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Allergic Rhinitis

Medically reviewed by Judith Marcin, MD on June 20, 2017 — Written by Kristeen Moore




Risk factors


Home remedies


In children



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What is allergic rhinitis?

An allergen is an otherwise harmless substance that causes an allergic reaction. Allergic rhinitis, or hay
fever, is an allergic response to specific allergens. Pollen is the most common allergen in seasonal
allergic rhinitis. These are allergy symptoms that occur with the change of seasons.

Nearly 8 percent of adults in the United States experience allergic rhinitis of some kind, according to the
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). Between 10 and 30 percent of the
worldwide population may also have allergic rhinitis.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

Common symptoms of allergic rhinitis include:


a runny nose

a stuffy nose

an itchy nose


a sore or scratchy throat

itchy eyes
watery eyes

dark circles under the eyes

frequent headaches

eczema-type symptoms, such as having extremely dry, itchy skin that can blister and weep


excessive fatigue

You’ll usually feel one or more of these symptoms immediately after coming into contact with an
allergen. Some symptoms, such as recurrent headaches and fatigue, may only happen after long-term
exposure to allergens. Fever isn’t a symptom of hay fever.

Some people experience symptoms only rarely. This likely occurs when you’re exposed to allergens in
large quantities. Other people experience symptoms all year long. Talk to your doctor about possible
allergies if your symptoms last for more than a few weeks and don’t seem to be improving.

What causes allergic rhinitis?

When your body comes into contact with an allergen, it releases histamine, which is a natural chemical
that defends your body from the allergen. This chemical can cause allergic rhinitis and its symptoms,
including a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes.

In addition to tree pollen, other common allergens include:

grass pollen

dust mites

animal dander, which is old skin

cat saliva


During certain times of the year, pollen can be especially problematic. Tree and flower pollens are more
common in the spring. Grasses and weeds produce more pollen in the summer and fall.
What are the types of allergic rhinitis

The two types of allergic rhinitis are seasonal and perennial. Seasonal allergies usually occur during the
spring and fall season and are typically in response to outdoor allergens like pollen. Perennial allergies
can occur year round, or at any time during the year in response to indoor substances, like dust mites
and pet dander.

Risk factors for allergic rhinitis

Allergies can affect anyone, but you’re more likely to develop allergic rhinitis if there is a history of
allergies in your family. Having asthma or atopic eczema can also increase your risk of allergic rhinitis.

Some external factors can trigger or worsen this condition, including:

cigarette smoke


cold temperatures



air pollution




wood smoke


How is allergic rhinitis diagnosed?

If you have minor allergies, you’ll probably only need a physical exam. However, your doctor may
perform certain tests to figure out the best treatment and prevention plan for you.

A skin prick test is one of the most common. Your doctor places several substances onto your skin to see
how your body reacts to each one. Usually, a small red bump appears if you’re allergic to a substance.

A blood test, or radioallergosorbent test (RAST), is also common. The RAST measures the amount of
immunoglobulin E antibodies to particular allergens in your blood.

Treatments for allergic rhinitis

You can treat your allergic rhinitis in several ways. These include medications, as well as home remedies
and possibly alternative medicines. Talk to your doctor before trying any new treatment measure for
allergic rhinitis.


You can take antihistamines to treat allergies. They work by stopping your body from making histamine.

Some popular over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines include:

fexofenadine (Allegra)

diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

desloratadine (Clarinex)

loratadine (Claritin)

levocetirizine (Xyzal)

cetirizine (Zyrtec)

Shop for OTC antihistamines.

Talk to your doctor before starting a new medication. Make sure that a new allergy medication won’t
interfere with other medications or medical conditions.


You can use decongestants over a short period, usually no longer than three days, to relieve a stuffy
nose and sinus pressure. Using them for a longer time can cause a rebound effect, meaning once you
stop your symptoms will actually get worse. Popular OTC decongestants include:

oxymetazoline (Afrin nasal spray)

pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)

phenylephrine (Sudafed PE)

cetirizine with pseudoephedrine (Zyrtec-D)

If you have an abnormal heart rhythm, heart disease, history of stroke, anxiety, a sleep disorder, high
blood pressure, or bladder issues, speak with your doctor before using a decongestant.

Shop for decongestants.

Eye drops and nasal sprays

Eye drops and nasal sprays can help relieve itchiness and other allergy-related symptoms for a short
time. However, depending on the product, you may need to avoid long-term use.

