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Dynasties of Ancient India

Few Janapadas arose towards the end of the Vedic period

Janpada became mahajanpadas

Pali text mention 16 mahajanpadas-magadha, koshalvatsa, Avanti were the powerful

Magadhan Empire

 Bimbisara(544 BC to 492 BC)-Haryanka Dynasty

 Ajatsatru(492 BC to 460 BC)-He killed his father bimbisara
 Udain(460 BC to 444 BC)-Ajatsatru was succeeded by udain.
 Shishunagar-Udain was succeeded by the dynasty of shishunagar.
 Nanda-Shishunaga was succeeded by Nanda
 Rich and Powerful,Maintain 200000 infantry,60,000 cavelry & 3000-6000 war
 Effective taxation system.
 Alexander who invaded Punjab at that time dare not more towards the east.

Mauryan Dynasty
Chandragupta maurya

 The 1st ruler who overthrew nanda dynasty with the help of chanakya
 He has been called sandrocottus by Greek scholars
 Chandragupta defeated seleucus nikator (the general of lexander-30 BC), who later sent
megasthenese the author of India-to Chandra gupta’s court.
 Mother was mura-a shudra woman in Nanda’s Court
 King was assisted by the council-megasthenese
 Chandragupta’s city was administered by 6 committees.
 Mudra rakshasa was written by Vishakhadatta, describes about machination of
chanakya against Chandragupta’s enemy.
 He maintains huge army and also maintain navy
 He adopted Jainism and went to Sravanabelgola with bhadrabahu

Ashoka (273 bC-232 BC)

 Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded by Bindusara and his son Ashoka is the greatest
of the mauryan ruler.
 He killed 99 brothers to win the throne
 Ashok was appointed as the viceroy of taxila and Ujjain by his father Bindusara
 He was called devanamapriya (dear to god)
 Ashoka is reconstructed on the basis of his inscription 39 in number –major rock
edicts, minor rock edicts, separate rock edicts, major pillar edicts and minor pillar
 The name Ashoka occurs in copies of minor rock edict I found at 3 place in Karnataka
and at one in MP.
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 Languages(script)composed in prakrit language and Brahmi script in part of sub-

 North –western part of the subcontinent –Aramaic language & Kharosti Script
 Ashok was the 1st king to maintain direct contact with people through inscription.
 Kalinga war-(261BC)-mentioned in 13th Major Rock Edict-Converted Ashoka to
Buddhism Under Upagupta.
 Ashoka called piyadasi (good Looking)
 Ashoka Practice Dhamma
 Sanchi stupa was built by Ashoka.
 Ashokan Inscription called dhammalipi

The Indo-Greeks
 A series of invasion began in about 200 BC.
 Famous Indo-Greek Ruler-Mehander(165 BC to 145 BC).also called Milinda,his capital
was sakala (Modern Sialkot)in Punjab.
 He was converted to Buddhism by nagasena-known as nagarjuna-Milindapanho or
question of milinda.
 Indo-Greek were 1st ruler who issue coins-that can attribute to particular king.
 He also issued gold coins 1st time in India
 Indo-Greek-introduce gandhara art.

The Sakas
 The Greek were followed by the shakas or the Scythians destroy Greek power in both
bactria and India.
 Shaka rule until the 4th CAD in western India.
 About 57-58 BC-King of Ujjain fought against the shakas-king of Ujjain vikramaditya
defeated shakas and the era called vikram samrat is reckoned from his victory over the
shakas is 57 BC.

The Parthians
 Shaka and Parthian(pahlavas)-Both of them ruled in India in parallel time.
 Parthian came from Iran
 Famous Parthian king was gondophernes

The kushans
 The Parthians were followed by the kushans, who were also called yechi or tocherian.
 1st king of khadphises-I-who issue coin in south of Hindu Kush-Mainly of copper
 2nd king of khadphises-II-who issue large number of gold coins with purity.
 Kanishka was the famous kushan ruler.
 He known to history of 2 reasons.
 First-he started an era in AD 78 which is known as shaka era and is used by the
government of India.
 Second-kanishka extend his whole hearted patronage to Buddha.
 In the royal court of kanishka,a Host of scholars found patronage, like
pensva,vasumitra,asvahosa,nagarjuna charak(physical)and mathara.

The Sunga Dynasty (185 BC to 73 BC)

Sunga Dynasty was established by pushymaitra sunga.
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 -They are Brahmin.the period saw the revival of bhagvatism

 -Patanjali wrote “Mahabhasya” at this time.
 -Bharhat stupa is the most famous monument of the sunga period.

First - he started an era in AD 78 which is known as shaka era and is used by The
government of India.
Second - Kanishka extend his whole hearted patronage to buddha .

 In the royal court of Kanishka, a host of scholars found patronage, like

persva,vasumitra, asvaghosha,nagarguna,charak(physical) and mathara

The Sunga Dynasty (185 BC To 73 BC)

Sunga dynasty was established by pushyamitra Sunga.

 They are brahamins, the period saw the revival of bhagvatism

 Patanjali wrote “ Masahisa” at this time.
 Bharhut stupa is the most famous monument of the sunga period

The Satavahanas
 Simuka(60 -37 BC) was the founder of satavahana dynasty
 Satavahanas extended their power over Karnataka and Andhra
 Gautami putra satakarni (AD 106-30) he defeated shaka and destroyed many Kshatriya
 Vashishthiputra pulumayi ( AD 130- 54) found in Andhra
 Ikshvakus – successor of satavahanas in early 3rd CAD
 The official language f satavahanas was prakrit.
 Issued coin of lead ( mainly) copper, bronze and potin.
 Satavahanas family structure- matrilineal
 Satavahanas phases – many chaityas ( sacred shrine) and monasteries were cut out of
solid rocks.

Chaitya – Buddhist temple.

Viharas – monasteries

 Gautami putra satakarni claim to be known as Brahmin

 Dharma shastras – king was upholder of dharma.
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Sangam age
 Life of the Tamil in the beginning of the historical period is based on the Sangam
 Sangam age corresponds to the post Maurya and pre Guptas period.
 Sangam was a college or assembly of Tamil poet held probably under the patronage of
the chief or kings.
 Sangam literature divided into 2 groups .
Narrative – malkann akku -- eight major work.
Didactive – kilkann akku – eighteen major work
Three Sangam were held
1. At Madurai – chairman Agastya
2. At y – chairman tilapia
3. At Madurai – chairman nakkiran

 Kurul by tiruvalluvas is called the 5th Veda or the bible of Tamil land
 Manimekalai – written by a grain merchant of Madurai .

Gupta period
On the ruin of Kushan empire arose a new empire that established its way over a sustained
part of dominion of Kushan – this was the empire of the Guptas- Vaishya origin

Different title for different varna

1. Sharman- Brahmana
2. Gupta or hidden – Vaishya
3. Varman – Kshatriya
4. Dasa – shudra
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Gupta empire ( AD 335 to 455)

Chandragupta I ( AD 319 -34)

 1st important king of Guptas dynasty ,married to lichchhavi princes ( Kshatriya)

 Acquire the title of maharaja dhiraja
 He able to established his authority over Magadha, prayaga and saketa.

Samudragupta ( AD 335- 380)

 He was successor and son of Chandragupta
 Samudragupta delight in violence and conquest
 His court poet was harisena , the author of Allahabad
 Meghavarman the ruler of srilanka , sent a missionary to his court for permission to
build a Buddhist temple at Gaya
 He was called the napoleon of India ( by VA smith) on account of his conquest.

