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Group 2



Background of the Study

One of the biggest problems that we are facing before and until now is poverty, which is cannot

be given the solution by the government even in the other countries or worldwide, this is the

problem that our society facing until now or may be in the future generations will be affected,

because I think no ones can solved it. That is why millions of people worldwide are living in this.

Poverty the state of one lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material

possessions. It is said to exist when people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs. This is

the reason why the government came up on the idea of establishing a Conditional Cash

Transfer (CCT) program in our country (Britannica Encyclopedia).

CCT are regular money transfer to poor households under given conditions related to the use of

health services, the uptake of food and nutritional supplementation, the enrollment and

attendance of children and adolescents in school (Cruz, de Moura & Neto, 2007). It was first

spread in Latin America such as Brazil wherein they called it Bolsa Familia and in Mexico which

is the Opoortunidades. Eventually, CCT program have adopted in Southeast Asian Countries.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P's) is a government program that provides conditional

cash grants to the poorest of the poor in the Philippines. This is to improve the health, nutrition
of the children aged 0-18 and aims to educate many Filipino children starting from pre-school

to secondary education by giving them daily allowance as they go to their daily classes.

The 4P's helps the Philippine government fulfill it's community to the Millennium Development Goals

(MDG's) specially in eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, in achieving universal primary education,

in pomoting gender equality, in reducing child mortality and in improving maternal health care. There

are two specific objectives of the program which are the Social Assistance and Social Development. The

social assistance aims to alleviate the needs of the beneficiaries by providing cash assistance and can be

considered as short-term poverty alleviation measures. While the latter objective aims to break the

intergenerational cycle of poverty by investing in the health check -ups for pregnant women and

children aged 0-5, deworming of school children aged 6-14, enrollment of children in day-care,

elementary and secondary schools, and family Development Sessions ( DSWD, 2012 ).

4P's operates in all the 17 regions in the Philippines, covering 79 provinces, 143 cities and 1484

municipalities. All of the beneficiaries in this program are selected through Proxy Means Test (PMT) that

considered the ownership assets, type of housing, education of household, livelihood of the family and

access to water and sanitation facilities.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P's) provides cash grant to the beneficiaries particularly:

heath grant which is Php500 per hoursehold every month, for the total of Php6,000 every year and the

educational grant which is Php3,00 per child every month, for the total of Php3,000 every year. For the

household with three children may receive Php1,400 every month, for the total of Php15,000 every

year for five years. These cash grants it would be distributed to the household-beneficiaries either

through the land bank of the Philippines or alternate payment schemes such as Globe G-cash remittance

and Rural bank transactions.

Recently, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program was already implemented into law, a measure

institution a living the 4P's as the governmen's already poverty reduction initiative. This is the Republic

Act No. 11310 or the 4P's Act, to promote a dynamic social order thereby uplifting it's citizens and

marginalized sectors from proverty. This law aims to provide financial aid to poor households, to

improve the health nutrition and education aspects of their lives (Official Gazette, 2019).

Under the law , government will provide CCT to qualified households for maximum seven years.

Farmers, homeless families, indigenous peoples, those who are from informal sector and who are living

in isolated and disadvantage areas including places without electricity, those are able to qualified for the

program (Official Gazette, 2019).

Every three years after effectivity of RA. 11310, the Philippine Institute for Development Studies is

mandated to conduct an impact assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of 4P's, the veracity of the list

of beneficiaries, and program implementation (Official Gazette, 2019).

After a few years of implementation, now we need to assess the perceived effects of 4P's in Tamayo

National High School through an interview or survey with the beneficiaries. To know if there is a chance

before and after the implementation, and if the program is really helpful to decrease the rate of poverty

in the country.

Therefore, the result of this research will be helpful to evaluate and analyze the perceived effects of 4P's

to the beneficiaries of National High School, and it would be a big benefit for the future researchers.

Statement of the Problem

This study will focus on the perceived effects 4P's among beneficiaries of Tamayo NHS in the School year

2019-2020. Specially, this study will answer the following problems.

 What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a.) Name

b.) Age

c.) Sex

d.) Educational attainment

e.) Occupation

f.) Family size

g.) Monthly Family Income

h.) Number of years as Beneficiaries

 What are the effects of Conditional Cash Transfer Program among beneficiaries as perceived


a.) Students

b.) Parents

 Is their significant difference between the effects of CCT program as perceived by parents and


 What is the academic performance of student beneficiaries?

 Is there a significant relationship between the academic performance and perceived effects of

4P's among beneficiaries of Tamayo National High School?

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be beneficial on the following:

 Students

 Parents

 Teachers

 Department of Social Welfare and Development

 Future Researchers

 Among the beneficiaries, the most benefits of this study are the Students, because this study

will help them to know that government is supporting their studies through give them financially

to support their daily allowances and their needs, so they must do their part and know that the

programs is so big part of their lives as a financial supporting. And this also help them

understand the importance of coming to school daily. Also will able to know that 4P's aims to

aducate many Filipino children that cannot be able to go-to school because of poverty. So now

they do is to study hard ,finish their study and find out the appropriate job based on their ability,

now were are hoping that the poverty will decrease in our country. And hoping that the

government may continue to support the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in order

to eradicate poverty and help children to have quality education.

