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Mrs. Lecimar L. Esdrelon

Day 1

1. Short attention span, day dreaming, clumsiness, and preference for younger
playmates are associated with?
a. Conduct disorder
b. Personality disorder
c. Immaturity
d. Socialized aggression
2. A developmental delay may be indicated by:
a. First grader having difficulty buttoning clothing
b. Stuttered response
c. Kindergarten not having complete bladder control
d. Withdrawn behaviour
3. One of the common factors for students with all types of disabilities is that they are
also likely to demonstrate difficulty with:
a. Social skills
b. Cognitive skills
c. Problem-solving skills
d. Decision-making skills
4. Educators who advocate educating all children, without exception, in their
neighbourhood classrooms and schools, who propose the end of labelling and
segregation of special needs students in special classes, and who call for the delivery
of special supports and services directly in the classroom may be said to support the:
a. Full service model
b. Regular education initiative
c. Full inclusion model
d. Mainstream model
5. Which of the following teaching activities is LEAST likely to enhance learning for the
type of students who have special needs?
a. A verbal description of the task to be performed followed by having the children
immediately attempt to perform the instructed behaviour
b. A demonstration of the behaviour, followed by an immediate opportunity for
children to imitate the behaviour
c. A simultaneous demonstration and explanation of the behaviour, followed by
ample opportunity for the children to rehearse the instructed behaviour
d. Physically guiding the children through the behaviour to be imitated while
verbally explaining the behaviour
6. What is the basis for the inclusion movement?
a. All students belonging in general education class – NO exception answer
b. General education teachers can and should teach all students including those
with disabilities
c. General education teachers will have all necessary materials
7. Criterion-referenced tests can provide information about:
a. Whether a student has mastered pre-requisite skills
b. Whether a student is ready to proceed to the next level of instruction
c. Which instructional materials might be helpful in covering program objectives
d. All of the above
8. Standardized tests allow:
a. Administration to groups
b. Administration to individuals
c. Comparison across population
d. All of the above
9. The best way to ensure the success of educational interventions is to:
a. Give regular education teachers the primary responsibility of teaching special
needs students in regular classrooms
b. Give special education teachers the primary responsibility of teaching special
needs students in special education classrooms
c. Promote cooperative teaching efforts between general and special educators
d. Have support personnel assume the primary responsibility for the education of
special needs students
10. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate assessment modification for student
with learning disability?
a. Having the test read orally to the student
b. Writing down the students’ dictated answers
c. Allowing the student to take the assessments home to complete
d. Extending the time for the student to take the assessment
11. For quality professional development, teachers must consider the NCBTS, which are
the established standards for good teaching in the Philippines. What is meant by the
acronym NCBTS?
A. National Competency-Based Teachers Standards
B. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards
C. National Competency Basic Teacher Standards
D. National Competency Basic Teaching Standards
12. You are very much interested in quality professional development program for
teachers. What characteristics should you look for?
A. Depends on the availability of funds
B. Prescribed by top educational leaders
C. Responsive to identified teachers needs
D. Required for renewal of professional license
13. How do you know a program for teachers professional that meets high standards
from that does not? Quality professional development helps teachers to _______ .
A. To get promoted
B. Get intrinsically motivated to grow continuously
C. Earn MA units for ranking purposes
D. Put themselves far above their students
14. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect
their teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with
a. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in
activities for the betterment of communities.
b. Yes, because teaching is more than enough full time job
c. No, because to lead in community activities is the job of elected officials
d. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice demands that they be properly
15. Teacher Emilia does NOT personally agree with one school policy. What is her
professional responsibility?
a. Be indifferent about it but exert effort to understand it.
b. Make an honest effort to understand, support, and carry out the school policy
even if she does NOT personally agree
c. Remain connected with the school but defy the policy because in conscience she
cannot agree
d. Lead a campaign against its abolition
16. In the context of constructivist learning transaction, the teacher as facilitator or
learning engages in an instruction that is ____________
a. Flexible and creative
b. Understanding and independent
c. Formative and summative
d. Democratic and independent
17. Global students learn with short bursts of energy. To maintain concentration they
require _________________.
a. Frequent reminder that they need to concentrate
b. Frequent and intermittent breaks
c. Short and easy reading materials
d. Music while studying
18. Which two statements BEST describe a global teacher?
I. Thinks and acts both locally and globally
II. Believes in education for sustainable development
III. Wants to work abroad
IV. Desires to live abroad
a. II and IV c. I only
b. I and II d. III only
19. Lito’s mother is an OFW and he has been absent for the past three days. Considering
the teacher’s roles and responsibilities, what action will you take?
a. Record the absences
b. Conduct home visitation
c. Report to the guidance counsellor
d. Conduct action research
20. As a researcher, which may be a good problem for a teacher’s action research to
improve learning outcomes?
a. Class Camia’s performance in NAT during the SY 2013-2014
b. High percentage of absenteeism during Fridays
c. Turnover of teachers during the current school year
d. High percentage of tardiness during Mondays
21. How are schools influences when parents’ measure of excellent school is children’s
ability to read as early as pre-kindergarten?
a. Focus on academics
b. Integration of values in the curriculum
c. Application of socio-emotional learning
d. Exclusive use of reading books published by the school
22. To respond to the needs of industry, which one do schools focus on?
a. Technical skills
b. Humanities
c. Basic literacy skills
d. Social relations
23. The wide acceptance of “bottom up” management style has influenced schools to
practice which management practice?
a. Prescription of what ought to be done from the central office
b. Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest speakers during graduation
c. Involvement of students, parents, teachers and community in school
d. Allowing schools to do what they think is best
24. In their desire to make schools perform, the DEPED then, published the ranking of
schools in NAT results nationwide. As an effect of this practice, what did schools tend
to do?
I. Taught at the expense of NAT
II. Conducted review classes for NAT at the expense of teaching
III. Practice the so-called teaching to the test
a. II and III c. I and III
b. II only d. III only
25. Large class size in congested cities is a common problem in our public school
system. Which stop gap measure/s has schools taken?
I. The deployment of more teachers
II. The implementation of 1:1 pupil textbook ratio
III. The conduct of morning and afternoon sessions
a. I, II and III c. III only
b. I and II d. II only
26. What does the acronym EFA imply to schools?
I. Practice of inclusive education
II. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of non-formal
III. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys or for girls
IV. The promotion of alternative learning systems
a. II and IV c. I and III
b. I and II d. I and IV