Chandragupta 2( AD 380 – 414 )

 Mehrauli inscription – the exploit of a king called Chandra are glorified in an iron pillar
inscription fixed near Qutab minar in Delhi .
 The court of Chandragupta II at Ujjain was adorned by numerous scholars including
Kalidas a and amra simha.
 In his reign the Chinese pilgrim fa-Hien ( AD 399-414) visited his court
 He was the first ruler to introduce silver coin in the memory of victory over sakas and
adopted the title sakari and Vikram Aditya
 Gupta age is called golden age of Indian history and issue largest numbers of golden
 Chandragupta II also succeeded in killing rangupta and married to his widow Dhruv
 He also defeats saka kshatrap rudrasimha-III

Kumargupta-I (AD 415-455)

 Kumargupta-I son of Chandragupta-II
 He was the worshipper of god Karthikeya
 He founded the Nalanda mahavidyalaya

Skand gupta(AD 455-467)

 He was the last great ruler of gupta dynasty
 During his reign gupta empire was invaded by the huns
 Huns assumption of the title”vikramaditya”(bhitari pillar Inscription)

Pushyabhuti dynasty(AD 606-647)

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 Greatest king, son of Prabhakar Vardhan a of tan Eshwar

 Harsha-ka tila in thaneshwar-brick building have been discover
 He shifted the capital to kannauj.
 Banabhatta-wrote the book called Harsha charitra and Kadambari
 Harsha himself wrote 3 plays-pryadarshika,ranawali and nagananda
 Hie tsang visited during his reign
 Harsha’s inscription speaks of various types of taxes and officials
 Defeated by pulakesin –II,the great chalukyan king of vatapi in AD 620.

 Founded by dantidurg; Krishna I built kailasha temple of ellora
 Amoghavarsha, who is compare to vikramaditya.wrote the 1st kannada poetry kaviraj
 Rashtrakutas credited for building cave shrine elephant dedicated to Shiva.

The cholas
Founder vijayalal,capital tanjore.aditya I chola wiped out pallavas and weakened Pandya’s

Purantaka-I captured Madurai but defeated by Rashtrakutas ruler Krishna III at the battle
of takkolam

Rajaraja-I(AD 985-1014)-led a naval expedition against Shailendra empire (Malaya

peninsula)and conquered north sirlanka
Construct raja Rajeshwari Shiva temple at Tanjore

Rajendra-I-(AD 1014-1044)-annexed whole sri lanka.

 Took title of ganglaikonda and founded gangaikonda cholapuram
 Dancing figure of Shiva (Nataraja) belong to chola period
 Local self-government existed

Medieval period
Mohammad bin qasim

 Invaded India in AD 712 and conquered Sindh

 Sultan Mahmud of ghazni led about 17 expedition of India
 1025-He attacked and raided the most celebrate Hindu temple of Somnath, situated on
the sea coast of Kathiawar(Gujrat)

The Delhi Sultanat

1. Battle of terrain(1191)-1st battle of terrain fought between Mohammad Ghori and
Prithviraj Chauhan. Chauhan defeat Ghori
2. Battle of terrain(1192)-2nd battle of terrain again fought between them. This time Ghori
defeat Chauhan
3. Foundation of Muslim dominion in India
4. He may consider the founder of Muslim rule in India
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Ilbary Dynasty(1206-1290)
 Qutub-ud-in-aibak-Mohammad Ghori was succeeded by 1206 AD
 Initially capital in Lahore, later in Delhi
 He was the founder of slave dynasty
 Also called lakh Baksh because of his generocity
 Qutub-ud-in-aibak lait the foundation of Qutab minar after the name of famous Sufi
saint Khawaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar kaki
 He builds 1st Mosque in India-Quwwal-ul-Islam
 He Also Built adhai-din ka jhopra(Ajmer)
 He died while playing chaugan(polo)

Iltutmish(AD 1210-1236)
 He was the sun in law of aibak
 He had to fight and defeat the son of aibak
 He was the real consolidation of the Turkish conquest in north India
 Divided his empire into iqtas (assignment of land in line of salary
 Introduce two coins-sliver Tanka and copper jital
 In 1220,the khwarizm empire (ghazni) was the most powerful state destroyed by
mangols.formed trukan-e-chahalgami or chalisa(a group of 40 powerful Turkish nobles)

 Iltutmish nominate his daughter raziya to the throne because none of his surviving son
to be worthy of the throne
 She was the 1st and last women ruler in medieval India
 She disregarded purdah, married with altumia the governor of Bhatinda
 Bahram shah, son of Iltutmish killed Razia

Balban.(1265-86 AD). Or Era of Balbon (1246-86 AD).

The struggle between the monarchy and the Turkish chief continued, till one of the Turkish
chiefs continued, till one of the Turkish chief tulugh khan (later little of Balban),gradually
arrogated all power to himself and finally ascended the throne in 1265.

 He separated military department(dewan-e wazarat)

 He declared that king was deputy of god(niyabat-e-khudai) and shodow of god(zile-e-
 He introduce sijdah or paibos practice
Khilji dyanasty(AD 1290-1320)
Jalaluddin firuz khilji(AD 1290-96)

 He was the 1st ruler who review that india cant be a totally Islamic state
 He overthrew the incompetent successrs of balban in 1290
 He rule only for six year
Alauddin khilji(AD 1296-1316)

 He came to be throne by murdering his uncle and father-in law,jalaluddin khilji
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 His conuest were that of Gujrat ruled by vaghela king ranthambor ,chittor and malwa
and later to be south
 He abolish zamindari in khializa iqta was allotted in doab area
 He adopted the blood and iron policy in tackling mangols
 He built-khirzabad(Delhi),Alai darwaja(darwaja of mosque in qutub minar
complex),hauz khas and entrance of door of qutub minar

Adopted title sikarnar-i-sahi

 Built permanent army.introduce chehra & dagh system
 He was the 1st sultan-who separate religion from politics
 His court poet-amir khusro and mir hassan dehlvi

Tughlaq dynasty(AD 1320-1412)

 Ghiyasuddin tughlaq established a new dynasty which ruled till 1412
 He built the fortified city of tuglaqbad
 He also start irrigation wor.(first time)
Son of ghiyasuddin tughlaq
Also called wise fool king on account of 5 experiments-
1 Transfer of capital to daulatabad
2 Taxation in doab
3 Quarchil expedition
4 Khumasan expedition
5 Token currency
The sultan setup a separate setup a separate department diwan-i-kohi

 He gave sondhar loans to farmers

 The famous traveler ibn-batuta visited his court
Firoz-sha tughlaq (AD 1351-88)

 Nephew of ghiyasuddin tughlaq

 He built new towns of hissar,Firozpur,fatehabad,jaunapur and Firozabad(his capital)
 During his reign two ashokan pillar,one from topara in Ambala and the other from
meerut were brought
 He built canal
 Was fond of slaves
 Wrote a book fatuhat firozshahi
 He repair qutub minar
 Firoz shah tughlaq also made iqtadary system hereditary and imposed new taxes like
kharaj(land tax equal to one tenth of the producer and jaziya.
 Zakat and khams (one tenth body capture in war)
 He Introduce the following coins-aadha,bhikh,shashgani hasthragini

Sayyids and lodhis
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 Khizr khan-founded sayyids
 Successors
 Mubarak shah
 Muhammad shah
 Alauddin alam shah

 Lodhis were the 1st afgan to rule india
 Bahlol lodhi-(AD 1451-1481)-Founded the dynasty
 Sikander lodhi-(AD 1481-1517)-Indroduce Gaz-i-sikandar(unit for measuring cultivated
1. He founded agra in 1504
2. He wrote Persian verse “gulrukhi”
 Ibrahim Lodhi (AD 1517-1526)-He defeated by rana sanga of mewar.
Also defeated by babur in april,1526.

