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Paper-1, [16.09.

17 19:47]

Some topics from Aribam Paper1, Chapter 1:

1.Hash and Hall study: Impact of circumstances on nature of organisation-In public and private sector

2.The Hybrid Paradigm-based on Ownership and funding (Concept of hybrid organisation)

3.Dahl and Lindblom discussion over Polyarchy and market economy to manage political-economy

(In Western European political science, the term polyarchy (Greek: poly "many", arkhe "rule") was used
by Robert Dahl to describe a form of government in which power is invested in multiple people.)

4.Bozeman: Public Value Failure

5.Benn and Gauss differentiating b/w private and publice sector based on three concepts: IAA (Interest,
Access, Agency)

6.Peter Drucker: Two types of Org.: Service oriented Org and Profit Oriented Org.

7.It is not the content rather the impact of Wilson's writings that matters.

8.Goodnow Published "Politics and Administration" in 1900.

9.1950s's developments: Quantitative approach, Systems approach, Public Policy Approach

10.NPM-Christopher Hood(A PUBLIC MANAGEMENT FOR ALL SEASONS),REGO-David Osborne and Ted
Gaebler, NPS-Denhardt & Denhardt, NPG-David Osborne

11.1906: Founding of NY Bureau of Municipal Research by John D. Rockefeller. Training school for Public

12. American society for Public administration, 1939

13.1926, LD. White: An Introduction to the study of Pub Ad

14. 1927,WF Willoughby: Principles of Pub Ad (book name)

15.1970s: President of American Political Science Association dismissed Pub Ad as an "Intellectual

Wastland" 😡

16.As a paradigm, management provided focus but not the locus.

17.Uncomfortable 2nd class citizenship, Abusive parents, absent minded aunt

18.Because of GRD future government is going to be BFW.( GRD= Globalisation, redefintion, devolution;
BFW= Blurring, flattening an withering)

19. New Politics Agenda by Mohit Bhattacharya: Concern for environment, gender, ethnic areas like Green administration, Gender Administration
20. Honey Report, 1967, Philadephia Conference, 1967

21. Public Administration in the times of Turbulence: Dwight Waldo, 1971

22. Robert T. Golembiewski: Anti-PTH (Anti-Positivist, Anti-Technical, Anti-hierarchial). Here technical

refers to mechanistic approach, man is like machine, cog in the wheel.

23."Progressive approach". NPA, T.Golembiewski (rejected the deterministic approach of classical


24.MB-3 definition of Pub Ad: Pub Ad is a socially embedded process of CRDA to promote human
flourishing of all. (CRDA: Collective relationships, Dialogues and actions).

25. MB-3: Shift from "government in action" to "management of public affairs".

26. New Right Philosophy: Combination of two mutually contradicting schools: Neo-liberalism and Neo-
Conservatism. (Small state but strong state).

27.PCA: Application of Economics to Political Science

28. "Prescriptive character" of PCA: Institutional pluarlism with overlapping jurisdiction

29.Peter Self: Political idealism is not found in real life, what is found is more of political-administration
egoism and particularism.

30.Vincent Ostrom criticised Simon for introducing PAD through back door.

31. Simon introduced PAD through intra-organisational concept of fact-value dichotomy.

32.Tullock's three factors which trouble states: Sefishnesss, Absence of competition and absence of
appropriate measuring tool.

33.Anthony Downs (Inside bureaucracy, 1967): Laws of counter control, tendency of empire building in
bureaucracy, law of dimishing control, law of diminishing coordination (both result of growing size of
organisation, expansion dilutes control)

34.William Niskanen( B'cy and Representative government, 1971): monopoly, hence introduce
institutionla pluralism, b'cts should be made accountable to political executives, Provide authentic
information about various goods and services so as to bring transparency.

35.Peter self criticism of PCT: Deprives of two values: Benevolence and Predictability

36. PCT suffers from closed circle circularity.

Paper-1, [16.09.17 20:50]

37. Christopher Hood: Characteristics of NPM: APR DCPP (Autonomy, Performance evaluation, Result-
oriented, Decentralisation, Competition, Private sector mechanims, Parsimony & Prudence).