27. Which conclusion can be derived from the case of Teacher Alex described below?
Teacher Alex is the lone teacher in a stand alone remote multigrade school. She is the
school head, the generalist teacher for all the subjects, the janitor, the secretary, the
nurse rolled into one.
a. The geographical location of a school has influence on the role of a teacher.
b. A teacher of a remote school has more problems than that one in an urban
c. A remote school cannot perform as well as a central school
d. A multigrade school is an indicator of a lack of budget for education
28. Which recent action/s show/s that political factors affect schools as agents of change?
I. The strengthening of the teaching of English in the Philippine schools
II. The introduction of mandated such as Rizal in the curriculum
III. The practice of mainstreaming
IV. The turnover of the day care centers room DSWD to DepED for supervision
a. I and II c. II and III
b. I and IV d. II and IV
29. For what main reason are schools are change agent’s advice to offer courses that
industries need.
a. Economic
b. environment
c. Political
d. historical
30. For more efficient and effective management of schools as agents of change, one
proposal for DEPED to do is cluster, remote, stand-alone schools under one lead school head.
Which factor has the strongest influenced in this proposal?
a. Political
b. Psychological
c. historical
d. geographical
31. Widespread abuse of mother earth prompted schools to teach sustainable development.
Which one does this prove about schools?
a. Environmental factors influence the school as an agent of change
b. Schools can easily integrate sustainable development in their
c. The curricula of schools are centered on mother earth
d. sustainable development cannot be effectively taught in the class
32. Your class has several IP (Indigenous People) children. Which one will
Facilitate pupil’s learning.
a. Make the IP children feel proud of themselves.
b. Group the class permanently by ethnic origin.
c. Stress the idea that IP children are different from the rest.
d. Make the class that more is expected of non-IP children
33. With an increasing variety of family situations, a teacher needs to_____.
a. Be careful not to inadvertently offend some students
b. Encourage students to improve their family situations
c. Assume that all students want to know a variety of family situations
d. Broaden student’s realization of their different learning styles
34. What is the most effective way of modelling high social expectation for al?
a. Explain the need for teachers to have high expectations
b. Encourage internal and external stakeholders to articulate their
their expectations of the school
c. Demonstrate shared communications to high academic and social
d. Issue a list of guidelines on how to achieve high performance
35. What characterized a school as a learning community?
I. Shared mission/vision ,gaols and values
II. Focused on co-curricular activities
III. Commitment to continuous improvement
IV. Centralized governance
V. Collective inquiry into best practice
a. II, III, IV, V c. II, III, IV
b. I, III, IV, V d. I, III, V
36. What the BEST meaning of collaboration in schools?
a. It is support for the beginning teachers
b. It is indentifying mentors among the experience teachers
c. It is working interdependently to analyze professional practice
d. It is working independently to determine impact of practice
37. Which of these statements is effective way of communicating the
vision-mission statement of the school?
a. Share vision-mission among stakeholder.
b. Form committees to develop and/or revise the vision-mission
c. Align activities, program and projects to the school vision-mission.
d. Memorize the vision-mission statement
38. Which of the following is NOT a principle of “sustainable development”?
a. Living according to each personal attitude and lifestyle
b. Conservation of earth’s vitality and diversity
c. Respect and care for the community of life
d. Improvement of quality of life
39. In 1990, a Congressional Commission to Review and Asses Philippine
Education, Otherwise known as EDCOM, was created by a joint resolution of congress.
What bare the two principal reasons given by EDCOM for the declining quality of
Philippine education?
a. (1) The country is not investing enough in the education system, and
(2) The education management is poorly manage
b. (1) Good teachers leave the country, and
(2) The curriculum crowded
c. (1) The number of OSY is increasing, and
(2) The teachers Salaries and benefits are not enough,
d. (1) Funds are spent for the purpose they are intended, and
(2) Strict bureaucratic procedures are imposed.
40. John Dewey’s major contribution to the social foundations of education are
The following EXCEPT ONE. Which is exception?
a. School is a continuation of home; activities at home continue at
b. education is a social process beginning at birth.
c. “ True education is transmission of knowledge from the teacher to
the learner.
d. facilitating education means being aware of the social condition of
the learner.
41. In a school where academic performance is low, which of these alternative is LEAST
a. putting up a functional Educational Management System (EMIS)
b. establishing a well equipped learning management resource center (LRC)