Provincial kingdom
Vijayangar kingdom(AD 1336-1580)

 The vijayangara kingdom was founded by haridara-I and bukka who belong to a family
of five brothers
 Hari Hara-II (1377-1406)
Devaraya-I built a dam across Tungabhadra river and Italian traveler nicolo de conti visited
his court followed by Russian merchant nikitin.Devaraya-I(1404-1422)
Deveraya-II-(1425-1446) greatest ruler of this dynasty

 He was seen as incarnation of indra by commoners

 He was also called “gajabetekara”(the elephant hunter)
 He wrote Mahanataka Sudanidhi
 He commentary on the brahma sutra in sanskrit
 Parsian ambassador abdur razzaq visited his courts

Krishnadev raya (AD 1509-29)

 He was th greatest ruler
 He was known as abhinava bhoja,Andhra pitamah and Andhra bhoja(great patron of
 Eight great poet of telugu (Ashta Diggaja) adorned his court like pednna and
 Portogese dominigo paes and berbosa visited his court.

Battle of talikota(AD 1565)

 Sadasiva the last ruler of Tuluva dynasty was defeated by alliance of
ahmadnagar,bijapur,colconda and bidar.
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Bahamani kingdom.

Alauddin Hasan bahman shah(AD 1347-58)

 Also known as hasan gangu,founded bahamani kingdom with capital gulbarg.

Firuz shah bahmani(AD 1397-1422)

 Reamarkable figure in the bahmani kingdom

 He was well-acquinted with religious science.
 The most remarkable step taken by firuz shah bahmani was the induction of hindus in
the administration on a large scale.

Ahmad shah wali(AD 1422-1436)

 He transferred the capital from gulbarg to bidar.

 Bahmani kingdom broke up into following parts.

Name Founder
Nizamsahis of ahmadnagar Malik Ahmad Bahri
Adilsahi of bijapur yusuf adil shah
Imadsahis of berar falullah khan,imad-ul-mulk
Qutub sahis of Golconda- quli qutub shah
Bardsahis of bidar- ali barid

 The gol gumbaz(a tob with world’s second largest dome)was built by Muhammad adil
 Golconda fort was built by qutubshah
 Muhammad quli qutubshah founded Hyderabad and built Charminar

Mughal Empire(AD 1526-1707)

Babur (AD 1526-1530)
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 He was the founder of Mughal empire

 1st battle of panipat(20 aprl,1526)-between babur and Ibrahim lodhi.
 Babur use gun and fire,1st time in this battle.babur calls this device an
 Battle of khanwa(1527)-Between babur and rana sanga(sangram singh)
 Babur solemnly declared the war against sanga to be jihad
 On the eve of the battle he emplies all the wine jar and broke the wine flakes
 Battle of chanderi(1528)-between babur and medina rai of chaderi in malwa.women
perfom jauhar
 Battle of ghagra (1529)-between in Turkish language.
 He died in 1530,buried at aram bagh (agra).later his body was taken to aram bagh
Humayan(AD 1530-1556)

 Humayun succeeded babur in dec 1530 at the young age 30 built “dinpanah” at delhi
2nd capital.
 Sher shah suri(sher khan)-strength his position in bihar between 1535-1537.
 Battle of chausa(March 1539)-Between humayu & shershah humayu defeated.
 Battle of kanauj(May 1540)- Decisive battle between them humayu defeated and exile
for 15 years
 Humayu took Shelter at the court of Iranian king,recaptured qandhar and Kabul in
 Humayus life-he went riches to rags and from rags to rich.
 Again invaded india in 1555 with the help of his officer bairam khan
 Died in 1556,fall from the 1st floor of the library building in delhi.
 Humayu-Nama-written by gulbadan begum(sister of Humayun)
Akbar(AD 1556-1605)
He was crown at kalanaur in 1556 at the young age of 13 years 4 months by bairam
khan(wakil of kingdom-khan-i-khanan)
2nd battle of panipat (5 nov,1556)-Between Akbar under bairam khan and Hemu.Akbar Had
virtually to reconquer his empire.
Expansion of the empire. Under Akbar
1. Malwa(1561)-Defeating Baz Bahadur
2. Garh-Katanga-Ruled by rani Durgavati
3. Chittor(1568)-Rana Udai Singh
4. Ramthabhor recaptured(1569)-Bikaner and Jaisalmer submitted to akbar.
5. Gujrat(1572)
6. Mewar(battle of haldighati(1576)
7. Kashmir(AD 1586)
8. Sindh(1593)
9. Asirgargh(1603)
10. Buland Darwaza(1572)-Consturcted at fatehpur sikri
11. Akbar’s Land revenue system
12. Karoris-officials appointed all over north india for collection.
13. Dahsala(1580)-one third of the average produce was stater share.
Zabti system-system of measurement and the assessment
Marsabalari system-holder of rank to organize nobility and army.

 Married to harkha bai,daughter of Rajput ruler.
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 Ralph pitch(1585)-1st Englishman to Visit Akbar court.

 Abolish jaziyah(156)-Poll tax which the non-muslim were required to pay in a muslim
 He believe in Sul-kul (Peace to all).
 Ibadat khana(1575)-Akbar built a hall for prayer at fateh pur for all religion.
 The declaration which was signed by the leading ulamas has been wrongly called a
degree of infallibility.(1579)
 Formulate religious order “Din-i-ilahi”(1582).birbal was the 1st to embrace it.
 Navratnas in his court included birbal,abdul fazl,tulsidas (wrote ramcharitramanas and
Jahangir(AD 1605-1627)

 Jahangir,the eldest son of akbar,succeeded to the throne.

 Jahangir’s succession his eldest son,khusrau broke out into rebellion.tussle between
father and son.
 He Executed the 5th sikh guru-Guru arjan dev.
 The Persian conuest of qandhar which was a blow to Mughal prestige.
 He married with mehr-un-nisa(Nur Jahal in 1611.
 Zanzir-i-adil-chain of justice outside his place agra.
 Captain Howkins and sir Thomas roe visited his court.
 Famous painter-abdul hassan,ustad Mansur and bishandas.
Shahjahan(AD 1628-1658)

 Shahjahan-son of Jahangir
 Annexed ahmadnagar while bizapur and goconda accepted his over-load ship.
 He secure kondhar (1639)
 Two frechman,bernier and tarernier and an Italian adventure manucci visited his court.
 He built moti masjid and and taj mahal at agra.
 Jama masjid and red fort at delhi
 His reign was considered the golden age of Mughal empire.

