pysicaae Wik" Sh soto daly co HOW TO REVERSE PHYSICAL APPEARANCE OF AGING “The esing ofthe crth om a as no alert 0 the Dan ‘ogy akg le he rp the eto pe ne iste etal kts ai tenes ‘rag midi act, ws Sods ot hea sve. Sopply beter ving creitoas opal proce {ST ogeomon coger repost, aed gyal pees face ef agg wil even pg ea tat by ge cutee ue sae te RA eon Semen arn Etro cners am geste "patted ar, bd wate, ard water, cated water, tbaco, we yet ey ad sona enema eiee ma ees eee Roreiued (ieee cot Gonoie ee Gara aaa eerie ate Ra SR ERT the Wan comes nest Man ny go without water fr dye nd nisiie UND ane can brat too mach god sr vrai too mach yond pots icatatce rei Stee "etn al sade onthe by nor cues to ge ter on etvtay pr nets eben tn wil Ge ea CONSTIPATION THE NATIONAL DISORDER Tithe rte of ing ee yh sa ees ad fate a Site Ete eral we eco Ses Sine ety a wae Se i fa ean at es ile yo mt dang sea tet pms as ee ae eo i pr ny fo ah boty, hs tng of a al gt td rb ua ES Tee dy tl many se and eso wae ay a ee es Se seth xp of 8 peti te Site Ch st yaks cpa os iar et et ye CR ity aac a oa he ‘oar ld ata of ls ‘Whe W eppears fom he evidence at eating ft at, 7 the ly nmap hat ok ch sa ond ‘sve a teay oma pied be nat fo eed fal wrk te age of sad tid yr py Sat pial wre eae fd te Sat LEAP ase lla hen yng Bon Sr ea oh eet hth ie be it fed a ge to td fd ad 1 ot fa sd scopy iter fm ui fu Thy ase ante Re Seay be pean nce uly two ee of me Kati tell dy war wah fee tad pubes Mee Sie ile Si ata’ da ce Eclat Si TT es ne Ju ha Ofc tt yt wars pean athe cont Cara roped nh te vbr et eg eng iss MPa be en nd he aang foo ald op oly eter oda we des a 3 Sg oo ae rete the yore fe fet he bys srt hated le Tite cc ele hat ceed ‘oa iat howe ie a age Stepp tener wait rd a Baby, conto gud of ep bone wel ied pee Gt. {2a he species of "aga wll ed a tee te SP ea We tn tg Seater ete ut ts neat eee pon SL ets Sa ‘Lzwox No [DOES MAN STARVE Dg eo cat a i oh We ets waldo hsm, Wee itis ad pire cur B06 iss al Taye eal, "We ce nt aa by Gitte Eat ste ecb or way so Ua ee ek ok “hs peo a Sa ages Tae Meanie fy cise de he Taner ted Digna ram ae! Ths 9 pn ofp he bce td a cd Be ear sl eta the ude date, Senne gt Both stems are claimed tobe based pn Fac, but not w the sme dae of Fact The one baer al practoe pen the facts Uf oben, Sod can tat hx proesot ae nde, Tht the bedwurd and isward pce, and Seance Bacoo wae gest mente “The other este, th forward and extward, is based spon = fundamental tho prvcple and wae flowed by the Aecst Master, who taught atthe sores ofthe Unherse te dvered IW stadhiog Causes iestend wf Elects (Mom, 1/20) Al absonable fats az the eects of mamesting preceding, somthing which pessled is the Cnue, which be deere, ‘ensittes an eel vert whic chenger not and bears he ‘ebanging bass fom wich Iginla tay be soared ‘Bolte Rebley Dinglon, one ofthe slat ators ad po ezrin elec orn and te Sa Dunghion meted many fc to to thn flies of adil steeinand'he srof ces pst hat ate Gove ecient of whatnot ny Ca ‘Sug Mage Bane, Holmes al lapel tr epee ni ‘easoning based on observation. FINDING THE TRUTH We eznnot seach sch by resoning fom fete af aban, or sch ft cll sow hat the Sa donee and sot vache eae ise ad woe Bren Jr, The pe uate cal reining precede mst aso be ie Mag, ema as Ebetsac ely the Vale oomptoms oso fe wise eT males tn Ft 0 bo toe f Bott pita ets reason not so mich fm what they bree 1s fron what they THIN they observe. Appeaasees ae asly ‘cee art sm to be what thoy are not Go tno erp iat gia Sas, ec th ey the sew tl ‘beans av ans ved sree el ron "The wot cf cuervatin ithe Shadow Worl, oot the Rea Work WS the Worl of fife, pot te Wold of Causes What treba the vuhle Elses of the eperton ef Inve Caos, 1 de body ells are selina sera eye oo rote ver autaned by fod as Carel showed, tat Tales She ston 8 thy man epporeto stare to death when deprived prt 8 t hy man pp pri ‘We could wall counter with te guation, Why does man, dc win depeved of Optune Why doef maa wanetlves dap ad Spor th teaept of Very bad Des? [FOOD STIMULATES a cm Ngee lhe bc pein car ae mala ete yy er ae an ea Estar ker upstnene at Sy pa evamrd scat an air cect eng fl i vy corer en 2 Sieber nae Stay ly cease Wee we mn an dhe cn Mel ei a a ot eee ee ti oe Toon jbl het ae = pam ae eoen eoncraracacens stnioaetia ty apt ee olla ik Sa a Say, oar Soe 8 mi trah eisai ors ann saga at ah io i ntti a ae a ce gdaliate hunch Seiad aoe alice ceeioate USiitifnrat tr basad ine, it eye i ea sas pir nderteage eae MELTS ae PS Ep te wet ae irae an ES ca ry ee ey atieiars cas fbi pel eS es ee gd ad Soe tiem re eg peas ct eet gle onlin meta Sa cna comriays Sead Sra Steen Ie i ee ised aigts Te aT ese pac or ae Sar Garett sisal Riniaons tsa tae tn 0 as fe ae eS ly sinensis Papen es iis eanmig eee eee sera mance tare ts near rtaroe Ir 18 THE BODY THAT ACTS 1 mass body nes tha = generation, wl change aud aut su toa pn serving to te deth lat sk ‘op nwa fo be taka be eats to ceite at, ogh ling age of extn, Body has changed sn adjurted dll the nt of onving the death Sat ima te food ‘sar example, is abund t0 bold thet th actin following he Sdnisbtstin ifs dr. the eton of the dr ‘Thete ts thecal conte of eur and thee ray e come shel ity Between te cements fhe ug and the organi But the ‘ese that falls he seton af the wil ety upon the as ithe preeee of maleng peperdpetson of te i sae pie Spy #0 fon) and dra everyting tha etn the oly Te tog sean thar at snot to {ese sabtaaon, wheter bs fa or Suge. “here no ret: ‘Sram fo amen that Ue bly deve amy, vat aud sgt ‘ram foot PEOPLE WHO CRAVE POISON A aft pre i a certs osptal accepting dig ots tele ie Spelain ag ie ee Be “ELL mdm lp a ted Splash be oe Seema wo Scat et es ‘sing poet 2 Sng dS fou iagh'@ eae ae “A ar tes ene he pa dsb rt thy woe ‘etoile company ctw eg Waar pi ae th Te Syn a pb el ets ok 1G a By te end ord dy a wipe ih eee Sine Tee POWER OF ADAFTABILITY ‘The power of adaplabity is oe of