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Why Your Loans Under the Fed System Should Be Cancelled

The loans that can be cancelled are really magic tricks. They are the vast majority of Instances where
Visas. MasterCards, and other unsecured lines of credit received money that the financial institutions
created under the Federal Reserve system, and never had any deduction out of their accounts. Rather,
they simply did a computer entry, where they created it out of thin air. This is called the Mandrake
Mechanism. They have nothing at risk. They fact that they pretend otherwise is fraud. This is ln violation
of various lending laws, with which we control them.

Thus the reason we have a 100% success rate in cancelling those debts is that we challenge them to
prove that they really loaned something, that money really came out of their accounts, and that they
had something at risk. They can‘t do it. They consistently default on our requests for discovery. So they
quietly let us go, and cease trying to claim or collect.

But for every one of us, there are a million others who are clueless, who blindly go on paying their hard
earned money to the international crime syndicate called the money lenders. In truth, they are
'pretender lenders". So, another reason why this syndicate lets us go, is that there are so few of us.
Those of us who challenge the phony bogus 'loans' and get them cancelled are such a tiny minority of
the population, that the syndicate just considers it a cost of doing business and they go on exploiting
everyone else.

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