Aurangzeb (1658-1707)

 Aurangzeb became victorious agter the brutal war of succession among his brother
dara,shuja and murad.
 During his 50years long reign,Mughal empire reached ites territorial climax.
 His annexation of marwar in 1658
 9th sikh guru teg bahadur was executed by him in 1675
 He began to be called as a zinda pir or a living saint or darvesh
 He conquered bijapur(1686) and Golconda(1687) and reimposed jaziya in 1679.
 He built-bibi ka makbara on the tomb of his queen raboud-durani at Aurangabad.
 Moti maszid within red fort delhi
 Jami or bashahi mosque at Lahore
 He was a orthodox muslim ruler.
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Literature of Mughal emperior

Author work
Babur tuzuk-i-babari
Abul fazal ain-i-akbari,akbanana
Abdul qadir badauni kitab-ul-ahadish,taikh-i-alfi,muntakhab-ul-
Khwaja nizamuddin tabaqat-i-jahangir
Jahangir tuzuk-i-jahangir
Hamid padshanama
Darashikoh majn-ul-bahrain
Mirza md qazim alamgirnama

Later Mughal ruler

Bahadur shah-I (1709-march 1712)-2 year war of succession mauzzam the eldest son of
Aurangzeb became emperor as bahadur shah-I.He got title shah-i-bekhabar.
Jahandar shah-(march 1712-feb 1713)-He became the emperor with the help of zulifqar
khan(appointed as prime minister).Introduce izara(iprove financial condtion).Jahandar shah
abolish jaziya.
Farrukhsiyar(1713-1719)-became emperor with the help of sayyid broter (king maker)-
abdullah khan and Hussain ali.he gave farman to the british.
Rafi-ud-darajat(feb 28 to june 4,1719)
Rafi-ud-daula(une 6 to sept 17,1719)
Muhammad shah(1719-48)-given the title of “rangeela” in 1719-nadir shah abdali(general of
nadir shah) marehed towards delhi.
Alamgir-II(1754-58)- ahmad shah abdali occupied delhi.battle of plassey was tough in june
1757 in his reign.
Shah Alam-II(1759-1806)-His reign saw two decisive battle-3rd battle of panipat (1761) and
battle of buxar(1764)
Akbar-II(1806-37)-He gave title of raja to rammohan rai.pensioner of east india company
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Bahadur sha-II (1837-57)-He was the last Mughal emperor.the revolt of 1857 had made a futle
attempt to declare to him the emperor of india
Maratha (AD 1674-1818)
Shivaji(AD 1627-80)

 Shivaji born at shivner,father shahji bhonsle and mother jijabai

 His religious teacher was Samarth ramdas and guardian was dada ji kondadev.
 After the death of dadaji kondadev-shivaji became his own master and full control of
poena jagir(father’s jagir)
 Treaty of purandar (1665)-between shivaji and Mughal 23 fort out of 35 fort,four lakh of
Huns were to be surrender to Mughal.
 Coronation oat raigarh(AD 1674)
 Shivaji had assume the title of hainadava-dharmodharak(protector of the hindu faith)
Ashtapradhan(2nd line administration).(eight minister)
1. Peshwa
2. Sir-i-navbat(senapati or military)
3. Mazumdar or amatya(account)
4. Waqenavis(intelligence)
5. Surunavis(correspondence) or chithis
6. Davir or sumanta(ceremonies)
7. Nyayadhish (Justice) and panditro(charity)

 Successors of shivaji were shmbhaji,rajaram and shahu(faught the battle of khed in AD

Peshwa(AD 1719-1818)
Founded by balaji vishwanath(1713-20),who conducted the agreement with sayyid brother(the
king maker) by which Mughal emperor farukh siyyar recognized shahu as the king of swarajya.
Baji rao-I(1720-40
Balaji bai rao-1740-61)-3rd battle of panipat with ahmad shah abdali.
Madhav rao-1761-72
Narain Rao-1772-1773
Madhav Rao-1773-1795
Baji Rao II- 1795-1818
Sikh Gurus
Guru Nanak Dev(1469-39)-Founded sikh religion
Guru Angad Dev(1538-52)-Invented Grumukhi
Guru Amardas(1552-74)-Struggle against sati system and purdah system and established 22
Gadyanas to propogate religion.
Guru Ramdas(1574-81)-founded Amritsar in 1577.
Akbar granted the land.
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Guru Arjan Dev(1581-1606)-founded swarn mandir(Golden Temple)and composed adi granth.

Guru hargobind singh(1606-45)-establish akal takht and fortified Amritsar.
Guru har rai(1645-61)-met dara shikoh(son of Aurangzeb)
Guru harkishan(1661-64)-Ramraya established separate seat of guru at Dehradun
Guru teg bahadur (1674-1708)-was th last guru who founded the khalsa.after him sikh
guruship ended

Modern India
Advent of Europeans in India
Vasco-da-gama-arrived with 3 ship, led by a Gujrati pilot named Abdul Majid, at calicat
(zamorin the ruler of Calicut) in May 1498.
Set up trading factory at cannonre,Calicut and cochin under vasco-da-gama
Francisco de almeida(1505)-Appointed as a governor in India
Alfonso de Albuquerque-he succeeded almeida.
Real founder of Portuguese in power in the east
Captured going in 1510
Nino-do-cunha-(1529)-He shifted headquarter from cochin to goa.
The Dutch.
Dutch east India company was formed in 1602.
Dutch 1st factory in masulipatam (in Andhra) in 1605.and other factory were at Surat (1616),
bimlipatam (1641), karikal (1645), chinsura (1653),
Baranagar,kashimbazar,balasor,patna,nagapatam(1658) and cochin(1663).
Battle of Hoogly(Nov 1759)-English Defeated the Dutch as per argument, Dutch gain the
control over Indonesia and British over India,Sri Lanka and Malaya.
In 1599-A Group of English Merchant Calling east India company was formed.
In Dec 31,1600-queen Elizabeth –I issued a charter for EIC.
Captain Hawkin arrived in the court of Jahangir in 1609 and get permission to erect a factory
at Surat in 1613.
In 1615-sir Thomas roe get permission to setup factory at Agra, Ahmednagar and broach of the
Mughal emperor Jahangir.
Bombay had been gifted to king Charles II by the king Portugal as dowry-for married with
Portuguese princes Catherine in 1662
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Golden Farman-English Company’s Position improve when this Farman issued by sultan of
Golconda in 1632
1690-Job charnock signed a treaty with Mughal and set up a factory in sultanuti.
1698-English succeeded to get zamindary in 3 village sutanuti,Gobindapur and kalikata.
Fort William was setup in 1700-1st president sir Charles eyre.
Farrukhsiyar’s Farman(1715)-John Surman(English) Secured 3 famous Farman-fiving the
company many privilege in Bengal, Gujarat and Hyderabad. The Farman has been called as
Magna carta of the company.
Battle of Plassey(1757)- English defeated sirajuddaula (Nawab of Bengal).This battle called as
decisive battle.
Battle of Buxar (1764)-Captain Munro defeated joint forced of mir qasim(Bengal),
Shujauddaula(awadh)and shah Alam II (Mughal).

The Danish east India company was established in 1616 and 1620.
They founded a factory at serampore(Kolkata) and tranqubar(Tanjore-Tamilnadu)
They sold their factory to British government in 1845
The Danes are better known for their missionary activities.
The French
During the reign of louis XIV, His famous minister Colbert lait the foundation of the French
east India company in 1664.
1668-1st French factory at Surat under fancois caron.
1669-Factory at Masulipatam;obalaining patent from sultan of Golconda.
1673-Establish a township at chandernagore (Calcutta) from shaista khan(Mughal subadar)
1674-Pondicherry was founded –Nerve Centre of French power in India.
French were defeated by English in battle of wandiwash in 1760-Treaty of peace of
Governor-Generals of Bengal
Warren Hasting(1773-1785)
Regulating Act 1773-Dual Government was ended
Act of 1781-Power of Jurisdiction between the governor general in council and the supreme
court at Calcutta were clearly divided.
Pitt India Act 1784
Rohilla war (1774)
1st Anglo-Maratha war in 1775-82-Treaty of Salbai in 1782
2nd Mysore war in 1780-84
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Foundation of Asiatic Society of Bengal (1784) by sir William jones.

