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Background of the study

The locus of control (LOC) is a significant variable that explains individual differences, focusing
on the main idea that an individual’s personality represents an interaction with his or her
environment. Theory of locus of control attempts to interpret individual motivation and its
differences, it assumes about an individual's belief about locus of control. Individuals with an
internal locus of control (ILOC) believe that the outcomes of events to be internally
controllable, they attribute their success and failure to themselves (personal skills, effort) and
external locus of control (ELOC) who attribute their success and failure beyond their control
(luck, external circumstances). In other words, an individual’s personal efforts, pattern of
behavior or abilities will influence and identify outcomes of their actions.

A positive relationship between internal locus of control and motivation and

achievement in school has been supported by research. Sheiki Fini & Yousefzadeh (2011) have
significantly found a positive correlation between achievement motivation, locus of control and
educational promotion, whereas students with internal locus of control believe that the
outcome of their effort and planning results to their educational achievement and grades. The
internal and external locus of control were analysed to further substantial aspects in daily life of
students, this includes academic achievement, self-concepts, self-efficacy, achievement
motivation, optimism and so on (Sagone & De Caroli, 2014;Ghamsemzadeh & Saadat,
2011;Sheiki Fini & Yousefzadeh, 2011, Nilson-Whitten, Morder & Kapakla, 2007).


Cetinkalp, Z.K., 2010. The Relationship Between Academic Locus of Control and Achievement
Goals among Physical Education Teaching Program Students. World Applied Sciences Journal
10(11): 1387-1391

Fini, Ali & Yousefzadeh, Mitra. (2011). Survey on Relationship of Achievement Motivation, Locus
of Control and Academic Achievement in High School Students of Bandar Abbas (Iran). Procedia
- Social and Behavioral Sciences. 30. 866-870. 10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.10.168.

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