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Exam 1: Review

60 Questions — 2 points each

-tied to lecture material- 75% emphasis on class
-75 minutes timer - can’t be pauses
-Open: Wednesday 9/23 to 6am
Close: Sunday 9/27 to 11:59pm

Slide 1: Life-Span Perspective

Continuity: looks an continuity over lifespan- looks
at continuous change throughout life
◦ Multidirectional
◦ Multi-disciplanary: looks at development in many
different areas— there are interaction among them

Longitudinal Desgin:
◦ Dis: take a long time
◦ Adv: compare the same individual among are
groups, no group difference
Cross-Sectional Design
Sequential Design
◦ Dis: i
Non-experimental Designs
◦ Correlation
◦ Naturalistc: people are not going to change
behavior because being watched
◦ Participant Obsercation
Matrualitional Theory: genes determine how we will
Ethogical Theory: there is lots of stuff built in the
brain —leads to instinctual behaviors
◦ Critical Period: emphasize the importance of
enivonent— need for a nature/nurture environment
Psychodynaimic Perscpective
◦ Erickson: focus on the psycho-social crisis that we
face at each stage

Slide 3: Theories
Learning Perspective
◦ Empericism / Behaviorism: every we do is some sot
of conditional response
◦ Classical and Operant Conditiong: reason we do the
things we do is due to reinforcement in the past\
◦ Bandural and Social/Imitation Learning
◦ Cognitive Perspective
◦ Assimilate,
◦ Accomidation,

Slide 4; Evolution and Heredity

Gentotype vs. Phenotype
Epigenetics: gentoype envionmnet interaction
-Research Methods

Slide 5: Pre-natal development

-Fertilization and conception
◦ parental contributions of chromosomes
◦ chromosomal abnormalities
-Germinal Period
◦ 1st two weeks ends with implimination of zygote in
unterian wall

Slide 6: Prenatal Development

Endoderm, Mesoderm, Ecotderm
-the muscular skeletal system appears during the
embryonic stage
-influfnce of very different teratogens
Birth-uterine contraction, crowining-develing the

Chapter 3
Cephalocaudal Principle
triple birth weight in the first year
-Mechanisms of Growth: heredity, hormones,

Slide 2: Brain Development

-create a lot of extra spuynapses and then have to
prune these synapses, the synapses use get
-Role of Experience: determines how the _____
Plasticity: limited by myelination

Slide 3: Motor Development

Gross Motor Control: control longer limb of the
Dynamical Systema: interaction b/t physical
perceptual and more abilites so you can maintainb

Slide 4: Perceptual Development

Taste and Smell
-Most Dev.L taste, smell, touch,,
-Least Dev:.hamstr9

Slide 5: Cognitive Development

Piaget’s Theory: schemes assimilation,
accomidation, equilibration
-Sensorimoto Stage: object permanence stude
-Infant senstive to phonemes
-Language Production:
◦ cooling, babbling, intonation
◦ first words
◦ holopharase, telegraapchi speech
◦ grammar acuqisitison
⁃ Nature vs. Nurture Debate

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