c. upgrading teaching competencies through in-service training
d. producing support instructional materials
42. Which of these is not a Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
a. physiological
b. performance
c. socialization
d. self-actualization
43. Which is NOT among the major targets of the Child-Friendly School System (CFSS)?
a. all school children are friendly.
b. all children 6-12 years old are enrolled in elementary schools
c. all children complete their elementary education with six years
d. all grade six students passed the division, regional, and national tests
44. Which order follows the basic rule in framing interaction?
a. call on a student, pause, ask the question
b. ask the question, call on a student, pause
c. ask the question, paused, call on a student
d. call on a student, asked the question, pause
45. The nurture creativity of learners, the teacher should be _______________.
a. an all powerful authority
b. repository of knowledge with the “right answer”
c. single-minded
d. flexible in terms of time, pace materials, techniques
46. Teacher Al, an experienced teacher, does daily review of past lesson. Why?
a. provide his pupils with a sense of wholeness and continuity
b. to determine who among his pupils are studying
c. to reflect on how he presented the previous lesson
d. to introduce a new lesson
47. Teacher Almar wants to teach the class the rules in playing basketball, which method is
most appropriate?
a. direct instruction
b. problem solving
c. discovery
d. inductive reasoning
48. You want to teach concept, patterns, and abstractions. Which method is most
a. deductive method
b. problem solving
c. direct instruction
d. indirect instruction
49. You want to have a small group discussion in your class. Which topic will be best for
group discussion? Those topics ___________.
a. where high degree of consensus among students does not yet exist
b. where a high degree of consensus among students already exists
c. that are formally structured by texts
d. that are factual
50. You combined several subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for
interdisciplinary teaching. Which strategy did you use?
a. problem-centered learning
b. reading-writing activity
c. thematic instruction
d. unit method
51. Teacher Mency is the teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary
cards, fill-in-the-blank sentences, dialogues, dictation and writing exercises in teaching a
lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid
a. the teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in the
same manner
b. the teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having less talk
c. the teacher is emphasizing reading and writing skills
d. the teacher is applying Bloom’s hierarchy of cognitive learning
51. Teacher Marian developed a card game in which pupils match different fractions. The
shapes contained within each card where the same while the number of parts shaded was
different. Which concept/process was taught by this activity?
a. equivalent fractions
b. proper and improper fractions
c. sequencing fractions
d. converting fractions
52. Teacher Elaisha discussed how electricity flows through wires and what generates the
electricity charge. Then she gave the students wires, bulbs, switches, and dry cells and told
the class to create a circuit that will increase the brightness of each bulb. Which one best
describe the approach used?
a. it was constructivist
b. it used taxonomy of basic thinking skills
c. it used cooperative learning
d. it helped students apply scientific method
53. Having a mock presidential election, complete with debates, discussion of issues, and
voting teaches students _______________.
a. the decision making process
b. the skill to win in debates
c. the art of winning in an election
d. the skill to persuade
54. What should a teacher do for students in his/her class who are not on an expected grade
a. give them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasonable
for them, trying to bring them up to a grade level
b. give them the reason to work as the other students, not much, so that they won’t
feel embarrassed.
c. give them the same work as the other students because they will absorb as much
as they are capable of
d. push them to perform in order to attain desired grade level
55. You have presented a lesson on animal protective coloration. At the end, you ask if there
are any questions. There are none. You can take this to mean ___________.
a. your students are not interested in the lesson
b. you need to determine if the students understood everything you presented
c. you need to ask specific questions to elicit responses
d. your students did not understand what you were talking about
56. What is the BEST way to develop math concepts?
a. learning math is applied to situations, such as its being a tool of science
b. solving problems by looking for correct answers
c. solving problems by using memorized formula
d. solving problems by learned formulas
57. Which is/are effective method/s in teaching students’ critical reading skills?
a. interpret editorials and read and interpret three different movie reviews
b. read and interpret three different movie reviews
c. interpret editorials about a particular subject from three different newspapers
d. evaluate the consistencies of ideas expressed in an editorial