the evecpresent facts of lviogcxtenn, Min ein Overy Choate ret ost af inences, and tadlge to evay sort cf babe "it bes heros proved that “haiti vecged Sete” and “what toe mat ‘Bent note ns pose “The evdeoce te Howry apparet that man may Boome acca tomo to alinest ating shart of toting o bag No water ow regan o asus asst tay be Wd ere so ene pve en oh cent ato Salnce Whee, herby ir prevented 8s Bx swaying of val actos Eons ete foe et Tite mulden sod vale Ganges tae become timely Aksticive fo the body. tet peter when fa ange fm iedto gud. Becray‘« Tobe doer ot rem to be dnctely sede ae pt that ti cer Sencha et Fane. Th Scomcany eles te th reo an ling les The aig of the Law of Wal Aalto on many portant api en Ay dc test of Fa ad Lh eto ne ied hg, tac ‘phim, fod ovlves ths wet 8-2 tack of oeloge ine ‘ier ht ia prevented he swe any efor whch in Site cores fg lw had thy ba sad aoe Al changer in mats abs dou be mide with dstnet cep die at fet ial Agatti wi ceed po ‘ded ine and opparanty ae scored. Te Eats toot epost Uorbecome «Bieter fos day tora yar He set etary fo be ‘feast, ae departed he boy met Sve tine 1 Gnige alin i fnetene and cup lf © at pet stein whitnt Brthaan wnt whe Sheth ot Ll pied ll He pga edt td he wae {bes af a poverty and man fall dacomfort aad sos. Sxddetly Yoshie ke Hotton to te tage eg of Gren od te Gendt ee opin of tual eo er pen one ttl mse to pated a, wba i am ohh sa os whe oie oe, Pee gu re the vias of te indulgences, cust ‘nintag daar acd oe de ‘ore an fom th fw nds mown cess and he caprenes ah dy beating ao gy ae oot atte {ole higher alstade Keep him tere ind the jana wl eae [i th expose ah angp andthe inwese of te eapaly ‘eats eB Megas a is ag pmey was a Bray pacton males a place fr Sulfate way ezaony: aot gee cs sy practi everson at Bey fat oe ab wel the Law of Vit Aste, gee ty prove tat man ta product of Evlason-bot ot ithe sce Ut one specs is evled. oat eneher Norio he ene tat Sal are grown out of voprtsle, eran frm ana xe? ifn men scinng ror Gay Onan. Cols Teaver change. "rhe patie of vegetal and arial mater thnough the Hine ogy Ge proces of ngetnn, digestion sad clan ss fact Whaat bot tere abance aver inca a at & ie indy do se sass ae do aot change const FISH DOES NOT GIVE BRAINS soe ee pA rst ake ohn Bud nr ctng Bo pie rained praes Sie tr ny pretation tanned a "he press of May Sd 1006, eported that 2 Hind Hi se Se a Sh mas ht Seago ca eae Sone ‘Seiletsn Sent dup ol whee She oy poy wo ies e's Bee ea: Satoh cae escote Onc tn ow rn a ie sence tema teeth ea ti Soe eee ee eo Behar ack Sh ee gee, ne ah eis act diputed that the Law of Vit Adjrtment motes po eta aN Se Te Mime ate eo ere Bee mee ee eee ta ry Tso No. 12 DANGER OF ABRUPT CHANGES “he mj fgg nena cpl he hn nd Base est acta we Selb weieteeateen? Pi heres ay AIL dvestons of map, hls native envonrant, He natal and Ingeinate Rabies mat be condarted inthe face af the fact tate Ive ence of Man a) Carel often aes sock and we [ive vex Ite slabs nfraton to ide ue thnoagh the war 1s and contri eased by the may soba wo ave Sot te tdvanoe thelr epson erg the wiews and eit ie ow (Ousne at toa subject on which mong ech casts but Wage (ooree and pecan ‘Cael hat moder suse has gasped only cet aspects cf mans Watt ae they? How shall wa know mbuthr thse srpecte alte ta have ren eutped are aspect of fae ar ofan? TE moder sare Gow net appre man te wil, what ss eens ed wn tn eg ow aw ‘whether ihe pars appreaendol se coeatly or increcly apie fe know man as Belg cemponal of dint urs, and have cqcied thee past by cur futbol how all wel know whether {Ge pts ao bated ay tothe dts of man, or whether hey tes be prodet ofthe onc ied af the Belton” “fsbo slence now 20 ile boo! cee man and admis sn there nm seta to bees It howe anything aboot Bat an ‘Whole ofr bac ln the remote pot tat re wef le TUgblevdeace entart toguife uf tm Seng ii or my past (him, or ir envioament of ay of is bait. MEN OF GREAT STATURE td te ey Met ogre ashe tarts oye SEAR Snare tens ae ae Suk icky suas eee _iibentimicich sseres anti apne et Bice cocina aceon meine ec hieelSe ee Beene ercatias fae ea uw ‘The Ee dnl shove i tines pst a and many. snd ul, af the Anckswy, which asa'weie donate gant a the ‘Anouin (Dect 2:10 1), “Tha asortes dct the Bll county of Canaan. Hi helt oleae ras fe ch fey Een h Siarie sg rig waked sigh Sit ene aa Ae Ses SSSR eget SURE Taner Ty TS pn wate li cata she sag) a Da SS ti ara SP Sc TC owes crite i eh si da St Edit haa saul hs Pao fda ce tae ita Re So ca SoM AGiar tehate tt stale she tee deiriea Teepe Scape nae oka! Resa tte onc gat es coke Rosanens SELES C8 on 0 td Pirro bere Tenge ees of Prony 1h 1908 reported thatthe skeleton of setae ag tint eh ae aime ih tii en! aie Sprain ie Se Soars, Desi Te ee 8 il, pee = rae Re ty hn ee wiser en yt ee eh spall rth Sie Tac ees ek oases or Tie an wo te we ts ye he aN el ES POP as mr FECES ai ty tt pt ed Ge waar TS i hn eon ens in 7 STATURE ORIGINALLY GIGANTIC Gin Rebat Ll tn the Ameria Weekly of September 17% 194 state 6 See eee Sauron tore ported nun hong eo Se “Te ar ‘wo te tne we fd ro” The ant di ws Cigerpioes pared ia hp ofl tsb dosti Hong Kooy we ad Ste gaat tei fe le fed Sean ata hcecel ey te ieee eS occa Seen wae ‘iad Ge gg pe NB teal Joo, agen ume tox pt ea en el ee ao Satta Ein sng ena hes Nees «spe gr ree ey oa Sts ant gs oa fr Raley Man, wih wo A Wap Re of Jo, compe th he dethal Man of Europe.” kg EES wd ecbetn i dcrlapere ix fl ete el ee eed empaed we the prot of rca sey "fs pric dys gat annals yume the eat Some species of te Binsaris wete 80 to 0 feet long and their weit exceeded $b et, The aren se alt be ben hectngeey,Bt nd nach defective dentuon ae fo make impose he masts oh ood. Did hey oat? “he bay ult of cell, the cell compote of mseele, the mole ped of sy adhe tn compe a SS Wihn the mala in the thee tats of sl ligd and cooing en oon in he Popa a eee "Ffeons roms eye fa from oe anche inde the to, sn sv