38. Donald Ketlle outlined different key concerns in NPM: Productivity, Marketization, Service
Orientation, Decnetralisation, Policy, Accountability fror results (PMS ODPA).
39. 1990s UK introduced compulsory competitive tendering (CCT)

40. Canada: Special Operating Agencies (SOA), UK: Next Steps

41. Olsens's distinction b/w two state models: Sovereign State vs Super market state

42. NPM's failure to respond to social justice concerns

43. REGO,O&G, Community owned government: 1. Community Policing 2. Kerala panchayat example
Community led sanitation programme)

44. Anticipatory government: Prevention is better than cure, Terror attack, Medical Catastrophe,
Disaster management.

45. Mission oriented governmet: New India mission

46. Enterprising government: Delhi Metro

47. GG: Sarva Jana Hitaih, Sarva Jan sukhaih (Universal welfare and happiness of all)

48. DSJ View: World bank, IMF and OECD definition of good governance was very objective. DSJ
promoted a subjective definition of GG. (DSK: Dunn, Stove and Jeffreis). Improvement of quality of life of
people (A purposive and development oriented administration, we can cite Bhutan example)

49. Abdul Hye's idea of Good governance :Aid conditionality, social contract, subjuagted, free mind..was
bound to happen anyway.

50.Prof Niraja Gopal: Singapore, Asian Tigers, NDCs (New Developed countries), Non-ecological

51. Bobb Curie commented that governance is not a binary variable and cannot be defined in terms of
on/off or present/absent criteria. It is a subjective variable just like democracy.

52. Atul Kohli: said that GG will bring " two track politics" , WB GG will create shell of democracy without
substance and will bring an instrument to bring economic performance but will not ensure various
political values.

Paper-1, [17.09.17 16:46]

Chapter 2, Aribam, P1: Some easy to miss points

1. Alvin Toffler, third wave, emphasized role of communications.

(Toffler's book describes the transition in developed countries from Industrial Age society, which he calls
the "Second Wave", to Information Age "Third Wave" society)

2.Triple M of Organisation: Man, Machine and methods

3. Inanimate and Aninamte parts of org

4.Three parts of classical theory: Scientific management theory, Admimistrative management theory
(operative theory) and bureaucratic theory

5.Midvale steel company- Taylor worked here

6.Systematic soldering's another name" Second thought reasoning"

7. Taylor mentioned 9 qualities of Functional foremans.

8. Fayol's believe in "Universality of Administrative theory

9.Concept of Prevoyance: Planning under POCCC

10.Fayol cautioned that excessive division of work leads to inefficiency.

11.Subordination of individual interests to general interest is one of the 14 principles.

12. Equity: in terms of distribution of responsibility and rewards

13.Drucker criticized Fayol's theory of management, saying it was based on single dimension
(mechanistic model) and will fail if applied to very complex organisation.

14. As per Gulic, factors that decide span of control of an organisation are: Superior's abilities, Nature of
Work, Age of organisation

15.Phenomena of Change: U&G has considered phenomena of change and its impact on administration
(locomotive change, Computers, International bodies)

16. Principle of specialistaion contradicts with unity of command.

17.Weber studied social phenomena- Scial change and stratification-and the process of rationalisation.

18.Theory of domination. Traditional domination gives rise to two types of administrative sytstems:
Patrimonial and Feudal (feudal more prevalent in continetal europe)

19.Bçy functions with impersonality and detached spirit and may lead to alienation. (Weber's own

20.Dysfunctional theorists: Context: criticism of Weber: Robert merton, Philip Selznick, Alvin Gouldner

21.Philip Selznick: Tennessee Valley Corporation and Grassroots...Sub-unit loyality, sub-unit goals.

22.Parkinson's law of rising pyramid: study of british decolonisation(1936-1954), no of administrative

unites kept increasing despite reduced work

23. Weberian bureaucracy reflects Bentham's Dog's law. Reactive rather than proactive. State is
expected to be proactive so that it can make people aware of the law. It waits for the chance to punish

24. Thompson said: many features of bureaucracy contradicts features of democracy ( hierarchy vs
equality, top down vs bottom up)

25. Phenomenological approach emphasized on inter-subjective and symbolic dimensions of org

structure and various roles.
26.Robert Nozick supported "minimal state"(Book-Anarchy, state and Utopia, 1974). Neo-liberalism

27. Free form organisation: Organic Adaptive structure (Warren Bennis), Adhocratic Organisation (Alvin

28.William Ouchi, Thoery Z: Americans believe in "Hire an Fire"policy which leads to alienation.Prevents
psychological integration of employee with org.

