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11699 SW 147th Ave, Miami, FL 33196

principal's message
Salaam. I start with Praise and Thanks to Allah, the Creator of all that is seen and unseen.
Praise be to the One Who Only needs to desire something and it immediately comes to be.
Praise be to the One upon Whom all of the creation is dependent, while Himself being
independent. I thank Him for His greatest bounty of sending Mohammad (sm) on to Earth
as a guide for all of Mankind. I also convey my salutation to the greatest teacher to set foot
on Earth, the Habib of Allah (sm), who taught us how to become real human beings.

There is no doubt in my heart that we, as a community, can never thank Allah enough for
all of the bounties He has showered upon us. Alhumdulillah, He allowed me to be here on
the first day of the school. The blessed morning of August 21, 2012 started with the
assembly of 23 munawwar souls. The P.E shelter proved to be more than accommodating
for the all of the students, staff, and parents that attended that great day. Allah alone has
brought us so far ahead. We are now over 100 students. At times of the week, we are using
every single room in both of the buildings. Alhumdulillah we are moving steadily with the
city to get approvals for a new building to be built on the facility.

I would like to let all the readers know how proud I am of our students. MashaAllah they
are progressing in both Islamic and Academic Sciences in an enviable manner. I would like
to express special pleasure over this newsletter which is being initiated by the 10-12 grade
girls. We have been teaching them that their Deen is not an obstacle for them, and to
perform acts that would help leave a legacy behind. Today with this newsletter, I hope and
pray that they have proved me true. MashaAllah you will be able to notice their literary
skills throughout the different articles.

Lastly, I would like to thank two of the most important stakeholders in the school: The
Parents and The Community. Allah has blessed you with so much that you cannot realize.
You are the people Allah utilized to establish this school. I pray to Allah to every increase
His blessings on all of us. Ameen.

Ali Siddiqi


We would like to welcome you to the Islamic School of

hadith Miami Newsletter. In 2012, the school began with 23
sr. jennifer's social students; now, we stand tall with over 100 students
studies class ranging from kindergarten to high school. The Islamic
al-fatah School of Miami strives to provide an environment
sr. farzana's science where your children grow to be successful in this life
class and the next. This consecutive article will provide an
honor roll students
insight on the periodic events and activities
field day
conducted around the school. The High School
principal's note
Academy girls initiated this project with intent to
continue it through generations of ISOM students.
We hope to present this newsletter as sadaqah jariyah, an ongoing charity. With
collaboration through research, interviewing, and photography, we strive to
provide parents and community members access to an authentic glimpse of the
classrooms, including projects done by your very own children. Not only will this
newsletter allow us to exercise and improve our writing skills, but it will also
supply us with several community service hours (these hours are necessary in
order for high school students to obtain certain scholarships, financial aid, and
can also be contributing factors in a student's acceptance to a college). We
encourage any feedback, suggestions, and/or support for the students working on
this newsletter.

hadith of the month

One of the ongoing components of this newsletter is a monthly
hadith picked by the students.

On the authority of Anas bin Malik (rA), the Prophet (saw) said: “ None of you
[truly] believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”
(Reported in Bukhari and Muslim)

sr. jennifer's social studies class

Two weeks ago, Sr. Jennifer, one of She explained how this could be a
our school’s Language Arts way to decrease and help solve the
teachers, assigned her Fourth issue of pollution. In this way, the
Grade class a project. They were students are taught not only to
told to write about issues discuss current issues, but to also
concerning cities such as traffic and be problem solvers and smart
air pollution. Juwayria Tasneem, thinkers. May Allah (swt) guide
one of the students in her class, our children and allow them to
said, “ lower prices of electric become great contributors to their
cars so more people can use them,” January 29th 2019 community.

al-fatah : the opener

Each month, we will write about one name of Allah and how his trait is prevalent in our lives.
As humans, our capabilities are limited, but Al-Fatah‘s power holds no boundaries.
When we face difficulties, Al-Fatah is the one who can open our doors in ways we don’t
expect. Allah has shown our community this attribute through opening so many new
opportunities for our school. Over time, many different developments have been
implemented in ISOM. For example, last year, Al-Fatah granted us a BookMobile,
allowing students easy accessibility to books at school. Students are encouraged to
stop by during dismissal on Mondays at 2:30 to order/pick up books. Lastly, Al-Fatah
has opened this Newsletter as an opportunity for us, the students, to exercise our
writing abilities and also share valuable insight with parents.
sr. farzana's science class
Recently, Sister Farzana's first- Allah has given many homes to all
grade class learned about different types animals and
different habitats, specific people.” When students learn
weathers, and the condition of the about different habitats, they
animals. Soha Qureshi, one of the begin to understand the different
students, said, “One of the circumstances other creations live
habitats we learned about was the in. Not only does it broaden their
desert. It’s home to different understanding of the world
animals, and even though there around them, but also gives them
isn’t water there, Allah created a better look at the beauty Allah
these animals to survive in the January 24th 2019 (swt)  has stored in this world for
desert without it. us.

honor roll students field day

ISOM is introducing it's first Honor Roll. The annual Islamic School of Miami Field
These are students who've achieved straight Day of 2018-2019 will be held on the  27th
A's in Academics Mastery, E's in Akhlaq, and
and 28th of this month. Wednesday,
E's in Academic Effort. Additionally, they
February 27th will be for the boys, while
have also maintained satisfactory
attendance. Thursday, February 28th is for the girls.
Inshaa Allah all parents are invited to
Kindergarten join the school for the boys’ field day, but
Aesha Siddika
the girls’ field day will be exclusively
Aleea Salakin
limited to females.
1st Grade
Sauda Sulaiman
Soha Qureshi credits
Introduction : Sumaiya Syeda
2nd Grade
Aisha Sayed
Hadith: Laiba Samdani
Amira Awad
Zayd Fatani
Sr. Jennifer's S.S Class: Betule Zlekhah
4th Grade
Zayna Malik Al-Fatah: Fatima Siddiqi
7th Grade
Ayesha Iqbal Sr. Farzana's Science Class: Fatima Siddiqi

8th Grade
Honor Roll Students: Sumaiya Syeda
Fariha Azadi
9th Grade Field Day: Sumaiya Syeda
Dayyan Shahzad
Dua: Sumaiya Syeda

We'd like to send our support towards those who have passed and their families. Sister Shazi,
one of our teachers, recently experienced the passing of her younger sister, Bushra Tahir.
Another teacher, Sheikh Abdul Halim, also lost his father, Sheikh Abdul Wamid. We request
your sincere prayers and duas for them and their families. May Allah (swt) give them peace
and protection in the grave and grant them Jannatul Firdous. Ameen.

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