ats I he san yl sta of pee Atte moloai Changes in dary of tata Le. nace fn ‘oo ig nd gain sate 80st ad ie dec MANS BODY RESEMBLES THE PLANETARY BODIES “The aces ide the oleae in the ving cll 1s eacly aml cogaut to the vast sate se whies move the lesa bods, wiih ‘sce flatts astme te bo Sud sad erp. Radio prove ta theory eeoons luan body js spe move fn the rh inthe sla tess wr Uten thpes ef torent i tees es tot for food There rane siveral Lv tat gover all Unde ‘The electrons to the atoms tn the cals of suns tady ne the same octal odor a im planets af tho 1. vem th elt ie sume Tae mow etd fact how How arp a Indy combs the plinotary bis "The Ancoot Masters wee Mgt when Chay sud, “As ebove, 20 ow Me ge a in Uv trac "Ete planetary odie pec noe om food forthe vgn and ruintnarch nett shold tee human body. One aves lo ferme al bie CIR do sem hat a ds of ution een dpi of food Benassi by ie adapod to that hod ef mtn ‘matic death rests from the tock of the buts blog de rived of = carta Lind of alsin Tt thf of Unt ns Ete which setae tha vital machinery of te body, aod to wih station tbe al machinery i geared, and adapled, ard tess: ei ‘As man adopted now bas agen it was neem ssobiney 0 aap fl oe no faces orp ‘Tha adjstnent ocurred sly, redaly, the body yleling Yo the now babs trough the Law of Vial Scoommedaton oly when the | Moov ck. ne of nb ts ss a he tilly nod oo peveeton to pectin {Soe tes bev tht sch sey gcice tae > Tovenent: proved he fect of des not kl hip tan. $0 statis om he devernding course, wl his bent tal de- Sloot hs Heyer remy decrees. "The base ease are cover oopected [MISLEADING REPORTS Deceptive propane tlle pt out to sow mas Mo span is moraslapRopleiniove tee ports They ne fa and eal Stel to deceive Iw" expetancy” tat a nwa, and sett lepan, Th le pene” aces Bone ee esate Ung tan they at Sty Jers ao, He eo fy Uh Lt Flee Foyt of Dae ou Calle sd "The expectation of ie fe the age of 5 on, it ito wich we fv ay rh, Fu ean 8 ws ny arty yess agora al Fling, ot reg * care wate ee LS Sis eee as De oh eee SEES tas oh Man bas died say yp revving Dad ons boone ‘dy cl nt faethe shack” May asin ba dnd Boorse the ‘Daa Sul not aed boc of blag deped of certain poo, an orig whch sat a ced oy Sip lt ony, a ea 8 Sooteaeas os ae Rr, ‘Dactors nw that ot i dangeoos to sop any penece 00 supp. No cotor wil cin tbe body peed opi Yet mea fonts doce wen deprived of ft Ie b's mallee of common iedge tut the dog ss ces by ice from ho ees of te ery Shes iytes nd Bats Spr 6 pve CE mada. ‘The more posonos substanco the longer it ther the body to male the adjustment, the pet the athunsment fom the pete el ind path nn th Soy Spied at ‘The gate the shock, he mer dangerous the sock, The at ale poe cay bea ep @ hs poser nad tthe sochor pesos go out of contol wiad te hit gue = RODY CRAVES FOOD AS IT DOES POISON ‘That i tpl example of the operation ofthe law of tat Ajpannt. ‘DU Spe eased ta the by oll at ital te pont of euving to the death deste poson es odio fo nat by counles ages of practi, the Frys became so dey and componybsteted to The suit ‘tat wil aduaiy sek down feats when and of wnslition We sat remerber tat eth reas fom the ysl shock of deprivi fely of etal pte re Bettas tit dae othe fn of ation aled foed Weis wel to comstler that both ating and drag oe vol tary and cored practices Noten av Wiese ueder mane os sar rel Ee wh fn ong wi ‘ter for daye-but fo say te Breathing aap he vag Ths URideoge proves beyond guesion Ihe planmcnt Lapoange of tt ote bi 2 Farthrmor, the fonctoe of respon is an atomic, i wom poees and 50 far bajo mas consis ete st Sete whan eros ep Fm ay en ele Std deeper mere regal and yamataly ta when soscis hd awe! Fathers, pated nt dturts the dlerper nore that ig ew Que het cane cs a tis inp fr ve to coment side hy bong the breath ‘Assos conscious st, Beth automat bens asl rica excel oe rat tht mans Body ie 2 con sated tnt entnes om eet dopende om toe sence ela tary and eotraled proces noch at exting sod sing st 12 Be ig Ent isto tn te pnary Hecton ofthe living gion eber fotos fe secory dod digo ae the bay Bt to perfor Resp Th as wy ely contracted a cme he work Thay 40 by far the largest panei the body. Bling the ‘ies fet te Die th athe wn the " the somch san sgt organ, tng x eugene of the apeatary cata hut etn frm a MAN EATS TO DIE, Tn the 10% century a group of eminet doctors, compote of afcnd, Rowothim, Raynead. Rayer, Gumblr, Meni, rel, Thy, Nandy ati, ac ed en onsen, rie spec study ofthe eases of Od Age and dat Eig hall eae) Without exception they all arived at th rape ‘Soles hy Sing that the erst We oat to lt, ard Se {Side (Detomote, P24) we eat tl, how san we eat odie? IF we et to de, how xn we tat to he? ‘Thos doctrs found Dat we grow dept and goto the grave ‘cre of law ct id that nppeass as efits aod veut hilense'to prove tet eating 04 satura Teutcbee wie have vestigated the mater, sno daseende ro tho Breather Stats, he ft a ‘Sith tn when begin tot snd hunt, and be added Est Shilpa to hie tHe net became a hontundnas™ (Gen, 9:50) Sd began toll the land eorsed Bs dit wi the ane of Settler ed corel ri gin li fs edt ot af Sool yams pes and cereals "The latter dee fo the er of ‘leap mila ae rot ud of ll foods to inde oncation St te ss apd is, hiked aod adesog of the secs ud vein and conan bd inevtable peste Old Age tt Serptade and Sebel alma snierl bt wrongly reared S02 secosy onde of ea och sep tan took he anideed ss he st doe. te was progres an the wrong dicton-ar sl I But be eres fons Buck Ash tak the vt top of this “progress hs ble ‘gun © dctine enc his lfespan to deeene~but De ote was = mystery to him “thon the caus vas debately discovered, # was ton lat to do raph shat Rie fi nd sted ih nd ‘nd had vo comple adapted tell othe at sep, [edo net cms fn dng ey 1 ln iste an ey grave than to ght agai the bad ase ost hat Siiared Bit fhe pope Ta thi age he il pogresing sl ‘og har tothe old mes and ts sng bth hd phyealyewite