29.Ringi System: It is a decision making process termed " Ringi " with a bottom up approach to
overcome the traditional autocratic decision making practice. The paper aims at the characteristics of
decision making procedure and its influence on the management style in Japan. Even though the " Ringi
" process is viewed as time consuming by inviting more members of the organization to endorse on a
decision, it still ranks high in appreciation for its nature of participatory management with collective
decision making process in an organization.

30. Theory W,Theory O (Winner and Owner respectively):Both were humanistic in approach.

31.Mary Parker Follet: Doctrine of Inter-penetration, Doctrine of whole

32.Follet rejected Ballot box democracy. (representative democracy). was in favour of direct democracy.

33. As per Follet, RD is based on law of consent, she was in favour of law of co-action which is found in

Paper-1, [17.09.17 19:23]

34.Order: conscious attitdude, responsible attitude, experimental attitude, pooling of results.

35. Follet said that managers have to act like amateur psychologist to get cooperation from
subordinates. How to get orders accepted: building up attitudes, providing positive release,
augumenting the released response as it is being carried out.

36. Follet on leadership: 3 main functions of leaders: coordination, definition and anticipation

37. Three types of leaders: Leadership of position, leadership of personality and leadership of function

38. Fact control vs man-control, correlated control vs super imposed control

39.Follet on coordination: direct contact, early stages, continuing process, reciprocal relating all the
concerns of the org.

40.George Elton Mayo: social routines earlier, then advent of modern society, routines gone, anomie---
lawlessness and planlessness

41.First Inquiry, 1923: Philadephia, Textile Mill: Issue of extremely high turnover in mule-spinning

42.Hawthrone studies: at hwathrone plant--consist of Great Illumination(1924-27), Relay Assembly test

room (1927-28),Interviewing programme(1928-31)
43. Bank-wiring experiment: 14 Mayo's men joined as workers (Social Organisation experiment, 1931-
32, Rate buster, Chiseller, Squealer)

44. Rejected Rabble Hypothesis and proposed Herd hypothesis.

45.Barnard: General Inducements: Associative attractiveness, working conditions.

46. Barnard work on formal and informal org. Informal organistaion stabiizes zone of indifference.

47. Simon also discussed methods of converting non-programmed decisions to programmed decisions:
two strategies--Traditional and Neo strategies. In traditional strategy, the individulas with requisite skills
are selected and trained over time. Neo strategy uses mathematical tools, Operations research, EDP,
sytem analysis, computer simulations.

48. Simon studied displace of goal aspect for decision making. He said that rationality may be
compromised because of displacement of goal. (committment of members towards sub goals)

49. Modes of organisational influence: Internal (Organisational loyality, concern for efficiency) and
External( Authority, Advisory and informational services)

50. Zero Point: Best opportunity of the individual that is forgone. The individual is fully committed only
when the return is more than the zero point.

51. Ostrorm and Norton Long criticised Simon for introducing Politics-Administration Dichotomy through
back door.

52. Rensis Likert: Job centred supervisor vs Employee centred supervisors: graph (Production vs Time

53. Likert said that effective supervision is an adaptive and relative process.

54. System 4 has three way communication: Up, down and lateral.

55. Likert: Science based management ( causal variables, intervening variables, end-result variables)

56.Organisational Improvement Cycle (OIC): Likert said that an organization should move from system 1
to system 4, but this move should not be abrupt, rather gradual. The 5 point strategy for doing same is
called OIC.

57. Likert's two types of conflicts: substantive and affective.

58. Likert's win-win strategy for conflict resolution~similar to integration of Follet.

59. Douglas McGregor: Selective Adaptation of control.The manager should work through the emotive
requirements of subodinates.

60.Managing of conflicts as per Mcgregor:Three options: Divide and Rule, Suppression of differences,
Working through differences..he perfered the last one.

61. Cosmology to reality: Individulas behave the way the believe.

62.Chris Argyris: Adult-Infant Paradigm

63. Improving interpersonal competence: Slelf acceptance, confirmation, Essentiality

64. Argyris's two values systems: Model I( Bureaucratic Pyramidal) and Model II ( Democratic
Humanistic): similar to Theory X and Theory Y.

65. Mcgregor believed in cosmology to reality that is Individula behave the way they believe. While
Argyris said that Individuals may behave differently from what they belive. Their beliefs and values
might not be reflected into theri actions.

Paper-1, [22.09.17 19:29]

Chapter 7: CPA,Some easy to miss points.

