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AP_INVOICES_ALL contains records for invoices you enter. There is one row for each invoice you enter.

An invoice can have one or more invoice distribution lines. An invoice can also have one or more
scheduled payments.

An invoice of type EXPENSE REPORT must relate to a row in AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL unless

the record has been purged from AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL.

Your Oracle Payables application uses the INTEREST type invoice for interest that it calculates on
invoices that are overdue. Your Oracle Payables application links the interest invoice to the original
invoice by inserting the INVOICE_ID in the AP_INVOICE_RELATIONSHIPS table.

AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL holds the distribution line information that you enter for invoices.
There is a row for each invoice distribution. A distribution line must be associated with an invoice. An
invoice can have multiple distribution lines. Your Oracle Payables application automatically creates rows
in this table when:

1) you choose a distribution set at the invoice level

2) you import expense reports

3) you match an invoice to a purchase order or receipt; it uses information from the matched purchase
order or receipt

4) you import invoices via the Open Interface Import process

5) you select to automatically calculate tax

6) you select to automatically do withholding.

AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL contains information about scheduled payments for an invoice. You

need one row for each time you intend to make a payment on an invoice.

AP_HOLDS_ALL contains information about holds that you or your Oracle Payables application place on
an invoice.

An accounting entry header is an entity grouping all accounting entry lines created for a given
accounting event and a set of books. An accounting entry header can either be transferred over to GL or
not at all. That is, either all its accounting entry lines are transferred or none. The transferred to GL
status is marked in the GL_TRANSFER_FLAG. Possible values for GL_TRANSFER_FLAG are Y, N, or E. Y
indicates that the accounting entry header has been transferred to GL. N indicates that the accounting
entry header has not been transferred to GL due to 2 possible reasons: either the transfer process has
not run or it has run but the accounting entry had an accounting error on it. E indicates that an error was
encountered during the transfer to GL process.


An accounting entry line is an entity containing a proper accounting entry with debits or credits both in
transaction currency as well as functional currency along with an account and other reference
information pointing to the transaction data that originated the accounting entry line. An accounting
entry line is grouped with other accounting entry lines for a specific accounting entry header. Any such
group of accounting entry lines should result in balanced entries in the functional currency.

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