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A Reflection about Mark 9:30-37

To serve is not to be submissive or weak; it is not putting oneself on a lower level than those being
served. It is simply to be totally committed to the good of others and to find one’s own well-being in
being so committed.

Jesus then takes a little child, as a symbol of all those who are vulnerable, weak and exploitable.
Children are used by Jesus as symbols of the anawim, the lowly and weak in our society. They are the
ones who are most of all to be served and protected and nurtured. In so doing one is recognising the
presence of Jesus and the presence of God in them.

As Christians, we have much to be proud of in our record of service to our brothers and sisters,
especially those who are weak and vulnerable. But we also have to confess that within our Church and
in our dealings with the “world” we have had our fair share of hungering for power, status and position.
And we have so often argued bitterly with each other “on the Road”, about just such things.cross…peace
within us and peace among us.

The apostles got into a row who is the best, the greatest. They want to follow Jesus but something
else takes over. So Jesus said little but went to the children, and we see a peaceful scene.

He is contrasting the two ways of life – competitiveness and dependency; just when you are getting
into the competitiveness, look at the best in children. Can we bring into ourselves the best of the child
and find God? – the Father whom we trust, being happy to rest in the regard he has for us, with no need
to worry about who is the greatest!

Who is the greatest in the eyes of Jesus? The greatest for Jesus is the one who is willing to serve and
not to be served. The greatest is the one who is willing to humble himself amidst the temptation to
boast and be arrogant. The greatest are those who silently do their task without expecting anything in

Many of us love to project power. We feel that we are above all because we occupy an exalted
position in our work or community. However, this is without importance in the eyes of Jesus what is
important for Jesus is our willingness to follow Him without expecting anything in return.

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