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23 Lintang Bayu

41200 Kiang Selangor

19 July 20_ _
Dear Jules,
Thanks for your last letter. I am sorry for not writing earlier. I was busy with my final
term examination and then I started reading a storybook that Aunty Jill gave me. I could not
stop reading it as it was so interesting. The title of the book is Harry Potter and the Deathly
It's not a new book but I'm only reading it now. It is a fantasy novel written by the
famous British author J. K. Rowling. It is the seventh and final book of the Harry Potter
series. Have you read it yet? I am sure you haven't because otherwise you would have been
the first to tell me!
I think you will love reading this book because I know you like fantasy novels. It is a
battle between good and evil and you also like books with this sort of theme. This is one
that you should not miss. The title of the book refers to three mythical objects featured in the
story, collectively known as the 'Deathly Hallows' - an unbeatable wand called the elder
Wand, a Resurrection Stone which is able to summon the dead; and an infallible Invisibility
Cloak. The main characters are Harry Potter and his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione
Granger. Basically, these three friends have to defeat the evil Voldemort who is attempting to
come back as a living person.
I really enjoyed the book because it has intrigue, adventure, funny moments, suspense and
lots more. I am not going to tell you more as you have to read it. The part I enjoyed the most
was when Harry and his gang of friends and teachers battle Voldemort and his evil cohorts.
It was so exciting I couldn't put it down.
Actually, how about we encourage each other to read more by recommending books to
each other every month or so? We will each choose and book and tell each other about it.
After all, we both know that reading has so many advantages. I personally have improved in
my writing a lot just by reading more. I'm sure you feel the same way.
• hope you get to read this book. Do let me know if you decide to read it and we can talk
about it more. Right now I can't say too much without revealing the entire plot.
Yours sincerely,
SMK Batu Lima's Annual Charity Week
The Charity Club of SMK Batu Lima organised its annual Charity Week in
March. It was from the 24 March to 30 March, which coincided with the first term
holidays. The objectives of the Charity Week were to get students, teachers,
administrators and parents to raise money, collect donations `in kind' to help various
orphanages, old folks' homes, the homeless and the underprivileged in the district
of Klang.
Before the actual event, the members and teacher advisors spent hours and
days preparing for this significant week. A working committee was formed and
plans were drawn out as to how this event was to be carried out. The teachers
supervised all the activities and gave their suggestions as to how best to carry out
this event.
Many activities were carried out. 'There was a stall that had on sale baked items
such as cakes, muffins, tarts and pies, to name a few. Raffle tickets were sold before
the actual week and the winners were announced on the last day of the charity week.
Visitors could also buy personalised gift cards prepared by some of the talented
artistes of the school. 'Ihose who love playing Bingo participated in Bingo games, for
a small fee. A very popular stall was the popcorn stall. Visitors could buy fresh
homemade popcorn to eat while walking around looking at all stalls. Many plants and
fresh flowers were also on sale. Visitors could also participate in various other
competitions, such as Scrabble and baking competitions for a fee.
The charity week was truly a success and we were cited in the local newspapers
as a group of dedicated compassionate and caring students. We raised about RM
10,000. Many kind and generous people also donated clothes, shoes, household
and electrical items all of which will be divided and distributed among the various

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