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BSN 2D 3/10/2020


Technology according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary is the practical application of

knowledge especially in a particular area and is also a manner of accomplishing a task using
technical processes, methods, or knowledge, but in my own words, it has been our bestest of
friends when we are held in our needs and wants.

Its evolution and significance has drastically changed our individual lives affecting the
society, through its simplified access to many necessary tools in education, industry, medicine,
communication, transportation, and the list goes on. However, an excessive use of it has
drawbacks. When we think of technology, we immediately think of our phones, right? And as the
statement goes, “Too much of anything is good for nothing”, it’s true. Occupying too much of
our time with our little buddies (aka phones) can drift us away from our reality seats. On the
other hand, in most cases, its existence have accelerated our time in finishing tasks; opened an
access for us to communicate via the Internet; improved the environment in terms of intense
methods of agriculture, building better houses, and so on; and developed more advanced

Can you imagine your life right now without technology a part of it? I sure can’t. It has
been with me throughout my entire life, even before I was brought to life. It feels as though it’s
my air – no I’m not specifically obsessed with it, but it has become a tight attachment to my
daily living that I constantly find myself to keep looking for it for school, social, and other
necessary purposes. Though, it’s quite tragic to hear from other people that its very own
existence have become a phenomenon that downgraded our mental and social states. Personally,
it has brought a positive impact in my life by its outweighted benefits and all I can say is that it
has saved me.

So I thank God and the Mesopotamians for bringing such an impact in our lives. I just
hope that people and the society would learn how to nurture it and use it for the betterment.

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