1.Golden Era-1960s, Decline-1970s., Surge-1980s

2.Willoughby publihsed "Principles of Public Administration" in 1927 which exhibited elements of


3.Princeton conference: 1952

4. Nimrol Raphaeli has identified the first conference on Comparative administration held at Princeton
university in 1952 as starting point of CPA.

5.Roy Macridis said that science of administration should be based on cross-cultural ,cross-national and
cross-temporal studies.

6.Behavioural revolution: Henderson comment that the intellectual roots of comparative public
administration theory lie in American behavioural science.

7. CAG formed under ASPA in 1960-61. Riggs was chairman from inception till end of 1970.

8.Decline-1970s: CPA in its efforts became highly fact oriented and emphasized on theorization. CPA —-
Ivory tower approach, Ford Foundation stopped funding in 1966 for 5 yrs.

9. Heady and Caiden--Failure to reach a single paradigmatic stage is the major reason for the decline of
CPA in 1970s.

10. Narco-terrorism, Cyber crimes

11.MBC-III ended American Isolationsim. Many papers published during the conference had
international perspective.

12. Alvin Toffler in 3rd Wave: Today in this world time and distance cease to have meaning becuase of
communication revolution.

13. Ideographic to Nomothetic: One deals with unique cases, second with generalisations.

14. Riggsa said that ecology has five components- PEST+ Communications. Adminstration is in
interaction with all five components.
15. Riggs--Structural-Functional approach--Five important functions in any country are--Economic,
Social, Communications, Symbolic and Political.

16. 1956--Agraria Indsutria Society;Ascriptive values, particularistic and diffuse pattern vs achievment
values, universalistic and specificity.

17. 1957- Transitia

18. 1959- Fused-Prismatic-Diffracted, 1975-prismtatic society revisited (introduced integration concept)

19. Administrative system in prismatic society is weberian in structure but it is not functionally

20. Nepotism, Poly-communalism, existence of clects, Poly normativism, lack of consensus, separation of
authority from control.

21.Prismatic society has "poly-normativism"..

example: India...Different norms--Demand for UCC--Muslim personal laws, christian divorce laws, Hindu
marriage acts...different norms for different communities

22."Show me the man, I wills show you the price"--Concept of subsidized canteen, tribuatry canteen

23.Pressure of change in prismatic society from two sources--Endogenous(ex: through administrative

reforms) and exogenous ( ex: technical assistance progam and aid conditionality). Thus greater
formalism, heterogenity and overlappping will have greater state of exo-prismatic and lesser endo-
prismatic. (exo-prismatic==change introdcued from exogenpous forces, endo-prismatic=change
introdced because of endogenous forces)

24. Integration concept gave Riggsian theory much needed flexibility.

25. Integration--Y axis, Differentiation--X asis for drawing those charts (Uniliner and bilinear path model)

26.Hahn Bee lee--Prismatic model not suitable to study socia changes,it is an equilibrium model.

27. Sison said that u need to learn an entire vocablary to read Riggs model, so many new words. 😂 One
has to read three times to understand hos wrirtings.

28. Diffraction= Differentiation+ Integration; Differentiation= Technical, Non-Technical; Integration=

Participation, Penetration; Participation= Willingness and ability to participate; Penetration=
Administrative development= Administrative structure+ Administrative behaviour.

29. Daya Krishna on Riggs--All societies are at different stages of prismatisim, but there is no scal for
measuring the same, Riggs model cannot study chang, it is an equilibrium model, criticises the
participation concept under integration (check point 28) saying that even in dictatorial countries people
have participation but this cannot be called development, hence riggs model fails to recognise the role
of external forces in the process of development.
Paper-1, [22.09.17 21:08]

30. Arora said that overlapping exits equally in diffracted society as well as in a prismatic society.

31. Michael Moore--Prismatic society has negative connotation, it has been made keeping America as a
standard society like there is nothing wrong in that country. Riggs did not give importance to positive
characters of prismatic society as he did to the negative characters.

32. Ferrel Heady--Colonial Imprints of Administration. (India-Split system, secretariat-directorate, Indian

Penal Code, District administration etc)

33.Lucian Pye--Political Culture and its impact on administration. studied two aspects: Committment
and loyality. In developing countries the committment is primordial in nature that is they are committed
to family, community, caste, religion, language and religion which leads to "dualism" while in developed
countries they are committed to national identity which leads to "realism".

