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"Who told you, and who sent you?" � Gandalf
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Steamey - Tulkas.jpg
"Tulkas" by Steamey
Biographical Information
Other names Tulukhastaz (V)
Astaldo, Tulcus, The Valiant, The Strong
Position Champion of the Valar
Location Valinor
Language Valarin, Quenya
Spouse Nessa
Physical Description
Gender Male
Hair color Golden (hair and beard)[1]
Gallery Images of Tulkas
Tulkas was a Vala. He was the most warlike of the Valar and the spouse of Nessa.

1 Attributes
2 History
3 Etymology
4 Other names
5 Genealogy
6 Other Versions of the Legendarium
7 Notes
8 References
[edit] Attributes
Tulkas was so strong and quick that he needed no weapon or steed. He delighted in
deeds of prowess and strength such as wrestling and fighting. But he was not
dreadful; he laughed loudly in sport and war and his anger dispelled darkness and

He was a hardy friend and slow to wrath, but also slow to forgive. He was however
mindless and did not learn from the past; always quick in action, he was not good
in counselling.[2][4]

His flesh was ruddy and his hair and beard golden.[2]

[edit] History
Tulkas was the last of the Ainur to descend into Arda, 1499 Valian Years after the
arrival of the other Ainur. He heard of their First War with Melkor and came to
them from the far heavens. But for his arrival, the Dark Lord might have defeated
the Valar. [5] Hearing the sound of Tulkas' laughter and beholding his wrath,
Melkor fled before him, and the Spring of Arda was begun.[3]

After the Two Lamps were erected and the Valar had made their first dwelling at
Almaren, Tulkas wedded Nessa in a great feast. Being weary and content he slept,
and Melkor decided his hour to retaliate had come.

Antonio Vinci - Tulkas

When at last the first Children of Il�vatar awoke, the Valar took council regarding
the matter of Melkor. At length it was decided that, for the sake of the Elves, the
Valar should regain guardianship of the world and remove Melkor. Tulkas was glad of
this decision. In the War for the Sake of the Elves, after a long siege at Utumno,
it was Tulkas who wrestled with Melkor and cast him upon his face. Tulkas bound
Melkor with the enchanted chain Angainor, forged by Aul�. For a while the world was
free from Melkor's influence.

When Melkor repented of his actions and was pardoned by Manw�, Tulkas was
disappointed with this decision, ever distrustful of Melkor. But having fought
Melkor in the name of authority, he could not rebel himself, and accepted Manw�'s

Tulkas also tended to be impatient; before the Awakening of the Elves he urged the
other Valar to wage war against Melkor. After the Darkening of Valinor he also
hurried F�anor to take a decision about surrendering the Silmarils. Tulkas and
Orom� searched in vain for Melkor, unable to penetrate the unlight cast by

It is said that in the Dagor Dagorath, Tulkas will once more oppose Melkor, and
will directly fight him in the battle and play a large role in his defeat. The
victor is unknown, as it will be supposedly by the hand of T�rin that Melkor is
slain once and for all.[6]

[edit] Etymology
The name Tulkas (pron. ['tulkas]) means in Quenya "strong, steadfast".[7]
Tulukhastaz ("the golden-haired")[note 1] was the original Valarin name for Tulkas.

In Noldorin, his name is Tulcus (['tulkus]).[7]

[edit] Other names

He was also called Astaldo (Q: "the Valiant", pron. [as'taldo]).[1] Astaldo
replaced the earlier name Pold�r�a.[9][10]

In Eriol's Old English translations, Tulkas is referred as Afodfrea "Strength-


In an early manuscript, Tolkien suggested a surname of Tulkas: Ender.[12]

[edit] Genealogy






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