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Nat Williams, a L.S.

c/o 123 Anywhere street )
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11216 )
Secured Party Creditor, The People, )
Sovereign Elector Sui Juris, )

----- Above Space for Official Recording -----


That you understand within this Administrative Remedy Process we are extending to all parties, as your
Affiant Nat Williams a LS! Gen 2:7 KJV ), I do not intend or wish to cause you or your party(s) any
personal or commercial harm or ill-will. I am only exercising my right as a ”Living Soul ( Gen2:7 K] V ),
known as We the People“ and a “Witness“ to this subject matter with firsthand knowledge to uphold
the Law in any Court in the united States of America. I wish to resolve all the matter(s) dealing with this
subject matter in and with full peace and with honor.

I will always give you notice and full knowledge of everything I intend on acting upon throughout this
Administrative Remedy Process . There will no surprises from Nat Williams a L.S., also, I will always
allow remedy to you and your parties at any time of this process. Everything I do is with good intention
and with good and clean hands.

You fully understand that Nat Williams, a L.S. is coming in honor and peace and is honorably demanding
you and your parties to dismiss any and ALL alleged charges or dismiss with prejudice the alleged
charges for the following Cause before this matter continues to create more controversy than required.
You understand that we are here to help you and your party(s) resolve this matter immediately. That if
you persist and pursue this matter without the authenticated proof of claim against must be in upper
and lower case (Me) Nat Williams, a L.S., you are violation of the rights of Nat Williams, a L.S., The
People your Affiant and that you intend to dishonor and trespass against Nat Williams, a L.S. And the
courts and you are willing to pay all damages for civil, statutory, personal, treble, commercial damages.

To indemnify my position as Beneficiary, and come with clean hands and in honor, I further require the
Prosecutor to certify my right to subrogation, and therefore I authorize the Prosecutor to settle all
Charges and Accounts related to the Charges and or Securities associated with Case # in this matter.
Authorization is hereby granted and required subrogation action is to be completed with 72 hours or
receipt. Thank you, Sincerely “With Honor and Peace" by “Your Affiant" Nat Williams, L.S.

Nat Williams, at” )
c/o 1108 Dean Street #2B )
Brooklyn, New York [11216] )
Secured Party Creditor, The People, )
Sovereign Elector Sui Juris, )
Moving Party )
vs. )
ASSISTANT U.S. ATTO RN EY, Dewey Cheetum )
Bar Card # )
321 Main street )
Boise, Idaho )
_______________________________________ )

Alleged Case # 29-CR-17-1234 Prosecutor file# 17CR03456

CERTIFIED MAIL 7016 1970 0000 1234 1111


I, John Henry Doe, L.S as a Living Soul, over the age of twenty-one years, competent with firsthand
knowledge do state that on the day of the ____ day of February, 2020 a Presentment of Inquiry of the
following questions are true, correct and not misleading to the best of my ability as Nat Williams, a L.S
, a Living Soul. Is in (Gen 2:7 KJV l

1. Question: Do you ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, Dewey Cheetum, and All personnel involved,
know me personally Nat Williams, a L.S.?
Answer: __Yes or __No We Do Not.

2. Question: Do you ASSISTANT U.S. ATTO RN EY, Dewey Cheetum and All personnel involved
have any firsthand knowledge of anything you are presenting to the court about me personally
as a Living Soul Nat Williams, a L.S.
Answer __Yes or __ No We Do Not

3. Question: Do I, Nat Williams, a L.S. have a contract with the ENTITY KNOWN AS UNITED STATES
OF AM ERICA U.S. ATTORNEY OFFICE regarding any subject matters?

Answer __Yes or __ No We Do Not.

4. Question: Do you, ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, Dewey Cheetum and All personnel involved
have a certified proof of claim against me personally Nat Williams, a L.S.
for (Tort) damages?
Answer __Yes or __ No We Do Not

5. Question: Can you, ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, Dewey Cheetum and All personnel involved or
the firm you are associated with litigate against a (Living Soul, (me) known as
Nat Wlliams, a L.S?
Answer: __Yes or __ No We Do Not.

6. Question: ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, Dewey Cheetum and All personnel involved, you are
bound by said public Oath/Trust/Allegiance to the ”Living Soul: flesh and blood and breathing”
Nat Willaims, a L.S ? inter alia, to uphold the laws of the Constitution , State of Idaho and of
The united States of America by pledge in Common Law, Contract Law and of the UCC Law?
Answer: __ Yes or __ No We Do Not.

7. Question: That you ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, Dewey Cheetum and All personnel involved,
you do fully understand that you cannot credibly claim "Ignorance of the Law" as defense or
excuse for your behavior or actions toward or against me personally. Nat Williams, Doe, a L.S?

Answer: __Yes or __ No We Do Not.

8. Question: ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, Dewey Cheetum is Idaho or the UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA incorporated
Answer: __Yes or__ No We Do Not.

9. Question: ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, Dewey Cheetum does any Corporation have Subject
Matter Jurisdiction over me Personally Nat Williams, a L.S. That I don’t work for?

Answer: __Yes or__ No We Do Not.

10. Question: John Henry Doe, a L.S. did CID Agent Ralph Cramden mirandize Nat Williams, L.S. at
the time of the arrest, as the Living man? Explain - for example: He was not there to have any
Firsthand Knowledge only second or third hand opinion. Better Known as “Hearsay”. Hearsay is
NOT permissible in a Court of Law as factual truth.

Answer: __Yes or__ No We Do Not.

11. Question: ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, Dewey Cheetum, Does any Corporation have Subject
Matter Jurisdiction over me, John Henry Doe, a L.S (a Living Soul), ”living: flesh and blood and
breathing” not a Corporation or a Fiction, as you refer to when you allegedly address me (Nat
Williams, a L.S ) by your office or the Court is in UPPER CASE LETTERS or in any form using
Theron J. Marrs, as shown in all the documents given to (me ) Nat Williams, a L.S. that is a
Fiction not ”living: flesh, blood or breathing”?
Answer: __Yes or__ No We Do Not.

12. Question: ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, Dewey Cheetum —As Beneficiary of any Trust or
Securities being administered in this case without my express authorization, will you certify my
right to subrogation in this case and proceed to set off, settle, and dismiss this matter, before I
bring this up in open court further? If not please explain why I do not have a right to

Answer: __Yes or__ No We Do Not.

Nat Williams

Sworn to Before on
On this ____ day of _________ 2020

Notary Public


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