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Gumamela paste:

We use gumamela and cornstarch because the cornstarch is usually use for making a paste.
We just add a gumamela because there is a part of a gumamela that makes the paste more sticky and
slimy and that is the stigma's sticky polen.

Making a paste using cornstarch is easy but adding a gumamela's (stigma)will make it sticky
and slimy. We know that gumamela is also use for making a bubbles. In this investigation we use
gumamela as a paste. Making this product will make us easier to make paste so that we don't need to
buy a glue or an ordinary paste. We use gumamela not just because it makes the paste more stickier but
also to make it smell good.

In making gumamela paste you have to make sure that you are complete in your
material's/need's so that you can make it perfect. We make this product so that we don't have to buy
some branded glue or paste. In making this we also need help so that there is no danger in doing this.

We can also ask for someone that we will need help for something's like we have to boil a
water , of course we will need for someone to help us about this procedure. We usually need to ask to
open the stove-if you have a stove in your house or if your using a fire wood you really need to ask help
for that to make it easy for you make a gumamela paste without any accident's happening while doing
this work.

After we perfect this Gumamela paste we can use this for so many things like;project for
school,decoration for an occasion, or maybe for a broken things ,like something that you have paste.We
learn that the gumamela came from the latin word hibiscus.

What we need for this is:

1.gumamela flower for its(sticky pollen/or the stigma)

2.1-cup of water

3.2-tablespoon of cornstarch

4.if you have a small caldero in your kitchen you can use it


1. Boil a one cup of water in a small caldero.

2.While the water is boiling add the cornstarch in it.

3.Next to that is add the stigma of the gumamela flower.

4.Mix it carefully and see if there is no whole cornstarch.

5. After that get it out of the fire and mix it to cool completely.

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