Translation of Abhigyan Sekutalam in English in 1789 by sir William Jones and Introduction to
the English translation of Bhagavad-Gita by Charles Wilkins.
Lord Cornwallis’s (1786-1793)
3rd Anglo-Mysore war (1790-92)-Treaty of seringapatam(1792)
Cornwallis code (1793) in cooperating several judicial reforms and separation of Bengal and
Bihar (1793)
Europeanisation of administrative Machinery and Introduction of Civil services.
Sir john Shore(1793-1798)
Charter Act of 1793
Battle of Kharda between Nizam and the Maratha
Lord Wellesley(1798-1805)
Introduction of Subsidiary alliance system(1798)
1st Alliance with Nizam of Hyderabad followed by Mysore, tanjore, awadh,peshwa,bhosle and
4yh Mysore war 1799
Treaty of bassein(1802)-between English & Maratha.
Second Maratha war (1803-1805)
Sir George Barlow(1805-1807)
Vellore Mutury(1806)-it was the 1st major Meeting by Indian sepoys in the east Indian company
Lord Minto-I (1807-1813)
Treaty of Amritsar with Maharaja Ranjit singh.(1809)
Charter Act 1813 were passed.
Lord Hasting (1803-1823)
Anglo-Nepal War (1814-18)-Treaty of sagauli(1816).
3rd Anglo-Maratha war (1817-19)-Dissolution of Maratha confederacy and creation of Bombay
presidency. (1818)
Strife with pindaris(1817-1818)
Treaty with scindhia.(1817)
Establishment of Ryot wari system by Thomas Munro,Governor of Madras(1820).
Lord Amherst (1823-1828)
1t Burmese war (1824-1826)-Treaty of yandaboo
Capture of bharatpur(1826)
Governor-General of India
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Lord William Bentinck(1828-1835)

1. 1st governor-general of India before him governor general of Bengal.
2. Abolition of sati and other cruel rites(1829)
3. Suppression of thugi(1830)
4. Charter Act of 1833 were passed.
5. Resolution of 1835-Introduction of English as an official language.
6. Annexation of mysore(1831),coorg(1834) and central cachar(1834)
7. Treaty of perpetual friendship with ranjeet singh
8. Abolition of provincial court of appeal and circuit set up Cornwallis
Lord Metcalfe(1835-1836)
1. New press law removing restrictions on the press in India
Lord Auckland (1836-1842)
1. 1st afghan war (1838-42)-English defeated.
2. Death of Ranjeet Singh(1839)
Lord Ellenborough(1842-1844)
Annexation of Sindh(1843)
War with Gwalior(1843)
Lord Hardinge I (1844-1848)
1)1st Anglo Sikh war (1845-46)-Treaty of Lahore.
2)Social Reforms including abolition of female infanticide and human sacrifice.
Lord Dalhousie(1848-1856)
1)2nd Anglo-Sikh war (1845-46)-Annexation of Punjab-(1846)
2)Annexation of Lower Burma and Pegu(1852).
3)Introduction of doctrine of Lapse and annexation of satara(1848),Jaitpur and
sambhalpur(1849),Udaipur(1852),Jhansi(1853),Nagpur(1854)and Awadh(1856).
4)1st Railway line connecting Bombay and Thane in 1853.
5)Telegraph line between Calcutta with Bombay, madras and Peshawar.
6)Post office Act 1854-1st issue of Indian stamp in Karachi in 1854.
7)Gangas canal declared open (1854); establishment of separate public works department,
grand trunk road work and harbor of Karachi, Bombay and Calcutta.
8).Widow remarriage act,1856-Ishwar Chandra vidyasagar)
9)Charter Act-1853-selection to civil service through competitive examination.
10)Started Engineering college at Roorkee;made Shimla the summer capital.

Lord Canning (1856-1857)

1)Establishment of 3 Universities at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay 1857.
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2)Revolt of 1857
Viceroys of India
Lord Canning(1858-1862)
1)Government of India Act 1858-Transfer of Control from East India Company to crown.
2)White Mutiny by European Troops in 1859.
3)Indian Council Act-1861.
Lord Elgin(1862-63)
1)Wahati Movement
Lord John Lawrence.(1864-1869)
1)Bhutan war (1865)
2)Setting up of high court at Calcutta, Bombay and madras in 1865.
3)Creation of Indian forest Department.
Lord Mayo(1869-1872)
1)Opening of the Rajkot College in Kathiawar and the Mayo college at Ajmer for political
Training of Indian princess
2)Establishment of statistical survey of India.1st time in Indian history a census was held in
3)Establishment of department of agriculture and commerce.
4)Introduction of state railway.
5)Started process of financial decent realization in India.
6)He was only viceroy to be murdered in office.
Lord Northbrook (1872-1876)
1)Visit to prince of wales in 1875
2)Kuka movement in Punjab-Fueling of self-respect & sacrifice for the country.
Lord Lytton(1876-80)
1)Famine of 1876-78, affecting Madras, Bombay, Mysore, Hyderabad part of central India and
Punjab-Finance commission under Richard Strachey (1878).
2)Royal Title Act 1876, Queen Victoria assuming the title of Kaiser-i-hind or queen Empress of
3)Delhi Durbar in January 1877.
4)The Vernacular press Act.1878.
5)The Arms Act (1878)
6)The Second Afghan War (1878-1880).
Lord Rippon (1880-84)
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1)Repeal of the vernacular press Act (1882).

2)1st Factory Act (1881) to Improve Labour Conditions.
3)Continuation of financial decentralization.
4)Government resolution on Local self-government (1882).
5)Appointment of education commission under chairmanship of sir William hunter(1882).
6)the Ilbert Bill Controversy (1883-84)-It Enabled Indian Magistrate to try European criminals.
Lord Dufferin (1884-1888)
1)3rd Burmese war (1885-1894)
2)Establishment of Indian National congress (1885).
Lord Lansdowne(1888-1894)
1)Factory Act 1891
2)Categorization of civil services into imperial, Provisional and Subordinate.
3)Indian Council Act 1892.
4)Setting up Durand commission (1893)-Durand line between India and Afghanistan now
Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Lord Elgin II(1894-1899)
1)Two British officers assassinated by chapekar brothers.
Lord Curzon (1899-1905)
1)Appointment of police commission (1902)-sir Andrew Frazer.
2)Appointment of Universities commission (1902)-Sir Thomas Raleigh -Passing of universities
Act 1904.
3)Establishment of department of commerce and industry.
4)Calcutta corporation act 1899.
5)Ancient monument preservation act (1904.
6)Partition of Bengal 1905
7)Archeological Survey of India was established.
8)Agriculture research Institute Pusa (Delhi) was established.
Lord Minto(1905-1910)
1)swadeshi movement 1905-08
2)Split in congress in the annual session of 1907 in Surat
3)establishment of Muslim league by Aga khan 1906
4)Morley Minto reform (1909)
Lord Hardinge -II (19010-19016)

 Creation of Bengal prudency (like Bombay & Madras in 1911)
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 Transfer of capital from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911