58. Teacher Beng likes to concretize the abstract concept of an atom. He came up with a
concrete presentation of the atom by using wires and plastic balls. How would you classify
Teacher Beng’s visual aid?
a. model
b. realia
c. replica
d. chart
59. Teacher Rudy likes to show the launching of spaceships takes place. Of the following
materials available, which is most fit?
a. mock-up
b. model
c. replica
d. realia
60. In your attempt to develop creative thinking skills, you want to test fluency of ideas.
Which activity will be most appropriate?
a. list animals covered with hair in 1 minute
b. compare pictures 1 and 2. Where there are differences?
c. solve puzzle
d. solve this math problem
61. Promoting purposive study among learners is accomplished in two of these indicators?
I. Knows different teaching approaches.
II. Recognize the need for specific learning processes
III. Cultivates good study habits
IV. Take extra time to help students in learning task
a. II and III c. I and II
b. I and IV d. III and IV
62. Which is the BEST way to determine if a student has mastery of the subject matter in the
beginning of the school year?
I. Administer a diagnostic test
II. Examine his portfolio assessment
III. Interview the former teacher
IV. Examine his grades
a. I and IV c. III and IV
b. II and III d. I and II

63. Which of these is NOT an indicator of a supportive learning environment?

a. high drop-out rates
b. warm and friendly atmosphere
c. students take personal responsibility for their learning and behavior
d. increase student bonding to school
64. Which of these are crucial skills for effective teaching?
I. Creation of new instructional materials
II. Classroom management
III. High order thinking skills
IV. Art of questioning
a. I, II, III, IV
b. II and IV
c. I and III
d. I and IV
65. Which practice helps the teacher maximize time for instruction?
` a. Employ a reactive approach to discipline.
b. Maximize discipline time.
c. Avoid classroom routine; they make your students robots.
d. Minimize discipline time.
66. A sound advice for classroom managers is “Nip the problem in the bud.”
What does this mean?
a. Assume a reactive posture in classroom management.
b. Be proactive in management approach.
c. Reinforce positive behavior.
d. Treat minor disturbance calmly.
67. Which describes her classroom management approach?
I. Assertive
II. Laissez faire
III. Consultative
a. I and III c. I only
b. II and III d. II only
68. Is it sound for Miss Mabuhay to state clearly before her class that there are
some issues which are not up for discussion?
a. Yes, provided the class is informed at an appropriate time.
b. Yes, provided the class agrees.
c. No, it is undemocratic.
d. No, it projects the teachers as a domineering figure.

69. On which principle is her class involvement in the establishment of rule

I. Principle of rule ownership level of those concerned
II. Principle of appropriate level of teacher dominance
III. Principle of subsidiarity
a. I, II and III c. I and II
b. I and III d. II and III
70. To be effective which is the best time to discuss rules, procedures, rewards
and consequences based on Miss Mabuhay’s experience?
a. The first days of the school year
b. The middle part of the school year
c. As the need arises
d. Integrated in the teaching of the subjects
71. On which belief in class discipline is Miss Mabuhay’s classroom management
a. It is a shared responsibility of teacher and students.
b. It is the sole responsibility of teacher.
c. It is the ultimate responsibility of students.
d. It is achieved only when teacher dominates the classroom.

Read the text below then answer questions #72 – #76.