34. James Wilson: Varieties of Police behavior--8 types of communities studied and found out that police
behaviour is based on senstivities of the communties. If communities are senstive, then the police is also

35. Geogre Orwell: Shooting an elephant: A sahib is sahib. (Context: being studied under the topic —
Social and cultural influence on administration)

36. Hamza Alavi: Overdeveloped state--Sbsence of Non-state institutions of Presence of weak NSIs.

37.Kaushik Basu: Sanskritization of Corruption

38. Le travail au noir

39. Hakim-Babu culture. (Covenant civil service-Hakim, Non-covelant civil service-Babu)

40. Studies by French and Bell- Negative culture, balance culture and positive culture (context: being
studied under topic--Internal environment and its impact on administration).

41. Classical administration (France) vs Civic culture administration (US/UK): Being studied under topic--
Ferrel Heady's ten fold classification of different adminstrative systems of world (Devloped-4,

42. Riggs-Synthesis and Anarchy. (Context: Riggs discussed changes in wake of globalisation in a 2006
article named -The impact of Globalisation on the theory and practice of public administration)

43.Developing societies--Democracy and Dictatorship-Both have Proto and Ortho type. While most of
the developed societies are democratic type, hence he gave only one classification for developed

44. There have been arnd 17-18 coups in Nigeria from 1966-1999. It re-achived democracy in 1999,
ending 33 years of military rule.

45. 1932-Thailand, earlier no legislation, power vested in monarchy, a group of civilians and miliatry
officers called "Khan Ratsadon" carried out a bloodless revolution in 1932. KR proposed constitutional
form of monrachy, they did not want to end monarchy but wanted reforms and people participation

46. Iran, 1979: Iranian revolution aganist Shah, Shah fled country in January 1979 and Ayatollah
Khomeini became the "supreme head"..Iran adopted theocratic constitution.

Paper-1, [23.09.17 19:01]

chapter 8: Development dynamics.. Aribam.

1. UL Goswami or Donald stone--Who coined the term DA?

2. Marshal Plan, European recovery plan,Colombo plan for Asia Pacific, Point 4 program

3. Meaning of DA-Epiestemological perspective, Conceptual perspective, CPG and CAG view, Narrow
view, borad view

4. Edward Weidner--DA is action oriented and goal oriented.

5. Weidner, Lucian Pye and Riggs--believed in chicken and egg relationship, a causal relationship b/w
development administration and non-development administration.

6. Riggs distinguished b/w these two: administration of development and development of

administration. While former deals with actual delivery of services and goods by state, later deals with
building state capacities, technical experties, financial strength to enable state to deliver services and
good..Thus one can not exist without other.

7. Non-development and development of administration...find the fine difference..

8. DA is a theoretical output of CPA.

9.CPG view: Development is secondary and will automatically follow if there is political stability.

10. Georage Gant: PLA (Purpose, loyality and attitude).

11. GG defined DA as a system characterised by its puroposes, loyalities and attitudes. Purpose is
change, growth, development; loyality is towards people and constitutional values, attitude has to be
flexible, adaptive and result oriented (FARO).

12. Blueprint approach to learning process approach

13. Airplane approach to Helicopter approach...Utilising local knowledge, techniques and ideas at
grassroot levels.

14.OP Dwivedi and Henderson: DA should be based on two major values: Human need centred and
15. Dwivedi and Henderson gave 5 models of Development administration: Liberal capitalist, Democatic
development, Communist, Islamic and Sarvodaya model. They said that sarvodaya model is the best
model among the five models.👌Hail gandhi

16. Soviet Union created eastern block through Warsaw pact.

17. New International Economic Order, NIEO-To promote interests of developing countries: 1970s, put
forward by some developing countries through UNCTAD to promote their interests by improving their
terms of trade, increasing development assistance, developed-country tariff reductions, and other
means. It was meant to be a revision of the international economic system in favour of Third World
countries, replacing the Bretton Woods system, which had benefited the leading states that had created
it – especially the United States.This order was demanded by the 'Non-aligned movement'

18. UN Development decades: 1st DD, 1960-70, 2nd-1970-80, Lost decade, 1980-90, Decade of Good
Governance- 1990 onwards

19. Growth targets: 60s-5%, 70s-6%, 80s-7% annual GDP growth rate

20. Anti-development thesis: Read from Aribam but do check doodlebean notes for AG Frank, Escobar,
waves of ADT

21. Conservative movement: Dependency theory and Fundamentalism; Global Justice movement:
Environmentalism, Feminism, Cosmopolitan localism, Food security.

