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Resanda Yosivi (130401090143)

This video adapt from Charco Travel YouTube Channel.

Link :
Charco have been in Portugal for about a month at this point, and after a
little Culture Shock and Home Sickness, he finally starting to get
accustomed. He beginning to stack up a variety of footage.
1. Honeymoon
- Situation : One honeymoon phase the first stage of culture shock
is often positive. Travelers become infatuated with the language
people and food in their new surroundings at this trip. Seems like
excited about food on Portugal. Because the food in Portugal
almost same with his taste from his own country. Especially in
- Approach : Try on
- Reaction : feel like the greatest decision ever made an exciting
adventure to stay on forever on short trips.

2. Initial Confrontation
- Situation : he most difficultstage of culture shock and is
probablyfamiliar to anyone who has lived abroad or her travels
frequently at this stage the fatigue of not understanding gestures
signs and the language sets in and miscommunications may be
happening frequently small things like losing keys missing the bus
or not being able to easily order food in a restaurant may trigger
- Approach : He just learned about his self today and he can get lost
anywhere doesn't matter if it's a new city an old city Lisbon get off
on the subway 2x is too soon end up in an alley have to turn around
you know that's how that's how it works and guess what I can
always figure out the way to go the most up hills on the way to any
destination go up the same Hill. He learn it by self.
- Reaction : Frustration comes and goes it's a natural reaction for
people spending extended time in a new country

3. Adjustment crisis
- Situation : As travellers begin to feel more familiar and comfortable
with the cultures people food and languages of new environments
navigation becomes easier friends and communities of support are
established and details of local language may become more
recognizable during the adjustment stage. Acceptance doesn't
mean that new cultures or environments are completely understood
rather it signifies realization that complete understanding isn't
necessary to function and thrive in the new surroundings during the
acceptance stage travelers have the familiarity and are able to draw
together the resources they need to feel.
- Approach : Read the guide book when left American about the
knowledge of local language of Portugal and get recommendations
from locals but it does have some cool information in it focused on
reading an autobiography is just to take time for yourself
- Reaction : Worried but it just take time of his self.

4. Recovery
- Situation : Didn’t have friends
- Approach : Be consistent with his exercise. Goutside is super-
important practicing mindfulness and really dwelling in the present
moment is one of the best ways to get good friends who have done
study Abroad's reach out to me and just share that they've had the
same experience of culture shock and homesickness and how they
dealt with it
- Reaction : He feel really curious for have had the same experience
with other people and know how did they handle it

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