medal sence” wager ie “biter guelt dese” ae wa Boning Geclved tte pos of Febney ‘Bay as by be. Mac Fb, etor of he Jun oe habits wie se No.1 cHRONIC AUToINTOxICATION When Dr, Evans in 170 wrote his “How to Tlong Lif,” hse "We et fo Use, ond we ett de,” be made ¢ statement tat sprees to sarc aad see Whether eS tare le c. “re fund St megan drt eausescetaenasdogeoeatin, heroma,eervless, hardening ofthe Mond weil, exists ‘the tics sod joints, and pransture decrepit or egg, TFuremore,aehol made o grab; and the prodction of sles emant operate in he Yds of toe who ext ant tad cereal pets ‘Thee Feqeaniot ave alnays a an automo sate, to hich tics beds ave Boome so completely adja, tat When The te etct begins to fade an vioomteable feeling appnns the scone of mgs, wesiners nerweusmer esdache, et "The doctors eam ese people tbe sear i hey eating habit ist Lepr tw oly" io ‘brn inte tt the enditn fo uhic bas become apte. S0 hy fe beter tnd regard Actor a wie an entrar © Oat fe cre ab he tng up Her werk ners, has headache. The symptoms inp ‘Rw that he Dol rang for ore quo keep inthe tee puny, stotoksted eration wich tha Become ade "The more tlacco lige one urs, the more the boy ces Th more fond ne ets ae more the boy waver. The mare fos ad cereal ne eats ta sre the body craves es. The fle (Ste oe me dn each ce the eavng shows at te badly “api hell to thee darmging pone "THE Betting mn iba scaly sate of ud tan, or sutolmosaton, teing fom the eceaive smuaton cael by ‘he doaying ea food in ntact bowels ad cod. ‘etme he no th dvs te sett Ss an tis det irom citbeod. andthe cenion of ulation Aispsested end soc’ The wots body and organs dst) “Azoterceson wy an fel hungry & becuiee Sesh protein stato pel asso ete, aad the seston of hanger Te from the toc condita that ste He eae en, aod as sary prolet Ferment th tests, pedcag esta sad Hat feporry dll th putlnctve buses that wock one prota vermants af th Hes formeny eaten, ths supresing the eee ck a a stolen, ad theft rode hy the auotocaton ‘temporarily subsides. ee [BODY TRIES TO MAINTAIN BALANCE ses an nt tg a. ek lt el etal esa te a SEALE ee fee hie a rae Sete cee Sie PR al hal ne be on ad eee oe SRE LIES Pes ie oe ec ak ae eee eee ae aoe ‘usually @ call far food the effects of cman nae oy tel nce fe send Seer Se gm nts toed lated semigee iee ae te bine eR Ss ue tebe ms ee Fee nay asm tbe eee et ie ee sober cis inc eine saree SA Ata ars sh te Wt ed ee an os ets Eb faa ad Sop Sener ecient geet cd carat ae ae eee i retort ere separa cr ee tad ta de moons Te OEE ge inn nin el cn a Si ae a ty a Seer oe cael ee ucts Sat aa ae Ea (One fers Bar te Body bag easing ut sbi comets ad {0 fol mss egis tv the buy. ‘Fas whine bay eS the fom of ft, amps, Bled ‘ay aso, cancers, rows of al sort, seat win the body 2 ‘We bine much og the wether, when he th beng lini ted tent the solder anger is tempers tave mae the dy forces ace, armel snd Swakeed tem, roght the nto ‘Sipe Saigon in he hy cing of ‘oling Mh a the ple of the Sas wich Ssructel contact ‘a he ie Pano "Fearing flr the body wih Ath and dhordas, while fasting soabler te bey to least Hol Bs Renn opted ia moa una at of over ewenty years faning wi a fst of 80 days De ENG. Jones ‘paced the Jel of cars by fasting. Sinphy remove ie Cane ‘i yu bave the Cue - VITALITY INCREASES Same tits fating patients bein to vomit shout the 2th or 25h day, and ay vo intermitantly fer to tice days Ths they get sey weak But afer the voriting isthe bady of Sk ‘an ety rr ea ty ara ye ee "TRE Ht cores the poles of tho cob an ote with te secoptn of Le Force Ar te Eh eesoved tod cimiated, ‘Et comat i etbished between the cell sed Lie Foe andthe teat uta immatinelyierescen” Theft Kroon ot to Sister whe Kove fasted get wile mete! at wil lim the ‘temeat & fale, No orbodoe doctor diver to ake's text f “Oa sccunt of ages of habia eting, we canoe tut ou ap pent ftiact and craving for fod. We should eowbat the crv, Stl te Haat eosucred es wah al bal eres tlgencet tod abe Kia vg “St po fg i a Oe Ghote meters re BOL Tope ea ate ais wag ite MO Sra te oh as jeg SE eet a ppt go Sha er carn agiaissse EAP LITTLE AND LIVE LONG “Th theory tht fod is 5 essential to sustain the ody reeves 1 hemy blow vehenver vestigate. Ar ite fool wate te ‘ul beter ath a ings he = Se Se mere er mg cig reer Sate arco es “mene th ug) be 1 125 ye ot SPs ad geal oe cand hi slndace i pk ei odie sg Bh. pers in egal Spe wp ig pi! cos fp a gh fan Sues ae bas al tats 100 of pop, we an Seka Saye gah Eri Poi, St sas a al hy “The pres lo 1805 reported the cae ef Kaka Yaraihita, ccoty ta fp i ed Sn ig SEMEL Sr hed wel eel eno poten eee them Cone Eg Mah, npn an a cl eR haa Ee SER ESS USI ila ta hte Set Oe le ta eke ot ae 9 SORTA RG a oe scons apy Bond ‘Neopet pees moe wala nts Seber cet tr oer cee ieee eS Esso oetime Te ‘Ac acount appeared in = cetin magein in 186 lo the eect that‘ Orval Bead, an Haglsh vetaran of Wool War 1 was, ‘Tosd i he stomach and forte last ten yeas ad Boe se (Die sething ba oa “pe with plenty of Guus aad spa ‘No ete eset wll gece tat such a et wil oppo the heads hah teins iain et Soh ee Re aeons gh “a Distt exper re io te expe. Thy hk te thsi sre ight when they ae rontalaye ong, Tey cond at an ‘Sst et th for pot hat for eatshynte someting ee for ‘aed ming an ey fe th a at Oo ice Toate shew he ers wrong: 3x he “talons Ho Ne th pres of January 16s 1854, Rebet Rily. sino adh bad vidoac to prot te trate ewe be Fae Iekedepertd the ese of June! Lah of Grodan Poin, wo fs sy wok er tty yore. ich Saterday bat breed ‘fe wat, and beh war good Caf docared fla eating tra stp LEE wd ev onral eae cheng aod smckng taco, seTicanermsed to pre Modern sn ribs oo det of deminelind stances at foun dangerots sds fa bay sod sob to oxen: How cre 1c Tasp ig on nicha dot How did Lat keep gong on dict of SedTeSh Gated ‘ecome mun’ tas alae bon Sod sll a ‘Sreatharaa. He get hs rel oui fom comic ry, ra he Somme fot “Te food