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Generic Name: Oxytocin

Brand Name: Syntocinon


Therapeutic class: Oxytocics

Pharmacologic class: Exogenous hormones

Mode of Action:

Oxytocin induces rhythmic uterine contraction which increases throughout

the pregnancy, reaching the max at term by proliferating oxytocin receptors. It
increases the tone and amplitude of the uterine contractions at small doses.

 Absorption – steady state is reached normally 40minutes after parenteral

 Distribution – distribution throughout extracellular flula, small amounts
reach fetus
 Metabolism – rapidly via the liver and plasma (by oxytocinase); some
metabolism via mammary gland
 Excretion – elimination half-life: 1-5 minutes excreted via urine

Rout and Dosage:

 Intravenous
o Adjunct in abortion – 10-20milliunits/min. Max total dose: 30u in a
12-hr period.
o Postpartum hemorrhage – 10-40u by infusion in 1L of IV fluid at a
rate sufficient to control uterine atony.
o Labor induction – 1-2milliunits/min, may increase at intervals of at
least 30mins till a max of 3-4 contractions every 10mins. Max:
32milliunits/min and <5 u/day. Not to be given within 6hr after
administration of vaginal prostaglandins. Monitor uterine
contractions and foetal heart rate continuously. Withdraw gradually
once labor is progressing.
o Oxytocin challenge test for evaluating fetal distress – Dilute 4-
10units in 1L of 5% dextrose injection. Initially administer the drug
in the mother via IV infusion at a rate of 0.5milliunits/min. May
gradually increase infusion rate at intervals of 15-30minutes. Max:
o Facilitate lactation: Per spray contains 4unit: 1 spray into 1 nostril
5minutes before suckling.


Induction and augmentation of labor. Management of post-partum bleeding and

uterine hypotonicity in the 3rd stage of labor. Promotion of lactation in cases of
faulty milk ejection. Missed abortion.

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