Miss Lopez, a beginning teacher, is having problems with her unruly class. In
submitting their homework, all students stand to give their homework personally to her.
Before the bell rings for dismissal, the boys have their backpacks on their backs ready to go.
When the bell rings, they rush to the door; the chairs get disarranged; some girls get hit and
During lessons Ms. Lopez, gets disrupted by three students talking and laughing.
Before she can stop them the whole class is already engaged in unnecessary talk. She ends
up spending more time disciplining students than teaching. At the end of the day she is

72. To what can you trace Miss Lopez’s class discipline problem?
I. Absence of established classroom routines
II. Absence of clear rules from the start
III. Poor seating arrangement
a. I and II c. II and III
b. I only d. II only

73. Which proactive technique should Miss Lopez employ?

a. Reward those behaving and punish those misbehaving.
b. Single out those misbehaving and detain them after class.
c. Separate the boys’ seat arrangement from that of the girls.
d. Keep students engaged in a learning task.
74. How’s the ripple effect illustrated in the class of Miss Lopez?
a. Miss Lopez gets exhausted at the end of the day.
b. The misbehaviour of three students escalates.
c. Miss Lopez spends more time disciplining than teaching.
d. All students stand up to submit an assignment to Miss Lopez.
75. Which is the most effective way of dealing with the three misbehaving
students immediately?
a. Assign them to separate seats.
b. Call their attention and warn them sternly in the presence of the class.
c. Detain them after class.
d. Stop the class proceedings then tell the three students you will write
letters to their parents.
76. To avoid such an unruly scenario, which should Miss Lopez do?
a. Punish those who don’t behave.
b. Project a threatening personality.
c. Spell out her rules on procedures at the very start of the class.
d. Threaten the misbehaving students with punishment.
77. Which statement on wait time is CORRECT?
a. Wait time turns off fast thinking students.
b. For quality response, “what” and “why” questions require equal wait
c. The higher the level of the question, the longer the wait time.
d. Wait time turns off slow thinking students.
78. Teacher B asked this questions: “What conclusion can you draw based on
your observation?” Nobody raised a hand so she asked another question:
“Based on what you observe what can you now say about the reaction of
plants to light?” Which did Teacher B do?
a. Rephrasing c. Repeating
b. Redirecting d. Probing
79. Which activity can help develop teamwork among your students?
a. Journal writing c. Reflective activity
b. Metaphorical thinking d. Roundtable

80. If you want to hone your students’ metacognitive ability, which is most fit?
a. Drill for majesty c. Debate
b. Journal writing d. Brainstorming
81. For an effective presentation of Article XIV of the Philippine Constitution,
which is most appropriate?
a. Team game c. Independent study
b. Direct instruction d. Learning circles
82. For effective comparison, which one can you use?
a. Spider map c. Webbing
b. Fishbone d. Metaphor
83. Which graphic organizer is most fit for sequencing?
a. Hierarchy diagram c. Flow chart
b. Venn diagram d. Double cell diagram
84. Which is LEAST exploratory in nature?
a. Inquiry approach c. Deductive method
b. Questioning method d. Project method
85. For direct instruction which does NOT belong?
a. Demonstration method c. Drill method
b. Deductive method d. Inductive method
86. To make our children “little scientist”, which method(s) should we employ
more often?
I. Inquiry
II. Problem solving
III. Laboratory
a. II and III c. I, II and II
b. I and II d. I and III
87. Which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Content-based instruction c. Thematic approach
b. Cooperative learning d. Multi-disciplinary approach
88. To give everyone in a big class a chance to participate, which one should
you employ?
a. Simulation
b. Class game
c. Panel discussion
d. Small group discussion

89. You want to teach plant’s response to light inductively. How will you
a. Draw plant’s response to light then explain.
b. State plant’s response to light.
c. Show pictures of plants growing toward the light, then ask students to
to draw their conclusion on plant’s response to light.
d. Make my students share their research on phototropism and ask one
another questions.
90. Which of these are two (2) most important knowledge and skills that a
teacher needs to be able to provide teaching-learning opportunities
that develop problem solving and higher order thinking abilities?
I. Designing, planning, implementing, documenting and reviewing
Learning experiences
II. Impact of cultural, social, and political influences in education
III. Metacognitive processes
IV. Methods of identifying students’ learning needs
a. III and IV c. I and III
b. II and III d. I and IV
91. What factors must be considered in the choice of best method to be
employed in class?
I. Nature of the learners
II. Aims and objectives of the lesson
III. Available materials in the community
a. I, II, and III c. I and III
b. I and II d. II and III
92. The old, time-tested methods are also used in classes. Which statement
Describes best these methods?
I. They are teacher-directed.
II. Mastery of subject matter is of utmost importance.
III. Procedures are well-established.
a. II and III c. I and III
b. I and II d. II and III

3.1 Analyze the cognitive, metacognitive, motivational socio-cultural factors

that affect learning
SITUATION – Read the following then answer question #93.