Like decongestants, overusing certain eye drops and nose drops can also cause a rebound effect.

Corticosteroids can help with inflammation and immune responses. These do not cause a rebound
effect. Steroid nasal sprays are commonly recommended as a long-term, useful way to manage allergy
symptoms. They are available both over the counter and by prescription.
Talk to your doctor before starting a regimen of any allergy treatment to make sure you are taking the
best medications for your symptoms. You doctor can also help you determine which products are made
for short-term use and which are designed for long-term management.


Your doctor may recommend immunotherapy, or allergy shots, if you have severe allergies. You can use
this treatment plan in conjunction with medications to control your symptoms. These shots decrease
your immune response to particular allergens over time. They do require a long-term commitment to a
treatment plan.

An allergy shot regimen begins with a buildup phase. During this phase, you’ll go to your allergist for a
shot one to three times per week for about three to six months to let your body get used to the allergen
in the shot.

During the maintenance phase, you will likely need to see your allergist for shots every two to four
weeks over the course of three to five years. You may not notice a change until over a year after the
maintenance phase begins. Once you reach this point, it’s possible that your allergy symptoms will fade
or disappear altogether.

Some people can experience severe allergic reactions to an allergen in their shot. Many allergists ask
you to wait in the office for 30 to 45 minutes after a shot to ensure that you don’t have an intense or
life-threatening response to it.

Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT)

SLIT involves placing a tablet containing a mixture of several allergens under your tongue. It works
similarly to allergy shots but without an injection. Currently, it is effective for treating rhinitis and
asthma allergies caused by grass, tree pollen, cat dander, dust mites, and ragweed. You can take SLIT
treatments, such as Oralair for certain grass allergies, at home after an initial consultation with your
doctor. Your first dose of any SLIT will take place in your doctor’s office. Like allergy shots, the
medication is taken frequently over a period of time determined by your doctor.
Possible side effects include itching in the mouth or ear and throat irritation. In rare cases, SLIT
treatments can cause anaphylaxis. Talk to your doctor about SLIT to see if your allergies will respond to
this treatment. Your doctor will need to direct your treatment with this method.

Home remedies

Home remedies will depend on your allergens. If you have seasonal or pollen allergies, you can try using
an air conditioner instead of opening your windows. If possible, add a filter designed for allergies.

Using a dehumidifier or a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter can help you control your allergies
while indoors. If you’re allergic to dust mites, wash your sheets and blankets in hot water that’s above
130°F (54.4°C). Adding a HEPA filter to your vacuum and vacuuming weekly may also help. Limiting
carpet in your home can also be useful.

Alternative and complementary medicine

Due to concerns over possible side effects, more people with allergies are looking at ways to address hay
fever symptoms “naturally.” However, it is important to remember that any medication can have side
effects, even if it’s considered natural. Aside from home remedies, options can also include alternative
and complimentary medicine. The downside to these treatments can be that there’s little supporting
evidence to prove that they’re safe or effective. The correct dosing may also be difficult to determine or

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)Trusted Source,
some of the treatments below may be helpful in managing seasonal allergies, but more research is still
needed. Talk to your doctor before trying any of the following.


nasal saline irrigation

butterbur supplements

honey (choose raw, organic varieties)

Although these alternative treatments are derived from plants and other natural substances, they can
possibly interact with medications, as well as cause reactions. Try these with caution, and ask your
doctor before use.

Complications of allergic rhinitis

Unfortunately, allergic rhinitis itself can’t be prevented. Treatment and management are keys to
achieving a good quality of life with allergies. Some complications that can arise from hay fever include:

inability to sleep from symptoms keeping you up at night

development or worsening of asthma symptoms

frequent ear infections

sinusitis or frequent sinus infections

absences from school or work because of reduced productivity

frequent headaches

Complications can also arise from antihistamine side effects. Most commonly, drowsiness can occur.
Other side effects include headache, anxiety, and insomnia. In rare cases, antihistamines can cause
gastrointestinal, urinary, and circulatory effects.

