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Salomé Otálvaro G


Should be Safe the Genetically Modified Organisms?

Throughout the history the human being had modified the other species to take advantage of the natural resources,
and with the development of the genetic engineering we have been able to alter the DNA of the organisms in
order to introduce new traits, these organisms are known as GMOs (genetically modified organisms). In most
cases, GMOs have been altered with DNA from another organism, such as bacteria, plant, virus or animal; these
organisms are sometimes referred to as "transgenic" organisms (Lallanilla, 2019). This process is a controversial
issue for the world society, since it is true that GMOs are the cause of many technological advances in medicine,
in agriculture, but it is also true that it causes too much environmental damage, as in human beings and

One of the consequences of the application of these transgenic in the environment is that, for example, their use of
the crops can reduce the presence of some insects and seed producing weeds when fields are treated with
insecticides and/or herbicides. Also, indirectly, this affects the biodiversity of birds since insects and weeds are
part of the diet of certain birds. The production of GMO means fewer seeds that produce weeds, therefore, less
nectar for pollinators; In addition, the use of transgenic in seeds the crop soils causes the soil to be dry, it loses all
its nutrients, and toxic residues of these seeds remain in them. Besides, another problem is the toxicity that causes
this in the air (Gent, 2016).

Moreover, a GMO effect could be the differences in nutritional content, allergic response, or undesired side
effects such as toxicity, organ damage, or gene transfer. According to Garden organic “The genetic engineering
creates clear compositional differences within maize crops. There is a marked increase in putrescine and
especially cadaverine- these substances are potentially toxic, as they enhance the effects of histamine, thus
heightening allergic reactions.” Additionally, some possible issues caused by the use of some secondary
metabolites, peptides and proteins are: Steroidal glycoalkaloids in green potato skin, which can cause
gastrointestinal discomfort; Oxalic acid in rhubarb, which can cause symptoms ranging from breathing difficulty
to coma; Nonprotein amino acid canavanine in alfalfa sprouts, which can be neurotoxic; Cyanogenic glycosides in
almonds and cassava, which can cause cyanide poisoning (Press, 2016).
Salomé Otálvaro G

On the other hand, GMOs have been used for many medical advances, according to Judith L. Fridovich-Keil and
Julia M. Diaz (2019) “GM animal models of human genetic diseases enabled researchers to test novel therapies
and to explore the roles of candidate risk factors and modifiers of disease outcome. GM microbes, plants, and
animals also revolutionized the production of complex pharmaceuticals by enabling the generation of safer and
cheaper vaccines and therapeutics”. Eventually they will be indispensable in people's life, problems such as
overpopulation feeding could be solved since it takes less land to grow more food, by accelerations in transgenic
food crops.

In conclusion, in spite of the Genetic Modification is becoming a treatment option for diseases, an important tool
of research, a solution to take less land to grow more food, the GM is not safe and it would cause as an
irreversible long term environmental damage, as in human beings and biodiversity while the investigations and
the modifications in this process finish. It is not necessary to provoke these serious problems to achieve
technological advantage, when there is the possibility of being less invasive with the environment and people. The
nature has their own time and is a suicide try to control it since is impossible to predict the effects of lifetime
Salomé Otálvaro G


Gent, B. (2016, December 6). Effect of genetically modified. VIB. Retrieved from http://fundacion-

Judith L. Fridovich-Keil and Julia M. Diaz. (2019, June 7). Genetically modified organism. Encyclopædia
Britannica, inc. Retrieved from

Lallanilla, M. (2019, July 8). What Are GMOs and GM Foods? Live Science. Retrieved from

Organic, G. GMOs - health concerns. Garden Organic. Retrieved from


Press, N. A. (2016, May 17). Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects. NCBI. Retrieved from

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