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In the present scenario, the CSR is gaining a lot of importance in the Corporate World. Though CSR is an old conceot and can
be traced in the long last history.In Gerneral Sense, CSR refers to the idea that companies need to invest in socially and
environmentally relevant causes in order to interact and operate with concerned parties having a stake in the company’s
work. CSR is termed as “Triple-Bottom-Line-Approach”, which is meant to help the company promote its commercial interests
along with the responsibilities it holds towards the society at large. CSR is not a new concept had its history over a lon time.
The stages of the development of CSR Laws are at four levels. The first step toward Legal recognition of CSR is the Corporate
Social Responsibility Voluntary Guidelines 2009. Further, Section 135 The The Companies Act, 2013 was formulated and
prescribed the categories of Companies which has to abide by the CSR. The paper is structured in to 2 parts. The first part
deals with the Comparison of CSR in U.S, U.K and India is made and they are distict in their own way. However, the Indian CSR
Laws are adopted from U.K. The Second part covers the all the aspects pertaining to the Recent Amendment in 2019 to the
Companies Act, 2013 which included the Penalty Provisions resulting in the strict implementation of law.

Sources Similarity
CSR laws in India - Provision under the Companies Act, 2013 - iPleadersCompare text invest in socially and environmentally relevant causes in order to interact and operate with concerned parties having a stake in
the company’s work.this will help corporate undertakings to take up a lot more social, economic and environmental activities in order 20%
to help the general populace.

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