Lourdes doesn’t enjoy writing but can’t escape from it. She has to finish it in order to
Maria has always liked to write. She really likes to become a better writer because
she wants to be a journalist someday.

93. Who is likely to be a more focused on the writing activity and why?
a. Maria, because she is intrinsically motivated.
b. Lourdes because she is extrinsically motivated.
c. Both, because they are both motivated anyway.
d. It cannot be determined. Motivation fluctuates.
94. What is/are more likely to happen when a student gets intrinsically
I. Tackles assigned task willingly
II. Eager to learn classroom material
III. Engaged in meaningful learning
a. I, II and II c. I and II
b. I and III d. II and III
95. Which apply/applies to extrinsically motivated learners?
I. Tend to process information superficially
II. Tend to be content with meeting minimum requirements
III. Achieve at high level
a. I and II c. I and III
b. II only d. I only
96. Which does he/she want his/her teachers to do?
a. Make her students derive meaning from what is presented
b. Give the meaning of what she presents
c. Let her students construct meaningful sentences based on the lesson
d. Require her students to come up with a construct of the lesson
97. Which one should teachers then avoid? Students’ _______________________.
a. Reflection
b. Memorization of facts for testing
c. Inquiry
d. Self-directed learning
98. Which material will teachers most likely use?
a. Facts c. Time-tested principles
b. Laws d. Hypotheses
99. Which material will teachers most likely AVOID?
a. Controversial issues c. Open-ended topics
b. Unquestionable laws d. Problems or cases
100. On which assumption/s is the principals’ action anchored?
I. Students learn by personally constructing meaning of what is taught.
II. Students construct and reconstruct meanings based on experiences.
III. Students derive meaning from the meaning that teacher gives.
a. I and III c. I and II
b. I only d. II only
101. Lecturer C narrates: “I observe that when there is an English-speaking
foreigner in class, more often that not, his classmates perceive him to be
superior.” To which Filipino trait does this point?
a. Hospitality
b. Friendliness
c. Colonial mentality
d. Lack of confidence
102. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally literate, which mechanism
is meant to reach out to children who come from a barangay without a
a. Mobile teacher c. Multi-grade classroom
b. Multi-level classroom d. Sine Eskwela
103. Which program of the Department of Education is an offshoot of the Filipino
Bayanihan spirit?
a. Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP)
b. Brigada Eskwela
c. Child-Friendly School System
d. The Basic Education Curriculum
104. Which development principle is NOT TRUE?
a. Children’s development is a function of environment and heredity.
b. Children develop at different rates.
c. Children develop in a predictable manner.
d. Children develop skills and abilities in an unpredictable manner.
105. Which type of parenting style is most beneficial to the development of
children, according to research?
a. Authoritarian c. Authoritative
b. Permissive d. Uninvolved