man eth the tbe he seks, ad the vcr he deol te only antanssad indgencer tut fave leo do ‘ith the proce of maton, but air steer wi He nko et demand fo and get ah, gee wll won pt ons fst ad st noting a ies vey moo ats itp emp fon wh er wit etsig Ue met fram fod Wh he eis robs i buy ot Ee nberls doe t tin acl fombngefece MINERALS FRO COSMIC RAS Wo eat some spieach, Der 2 ge the bey ion at dicetic xpos clin? What aly buppent i thi actly all fowls ‘eo eat form ald. toxin ‘nthe els, ato prteinn at. cab iste, These gid tis Interfere wth he elf foneon#o as int mise fram como Taye Dr. Ge asserted thst deth occurs 2 the moment when poe ‘ive aid tabs inthe bod He showed tha Hein ann ema «prog yan ‘eto ohemary the manent wha asics say alae ‘The aida balance of the, body as tl sidan, Whe te llainty ofthe Blood fle acl. “fu balance betwen the niceas sd te CVtoplm of the eth (he elect pte) esetal to anata eed spas Sh aly fh ing ret Ts sducton te poss he oty coll Hel,» intr tata, who sacl isthe poste 3 foplas s the genie. "Te ytoplsn of eel! saound he moles ae he mee ive [alle) element. The mace the postive (ocd) amet ‘he cen aca sot fate ner ae a the cal be pale sped he ein ccna mented 1 astnition, growin ard. gineation, depend ot‘upon food. but {en the poste of an etc pot produced by oaten, ‘He sandr fonctions of Ge cute aro Gob To 8 vrason of the potenti “THe ony we a or is ae ren he ay of se eytolam, the rduang the cells socin potential. Th homered eiptety Othe cto rsp to comers, wh Acleery and psa! weaes, “mem tooveeene fee enon by tng manta ich, iin yes Tey toda leit te ood tht om ppmanly ental th sid (ns enbig the plan ta bee or cinliae, and fhe ells eleceepetental ieee Te egats [etapa t snarl irl fucose as Then the de (pet sejerth and iro Oe spinach the ere swing to SEGal eee spiath wore antormed ito ell mi “Pht i enomeaue and fot more dette nonsense The meals of the pach sre argly lainatedtaoug the Made, he fom 1 seul sl by coabiation wth ail txt, rata all te Snir of fads fre smianted in te se fh form of nest ae SENSATION OF HUNGER ch ind af fod indoces ts nn type ef sition, prods bungee selon’ One may eo telson Eat Bane etl ‘nore of Bat type of smut desl and hen ehunge Yo pi Ske and Ww hag sen spe Tat he aon oe eal wh aceon appa ‘Rinan not hang: pomaded to ost Ae ons a feslng of duuager dovelope ad he eat « ig meal Ths cpune ca be ah EERSTE samct nda oa dacoaaae dope Such a ato of lsvess my remit Sat vomiting sce fo elev the stomach, Then the gltion takes % so st i SES det ealed bo amine see hte pte Saleen al ifr gin, grt of tel imp pbc ctl es ci istered ce Ea cram acme tres os name sa ot acts ‘Wo oat aid foods an then must et allie foude to balnce than fw ate ro aed foods nthe ft pice, wu tho haven ‘ned of allsine fonds Once or boy i lean tnd pus, should Ee so nea toca ot eating mecury ntl wa) adlsmnent etal ‘he iody cll zo longer voguze tt Knd of ramclason fm by ood. a ‘lochemists show that a plant posseses © kbontoy tt ss Jenne nvble maataae of aint cel ate The ell the lef pit the water nleul the we nfo cyan and by oes ‘eigen a8 eppig te engnso “The expenses f Richards stowed th inthe plats ions: ty th tation a ls og te dis si a Promdr nota diate, butwsespeatons procs, and rss fy Theater oxidation asd do odton of ease tes“ th asin of com dit, He Rta nese i: Seeman tat cin fet! wane ae 3 ctadensng nt comboing nase Sogen at with taoge gs extern She age asa They etd the ngs oo the oct athe clean tei ie Inet! ac serving on) to ear ce 2 pinay faction on Aroszg, combing tad dinaatg ‘loge hold st oxygen pert the cll, att sitoges sets tr Sue ulder and net” Cou tegen apes ie ‘atils upd divs tan, ad aed to be She re Sal the « septa ny are the tly wld one, Thee woudl oo sbeion no pnpoci, “Ttoppes at cage io ste th eres regs body tmpertie,oostes the hig sac, caries ef tn. ‘Ssoorsnd rtrd esammatin, Wet Byogen, Ge aves 4) ‘oct would sen, tarde od dos a Phys sence dees that the bay aninated, walled, ousted and matted y the wateal ol eaten, gett and ‘Simtate by the cell ooops diet ebowel proces. No ome ‘in "oer fave ques that saan cone and no sent fey vad who cult anaiae snd api th proces ta an itll ft end Ingal annes-Gecause at aoged proces deity Sein The ody butt and composed of els, ‘Th cella compoced of melee: the molecules of toms, and the atoms ef Ee od el wg nes re Be he "my reset proces aur mind aod so Swe wing center of force tenting nto vile sabances, fora sad {hes y's cutanl proces of emdermon reg fom a rere {Soo the beatin common lwege thet sovble gana canons to form tee, ‘iynall be as tay to andertaed ha dr the sce, aw, Tove gs conden fo aH egy ncaa iigeactrdng to pre-entnt pat, nich at “bu Goo hue not ade with hand, sem he eave ATOMIC ENERGY wane ee ee ‘Tog imaltoomay ira plans of Senger apening to mae ‘hl ly imei A Sore cera sec mene eminem trintonpe er the Taw af Por, aad planes the power UStent ie danza els int a higher tate of acti eames ea an near te naman oo aera eid cee maa g fo! Gam cone Fhe chnmsomes of our body els are cnsanly exposed to « meryasis ae wet td igiriradaniar eneeeanes eth ee conan eacieinmen ioc ere ee Sop eoecee oes erent coe iiniiiats Dancer al mig ae By Mort people lve on demineraied diet that duos any le meats ft otis, "Ye thew poole seem to be bes aod ‘hegetie Whence cme het mites? rom comic ey. If it epee fd te mines ey wold ‘Sl ements bens of luni demineralized dat Ts spite a hele tinea lower they tee cons fost intl Tee comic ‘apm and net om the denerlzl fod te} et ‘mans body ‘were aot sustanel by coumic ays, ho wuld steve ip and dsppen shar order He 6 stl « Brethatas Lemos Na, 15 EATING POISONS “Th we te Kho td ng ym thw i Pi eulgtolpenairenpeinberccipe need Sa RE otal Fe den eal ee ‘RE ang ie iy deed Dewey, ‘When man ots, tenet oly makes oft by a dtl hat produce alata rey hat eons Yalow pose ‘Cnvad man eonsanty tts posone and knows not Hs fonds web ar Tomatoes, fete, spimeh, ene. carols, ats