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Global Governance and International Institution

The definition of Global Governance has become many different

perspectives and understanding. In general, Global Governance is a harmonization
of the world that involves some collaborating state actors with non-state actors to
solve the problems or issues that happening in a region or country. From the
journal, Larry Finkelstein observed that “‘Global Governance’ appears to be
virtually anything.”. It means governance can appear in any form of global issue.
As we know, Global Governance doesn’t recognize the hierarchical structure and
not a single government. But, governing without government.
In, 1995, We argue that the concept of global governance can help us
make sense of the interactions and transformations we observe in world politics
only if it is used in a more careful way. I agree with the concept presented by the
author. Where based on the literature published for Thomas G. Weiss, one of the
experts in the field of UN international relations politics, Thomas Weiss, believes
that the issue of global governance is an issue that can’t be overcome by every
country. Global governance needs interaction from many institutions in this
country. To achieve an effective synergy, it needs good collaboration of both state
and non-state institutions in working on a common issue. This is done because of
both institutions have an interest in the same issue.
Thus, it has been argued that “theoretically, global governance offers an
analytical concept to subsume various efforts at the global level to come to terms
with this loss of control and to balance the uncontrolled processes of
globalization.”. Globalization has brought the world to become an increasingly
intense model of interaction between countries. the existence of global governance
in balancing the globalization process that has been known since 1980. After
World War II ended, it increased global economic instability. Globalization was
driven by the International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, Technology, Labour
and Migration. From the problems, the appears of new institutions played a role in
steering globalization. These main institutions are the International Monetary
Fund (IMF), The World Bank and the World Trade Organization (WTO). These
institutions have a different function but with the same goals. The IMF where the
organizations aim to promote stability and growth in the world economy, The
World Bank aims to create a framework for world economic governance and
assist development and reconstruction and WTO aims to promote trade
liberalization. These institutions have been responsible for providing assistance
and crucial solution that proven by globalization. Even though, they were not
designed to deal with such a phenomenon. It shows that the global government is
an effective solution to solve international problem.

Sabila Almas Andina

International Development Planning

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