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Project Title: Zental EHR

Module : Dental Chart

Developer : Manojkumar.P,Pushparaj.P

Client : Mr. Srinivasan,Mr. Ram Balaraman

Users: Providers/Dentist

Purpose :
Dental procedure - Treatment plan are marked in the dental chart to graphical representation of
the patient dental teeth.

Goals and Objectives: The overall goal is to give provider/dentist way to keep track of patient
dental history

Project Priorities and degrees of freedom: Dates are not flexible without prior authorization
from the client. Budget is extendable in terms of hours put in by each team member. This is at
the discretion of the team based on approaching deadlines. Roles are changeable based on
workloads of individual team members. Roles are expected to shift throughout the project as
needs arise.

Approach: Iterative and incremental is planned. Feedback will be used from one iteration to the
next. The first iteration will focus on basic functionality of the app. Subsequent iterations will
build upon that and incorporate more features as time allows.

Assumptions: After code modified are added pull into repository and deployed the code.
Constraints: Approval is required from Zental soft to make this an official Dental EHR app.

Success Criteria: The project will be considered a success if

(1) The team delivers an operational prototype at the end of the period with the features
mentioned in the goal section above, and
80% or more of the team members would be willing to work together on another software
project in the future.

Scope: At the minimum, the application will

(1) Allow users to check their dental Treatment plan
(2) Provider to easily track patient records for treatment

Risks and obstacles to success:

A risk the team faces is a lack of experience in analysis the medical terms.
This lack of experience generates a lot of unknowns. We have only a best guess for the level of
work required for the features we have committed to.
Collections (Backend database):
1. DentalChartCollection - Settings of all teeth for every patient like primary, missing.
2. TratmentplanCollection - All treatment are recorded in this collection
3. Dentalprocedure_settings - All settings for codes and procedures
CodesCollection - Retrieve code and description details.

File Location :
1. both\collections\dental_procedure_settings.js (Schema for
2. both\collections\dental_chart.js( (Schema for dental_chartCollection)
3. both\collections\dental_treatment_plan.js(Schema for dental_treatment_plan)
4. client\imports\views\patient\dental\dental.html (Html File)
5. client\imports\controller\patient\dental\dentalController.js(Controller)
6. both\globals\dental_chart.js (Global Functions used in dental chart module)
7. client\imports\controller\settings\dentalProcedureSettingsController.js
8. client\imports\views\settings\dental-procedure-settings.html
9. both\collections\dental_procedure_settings.js

Global Functions :
1. setProcedureForTeeth(selected_teeth, procedure_surface, procedure_code,
procedure_status, 'not-exist') : This function used to set treatment procedure marks in the
2. setSurfaceColoring() :This function used to set treatment procedure marks in the Surface of
the teeth.
4. setMissingTeeth():This function used to hide the missing teeth in dental chart.
5. setPrimaryTeeth():This function used to set teeth as primary in dental chart.
6. getTeethBasicDetailsByPatient(): Get dental chart settings information for all teeth by patient
7. getNumberingSystem() : To get numbering system for dental chart.

8. disaplayTeethByNumberingSystem() : To display Deeth by given numberings system (i.e

Flow Diagram:

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