106. Which is the ideal stage of moral development?

a. Social contract c. Law and order
b. Universal ethical principle d. Good boy/good girl
107. Based on Frued’s theory, which operate/s when a student strikes a
classmate at the height of anger?
a. Ego c. Id
b. Superego d. Id and Ego interact
108. “Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself” says
the voiceless voice from within you.” In the context of Freud’s theory,
which is/are at work?
a. Id c. Ego
b. Superego d. Id and Ego interact
109. In which order does cognitive development proceed, according to Piaget?
I. Formal operations stage
II. Sensorimotor stage
III. Preoperational stage
IV. Concrete operations stage
a. II, III, IV, I c. II, I, III, IV
b. II, III, I, IV d. II, I, IV, III
110. Which is essential in the cognitive development of persons according to
a. Independent thinking c. Individual mental work
b. Social interaction d. Scietific thinking
111. Teacher X asked her students to describe how their families celebrate
holidays. Students can discover that people celebrate holidays differently.
Which principle in cognitive development governs Teacher X’s teaching
a. Social interaction is essential for cognitive development.
b. Children often think in different ways at different ages.
c. Cognitive development involves relating new information to prior
d. Children actively construct their knowledge.
112. Who of the following authors would most help Teacher Lito to understand
the underlying effects of poverty on academic achievement?
a. Maslow c. Piaget
b. Dewey d. Kohlberg
113. In a well known experiment psychologist frustrate young children by placing a wire
fence between the children and the pile of toys. When finally allowed to play with the toys,
the children smashed and destroyed them. Which reaction was demonstrated?
a. rational aggression c. Dormant aggression
b. displaced aggression d. Sustained aggression
114. Which educational issue can be clarified by understanding Maslow’s Needs Theory?
a. sex education issues in school
b. delinquency in the public school
c. the effects of different classroom structures
d. the effect of poverty on academic achievement
115. You are convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provide
reinforcement and soon the student learns to perform the behavior on her own. On which
principle is your conviction based?
a. cognitivism c. constructivism
b. behaviourism d. Environmentalism
116. Which psychological theory states that the mind insists on finding patterns in things
that contribute the development of insight?
a. Piaget’s psychology
b. Kohlberg’s psychology
c. Gestalt psychology
d. Bruner’s theory
117. When small children call all animals “dogs”, what process is illustrated based on
Piaget’s cognitive development theory?
a. conservation c. accommodation
b. assimilation d. Reversion
118. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves inactive to iconic and symbolic
stages. Applying Bruner’s how should you teach?
a. begin with the concrete
b. begin with the abstract
c. be interactive in approach
d. do direct instruction
119. Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura’s Social learning theory?
a. modelling c. questioning
b. lecturing d. Inductive reasoning
120. A person who has had painful experiences at the dentist’s office may become fearful at
the mere sight of the dentist’s office. Which theory can explain this?
a. generalization
b. classical conditioning
c. operant conditioning
d. attribution theory
121. A mother giver her son his favourite snacks everytime the boy cleans up his room.
Afterwards, the boy cleans his room everyday in anticipation of the snack. Which theory is
a. operant conditioning
b. classical conditioning
c. associative learning
d. Pavlovian conditioning
122. Teacher X does NOT wait for the end of the term to find out how much the student
learn. With which does Teacher X agree?
a. formative evaluation
b. authentic evaluation
c. summative evaluation
d. norm - referenced evaluation
123. Even in the process of teaching, Teacher J finds out if her student understand what she
is teaching. What is Teacher J engaged in?
a. summative evaluation
b. criterion-referenced evaluation
c. formative evaluation
d. norm-referenced evaluation
124. To what extent where the objectives of the course met? This is the concern of the
process of ______________ evaluation.
a. authentic evaluation
b. criterion-referenced
c. norm-referenced
d. formative
125. Which is a valid assessment tool if you want to find out how well your students can
speak extemporaneously?
a. performance test in extemporaneous speaking
b. written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous speech
c. display of speeches delivered
d. writing speeches
126. Which must go with self-assessment for it to be effective?
a. external monitor
b. consensus of evaluation results from teachers and students
c. scoring rubric
d. public display of results of self-evaluation
127. Which must be present for self-evaluation to succeed?
a. consensus between teacher and student regarding evaluation results
b. teachers approval of self-evaluation results
c. teachers monitoring of self-evaluation process
d. students intrinsic motivation to learn
128. Teachers are encouraged to make use of authentic assessment. Which goes with
authentic assessment?
a. unrealistic performances
b. decontextualized drills
c. real world application of lesson learned
d. answering high multiple choice test items
129. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on
working with and relating to people?
a. conducting mock election
b. home visitation
c. organizing a community project
d. writing articles on working and relating to people
130. Which is the most reliable tool of seeing the development in your pupil’s ability to
a. portfolio assessment
b. scoring rubric
c. interview of pupils
d. self-assessment
131. How much of the scientific method has your pupils acquired? This is best measured in
their skill to ________.
I. Generate and test hypothesis
II. Critic and evaluation
III. See connectedness of events
a. II and III c. I only
b. I and II d. I, II and III
132. Here is a test item: ______ is an example of a mammal. What is defective with this test
a. The blank is at the beginning of the sentence.
b. It is a very short question.
c. It is an insignificant test item.
d. It is very elementary.

133. Which improvement/s should be done on this completion test item: An example of a
mammal is _____.
a. The question should have only one acceptable answer.
b. The blank should be at the beginning of the sentence.
c. The item should give more cues.
d. The blank should be longer to accommodate all possible answers.

Study this test and answer questions #134-#140.