te, are bad eno but to the pacons thee ee ile he ay snd pe Se coe fhe rhe vegtan thnks hi dt is sapere to tat of the cam vovan, and imows owing about the acti pozea his vepetas the common pots, clled wits ae Ih pata i ofthe sighcade Tandy te bot mame sla tebe and Tease canty ithe Andean rego of South Amen "Th Gober onacs two aaron one’ ef which ts soll, and in Soma ests cause otto pouong” that reget owas, Few ants wl ext potsones esau of aes Dpovonous properiesFowe wil not et potato buge esas they lem patonoor. Fotos ar abound ta make sesh 2. The tomato balms tothe nstade fami 8 & native of Sah et ns es feng i Ih ay “Tomato vip aro posoncw a pouto ae snd few areal wl et hea, us ‘A "The aio cxatains spore sustose and an initaing 0 which makes the ees ater an the geal sco rebras ‘bo the same Some authors ser a ses a8 powesh sph > SESE ie ag te does aod Baad Ec vt te ‘ae, ely 10 greater ogre. "i Tetice foe te aame from te ky pe, Mtl, Lets 0 ‘ue Strole belived to Be thew vast fm which cult ‘ed nds wee Gerved. Tomas sper raft macotc hla temct ietucram, ond semetins wd asa subsate trop ely cabbage, onions ad tamtp contain ak ce Cibaps al nigra cinta sang‘ aR. Binet he pes ta facet holy toast ea te autre 8 cues theve silting bane. ates atic and paral a socalled vopttes dal he ‘ri and produce cueratin Ong tay eps of tlc p i potats ppchone or tace pyehode at x meatal dior cased 1 ag Mow rb aoe spake fae and pm Poche DANGEROUS NARCOTIC FROM JUICE OF POPPY “The pono propetie of opin ae wel) row. A fll dove siotnting nad eating bt ese damagiog nd al ‘ee of he at eget nd cf vege juce-the fle of the hte eee tobcca planta vege, sn herb Te has became one ofthe great edie of cance aid aw widely sed al over {he wild Tobacco i sede, 6 a pomel sinus, eet, agai Tew st tg he act of he agh ptecve force to poem As Se body Sr thar pooned ‘fee ponent Gamage, Pelng i a decree of the walt ad ttespon. Tepito the psa proper ofthe vests mtn, sin aly nd by aia pops who i te Fad ier ‘eeales coming plsooas Property, sot 20 promacnced. se Toe ebacs and poy plat ats Semging tat bas mea ecnary fr the by test helt thee te and et Sach ‘SGjsetat can occur ely a's Too ders i the boys wa i "Th resthain contends hat eat isan soguied babi, x ss ching and ating acs fd ha fa hen sei i fhe bly to nj lft a nance san ely jit 2 bay ender oor bsroaton, mist adj foal fo en of ‘obscea, opi srpline, media, dogs abd al ee polos = pte by eshte nd ted wth tens ot lh Sel eee ee ee eae eke leh naet caer Seas Ege ts Se tad cc tape fe aay Ur orders, the basie exuses of which are never suspected, e 0 Atrough Me that weakened condition, a i f é 1p the prot of March St 1968, benlloes appeared seed, ‘ia! St Halo meen wey poet” Be ena haga, D.C, Mach He (AP)—Went rn of mn at Se ees ee OE SY ase i ingen pect Us sek ot he clad hs et nen os ‘BEAST poster ye att ne te ada “This i he conection dit ofthe man of toy, and poop az gostatly ered to et fey of to ull wp the eseanoe ‘The bedy.adjsonent powers of a mouse ate ls ellen! thse ‘hous af rem 9 man tse to et and noe dnp ded om th p08 ‘Mat the noe mot ke‘ tut it rae by inca ed "he atl ute of his demi never suspected nthe Joly 1651 lave of “Amora Mogzing” appented. 39 acid U8 Crap Jes |. ek, “Can tte ‘onpatian HouteSckct Camshtne to iventgns te Use of Crem ‘ais in Feed Products” sr which e relates soe Bigs of the ‘omit that ne warting i thowng how food proliceste ‘Semlelned wih warous fouone We qt: or Sah rage rience as et ‘Wicge. “to wad the chem wored's asf fst 4 i ¥ H Ey i i Pra Sant aa = a = t f ie re nga pint ut Wan ft Ou det lg de Carper a RLS i ears Se “Theo ie uo wi covering sore seco with, quctatons fom the anige may all be med op by nylng hi pope we beng Fred aan pues by WD tay be ye pote ‘gma added to fede to Igroe cr appearence, Wet ver coor GORE Then ets ph prea corey bt ae {be sine prcaar the Roe, be man el omer ‘ead Sivresoeieee EE pee ‘fs pisos unt the amount ten at ane tne ay be so age tat eee ieee er ena ‘hoe dade aon, the pone te dee ot bey ‘SiR tat parler pon nae Sa ‘Tn srs ne ae the obtanes ht conti Ge mos or does bles to fs, we Bind tat the fut ‘poton ian docs the vegetarian 1th etincrs ae Bot Beco pteyed Ts we sce foo, scan tale na bi bo ‘ng fa buh eer ‘rh ee ods ot ati fe Bs Body fm he ingtin f pons aut he ecoves 9 Byesan eed pe ety psy ow Brn ‘Wer fn segue where arnt plated by cet. if E's potest soow andr bg Groh Sat a poled iba dain exe Poon, sl eth ty of he Brtran wie hey ine ne Teo a feof ons and Bt fale & that oo ‘lb tn the eer of evo, EVOLUTION AND DEVOLUTION Some sk why men has teeth and olimoriary canal he was cially conta toes on ean coma rae el. “The Wely comnins snany dormant, ramentcyergune whic once wre developed tnd etal as Gnd shakes othing ta vai, The ‘EAL Somplte 2 mouth edad am in lng Coats veloped 89th bey ofthe Ester wil snk and Become dormant wi cEtapistocea better ‘There i previa and povson within the Iving eran, ly which tga) antptefture condens, an ea be peer ‘en to heredity as wel ae envcament, wnt ees aad ters Uhs'eanins af propre eran staid seven ‘Te presen if th power to veal he ata ee! of he sual ue of anh sane or thing, and and apn his ct ty vigerus sections, pcding to the fami doce trove the {wif Vital Adjntet ony when the primary reaton dine ted, We moet never forget at euch adaptation can acu ocy ‘Ethe expmee of «Sepreston ofall the oa onctces, wach ust te inras if Jny-emtinod or often rpextod. (a account fis they of Evolution, phy tal slece must se tn wan only an bec ha ha ented abe i hs present thape tl fo ote, Bat as atulySeprovedeyend the apestge ‘lr eye. abe ae made el ligher plane of existent Ii this thor? which ysl scence mt pty posing vig th ek 0 pt iy (0 Re sc they of Bvltinn, ere fe ol @ scrap of vibnce to show tht any Ceatre tat eve improved hen em ur On hth a al at al te arg poy al ded by ap algo "The bmn by was eset consisted ad decged int to afet and aster