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National College of Business and Arts

Cubao, Quezon City

Basic Education Department
Junior High
4th Quarter
School Year: 2019 – 2020


Name: ________________________________________ Score: ____________

Gr./Sec: _______________________________________ Date: ____________

I. Identification. Match the following terms of the following description. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.
a.Blessed single life f.vices k.prostitution
b.pornography g.manipulation l.sexuality q. bisexual
c.gender h.exploitation m.fraternity r. social media
d.bullying i.consecrated life n.married life s.values
e.homosexuality o.corporal punishment t. OFW

______1. A place for socialization and molding the future generation.

______2. It is to control or influence a person cleverly or to gain upper hand on that person.
______3. It is the role of the person in the society.
______4. Alan committed his life by serving God.
______5. It is an organization of men associated together for various religious or secular aims and some
of them use initiation to be part of.
______6. It is an adult entertainment that can affect the person’s sexual behavior.
______7. It is a bad habit that can affect your body if use keep using it.
______8. It is the biological difference between male and female.
______9. Ellie choose to live on her own and travel all over the world.
______10. It is a repetitive verbal or physical abuse that can affect the person’s physical, psychological
and emotional.
______11. The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
______12. A person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
______13. It is to cause physical pain to a person and most often practised on minors, especially in home
and school settings.
______14. Lucas ended up getting married to his highschool sweetheart.
______15. The practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.
______16. The confuse gender.
______17. The cause of depression in the modern world.
______18. People who work abroad for the sake of having a wealthy life for his or her family.
______19. The totality of a person.
______20. A person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.

II. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the line.
____1. What is homophobia?
a. Anti-gay prejudice
b. negative attitudes toward homosexuals
c. homo-negativism
d. all of the above
____2. Ideals on what is right against what is wrong direct one’s thinking and behavior. These ideals are
known as:
a. Values b. Goals c. Purposes d. Attitudes
____3. Which of the following is NOT a sign that someone is being bullied?
a. Loss or destruction of possessions
b. Unexplainable injuries
c. Change in eating habits
d. Becoming friends with more people
____4. What is known about lesbian, gay, and bisexual communities?
a. They exist primarily in bars
b. Most of the people in them are in their 20's
c. Networks of them exist around the world
d. The vast majority of them exist in the Thailand and Canada only.
____5. How can schools help to prevent bullying?
a. Build a safe school environment
b. Laugh when a student tells you have been bullied
c. Don’t teach students about bullying
d. Don’t punish the bully
____6. Who should you tell if you are being bullied?
a. A trusted adult b. No one c. The bully d. A bystander
____7. If you are being bullied, what is the smartest thing to do?
a. Walk away
b. Get in physical fight with the bully
c. Try to make fun of the bully
d. Get in the fetal position and cry
____8. Which of the following is NOT a main type of bullying?
a. Physical b. Social c. School d.Cyber
____9. What is meant by identity confusion?
a. assumed sexual identity Social
b. identity tolerance
c. identity synthesis
d. the homosexual who has not yet realized his true sexual orientation
____10. What is the best training ground to develop skills in decision-making of a child?
a. Home b. School c. Church d. Society

III. Write T if the statement is True and F if it is false.

____1. Bullying is mostly a male behavior.
____2. Bullies are insecure and have low self-esteem.
____3. Targets of bullies are usually kids with physical differences (overweight, funny looking, etc.).
____4. Once a bully always a bully.
____5. We adults and students should report bullying because it almost always makes the situation
____6. Buddhism is the only major world religion that does not condemn homosexuality.
____7. Fighting back against a bully will not solve the problem.
____8. Being involved in gay rights often brings professional visibility and opportunities for advancement.
____9. “If you really loved me, you’d never question me.”, is a form of manipulation.
____10. The best way to deal with a bully is by fighting them and getting even.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Ms. Aileen Joy C. Casipe Ms. Eileen Estrada

Teacher Academic/Subject Coordinator

Noted by:

Mrs. Veronica F. Caro


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