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Rise Above Guidebook


© 2017 by Maxpersuasion Inc. and Kenrick E. Cleveland

Rise Above Guidebook

NIS GOAL: Focus yourself on what you DO have and just how fortunate you are.

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrow, it empties today of strength.”

Corrie Ten Boom

Fact: Human beings, by nature, do not like the unknown. However, the unknown can lead to the
greatest advancements if we allow it. And when faced with chaos, we are provided the chance to
build things even better than they were previously in our lives.

EXERCISE: How to re-build yourself more powerfully and reliably

1. Re-tune how you think about things… retraining your reticular activating system to see and
find solutions.
• Focus on what you are grateful for in your life.
• Begin a journal of things you are grateful for each day – use a notebook if you like
to write by hand or start a new document on your computer if you prefer to type…
date the entry… then list 5 things you are grateful for. Now, look around yourself
for something that you might see as ugly or bad (like a broken glass bottle on the
sidewalk) and ask yourself what is beautiful, good or positive about it. Add that to
your daily entry. Do this exercise every day when you get up and every night just
before you go to sleep. You should have 10 things you are grateful for plus 2 things
you now find the beauty within.
2. Focus on what you need or what in your life right now… add it to your daily journal entry.
• If you have listed more than one need or desire, take a minute to prioritize your list.
3. Think about the resources you can be thankful for to help you more in the direction of your
• Focus your gratitude practice in this direction every morning and evening.
• Resources include books, courses, friends, etc.

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4. Each morning and evening, as you look back at your daily journal and see your needs and
wants… you will see how you became grateful for the resources you had and how those
brought you forward to your accomplishments.
• Your journal will transform from not only what you are grateful for but one of
success after success.
5. Use the Neuro Imprinting Session™ daily.

*This program should be done over a 12 week period and can (and should) continue indefinitely.

Note: Why write this in a journal… There are several reasons. One of the biggest reasons is to
retrain your reticular activating system. Instead of seeing the problems, you learn to see what you
need to get ahead. Also, when you identify resources in your life and think with gratitude, it begins
to help you identify more. As you do this, you build a record of successes. And that, is what you
are going for. As you move from success to success, the negatives transform. Soon, you can look
back through this document and be amazed at the transformation in your life.


Daily Exercise Summary:

1. Make a list of what you want of need right now. Prioritize it in your journal so you know
the one thing you are going for.
• Add or cross off your list as you need to as you continue.
2. Each morning when you wake up and every evening before bed… journal 5 things you are
grateful for. These can be things you are grateful for in general, but even better if they are
resources that will help you get to where you want to be. Or they can be a combination of
both. Now, look around yourself for something that you might see as ugly or bad (like a
broken glass bottle on the sidewalk) and ask yourself what is beautiful, good or positive

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about it. Add that to your daily entry. At the end of the day, you should have 10 things
you are grateful for plus 2 things you now find the beauty within.
3. Add to your daily journal entry the resources you can be thankful for that will help more
you towards your wants or needs.
4. Each morning and evening, as you look back at your daily journal and see your needs and
wants… you will see how you became grateful for the resources you had and how those
brought you forward to your accomplishments.
5. Use the Neuro Imprinting Session™ daily.

*This program should be done over a 12 week period and can (and should) continue indefinitely.


Master Wants, Needs, Desires List

Wants, Needs, Desires: by definition… something you are looking for in your life right now.

For example: I want to create a better work/home balance... or I want to eliminate stress.

My Wants, Needs, Desires: (prioritize the list in order or importance to you)

1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________

*See attached sample journal page for your convenience.


Example 1: A person's home was flooded. They moved what they could salvage. Now they are
staying with friends and need to rent a home. Here is their journal.

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Master List of Wants and Needs

1. Find new home to rent

2. Find used furniture if possible, a bed and sofa.

Daily Journal - Things I'm grateful for.

Tuesday Sept. 19 2017


I'm grateful for my friends that have let us stay with them for a bit.
2. I'm grateful for the list I found at our church showing houses for rent.
3. I'm grateful for the garage sales I see popping up that I can look for affordable furniture.
4. I'm grateful for my friend Linda who is a Real Estate agent that is now building a list of homes
for rent to help people move.
5. I'm grateful that my husband and I have a good business that will help see us through this.

Twist: Our furniture has needed replacing for a long time. This gives me the motivation to get it
done now.


1. I'm grateful that Linda gave me a whole list of places to call.

2. I'm grateful and excited that we have 3 lined up to look at this weekend.

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3. I'm grateful that I'm calm and thinking proactively about what we need to do.
4. I'm grateful that I'm seeing more and more positive opportunities.
5. I'm grateful for the Rising Above Neuro Imprinting Session© that is helping me be charged up
and take action.

Twist: A client called upset today. I'm grateful I heard the fear in their voice and was able to help
them solve a major problem. Now, I have another friend.

Example 2: A man wakes up one morning and begins thinking about his life. He knows he can and
should be doing better. He has a business and he has a family. He loves both. And he believes it is
time to grow the business so he writes as follows:

Master List of Wants and Needs

1. Analyze my business for what I can do to make it grow.

2. Create a superior marketing strategy after the above analysis.
3. Get in better shape. Lose 50 pounds.
4. Get out more and socialize.
5. Read more.

Daily Journal - Things I'm grateful for.

Tuesday Sept. 19 2017


1. I'm grateful my business has been there and supported us for many years.
2. I'm grateful I can do what I love.
3. I'm grateful for the book Expert Secrets that gives what looks to be very interesting strategies. I

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will out line those.

4. I'm grateful for my partner who is working hard to bring us to the next level.
5. I'm grateful my wife supports me and stands beside me doing all she can as well.

Twist: Looking at my books, I see a really ugly cover all ripped up and torn. Makes me realize the
value is within and makes me proud I see the inner value in people as well.


1. I'm grateful I found a process I can use to improve what I do with what I produce.
2. I'm grateful our business had a very good day today in sales.
3. I'm grateful for the list we made of things to implement. This is exciting. And I'm really excited I
was able to complete the first one.
4. I'm grateful for the fruit I see growing out back. It gives me a connection to the earth that makes
me realize I am accomplishing a childhood dream.
5. I'm grateful that I bought the warranty for my phone almost two years ago. Now, my new one is
already on it's way to me.

Twist: It rained so hard it made it so I couldn't do what I wanted to do. So instead I sat on the
porch and gave some quality attention to my dogs. We all had a great time.


Please Help Us:

If you find this information valuable… please encourage anyone you know to go to the URL listed
below to receive a FREE copy of this material for themselves. Feel free to tell organizations,
churches, schools, hospitals, first responders, evacuation centers and anyone and everyone that
you think would benefit from it. It will remain free. Please do not give this away yourself, but

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encourage people to go to this URL to get it. Even those not affected by a natural disaster will
benefit from this material.


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Rise Above: Daily Journal Entry Date: ___________________________


5 Things and/or Resources I am Grateful For:

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

Twist: 1 Thing I Currently Find Ugly and Now Can See The Beauty, Positive, Good In:
1. ________________________________________________________________________


5 Things and/or Resources I am Grateful For:

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

Twist: 1 Thing I Currently Find Ugly and Now Can See The Beauty, Positive, Good In:
1. ________________________________________________________________________

© 2017 by Maxpersuasion Inc. and Kenrick E. Cleveland

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