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Unscramble the letters to form a range of opinion adjectives.

glelial fuijablesti

eglal birdugsint

liveinbeta finevosfine

beenliss chutainel

dicriluosu eelssnsse

basrud thelaci


Place the appropriate opinion adjective into the following short dialogues:

1. A: What are the drink driving laws in your country?

B: Zero tolerance. It’s _1________ to drive if you’ve drunk any alcohol at all.

A: Nothing at all? That’s a bit stiff!

B: Zip! Nada! Nothing! It used to be allowed, but the authorities got sick of the 2_______
number of deaths caused by drink drivers.

A: That seems like a 3_________ law to me, then.

2. A: Models shouldn’t wear fur! I think it’s 4__________ to kill animals just to satisfy some
‘fashionista’s’ taste in clothing.

B: I’d go along with you there, but what about in really cold places such as Siberia, where it
can be fifty below?

A: Well, obviously it’s 5__________ then, but that’s not about fashion, is it?

3. A: I think it’s 6_________ that one day everyone will have a microchip implanted beneath
their skin from birth.

B: Really? I find the whole “Big Brother” idea deeply 7__________.

4. A: The boss has gone too far this time! Her idea at the meeting was absolutely
___________! What does she think we are? Robots? Workaholics?

B: Take it easy! I think it was a bit silly but fairly 9_________ . We all work for the same
company and I, for one, think that we all need to pull together in difficult times… you know…
work as a team.
A: I don’t agree… I already give this mob enough of my time and to ask me to raise my work
level more… well, that’s just not a good enough reason, in my books. No – completely
____________ !

Rewrite the underlined expressions in the correct order to fit the dialogue.

1. A: 1article to this according, women can’t read maps and men can’t listen.

B: That’s just a stereotype! Men are often good at jobs that involve listening… 2mechanics
such as jobs instance for.

A: What? Mechanics don’t have to listen… you’re not taking me seriously. Turn left at the
next cross street. Anyway, 3of the case my brother take and his wife. She’s brilliant at
reading maps.

B: What?.. I mean… pardon, I didn’t hear what you said.

A: Here!! Turn left!... Oh, you missed the turn!

B: What turn? You never…

A: I rest my case… Men can’t listen!

B: … but your brother’s really good at so called ‘female tasks’, 4cooking as listening or such
to people – just not both at the same time.

A: Well, you did hear me after all. 5well-known it’s are women that fact a better at multi-
tasking. It says so here!

B: And… we’re here!

A: Oh, already?

B: Yes, dear… I took the liberty of not waiting for your directions, as you were too busy
talking to keep up with where we were on the map…

A: Hmmmnn…

B: And besides… 6been men shown it’s are that just as good at multi-tasking. You shouldn’t
believe everything you read 7magazines that like in.

A: But, 8based apparently it’s research on scientific Sydney University of by scientists.

B: Sorry, dear… Did you hear that sweet Ferrari going by? Music to my ears!

With your partner - discuss. Do you agree with any of the stereotypes presented in this dialogue?

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