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Personal Philosophy Paper

Personal Philosophy Paper

Charlotte M. Pugh

California State University Long Beach

Personal Philosophy Paper


My definition of leisure is free time away from work and other obligations so that you are free to

engage in a worthwhile activity. My definition of recreation is activity done for enjoyment when

one is not working, is morally acceptable, contributes to society, and has some element of

structure and organization. Each element in my definition is important. My definition of play is

engaging in an activity freely chosen for enjoyment and it is unstructured, not serious, and

involves the imagination. While my personal philosophy on recreation and leisure calls for

activities that are worthwhile, this can mean something different to everyone. The purpose of

recreation, leisure, and play is to enjoy life. There have been many experiences that have

influenced my personal philosophy of recreation, leisure, and play. These factors include work,

educational, and personal experiences.

Keywords: leisure, recreation, play

Personal Philosophy Paper


My personal philosophy of leisure, recreation, and play has been influenced by many

factors. These factors include work, educational, and personal experiences. I believe that leisure,

recreation, and play each have their own individual characteristics. These characteristics are

important to know because it will help when providing recreation services as a professional. I

believe that leisure services should be provided in an inclusive manner. Affluent people are not

the only people who deserve to enjoy recreation

Supporting Information

My definition of leisure is free time away from work and other obligations so that you are

free to engage in a worthwhile activity. Leisure can be viewed in two different ways. The first is

leisure as time. This definition says that leisure is time free from obligations such as work and

other tasks. This means that leisure is leftover time. The second view is leisure as activity. This

definition of leisure says that leisure is when one engages in activities that are worthwhile and

for some purpose. My definition encompasses both of these definitions. Leisure is both time free

from obligations as well as engaging in a worthwhile activity. From my experiences and courses

in recreation I have learned that the activity should be worthwhile to be considered leisure. This

is what Aristotle would call “cultivation of the mind” or “diagōgē,” (DeGrazia). The course that

has influenced this definition the most is REC 340, Leisure in Contemporary Society. This class

gave me a basic understanding of leisure and its role in society.

My definition of recreation is activity done for enjoyment when one is not working, is

morally acceptable, contributes to society, and has some element of structure and organization.

Each element in my definition is important. The first element is recreation done when one is not

working. This is important because it means that one has the time to recreate free from
Personal Philosophy Paper

obligations. Second, it is morally acceptable. This is an important component because it

distinguishes what is right and wrong and how that relates to recreational activities. Third, it

contributes to society in some manner. This means that the activity cannot be something

destructive to society. The fourth component is that there is an element of structure and

organization. This helps distinguish recreation from play. Recreational activities include

structure through rules or set standards. REC 141, Introduction to Leisure Services, played a

large part in shaping my definition of recreation because it taught me the basic principles of


While my personal philosophy on recreation and leisure calls for activities that are

worthwhile, this can mean something different to everyone. This is an important element in my

philosophy. What is worthwhile to me may not be seen as worthwhile to someone else.

Therefore, whatever each person sees as worthwhile may be considered leisure under the

assumption that it is socially redeemable. One thing to keep in mind is that what society views as

acceptable changes over time. What was socially acceptable 50 years ago is not necessarily the

same today.

My definition of play is engaging in an activity freely chosen for enjoyment and it is

unstructured, not serious, and involves the imagination. This is different from recreation and

leisure because it is not serious and is imaginative. Play is usually described as a children’s

activity, but adults can also engage in play. Play is an important factor in the development of

children. It aids in the development of their imagination and individuality. “The life of a child

should be one of adventure and exploit,” (Nash, 1960). Nash believed that children need to have

adventures and take risks because it is an important part of their development. My definition has

largely been influenced by Professor Hudgens. I took her course titled Universality of Play.
Personal Philosophy Paper

Through this course I learned that play is a very important activity, especially for youth, and has

many benefits.

The purpose of recreation, leisure, and play is to enjoy life. People tend to spend so much

time working and not enough time participating in recreation and leisure. “Participants hope that

their recreation pursuits can help them to balance their lives and refresh themselves from their

work as well as other mandated activities such as housecleaning, child rearing, and so on,”

(Hurd, 2010). Recreation is an escape from the demands of everyday life. It can bring balance

and happiness into one’s life if implemented correctly. Because of this, I believe that

opportunities for recreation should be available to everyone. Inclusive practices should be a top

priority when delivering leisure services, especially in municipal recreation which is my intended

area of practice.

There have been many experiences that have influenced my personal philosophy of

recreation, leisure, and play. The first and foremost it where and how I was raised. I grew up in

the foothills of the Sequoia National Park. This developed my love for the outdoors and

introduced me to the many benefits of recreation and leisure. The second experience that

influenced me was taking REC 325, Advanced Program and Event Management. This class

opened my eyes to recreation as a degree option and I changed my major soon after beginning

that course. The third experience that has influenced me is my work in the field of recreation. I

started working in municipal recreation a year ago and it has definitely been an eye opening



My philosophy will guide me in my personal life as well as in professional practice. My

views on recreation, leisure, and play will influence my decisions and professional practice. I
Personal Philosophy Paper

will make sure that the programs I implement will be delivered in a way that is inclusive,

accessible, and equitable. The importance I put on recreation as a part of everyone’s life will be

apparent through my actions as a professional and an individual. I have very strong beliefs about

what leisure, recreation, and play mean. There have been many events in my life that have

shaped these attitudes. Based off of my beliefs and how much I value recreation I believe that I

will be an effective recreational professional. My life experiences and, above all, education has

prepared me to provide opportunities for leisure services in the area of municipal parks.
Personal Philosophy Paper


Grazia, S. D. (1962). Of time, work and leisure. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund.

Hurd, A. R., & Anderson, D. M. (2010). The park and recreation professional's handbook.
Human Kinetics.

Nash, J. B. (1960). Philosophy of recreation and leisure. WC Brown Co..

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