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The Two Popes

A Reflection and A Film Summary

by: Larraine Espinosa Evangelista of Grade 10- Gratitude

A Reflection...
In this movie, I have learned and realized a lot. First is, Ways
To Lead, The burden of leadership is on high display throughout the
historical notes of The Two Popes. Between the two men, there are
different responses to crippling doubt and guilt.

In Bergoglio, you have even-keeled humility to work around obstacles.

In Benedict, you have stalwart creed to maintain an institution at all
costs. Condoning mercy, spiritual pride, and the penance of sins are
compromises that must urgently lead to change across this personal
valley on contention.

Second, Where Is God In All This? , The main resonating force of

this movie will be its call for reflection alongside that which is
being depicted. The men speak of a “spiritual hearing aid” or the need
to “blow the ash away” as the strength of the Catholic Church is
challenged by changing people and changing times. Wounds have been
afflicted that need healing. These men lament how the “hardest thing
is to listen to God’s voice.” It is a voice that should bring peace
and not guilt. The movie say it plainly in “Truth without love is
unbearable,” supporting the first two lessons. This high papal
position is meant to continue and complete the work of God’s love. It
looks like the right man for the job is in place where even a
fictional episode like this can help us now see why.

And most importantly, The Best Qualification Of Being A Leader Is

Not Wanting To Be A Leader , The greatest leaders think of others
before themselves. Benedict states that being a pope is being a martyr
with its death sentence lifetime term. Harsh as that may be, such
commitment is true. Yet, here are two men looking at different
crossroads from different journeys that would have them leave their

A Film Summary...

We were given a chance to watch a Netflix Original named

“The Two Popes”. A story which depicts the life of Cardinal Jorge
Bergoglio or also known as our pope today, Pope Francis, before
and after his papacy.In April 2005, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio,
the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, is called to Vatican City after
the death of Pope John Paul II to elect a new pope. German Cardinal
The Two Popes
A Reflection and A Film Summary

by: Larraine Espinosa Evangelista of Grade 10- Gratitude

Joseph Ratzinger is elected Pope Benedict XVI; Bergoglio receives the

second-highest vote count. Seven years later, the Catholic Church is
embroiled in the Vatican leaks scandal, and Benedict's tenure has been
tainted by public accusations regarding his role in the cover-up.

Bergoglio has submitted his resignation as Archbishop, but the

Vatican has not responded. As he prepares to go to Rome and personally
deliver his resignation, he is summoned to Vatican City. Bergoglio and
Pope Benedict meet at the Palace of Castel Gandolfo, the Pope's summer
residence. The two debate the roles of God and the church. Benedict
recounts what led him to the priesthood and talks about his interests.
The two watch Benedict's favorite TV show, Kommissar Rex, which
further delays their discussion about Bergoglio's resignation.

Bergoglio recounts his early life and path into the church. He
ended his marital engagement and joined the Jesuits. He was met by
Father Franz Jalics and Father Orlando Yorio, who become his spiritual
friends. Benedict rejects Bergoglio's resignation, saying the world
would perceive it as a vote of no confidence in his leadership and
weaken the Catholic Church. Benedict and Bergoglio put aside their
differences and chat informally, gradually warming to each other.

The next day, the two are helicoptered to the Vatican, during
which Benedict again avoids discussing Bergoglio's resignation.
Benedict meets with Bergoglio in the Room of Tears within the Sistine
Chapel, where he confides his intention to resign the papacy. Shocked,
Bergoglio objects and argues for church tradition and continuity.
Benedict says his opinions regarding tradition are different now and
believes change is essential. Benedict says Bergoglio could be his
successor, but Bergoglio rejects the idea, citing the perception that
he had collaborated with the Argentine military dictatorship and his
failure to protect his friends and confront the junta may have damaged
his reputation. Following the "Dirty War" Bergoglio was removed as
head of the Argentinian Society of Jesus and was exiled to serve as an
ordinary parish priest to the poor for the next ten years.

Over time, Father Jalics reconciled with Bergoglio, but Bergoglio

regrets never reconciling with Father Yorio. Memories of his actions
and inaction during the dictatorship continually haunt him. Benedict
comforts Bergoglio, reminding him that having survived a dictatorship
himself, the freedom to choose to help is often stifled; he gives
Bergoglio absolution. Then, Benedict makes his own confessions: being
aware of a priest's long-term sexual misconduct and his regret on
The Two Popes
A Reflection and A Film Summary

by: Larraine Espinosa Evangelista of Grade 10- Gratitude

staying silent. He no longer hears God's words and affirms his wishes
to abdicate. Bergoglio ultimately comforts the Pope and offers him
absolution as well. The two emerge from the room, surprising tourists.
Benedict goes outside to greet the masses and take selfies with them.
Bergoglio departs for Argentina.

One year later, Pope Benedict XVI delivers his resignation to the

world. Cardinal Bergoglio is elected Benedict's successor in the 2013
papal conclave and becomes Pope Francis. The two popes watch the 2014
FIFA World Cup Final between Germany and Argentina together.

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