Allergic rhinitis in children

Children can develop allergic rhinitis too, and it typically appears before the age of 10. If you notice that
your child develops cold-like symptoms at the same time each year, they probably have seasonal allergic

The symptoms in children are similar to those in adults. Children usually develop watery, bloodshot
eyes, which is called allergic conjunctivitis. If you notice wheezing or shortness of breath in addition to
other symptoms, your child may have also developed asthma.
If you believe your child has allergies, see your doctor. It’s important to receive the correct diagnosis and

If your child does have significant seasonal allergies, limit your child’s exposure to allergens by keeping
them inside when pollen counts are high. Washing their clothes and sheets frequently during allergy
season and vacuuming regularly may also be useful. Many different treatments are available to help
your child’s allergies. However, some medications can cause side effects, even in small doses. Always
talk to your doctor before treating your child with any over-the-counter allergy medication.


The outcome of treatment depends on your condition. Seasonal allergic rhinitis usually isn’t severe, and
you can manage it well with medications. However, severe forms of this condition will likely require
long-term treatment.

Preventing allergies

The best way to prevent allergy symptoms is to manage your allergies before your body has a chance to
respond to substances adversely. Consider the following preventive measures for the particular
allergens you’re sensitive to:


The AAAAI recommends starting medications before seasonal allergy attacks. For example, if you’re
sensitive to tree pollen in the spring, you may want to start taking antihistamines before an allergic
reaction has the chance to occur. Stay indoors during peak pollen hours, and take a shower immediately
after being outside. You’ll also want to keep your windows closed during allergy season and avoid line-
drying any laundry.

Dust mites

To reduce dust mite exposure, you can take measures to make sure your home is not a friendly
environment for dust mite development. Wet mop hard floors, rather than sweeping. If you have carpet,
use a vacuum with a HEPA filter. You’ll also want to dust hard surfaces often, and wash your bedding
weekly in hot water. Use allergen-blocking pillows and cases to decrease dust mite exposure while
you’re sleeping.
Pet dander

Ideally, you’ll want to limit exposure to any animals that you’re allergic to. If this isn’t possible, make
sure you clean all surfaces often. Wash your hands immediately after touching pets, and make sure your
furry friends stay off your bed. You’ll also want to wash your clothes after visiting homes that have pets.

Tips to prevent allergies

Stay indoors when pollen counts are high.

Avoid exercising outdoors early in the morning.

Take showers immediately after being outside.

Keep your windows and doors shut as frequently as possible during allergy season.

Keep your mouth and nose covered while performing yard work.

Try not to rake leaves or mow the lawn.

Bathe your dog at least twice per week to minimize dander.

Remove carpeting from your bedroom if you’re concerned about dust mites.

19 sourcescollapsed

Decongestants to Treat Allergy Symptoms

Medically reviewed by Susan J. Bliss, RPh, MBA

Many people consider nasal congestion to be one of the most bothersome allergy symptoms.
Decongestants help relieve your congestion.


What are the Symptoms of Hay Fever?

Medically reviewed by Deborah Weatherspoon, PhD, RN, CRNA, COI

Hay fever is often confused with the common cold. Learn how to recognize the symptoms of hay fever
and how to treat them.


What Causes Year-Round Allergies?

Medically reviewed by Graham Rogers, MD

Are you dealing with year-round allergy symptoms? Learn about common indoor allergy triggers and
take steps to avoid them.

What Is a Skin Prick Test?

Medically reviewed by Stacy Sampson, DO

If you have allergies, you may wonder about whether you should get a skin prick test. This simple test
can help your doctor identify your allergies…



Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE, COI

Eczema is characterized by itchy, dry, rough, flakey, inflamed, and irritated skin. It can flare up,
disappear, and then flare up again. Learn what…


What Causes Asthma?

Medically reviewed by Adithya Cattamanchi, MD

A combination of genetic and environmental factors can cause asthma or at least make a person
sensitive to triggers. Read on to learn more about them.



Medically reviewed by Alana Biggers, MD

An allergy is an immune system response to a foreign substance that’s not typically harmful to your
body. These foreign substances are called…


What You Need to Know About Seasonal Allergies

Medically reviewed by Alana Biggers, MD

Nearly 8 percent of Americans experience seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies are less common in
winter, but it’s possible to experience allergic…


What Is an Allergic Reaction?

Medically reviewed by Elaine K. Luo, MD

An allergic reaction occurs when your body attacks a foreign substance that typically don’t pose a threat
to the human body, called an allergen. You…


Pollen Allergies

Medically reviewed by Stacy Sampson, DO

Pollen is one of the most common causes of allergies in the United States. Pollen is a very fine powder
produced by trees, flowers, grasses, and weeds…


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