 Partition of Bengal was cancelled.
 Coronation durbar of king George V held in Delhi 1911.
 Establishment of Hindu Mahasabha in 1915 by Madan Mohan Maliyah
Lord Chelmsford (1916-1921)

 Formation of home rule leagues by Annie besant and Tilak 1916

 Lucknow session 1916-Pact between the congress and Muslim
 Gandhiji return to India 1915, Formation of Sabarmati ashram (1916), Launch of
champaran satyagraha (1916),kheda satyagraha(1918) and satyagraha at Ahmedabad
 Montagu’s August declaration (1917)
 Government of India Act (1919)
 The Rowlatt act (1919)
 Jallianwala bagh Massacre (1919)
 Launch of Non-Cooperation and khilafat Movement.
 Foundation of women’s Universities at poona (1916) and appointment of saddler’s
commission 1917 for reform in educational policy
 Death of Tilak(august 1,1920)
 Appointment of S.p Sinha as governor of Bihar (the 1st Indian to became a governor)
Lord Reading (1921-1926)

 Chauri chaura incident (feb 5,1922) and the subsequent withdrawal of non-Cooperation
 Moplah Rebellion in Kerala (1921)
 Repeat of the press act of 1910 and rawlatt act of 1919.
 Criminal Law Amendment Act and Abolition of Cotton exice.
 Communal riot in Multan,Amritsar,Delhi,Aligargh,Arvi and Calcutta.
 Kakori train robbery (1925)
 Murder of swami shradhanand (1926)
 Establishment of swaraj party by C.r Das and Motilal Nehru (1922)
 RSS Founded in 1925.
 Decision to hold Simultaneous examinations for the ICS both In Delhi and London,
With effect from 1923
Lord Irwin(1926-1931)

 Visit of Simon commission to India 1928 and the boycott of the commission by the
 All party conference held at Lucknow (1928), suggestion for the constitution of India
called Nehru report or Nehru constitution.
 Appointment of the her court butler Indian state commission (1927)
 Murdered of sounders (assistant superintendent of police of Lahore);bomb blast in the
assembly hall of Delhi (1929);Lahore conspiracy case and death of jatin das after
prolonged hunger strike(1929),Bomb accident in train in Delhi (1929)
 Lahore session of the congress (1929);Purna swaraj resolution.
 Dandi March (March 12,1930)by Gandhi to launch the civil disobedience movement.
 Boycott of 1st round table conference (1930,Gandhi -Irvin pact (1931) and suspension of
civil disobedience movement.
Lord Willingdon (1931-1936)
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 2nd Round table conference (1931) and failure of the conference, resumption of civil
disobedience movement
 Announcement of communal award (1932)
 “Fast unto Death “by Gandhi in Yeravada Prion broken after the poon pact (1932)
 3rd round table conference.
 Launch of Individual civil disobedience (1933)
 The Government of India Act 1935.
 All India Kisan sabha(1936) and congress Socialist Party by Acharya narendra dev and
Jayapraksha Narayan(1934)
 Burma separated from India 1935.

Lord Winlthgow(1936-1944)

 1st General Election (1936-37);Congress attained absolute majority.

 Resignation of the congress minstireis-2nd world war 1939.
 Subhas Chandra bose-51st Session of congress President 1938.
 Resignation of bose in 1939 and formation of forwar block (1939)
 Lahore resolution (March 1940) by the Muslim League,demand for separate state for
 “August offer”(1940) by the viceroy;its critised by the congress and endorsement by the
muslim league.
 Escape of Subhas Chandra bose (1941) from India and organization of Indan National
 Cripps Mission’s-Plan to offer dominion status to India and setting up of constitutnt
assembly;its rejection by the congress.
 Passing of the “quit India resolution”by the congress (1942)
 “Divide and quit”Slogan at the karamchi session (1944) of the Muslim League.

Lord Wavell (1944-1974)

 Wavell plan and Shimla conference (1942)
 End of 2nd world war 1945
 Proposal of the cabinet mission (1946)-1st Meeting 9th Dec. 1946
 Observation of “Direct Action Day”(16 August 1948) by muslim league.
 Election of constitutent assembly,formation of interim government by the congress
(Sept 1946)
 Announcement of end of British rule in India by clement attlee( prime minister of
England)on feb 20,1947
Lord Mountabatten (1947-1948)

 Last vicenoy of british India and the 1st governor general of free india.Partition of India
decidedby the June 3 plan or Mount batter plan.
 C.Rajagopalachari the 1st and Last Governon General of Free India.
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 India Independence Act was passed by the british parliament July 4,1947,By which
India become independence on August 15,1947.

Socio-religious reform Movement

Brahmo Samaj (Founded in Calcutta in 1830)

 By Raja ram Mohan Roy-Author of “Gift to Monotheist”. Precepts of Jesus and the
journal sambad kaumadi and Mirat-ul-Akbar.
 Idea-Propagate monotheist, opposed sacrifices idolatry, superstition and sati.
 Anti-Sati-Act 1929-Great effort of ram Mohan Roy.

Tattvabodhini Sabha (1839)

 By Devendranath Tagore-With its organ tattvabodhini Patrika in Bengali.

 Propagate brahma Samaj idea, eventually founding Adi brahmo Samaj(1866)
Brahmo Samaj India (1865)
By Kesub Chandra Sen-His Journal Indian mirror.
Secessionist from this group from Sadharan brahmo Samaj 1878.
Prarthna Samaj (1863)

 Kesub Chandra sen helped founded the Prarthana Samaj

 In Mumbai (1867)-by Atmaram Pandurang
 Monotheism, Upliftment of women, Abolition of caste discrimination
Young Bengal Movement (1826-1831)

 Henry Vivian derozio(1809-31)-1st Modern Nationalist port. Brought out journal”

 Derozians also support women’s right and education.
 Oppose the virus in society and believed in truth, freedom and right.
Dharma Sabha (1820) Rohilakhand

 By Radhakant deb
 Emerged to counter brahmo samaj and propagate orthodoxy.
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

 He opened the Sanskrit college to non-brahmins

 Widow remarriage act
 Bethune school (Calcutta)-for women’s education.
Darpan in 1832

 Bal shastri jabekar in Bombay-started weekly darpan in 1832.

 He Attack on Brahmanical orthodoxy.
Parathhansa Mondali(1849) in Maharashtra
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 Dodoba Pandurang
 Mandali believe in one god. Breaking caste rule
Satyashodhak samaj(1873)

 Jyotibha phule belong to the mail (gardener)

 Movement Against upper caste domination and Brahmanical supremacy.
The Servant of India society (1905)

 Gopal Krishna Gokhale

 Famine relief and improving tribal conditions in particulars.
Social service league, Bombay

 Narayan Malhar Joshi.

Ram Krishna Mission (1897)

 By swami Vivekananda (original home narendranath dutta)

 Revive Hinduism, against caste restricitions, superstition in Hinduism and overhaul of
education system.
Arya samaj(1875)Bombay

 Dayanand sarsawati(original name mulshankar)

 Gave the slogan “go back to Vedas”
 His famous work “satyarth Prakash”
 Revivalist frame work denounced rites, idolatry Brahmins supremacy etc.
 He Attack on Hindu Orthodoxy.
 Dayanand Anglo Vedic School, established 1st in at Lahore in 1886.
Seva Sadan (1885)
A Parsi social reformer, behramji M. Malabari
Organization for those women who were exploited and then discarded by society.