all condita to which wold be ‘sbjected in ps exstence on ext ‘oan Was 2 Bieaarian, is body ws equipped, so a ro mentary degre, wth al the parts that would Inter be eed a 2 Final degree, t prevent fim rm beso etint ar 4 spec, rete of at Hs be igh nog oe ie an Sn ‘roament by which might be onde Tvidenor of thr Sac nfpets In te ee of modem wri what eters nothing snore nor les han nradinentary ps De G1 Clements showed in his werk. Scene of Rogerson ‘Why ashe tatrdinentary organ hea i's ono we fo he? Man asked himself the wae, question when he was 2 Breath~ saxon He'wanted to know wy hed tho radnentsty part sd igus WlEh were cf ao we to im aot be decened to Clue {eanion. Whon hs gradual ehinge of us mode fe necary for THe emtmoed eniteney thatthe fdinentary pacts an sepa de ‘lop and eceme funcional to mee the tact frm entities ‘ovdoped to fantoal dope, and sow we think ma wt ly? whe ba ‘Meh it on tas appears la Darws's works. He eters he law of van tnd se = cg eet te a et ajdt wo Yat, The olde ig ort es SAE eee ‘iy and Spence desert in the work unde the Law of Vai tion how bee wil hange suns ia eo geeraon, Tiny “es mer ee do er SEER er oye ee Teeny ph ah Se ai Ss ee ees Roane S ew ee DORMANT ORGANS READY WHEN NEEDED Mass bay cri he vigil esa of rp at one seve popte Are descended to lower sages te organs that Tesh the aes ae wren ge ene nl wire lint grew slimy, Mager taeone comes em lft over ape dager of he ape ag, Same datos say to Enow nat whee Bie coming ar peng They arm domg botkeonkng™ when ceded an “fo” When 2 ‘Besmact nga dowlop and bese fstonal when ade 1 te boy tontne daca erga tat were developed td owe "otal the ica Age, fey wil revive and tet tbe omer sate when the demand fortis we ie spied. ‘We dew il out mn now aod lest of Wat he was fo the bepiamag, We know nat aboot anormal man the erm meats ‘gual tn Vass frm to orgaal pater aze aos of ‘Bevo and tet Eveleton| Pepnal Soler tye mia ascending, The facts chow the seers Nang elt os oa rrores ever prover strate {ht freon tf couse is vape soveward, Ole the west ‘Bhat othouelor, wold beoome be hist by ren of evolton ‘Wa aower ses by cing wil the steam. Ih we di, hee veal be go este for itlignt and igen be. Man fok Jive the Le of leas retanen Ascenso fequseswotk whe ‘wcesioa ae de wh oe Lass No. 16 | ‘VEGETARIANISM IS BAD Thohemghre g Sos ten a ot “How To Frckeg Lin’ P. 28, {A purangparaon, If we oat lg, how can we cat to de® we to dk how ean wet t ve? Tan yey we af fe topiged i cotdering or werk "Fae Vegeanan tn hs it pts hin big sep shed of the ed eney ot the records slow. Dat the serge Beak ad the Sra oan ofthe average Vegan te Nt above that of Bo teage Giri, CP Sa Yoga 2. Ba wee ec cee any nee ee FE Sa ‘Wesley 9 diet peep ip th on, toa the es Shy Sagan ¥ ta ool why yee (Sarcon ih Wipe a We ng cui whe St ieee {Ch lo remember ht he le vl he bd he more pte toll cn out Snerile rnin er ogee Ess be ody soo weak fed ils at cnet ‘ins ate, Foun nil ot set «dat aa nd ss ‘Ea eth doo oo il nae ‘neample At the lb ld dreaties Ge pergest sen ota ay they teams pat emery a te Ga and Wat an ge ies he elle tin Egil wns Sa be bes sess i ali le a fessor el ebaco a ge etd othe by ager tng ee nbn dae at i pos se Belg ee obY VITALITY REDUCED ‘The same pracp apples to eating. When the Breatharan ate ‘as St food, trated his gover adversely tae the fr ke fsderely aces the youth, Bu the you posits wl the gusorons {becom Sus is wees apd owes his vy: aod ths hr boy {ij se tothe wn of tobace nat ony, ‘eve the pasoow wen ‘Sp the Breshalan cntinues to et in spt of the floc of withthe svt thatthe bays vit was reduce! because the iain and nerves were daled. Hib bo, hs wealese sted {be the wnat eneratog pice of ning, sod te bison tease as ee ta es Ps sehr a chee ne ei Bet che aris eae ai Naren ae ame eee She oasenmnstens Fe a eee sur forthe by tp talerate a substance ot ae to ese mass Se cee A Sina «So ea began mortise Ee ee En pa ln ace dead (MOST VEGETABLES ARE NOT NATURAL. Dos of the wegeables man eats arent found growing wid in Datu "the Alden wh hey grow we manmade ‘God rade no istike when be coved the cath wi ees. The scl of Feety shows tat efeitos ys the land pen a ‘hind to the Ray of the wind, the woneiag apr of the om, 90 S'S ad dt i a “Antortes an the sbjoasent that many waste dls erase tengo feiy sod logy sad ie Ing tly of thos plces [rhe wack of un Sn the detract of tote Mavs des fom Bs Gh, rs to aero te Priming and aici the Natal Soig empleo the ext Terkel Ges wr ae the Sante ae Bowl een i ae ort anal erope are arial, ir elation isa. Z os elds ote the work of man a ert lo “prove™ on Nature “The eatvotion of thm Eli as aes che Rls Senses ‘Th Smal eros grown in hae els ate oil asthe ult “i frm rtiealtion dtr the eqn of Nate, and the jeu are lye estroge rfeasr Joa ©. Gio Ua ‘ees of Maz, Hla, woo wre “Tals ead ny wou, owl an ed he SPs The tan We rn tad eee eal ws Soe Sacer mera dea! a aap ‘iad oP aaa pf Ss Mona 3a ‘The Vegetarian has grown vain i once. He ha Acad seizal prac ard fs athe he focal Sete rei ‘egtabie grams seal, legumes and tubers. Scene ovesin, sree aoe es ot ee Se oe Rouse es ce eee RE aes ant See oy a ee Pres cen preety del Cat Sa ar, egy gia ce td Soon OY aed ea yee oe ire eel et ee ws ya er os, eters hs meee eee soe et deer ean So ee ee reg ee Tag vt Pe ae ep obernra pec rainy ern Ess “sg rhe pt of tegen tht gene hr (See's msn ed we lays nny of eons Sie Riese el, tea ie {ive ina opin where foods mer proBead st sony of he Yur ELSE Pare Seis Vegetarian hte to Bea thr dst tine, ad mot of them refuse fo send er obeveanyting hat Ie ot favorable to vse ‘GC Hibbs, DIDS, wrote an exclent ere on Dental Docs ‘a which Be si “east egal aly al ol ms Sefer wy, ‘esta em me's oe Rf a ge od ‘ower gue food of Seg ad te “ft nd th dtl hy rt then. lin te "phen funds wit) whch to resewe tht food ahd Srp od 2 ka ct pte Sa “net gat from sn fed and dy yes wi seuss Tur und pes wil Sapgean The