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In our generation today, our children become more invested in using gadgets. Although
being exposed to gadgets can have its good sides, such as improved cognitive skills,
better motor skills, and competition skills. It definitely has a negative side, in which
children can suffer from ADHD, poor eyesight, anxiety, lack of social skills, learning
problems, childhood depression and the such. This case study will tackle on how to
avoid the negative effects of gadgets to children.
A gadget is a tool like machine that has a specific function that makes day-to-day
activities convenient; an example of a gadget is a mobile phone. Mobile phones were
first introduced in the early 1940s, although it emerged in the Philippines in the early
1990’s the first generation of phones in the country was as interactive to the children as
it is today. Seeing that most guardians use these gadgets to entertain their children.
According to Sundus M (2018), he stated in his research that the negative effects of
gadgets to children are speech or language delay which means that as the child spend
more time using gadgets then there would be a high probability that the child would
have difficulties in expressive speech.
There would also be a chance that the child would have an Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a mental disorder wherein the person has
difficulty in paying attention and controlling impulsive behaviors.
Anxiety and Childhood depression will also be present if they interact with gadgets too
much in such a young age, because as they interact more with gadgets than other
people then they would develop nervousness and shyness when presented in situations
that does not involve the use of gadgets while childhood depression is very common,
and it affects the way they behave, their actions and the way they think.
Gadgets can help a child improve but there’s also a negative effect of it. Parents must
be always at the side to guide their children and to avoid its negative effects. Without
parental guidance, children might get addicted to it, they might not enjoy their childhood
as well as children without gadgets, and they have more prone to develop illnesses
mental or physical. But there are alternatives to entertain children without always using
1. Find alternative skills or talents that can be developed at an early age.
2. Parent/s or guardian/s should refrain from buying gadget/s when the child is still
in the developmental stage.
3. Parent/s or guardian/s should always keep an eye on the child.
These alternatives aren’t always applicable when the children are already more or less
exposed to gadgets at such a young age, basically making the gadget a surrogate
babysitter for the child. Additionally, even if we avoid buying gadgets for our children
they will still be exposed to it in other forms of media and technology such as television
and movies. This generation will always be dependent to gadgets, as it makes our life
The proposed solution that can definitely help the parent/s or guardian/s to lessen the
negative effects of gadgets to children, is that whenever the child uses them,
1. Set a time limit.
2. Monitor the child’s activities.
3. Make them play or interact with children their age outside.
The most obvious people who should practice these should be parent/s or guardian/s.
They should be strict with their children in terms of usage thus setting a time limit. They
should also encourage their children to have a social life, not only developing social
skills but also help in their child development not only should they be encouraged to
interact with children their age but also spend family time with them. As the child
interacts more with the gadgets, they lose touch in the real world, forgetting moral
values as they become mentally advanced despite their age.

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