Scope and Delimitation

Only the students and parents are the respondents of this study were selected from Tamayo National

High School, who will give their own perceived effects of 4P's to them as a beneficiaries of the program.

This study will only focus on the 4P's beneficiaries in Tamayo National High School. Their perceived

effects about the 4P's were collected through an interview or surveys, which would affect the quality of
data that would be collected. Because the respondents may be cannot give their full attention or time

on the data collection and then may be cannot immediately response. The restricted variables may

affect the result of the research, due to the limited scope of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

For the question number 1. To present the profile of the respondents , frequency count and percentage

can ba use. 2. In determining the level of effectiveness and influence of 4P's in living conditions of the

beneficiaries, averaged weighted mean will be use to know the perception derived from the data


For the question number 3. To determine the significant difference between the perception of parents

and students about the effects of CCT program z-test will be used. 4. The academic performance of the

students beneficiaries will be described based on the Dep-Ed order No. 8 series of 2015 entitled Policy

Guidlines on Classroom Assessment for the k-12 Basic Education Program.

Grade Point Average (GPA) Verbal Description

90-100. Outstanding

85-89. Very Satisfactory

80-84. Satisfactory

75-79. Fairly Satisfactory

Below 75. Did Not Meet Expectation

And for the question number 5. For the computation of relationships, the Person Product Moment

Correlation Formula will be used. The variables that will be treated are the perceived effects of 4P's

and the academic performance of the students beneficiaries .

To describe the relationships of the variables the range of the values below adopted from Sotto (2015)

will be used.

Person r Description

0-+/- 0.20. Very Low Positive or Negative Correlation ( VLPC/VLNC )

+/- 0.21 - +/- 0.40. Low Positive or Negative Correlation ( LPC/LNC )

+/- 0.41 - +/- 0.60. Moderate Positive or Negative Correlation ( MPC/MNC )

+/- 0.61 - +/- 0.80. High Positive or Negative Correlation (HPC/HNC )

+/- 0.81 - +/- 1.00. Very High Positive or Negative Correlation ( VHPC/VHNC )

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the conduct of the study, the researcher will seek permission from School Principal of

respondent school - Tamayo National High School through letter to allow the conduct of the study.

To gather the data needed of our research, we distributed the questionnaire to the respondent with

specific information regarding the nature and puspose of the study. To ensure the reliability and

accuracy of the answer of the respondents from given questions, the instructions on how to answer the

questionnaire, researchers will discussed before they were allowed to answer.

The research instrument will use in our study is a survey questionnaire, and it will be composed of

two sets of questionnaires one for the students beneficiaries and one for the parents beneficiaries.

The questionnaire for the students and parents will be composed of two parts, part I will deal on

profile of the respondents such as name, age, sex, educational attainment, occupation, family size,

month ly family income and number of years as a beneficiaries. Part II will deal on the perceived effect

of 4P's on them as a student and parent-beneficiaries. A five scale likert pattern will be used to assess

the effectiveness of 4P's describe as follows :

Rating Scale Verbal Description

5 Extremely Effective

4 Very Effective

3 Somewhat Effective

2 Slightly Effective

1 Not Effective at all


This study was conducted to know the perceived effects of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program. Specifically, this study sought to answer the specified questions in Chapter 1. And

based on the problems, the following hypotheses were formed:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the academic performance and the perceived

effects of 4P's beneficiaries.

Ho: There is no significant difference between the effects of 4P's as perceived by parents and


This study used the pearson product moment correlation formula to know the relationship of the

variables being tested. And the result of the statistical analysis using Pearson’s coefficient shows
that the null hypothesis being presented must be rejected. Thus, there is significant relationship

between the academic performance and the perceived effects of 4P's beneficiaries. Although the

relationship of the variables is negative correlated. Therefore, there is a perceived effects of 4P's

to the beneficiaries in their academic performance aside from that it also can be decrease the

poverty in our country and more children will be educate from this program.


Based on the cited findings presented it was found out that the perceived effects of 4P's plays

important role in achieving good academic performance. Because of 4P's many children that

cannot able to go to school, now they can study through help of this program and many children

educate since the 4P's being implemented. Aside from that, Conditional cash transfer (CCT)

programs is very effective in reducing poverty in the short term since they have helped to

increase household income and consumption in poor families.


Based on the findings and conclusions of this study, it is recommended that the government may

continue to support the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in order to eradicate poverty and

help children to have quality education. The Department of Social Welfare and Development or

the (DSWD) should monitoring in the academic performance of the student-beneficiaries of 4P's

so that not only students will be motivated to learn but also the parents can monitor the academic

performance of their children. The researcher also hopes that this study may be used as a basis of
further study with larger population so that the student-beneficiaries of 4P's will be well


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