22. Assistance programme as Neo-Imperialism, dependency theory, metropolitan and periphery


23. Fundamentalism: search for triple S: Stablity, security and stability. Though North (menaing western
countries) eqautes fundamentalism as islamic fundamentalism with negative connotations.

24. Samuel Huntignton- Clash of Civilisation

25. Fukuyama- The end of history and the last man.

26. Global justice movement: Silent spring- Rachel Carson ( detrimental effects of pesticides on
enevironment, espeically on birds), follow up book was named "Beyond silent spring"(1996)

27. Gender in development-1970s, Gender and development- 1980s.

28. Raounaq Jahan (lit up the world😝) said that the transition from Gender in development to Gender
and development (GID to GAD) reflected a shift from an integrationist to agenda setting approach.

29. Concept of "Inside-Outside'' division of labour.

Paper-1, [23.09.17 20:21]

30. Cosmopolitan localism: resistance movement against uniformity, m-culture and process of
homoegenisation by west led development model. It focuses on protecting the unique identities of
culture, social values etc. It is ADT+ post developmentalism.
31. Cosmoplitan localism word coined by Wolfgang Sach.

32. Many say that ADT is ahistorical. (criticism of ADT)

33. Pol pot of Combodia, Taliban in Aghanistan.

34. Morroe Berger- Study of bureaucracy in Egypt, found it different from weberian bureaucracy, book
name- Bureaucracy and Society.

35. Michael Crozier-France-Book name-"Bureaucratic Phenomenon"--Highly rule bound, some french


36. Ralph Braibanti- Pakistan- Pakistan bureaucracy resmbles weberian bureaucracy only in structure,
functionally it is non-bureaucratic. Paksitan's bureaucracy is AOF (Authoritarian, obstructionist and

37. Peter Blau's model: He criticised rigidity and status-quoist nature of weberian bureaucracy and
suggested a model- Organic, adaptive and ecological model.

38. Valshan's developmental bureaucracy---A nromative model where he defined Role, goal and
requirements of bureaucracy...Bçy should be dynamic and organismic rather than weberian in

39. Pai Panandikar and Kshirsagar found that in Indian administration, Weberian model is effective at
Headquater level, while at field level we need a more dynamic model--hence Peter Blau's model is
suitable at fields level.

40. Premalata's two findings which ail Indian Bureaucracy- Elitist nature of IAS and Immature political

41. Kuldeep mathur studies BDOs in Rajsthan and found them non-developmental in approach,
escessive focus on rules. IT WAS ESSENTIALLY RCR IN NATURE— rule-oriented, centralised and rigid.

42,Peter Drucker gave concept of "government by market"which is based on three major dimensions:
Slim state, Liberation of market, Introduction of market principles and practices.

43. NRP, Joan Robinson-Strangulation Theory--The invisible hands of market may work by stranguation.

44. So, He was against more marketization.

45. Paul streeten--In wake of New right philosophy state take up 5 imp roles--Legal framework, L&O;
Induce competitons, Govt intervention in price formation, production and finance to make markets
function better, Human resource development, development of physical infrastructure.

46. * Paul Streeten: neo right philosophy 5 roles Need to do:

* Legal framework for L&O,

* Induce Competitions eg. CCI,

* Govt intervention in price formation, production and finance to make markets function better eg. FIT
in RE, Coal cess, petrol excise, elec vehicles subsidy

* Human resource development eg. Skill India,

* Physical Infrastructure development: roads, electricity, ports etc eg. Bharatmala, Sagarmala, SEZ
(Courtesy: ND)

47. Michael Mann and Theda Skocpol--Instead of rolling back of state, roll the state back in..state is
critical, market can supplement state, they cannot supplant the state. Supplant= taking the place.

48.Haque's concept of loss of bargaining power in wake of globalisation.

49. Pragmatic Neo-liberal end widening ineqaualities that came due to neo-liberal
approach,there was increasing chaos, strikes etc. Focus on 4 things: 1. Investment in human capital and
infrastructure 2. Safety needs 3. State rehabiliation (it simply means re-legitimization of state ater it was
reduced to small state due to NRP and PCT). 4. Democratisation and Rule of law.

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