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Adrian College: Associate Teacher Observation Form

Associate Teacher Name: Nick Sears

Date of Visit: March 4 ,2020

College Supervisor Name: Penny Cobau- Smith

Observation Ratings

Criteria Exceeds Meets Developing Missing/NA

Expectations Expectations (Please

Demonstrates competency in oral and written X


Demonstrates knowledge of subject matter and its X

interdisciplinary nature.

Creates daily and long range lesson plans compatible with X


Uses a variety of informal and formal assessments to gauge X

student progress and to guide instruction.

Creates and uses developmentally appropriate materials X

that accommodate differences in learners.

Designs creative, meaningful, and engaging learning X

activities that inspire critical thinking, active inquiry, and
problem solving.

Creates learning materials to promote respect among X

students for the traditions, accomplishments, and cultures
of those different from themselves.

Uses a variety of methodologies and instructional X

technologies to enhance student learning.

Presents lessons clearly and enthusiastically. X

Interacts with students effectively and respectfully. X

Criteria Exceeds Meets Developing Missing/NA

Expectations Expectations (Please

Directs/redirects student behavior through positive rather X

than negative or punitive methods.

Creates and environment of inclusion and respect for X


Uses organization and management skills to create a safe X

and orderly environment.

Creatively and empathetically maximizes the use of time. X

Displays poise, self-confidence, flexibility and emotional X


Exhibits integrity and professionalism. X

Welcomes feedback from supervisor and cooperating X

teacher and uses it constructively.

Areas of greatest strength:

Suggestions for improvement:

Specific information regarding today’s visit (for example: lesson topic, materials used, classroom management, transitions, verbal
and non-verbal communication):

See below


Observation # 7- Nick Sears

Madison High School- Freshman Economics


March 4, 2020
The primary purpose of this observation was to track placement Nick’s placement in the room and the tally of student names spoken
and their location in the room. This information was tracked on the seating chart provided.
1:24- As class begins, there is a Do Now posted on the board- the task is to “determine if the person is unemployed: Katie is 24 years
old, has a college education and was looking for work 6 months after she graduated. After 6 months, she decided that she no longer
wants to work and stopped searching for work. Is she unemployed?

Students use white boards to prepare group responses-

Note: please re read this Do Now carefully…I found two errors, I know I am a broken record here but I am concerned…what if
someone else was watching this presentation? Can you find the errors?

1:27-groups discuss responses -tally and placement begins- a dash means the student spoke and Nick used their name. An X
means the student spoke but no name was called. A circle around the time means that you paused in that spot for a bit.

1:30- PPT is displayed- students still using white boards- question is on the PPT, students answer on white boards- this is a review-
Nick walks around and checks student work. After a min or two to respond -students are called upon/volunteer the answers and this
is validated or explained by Nick- process repeats for all questions
At 1:45 the two in the back corner finally opened their books
Also at 1:45 Nick pauses instruction to clarify what is happening with schedule due to upcoming scheduled departures and exams.

Note: They got quiet when you asked them to!

I noticed you sat or stood opposite side of room from students who were talking on several occasions!
There seem to be several who need to be out during this next exam week-perhaps you can post a review online?

1:47- Learning Objectives posted for the day- review has ended and the new information is given for today
Note: during this transition time there was some chatter probably due to the concerns about schedules, etc. You started teaching
without their total quiet-they got quiet but not for a minute.

PPT notes/slides provided- Nick walks through the slides and adds information to each one also answering questions as they arise.
Questions generated by the students are frequent.

1. Olivia’s question was not audible-you were close by but you answered it anyway and there was no way those in back
could hear her question

2. Movement is pretty good-however you have a definite block like pattern! Since the two in the back are not on task often,
hanging out back there is a good idea and you did that once or twice. Robert stopped doing the action you wanted when
the notes were placed up and needed another nudge.

3. At 1:55 you stopped in back and had someone else change slide- good- but then you moved quickly back up front?!
4. Wow they have a lot of interest and questions on this topic!!! Very cool!

Team Task- The PPT ends and review questions are provided in the form of scenarios- Teams work on scenario to determine if the
description refers to a person who is employed, unemployed, etc. The responses are shared and discussed for each scenario.
Students participate.
Observation ends at 2:15 as students conclude with summary activity
Summary of Student Interaction:

25 students are present

17 had their names spoken by you
4 spoke without names called (or heard by me)
4 did not have an interaction or at least I did not hear it

This is an 84% participation rate

4 had only one interaction with you

7 had 3 or more interactions with you

Your task- look at the seating chart and notice the people who did not speak and/or those whose names were not used. Make a
conscientious effort to correct this tomorrow.

It was never necessary for me to move the stapler because you moved about the room a great deal although you have a preferential

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