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Compute 𝑓′(1) for the function represented by the following data using forward finite
differencing of order (Δ𝑥)2

2. In the above equation compute 𝑓′(3) using central and forward finite differencing
both. Compare the results which is more accurate and why.
3. Derive d2f/dx2 = (- fi+2 - 16 fi+1 + 30 fi - 16 fi-1 –fi-2 2)/(12Δx2)

4. Derive central finite difference of df/dx.

5. Find the value of p by deriving second order accurate approximation of

d3f/dx3|i = (- 3 fi+4 + 14 fi+3 – 24 fi+2 + p fi+1 – 5 fi)/(2Δx3)

6. Derive finite difference formulation for the mixed derivative of the order 2 𝜕2𝑓/𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦
7. tFind the third term by expanding Taylors series if f(x-(1+α)Δx) is

8. SSolve in detail to arrive at the solution

9. Arrive at the solution using backward and forward differencing in the above question
and compare the results.
10. If we expand f(x0+2 x) about the point x0 in Taylor series, then find the third term
in the expansion.

11. Derive df/dx|i = (- 25 fi + 48 fi+1 – 36 fi+2 + 16 fi+3 – 3 fi+4)/(Δx) and find its
order of accuracy?
12. Derive forward differencing of d2f/dx2 by using
more than 3 points

13. Derive backward differencing of d2f/dx2 by using 3 points

14. d3f/dx3|i = (-3 fi+4 + 14 fi+3 – 24 fi+2 + 18 fi+1 – 5 fi)/(2Δx3) show that by deriving that its
its order of accuracy is 2.

15. Derive third-order one-sided backward approximations for the first derivative on a uniform

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