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Presentation 13 Notes

How to Live Longer and Better

I. Our Bodies, God’s Glory, and God’s Temple
a. Rev 14:7 Today is the time to fear God/give Him glory
b. 1 Cor 10:31 This means praising Him with our lifestyle
c. Rom 12:1 We offer our bodies as a sacrifice to God in view of His infinite
sacrifice for us
d. 1 Cor 6:19, 20 Our bodies are the temple of the Spirit
e. 1 Cor 3:16, 17 Defiling the temple leads to destruction
f. 3 John 2 What God wants for us: prosperity and health
g. Health experts have suggested eight components leading to good health:
Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust in God

II. The Problem with Smoking and Drugs

a. Rom 6:16 Any addiction means slavery to something
b. The use of tobacco or drugs shortens a person’s life:
i. Each cigarette takes 15 min. of a smoker’s life
ii. Smoking causes cancer, heart disease/strokes
iii. Smoking/drug addictions can be hard to quit
c. Quitting an addiction lengthens a person’s life:
i. There are immediate medical and health improvements when someone
ii. Rom 5:20 God will provide grace and strength to quit
III. The Problem with Alcohol Consumption
a. Prov 20:1; 23:29-33 Alcohol consumption is destined to bring trouble, even
i. It affects the conscience, reason, and judgment
ii. It produces addiction: 2 of 5 become alcoholics
b. John 2:6-10 Jesus made water into new wine (“oinou”)
i. Isa 65:8 New wine is unfermented grape juice
ii. Matt 27:34 Christ refused to drink alcohol
c. 1 Tim 5:23 Grape juice (new wine) is recommended

IV. Diet in the Bible

a. Gen 1:29 The original diet was grains (seeds) and fruit
b. Gen 3:18 Vegetables (plants) were added after the Fall
c. Gen 7:1-2 The addition of meat shortened lifespans
d. Lev 3:17 Meat eaters should avoid both fat and blood

V. “Clean” and “Unclean” Foods

a. Ps 84:11 God will withhold nothing good for us
b. Deut 14:6-8 Some meat can be eaten and some not:
i. Clean meat comes from animals that have a split hoof and that chew
the cud
ii. Some animal meats are to be especially avoided, like camel, rock
badger, and swine:
1. P ork is very high in fat (cholesterol) and often has
trichina larvae in it
2. Isa 66:15-17 Swine meat eating was tied to idolatry; it was
offensive to God
c. Phil 3:19 Appetite can be a form of idolatry
d. Deut 14:9, 10 Some fish can be eaten and some not:
i. Edible fish have fins and scales
ii. Fish that should be avoided have no fins/scales
1. Crab, lobster, shrimp, oyster, clams, shellfish, catfish
2. This type of sea “food” has a very high level of toxicity for the
human body
e. Acts 10:13, 28, 34, 35 Peter’s dream was not about eating unclean meats but
about accepting Gentiles!

VI. The Power to Overcome

a. Phil 4:13 We can overcome all things through Christ
b. 1 Thess 5:23 God can preserve our body blameless

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