Teacher C gave this test to her pupils. Study it thoroughly then answer the questions
that follow:
____ 1. Sum A. Number to be added
____ 2. Addends B. .25
____ 3. The formula for the area of a C. The answer in addition
____ 4. Multiplier D. Alexander Venn
____ 5. Product E. A=1 x w
____ 6. Formula for the perimeter of a F. 3/2
____ 7. He introduced the Venn diagram G. P=2(1) + 2 (W)
____ 8. An example of an improper H. The number by which you
fraction multiply
____ 9. Equivalent of ¼ in decimal I. The answer in multiplication

134. Are the items in the correct columns?

a. No, because this is a perfect matching type of test.
b. Yes. That is exactly how the items should be arranged.
c. Yes and no, that depends on teacher’s lesson objective.
d. No. The items on the right should be on the left; the items on the left
should be on the right.
135. One defeat of Teacher C’s test is the items to match are ________.
a. Very few c. Heterogeneous
b. Homogenous d. Insignificant
136. How can the test be improved?
a. Ask more significant items.
b. Add to the number of foils.
c. Increase the number of items to match.
d. Increase the difficulty level of the test.

137. Which can be a basis improvement of the test?

a. Increase the facility index of the test
b. Make the items heterogeneous.
c. Increase the number of test items.
d. Make the items homogeneous.
138. Which does the test lack?
I. Directions
II. Label of the Columns
III. Foil among the options
Iv. One Correct Answer
a. I, II and III c. I, III and IV
b. III only d. II and III
139. Which statement is TRUE of the test?
a. It is a reliable test because it covers a wide scope of subject matter.
b. It is an ideal perfect matching type of test.
c. It is a good type of an imperfect matching test.
d. The items can be answered by mere process of elimination.
140. Which principle in test construction for a matching type of test was not
a. If your matching test is of the imperfect type, caution the examinee.
b. Test items must be heterogeneous.
c. Test items must be homogenous.
d. If your matching test is of the perfect type, inform the examinee.
141. What’s defective with this test items?
The Philippines
a. is in Southeast Asia.
b. has a democratic form of government.
c. belongs to the Third World.
d. is the most thickly populated in Southeast Asia.

I. The stem does not contain the question.

II. The stem is very short.
III. It has several correct answers.
a. I only c. III
b. II only d. I and III

142. How can you improve on this multiple choice test item?
A test is valid when __________________.
a. it measures what it purports to measure
b. covers a broad scope of subject matter
c. reliability of scores
d. easy to administer

a. Construct the options in such a way that the grammar of the sentence
remains correct.
b. Make the length of the options uniform.
c. Make the options parallel.
d. Pack the question in the stem.
143. Read this True-False test item and answer the question that follows:
Andre Bonifacio founded the Katipunan. Which principle in test
construction is violated?
a. Test something significant.
b. Make use of simple words.
c. There should be sufficient reason to make the statement false.
d. Avoid qualitative terms.
144. Here is Teacher D’s Lesson objective: “To race the causes of Alzheimer’s disease.”
Which is a valid test for this particular objective?
a. Do young people also get attacked by Alzheimer’s disease?
Support your answer.
b. What is an Alzheimer’s disease?
c. Can an Alzheimer’s disease be traced to old age? Explain your answer
d. To what factors can Alzheimer’s disease be traced? Explain
145. Here is Teacher’s Z instructional objective: “To distinguish between proper and improper
fractions.” Which is a valid test item for such objective?
a. define proper and improper fractions
b. put a (/) on the proper fractions and an X over the improper fractions: 1/2 , 4/3,
3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/7, 2/10, 6/12
c. is an improper fraction really a fraction. Explain your answer
d. can you add proper and improper fractions together? Explain

146. Is this test item valid for objective #1 as contained in the Table of Specifications?

I divided a cake equally into 4. I ate 2 pieces. Which part did I eat?
a. 2/4 c. 4/4
b. ¼ d. 4/2

a. yes c. Yes, but needs to be improved

b. no d. No, because it is insufficient
147. Which is a restricted essay test?
a. what should the Department of Education do to solve the perennial problem of
poor quality of basic education? Give and justify your proposal.
b. if you were President of the Philippines, what would you do to spur the nation’s
economic growth?
c. what conditions must be present for photosynthesis to take place? Explain each
factor in not more than three sentences.
d. why are more and more people seek of Alzheimer’s disease?
148. Choose an appropriate curriculum specially that the child’s mind does not contain any
innate ideas was an advised from ____________
a. Plato
b. John Locke
c. Rosseau
d. B.F. Skinner
149. Who claimed that the children are natural learners and therefore, must be taught in
natural settings?
a. Piaget
b. Froebel
c. Montessori
d. Kohlberg
150. According to Wiggins and McTighe, one facet of understanding, an evidenced of
learning, is empathy. Which test questions assesses capacity to emphatize?
a. state the Pythagorean theorem
b. test on Romeo and Juliet. Imagine you are Juliet. Write your thoughts and feelings
why you have to take the desperate action?
c. diagnose and fix the broken lamp
d. translate all the words in Spanish and give the meaning of the sentence.

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