Deva samaj(1887),Lahore
Shiv Narain Agnihotri
Favored a code of conduct against bribe taking ,gambling

Radhaswami movement (1861)

Tulsi Ram, Banker from Agra
He Believe Supremacy of the Guru and a simple social life.
Justice Movement (1917)
By C. Mudaliar,T.M Nair and P. Tyagaraja
To secure Jobs and representation for the non-Brahmin legislature.
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Self-respect movement (1920)

By E.V Ramaswamy Naicker
Prime Instrument of Exploitation of the lower castes.

Indian Social conference (1887) Madras

M.G Ronade & Raghunath Rao.
Pledge Movement to inspire people to take a pledge against child marriage.

Madras Hindu Association (1892)

Verisialingam Pantan
Social Purity movement and against devadasi system

Deccan Education Society (1884) (Pune)

By M.G Ranade,VG Chilinkar and G.G Agarkar.
To Contribute to Education and culture in western India
Established Ferguson college Pune (1885).

Wahabi Movement (1820) Rohilakhand

Syed Ahmed of Rai Bareilly
Popularization the teaching of Waliullah
Stressed the role of individual conscience in religion

Namdhari (or kenka movement) (1841-71)

 Bhai balak singh and baba ram singh

 For political and social reforms among Sikhs
Farai movement

 Haji shariat- allah

 Islami pillars of faith
Aligarh movement (1875)

 By syed ahmed khan, his journal tahzib -al-akhlaq

 Mohammedan Anglo-oriented college at Aligarh in 1875 later Aligarh Muslim university
 Religious reforms through emphasis on principle of equality in religion, favored
scientific and national outlook
 He believes unity of religion or practical morality
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Parsi reform movement (1851)

Rahnumai mazdayasham sabha (religious reform association) by the group of English educated
Naoroji furdonji,dadabhai naoroji,k.r.cama and s.s bengalee

The theosophical society (1875)

By madame h.p blavastky (1831-91) and colonel m.s ol cott
Founded in USA. inspired by Indian thought and culture
Drew inspiration from Upanishads, the Vedanta and transmigration of soul.

The revolt of 1857

Major causes
1. Political causes – effective control, subsidiary alliance and doctrine of lapse.
2. Economic causes – heavy taxation, discriminatory tariffs policy against Indian product,
destruction of traditional handicraft- that hit peasant, artisans and small zamindari.
3. Military causes – rampant corruption in the company’s administration, low salary and
could not rise above the rank of subedar.
4. Socio – religious causes – the activities of Christian missionary who followed the British
flag in India.
5. Attempts at socio-religious reform such as abolition of sati, widow remarriage and
women’s educations.
6. Tax on mosque and temple land
7. Religious disability act 1856.

The spark point beginning and spread of revolt

 The report about the mixing of bone dust in Atta (flour) and the introduction of the
Enfield rifle enhanced the sepoy’s growing disaffection with the govt.
 Enfield rifle, cartridge of which was greased with animal fat.

Revolt began at Meerut , on May 10, 1857

Centre of revolt Leader ( India) British suppressor

Delhi Bahadur shah II, bakht khan John Nicholson, Hudson
Banaras Liyaqat ali Jones Neil
Kanpur Nana saheb, tantia tope Compbell, Havelock
Lucknow Hazrat mahal Campbell, Havelock
Jhansi Rani laxmi bai Sir huge rose
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Bareilly Khan bahadur khan Sir colin compbell

awadh Veer Kunwar Singh William Taylor and Vincent

Causes of failure of revolt

1. All India participation was absent
2. All class didn’t join – Nezam of Hyderabad, raja of jodhpur, scindiia of Gwalior, Holkar
of Indore ruler of Patiala, Sindh and Kashmir and the rana of Nepal provided active
support to the British.
3. Poor arms and equipment
4. Uncoordinated and poorly organized
5. No unified ideology.
Impact of revolt of 1857

 British captured Delhi

 Emperor was exiled to Rangoon where he died in 1862
 The control of Indian administration was passed on to the British crown reformation of
 End of Mughal empire.
 After the revolt, British pursued the policy of divide the rule.
Chief national activities
The Indian national congress

 It was formed in 1885 by A.O Hume.

 1st session was held in Bombay in December 1885
 INC was attended by 72 delegates and preside by womesh Chandra Banerjee.
 2nd session – Calcutta – Dada bhai naroji-1886
 3rd session- madras – Badruddin taiyabji-1887
 4th session – Allahabad-George Yale-1888
Partition of Bengal 1905

 By lord canzone on 16 october,1905 through a royal proclamation.

 Reducing the old province of Bengal in size by creating east Bengal and Assam out of
the rest of Bengal.
Swadeshi Movement (1905)

 Swadeshi Movement had its genesis in the anti-partition movement.

 Lal,Bal,Pal and Aurobindo Ghosh Played an Important role.
 INC took the Swadeshi call first at the Banaras Session,1905 Presided over by
Muslim League (1906)

 Setup in 1906 by Aga khan,Nawab Salimullah of Dhaka and Nawab-Mohsin-ul-Mulk.

 The League Supported the partition of Bengal and oppose the swadeshi Movement
Demanded Special safe guard to its community and a separate electorate for
Muslims.This let to communal differences between Hindus and Muslim.
Demand for Swaraj (1906)

 Calcutta session of INC in Dec 1906
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 The INC under the leadership of Dadabhai Naroji adopted swaraj(self-govt).as the goal of
Indian people.
Surat Session (1907)

 INC split into two group-the extremist and the moderates, due to debate on nature of
swadeshi movement.
 Extremist-Lal,Bal,Pal-Boycott of school,colleges,legislative councils,municipalities,law
court etc.
 Moderate-G.k Gokhle,Dada bhai Naroji-called a bit because the popularity of the
Marley-Minto Reform (1909)

 Morley-Secretary of state and minto-viceroy.

 The reform envisaged a separate electorate for Muslim beside other constitutional
Home Rule Movement (1916)

 Indian Home Rule League were organized on the line of the Irish Home Rule League.
 Bal gangadhar Tilak (April 1916)started at Poona.
 Annie besant and s.subramania Iyer (sept-19016)-Adyar(Madras)
 Objective-Self Government for India in the British Empire.
 Tilak Supported the Movement and Join Annie Besant.
 He Raised the Slogan” swaraj is my birth right and I Shall have it”.
Lucknow Pact (1917)

 Pact between INC and Muslim League following a war between Britain and turkey
leading to anti-British feeling among Muslim.
 Both organization jointly demand dominion status for the country.
August Declaration (1917)

 Also called montogu’s statement.

 After the Lucknow Pact.
 The British Govt.Policy is of an increasing participation of Indian in every branch of
administration and gradual development of self. govt of institution with a view to the
progressive realistion of responsible government in India as an Integral Part of British
 Montagu-Chelmsford reforms or Act of 1919 was based on this declaration.
Jalliawala Bagh Massacre (April 13,1919)

 People were agitates over the arrest of Dr.Kitchlu and Dr.satyapal on April
10,1919.General O’ Dyer fired at the people who assemble in the jalliawala bagh
 Hunter commission was appointed to enquire into it.
 Rabindrnath Tagore returned his knighthood in Protest.
 Sardar Udham ingh killed general Dyer in Caxton Hall London.
Montagu-Chelmsford Reform (1919)

 Also called government of India Act 1919.