hog wll op, a nie wl Al thy osc eh ha? SAnTpee SLT epee “he tin ple i te ro a ine ed om Zante einer aie ais SERGE Senha a) re (CEREALS ARE A BAD FOOD A. Corman phycian of sce, De. Waele, afer ethasintcaly soptiog vege il, wa hore to Gad i tae that hd Hold ta cowed sgn of setts degeoration. With atura {Blade be spp Mine! fo slaton of the phemsmenon THe sld he Youn the explanation iw wart by De. Manin, of ars who iar Had bees ected tthe elation of atheroma (autrnctods, harSenng of te tris) fy Prfemce Gabler of i "The subtance af the exlagation was, that the mines alto te segetbles andthe sa and seasons ied oc te vegetables tome taem patable aro ba ot oul fr ely eect eo {be ony, but dao becuse they induce the dese fr and te pac ie of wing ober and stronger stnolant “nou “Semrome meee mento the se of Cx ‘aio Dannad who a a vogetran for 30 ets, pected hans {hat vgusber a oot he faces ny ae ee by may tbe Hie Sa eget cad 0 ga, a pracy ae {ad gree vege, A099 be wa onc iva fering fom. ‘undoes of burdened tear aed blo vl, with sacs of ‘he fois he macho i psd ack wes hat ecu at sit dom aor ne fom ase thout eat Sout, ade ct feuded the id of an aninane The ties of hs hands and ars tree vost that wat hard fr hi told is hale an fk to Feed we Gnroc doctors wee unable t lps ond proacunced ix smh lt tat col oe re bok He edo Nature bese 3 frtacan, end ‘baie sutialy to Duta all the dos who gave aim wp. dg tthe age of 130 ‘Demends and eter ener of wegen soppy da song {hat "eget raat what It etuppned to be Cras "uber con rg quantses of minerals tat basen ad len {be'sigan, beodesels and ft "and ata dls” wes Dent aretha wont apt Sod forma ‘br owbothan ad3tond prof ia his wk pobliked ia 18, stoig it al ote ol iy hae) of ae ‘Eu is and produce coset and cay deal” (Natural Food oP Nan 8. Sh oo [FRUITS EASIER PRODUCED WITH LESS LABOR Dr. G Moin, of Fars, wrote “A yep tne he ede ed mae or, may AS Te Ss Til A in nen tre et og gle cert aren et Patines med oan ar ata ete ZA Si ame wet cle Gib Fin ai aati euicp arsplarta cca tetas popiceas ey t raceee et Serco ear ee corm feel 0S Meany. ba tes pote such Sas Seo op rears aa nam atu te ttl Soe oie yt evn emg op open op arc dane erate ipeiestarwateala Oe oe cnet Pal Pie jgrwn nee tocreens a See Soe ee sieer rots See fa a ns ay go SEL St Rees fee apes auras ay oon nial Seas RECLGt wah ton Seo arn ee Sechriirocetara sa ptiriee an aioe de ee Ar Wns wee wwe ia eter pee Se Sn tees na ge hope ple seomcious forfour yuu svt resale cf carseat During ‘pede of cule this ime the mare gave Aum & Lquld dit, For eat tine he as agen "Beall ma peor whats tensed mapa sb on such det? oat re ll er penn na ‘n't ‘God did we tend mam shold chap woud al dn, shove Er dig poate o pon holes, aod comet git 9 ted be fan haat Sag oe foe ser the other Such iaboeno natural Sie tail st Fest Canapondence mst prev One thing alr for snober fo balance We use appy Ue Lam of Conkspondene 1 everyting that ward “Adaptbllty” Hee the sce of degeation and regeneration advancement std retrogreston. The Law of Vial Ade Jilbseat males man comesond always Wid hs ‘ork, Ws babs, Seo is exronmeat ‘Adopabiy the guilty that maker this posible, Mas existent Spends oa the Sexy, plbity and aSagabliy fh Ea Sai ac imy Wi acs ew "he te a mpd ig no opr, he feet of Vial Adutmest, sed he purpose eto nase tls oly ae Sonee wath he hai, bie work ands eres, Tese tings ‘come tample when the base peecple 8 waded, ALIMENTATION AND DECREPITUDE Parallax in his “Patvrchll Longevity” Easton and Bay in ate esd ieee SA dg “if and Evans i wt a siosantaly Sate CAUSE of lng elt Od Age aot ewok ‘Rls tte el ean a the daontion of alert Tiny otter othe Sodyeand fe eoes en wat an at, ri id Benes ‘What te the cases of te ddccacetetween youth and old age My dot acon of he Tay wk le ost Ecamnaa? “Why doe nan Secomo Gecopt aud Set in OL Ae Gere ia Sbraoun, grist and arthy epost sn he boty Fes earthy tater whch by gradual Suma: enn the body, ngs on onside aed aos She Pmt ie bat of Se {comoon be aod spat of ine (ster of Pars, wi mage ‘eth al oa of ober uty nob ‘A proces of soliton begs at ton af te info wat Ed testi rpc li ody ange ima “cela, tac energetic sty fo ty ‘ry, sip weaned omdon, wih erates in Se © Tufany, chhowd, youth, mano! and decegade ate «2 many dierent ‘conden ofthe boty rages ln te procs of end O18 Age the tracy and ig ud et open of editor oy mite tat ce bss peo EARTHY SALTS CAUSE OLD AGE Common table sa, s ray wed fs the preparton of alot very Kind of food contame a vey lage szoant ef envoy totter and producer grt damage to the boy econ ‘The ey Eat rl ere fcr sks ‘he sso isthe rst of Oil Age Investigation shows ato pos Wh rovers 1s the cae of Old Age fhe wurber of years ma ves eases the osSeation th 4 ‘ompanies OM Age hem as lke eauss produce Ike eer al of ‘he fe ago shold show the se nate of onteten. Investigation Sows thes not sos eanan to Sad people of 30 who Sot ‘weaand decrpat oer area 3 and 8 "Yar ago an Englth dtr wrote “Ap tn vine 0 it un Eesti ie ‘t's qu, a at of carotene In youth, the oxpans and stractses ase esti, lable, and picking? the scan age hum, the mind active. OW Age'thce “quasar usurped by sty, enaeton, The senes ae asking sepa, th md i on 1 OM Age the ates have tustened the wal aod esl: sci ced Src pts nd by Sen the Blood supely tothe orane grow esta em, Mac ee dete ‘ration andthe faliog ef the fancies ‘ardning and thelanag of the Haul vel i no the wore ‘of Time, bot of the cathy matter deposited by the loosed the Sins cn yb Yue oe ogee a ‘nals sbows atthe Blood lds satan che earthy als, (he ekaeous and osseous substances of the sume ida thes ‘gong agent a teal od sn oe tha eons. Th rs tht each ele ofthe Bod lever Cops ofthese Senn gents, Tis the common cai hat logs te stem. But spy ‘Butt be replenished Whence comes the wow sappy? Homa fod and drake fom drugs aad medicine, There ie mo other a —

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