 Introduction of Dyarchy-Executive councilors and popular ministers.
 Subject were divided into two lists-reserved and transferred.
Higher Education Institute

Khilafat Movement (1920)

 Muslim were agitated by the treatment done with Turkey by the British in the Treaty
that followed the 1st world war.
 Ali Brother, Mohd Ali and Shaukat Ali started this Movement.
 It was Jointly led by the khilafat Leaders and the congress.
Rowlett Act (1919)

 Every single Indian member of the central legislative council oppose it.
 Imprison of any person without trial and conviction in court of law.

Non-Cooperation Movement (1920).

 Congress pass the resolution in its Calcutta session in sept 1920.

 It was the 1st mass-based political movement under Gandhi ji.
 Resignation from Nominated offices and post in the local bodies.
 Refusal to attend govt. durbars and boycott of British courts by the lawyers.
 Refusal of general public to offer themselves for military and other gvt. Jobs and boycott
of foreign goods.
Chauri-Chaura Incident (1922)

 The congress session at Allahabad in December 1921, Divided to launch a Civil

Disobedience Movement.Gandhiji Appointed its leader.
 But before it could be launched, a mob of people at chauri-chaura(near Gorakhpur
clashed with the police and burnt 22 policemen on Feb,5,1992.
 This Compelled Gandhi ji to Withdraw the Non-Cooperation Movement on Feb 2,1922.
Swaraj Party (1923)

 C.R Das (president), Motilal Nehru(Secretary) and N.c Kelkar-Called pro.changer-

demanded that the Nationalist should end the boycott of the legislative councils, enter
them and expose them.
 No-changer -Vallbabhai patel,Rajendra Prasad,.C.Rajagoplachari and M.A Ansari-
Boycott of legislative council.
Simon Commission (1927)

 Constituted by John Simon to revive the political situation in India and to Introduce
further and extension of Parliamentary Democracy.
 Indian Leader oppose the commission- ‘Simon Go Back’
 The Govt. Used Brutal repression and at Lahore Lala Lajpat Rai was Severely beaten in
Lathi Charge.
Nehru Report (1928)

 After boycotting the Simon commission, all political parties constituted a committee
under the chairmanship of Motilal Nehru and Tej Bahadur sapru to evolve and
determine the principal of constitution of Indian.
 The report failed.
Lahore Session (1929)

 On Dec 19,1929, Under the Presidency of J.L Nehru. The INC ant its Lahore session,
declared poorna swaraj(Complete independence)as it ultimate goal.
Higher Education Institute

 Tri-color flag adopted on December 31,1929, was unfurled and Jan 26,1930 was fixed
as the 1st Independence day to be celebrated every year.
 Later this day was chosen as the Republic Day of India.
Dandi March (1930)

 Also called salt satyagrah.

 Gandhi ji started march from sabarmati ashram on March 12,1930 for the small village
Dandi to break the salt law.
 He picked a handful of salt and inaugurated the civil Disobedience Movement.
Civil Disobedience Movement

 Countrywide mass participation by women. The Garhwal soldiers refused to fire on the
people at Peshawar.
First Round Table Conference (1930)

 1st conference arranged between the British and Indians are equal
 Held on Nov 12,1930 in London to Discuss Simon commission.
 Hindu Mahrasabha and Muslim League Participate in it
 The Conference fail due to absence of INC.
Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931)

 The govt. represented by Lord Irwin and INC by Gandhi ji signed a Pact on March
 In this the INC called off the civil disobedience Movement.
 Join the 2nd Round Table Conference.
 The Govt. allowed the Villagers on the coast to make salt for consumption and released
the political prisoner
 The Karachi session of 1931 endorsed the Gandhi Irvin Pact
Second Round Table Conference

 Gandhi ji represent the INC and went to London to meet British Prime Minister Ramsay
 Conference Failed-Gandhi ji could not agree on his policy communal representation.
 Refusal of the British Govt. on the basic Indian demand for freedom.
Demand for Pakistan

 In 1930, Iqbal suggested that North-west province and Kashmir should be made
Muslim states within the federation.
 Chaudhary rehmat Ali gave the term Pakistan in 1933.
 Muslim League 1st Passed the proposal of separate Pakistan in its Lahore session
1940(called Jinnah’s two nation Theory).
 It was drafted by Sikandar Hyat Khan,moved by Fazhul Haq and Sended by
 In Dec 1943, Karachi Session of Muslim league adopted the slogan “Divide and Split”.
August offer (August 8,1940)

 1.Dominion status as the objective for India.

 2.Expansion of Viceroy executive council
 3.Setting up a constituent assembly after the war.
 This was rejected by INC and accepted by Muslim League.
Higher Education Institute

The Cripps Mission (1942)

 March 1942-a mission headed by Stafford Cripps was sent to India.

 It offered-dominion status to be granted after war.
 Congress rejected it. Gandhi ji termed it as “postdated cheque on a crashing bank”.
Revolt of 1942 and quit India Movement

 Called the vardha proposal and leaderless Revolt.

 The resolution was passed on August 8, Bombay Gandhi ji gave the slogan “Do
or Die”.
 On August 1, congress was banned and its leader were arrested. Gandhi ji was kept at
Aga khan Palace, Pune.
 The people became violent, the Movement was however crushed by the govt.
Partition and Independence (August 1947)

 Indian Independence Act,1947, Implemented on 15th August 1947, abolished the

sovereignty of British Parliament.
 Dominion of India and Pakistan were created. Each dominion was to have a governor-
 Pakistan was to comprises sind,British Baluchistan,NWFP,west Punjab and East
 At the time of independence there were 562 big and small princely states in India.
 Sardar Vallabhai Patel 1st Home Minister integrate all the states by 15th Aug,1947.
 Kashmir, Hyderabad, Junagarh,Goa(with Portuguese and Pondicherry (with France
later acceded to Indian federation.
Indian national Army(INA)

 Subhash Chandra bose escaped to berlin in 1941 and set up Indian League there.In
July 1943,he Joined the INA at Singapore. Ras Bihari Bose handed over the leadership
to him.
 INA had three fighting brigades named after Gandhi,Azad and Nehru.Rani Jhansi
Brigade was an exclusive women force.
 INA Head quarter at Rangoon and Singapore.
The Cabinet Mission Plan (1946)

 Members-Pathwick Lawrance,Alexander and Stafford Cripps-Mission sent by Attlee

 Main Proposal of Mission-
1.rejection of demand for full fledge Pakistan.
2.Loose Union Under a center with centers control over defense and foreign affair.
3.Provinces were to have full autonomy and residual powers.
4.Provincial Legislature would elect a constituent assembly.

 Both INC and Muslim League accepted in.

Formation of Constituent Assembly (Dec 1946)

 The constituent Assembly met on Dec 9,1946.

 Dr. Rajendra Prasand was elected as its president.
Jinnah’s Direct Action Resolution (August 6,1946)
Higher Education Institute

 The election result did not favor Muslim, Jinnah withdraw his acceptance to
cabinet mission plan.
 Muslim League passed a Direct Action Plan, which Condemned both the British govt.
and the congress (Aug 16,1946)
 It resulted in Heavy communal riots.
 Jinnah Celebrates Pakistan Day on March 27,1947.
Mountbatten Plan (June 3,1947)

 India to be divided into India and Pakistan. There would be a separate constitutional
assembly for Pakistan to frame its constitution.
 The princely states would enjoy the liberty to join either India on Pakistan or even
remain Independence.
 Bengal and Punjab will be partitioned and referendum in NEF and Sylhet district of
Assam would be held.
 Boundary commission was to be headed by Radcliffe.

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