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By: Jonathan Thompson - Turbo Makes Games


Secondary Functions

To use the secondary functions of a key hold the Fn

Fn key and press the desired key. For example Fn + 5

will trigger the F5 key. See last section for full
reference chart.
Tertiary Functions

Some keys have a third function can be activated by

Fn Alt holding Fn and Alt then pressing the desired key. For
example Fn + Alt + T will cycle RGB modes. See last
section for full reference chart.


Move the Mouse

Hold the Fn key and use W, A, S, and D keys to move

the mouse up, left, down, and right.

Other Mouse Functions

Hold Fn and use the following keys for the desired

Q - Left Click R - Scroll Up
E - Right Click F - Scroll Down


Dip Switches 1 and 2

1 2 These switches control the position of the Fn key

OFF OFF Alt Fn Ctrl

ON OFF Fn Alt Ctrl

OFF ON Alt Fn Ctrl

ON ON Alt Ctrl Fn

Dip Switch 3
3 Turn dip switch 3 ON to turn CAPS LOCK into Fn

Dip Switch 4
4 Turn dip switch 4 ON for 6-key rollover and OFF for
n-key rollover (default)


Standard RGB Modes

Cycle through the standard RGB modes using the

key combination Fn + Alt + T

Standard RGB modes are as follows:

Wave Reactive*
Color Cycle Breathe*
Rain Drop Full Backlit*
Ripple Radar*
Random Reactive RGB Off

*Modes are single color and can be configured using the

methods shown below

Change Single Color Mode Colors

Fn + Alt + Z - Increase Red

Fn + Alt + X - Increase Green
Fn + Alt + C - Increase Blue
Fn + Alt + Space - Color Palette Selection

Change Speed of RGB Animation

Fn + Alt + L - Increase Speed

Fn + Alt + J - Decrease Speed


Toggle Custom Color Modes

Fn + Alt + G - Custom Mode 1 (CM1)

Fn + Alt + B - Custom Mode 2 (CM2)

Press key combination once to turn on, twice to put into

breathe mode, and a third time to turn off

Configure Custom Color Modes

1. Hold down Fn + Alt + Caps Lock for 3 seconds until

keyboard flashes
2. Press G to configure CM1 and B for CM2
3. Current custom configuration will be displayed
4. Caps Lock key will show the color you are setting keys
5. Hold Caps Lock and press Z, X, or C to adjust the Red,
Green, or Blue values of the current color
6. Alternatively you can hold Caps Lock and press space
for color palette selection mode, press key to choose
7. Once your color is selected, press any key and it will
change to that color
8. To erase a key, hold Caps Lock and press V. Pressing
any key will now turn off RGB on that key
9. To save your configuration, hold Caps Lock and press
the left shift key


Currently Active Macro Profile

Press Fn + Alt + Esc - The number 1-6 will flash indicating

the currently active macro profile

Profile 1 is default and cannot be configured. Profiles 2-6

all can be uniquely configured

Change the currently active macro profile by pressing

Fn + Alt + 1 through Fn + Alt + 6 for profiles 1 through 6

Configure a New Macro Key

1. Hold Fn + Alt + Tab for 3 seconds until the keys flash

2. Press any key (not lit red) to set the macro for that
3. Press key or keys for desired output. Note that macro
keys will output at the same speed you type them in
4. Press Fn + Alt to end recording for that key
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for any other keys you want to
6. Press Fn + Alt to save macro keys and exit the
configuration mode


Game Modes

Fn + Alt + N - 2 Mode Gamble

Fn + Alt + M - 4 Mode Gamble
Fn + Alt + , - Minesweeper Game

Change Debounce Time

Fn + Alt + Y - 5ms
Fn + Alt + U - 10ms (default)
Fn + Alt + I - 15ms
Fn + Alt + O - 25ms

Hold Left Ctrl + Left Shift + Caps Lock then plug in

keyboard for Demo Mode
Hold Fn + Alt + Ctrl for 3 seconds for Display Mode
Hold Both Windows Keys for 3 seconds to reset to
factory defaults
Hold Fn + Alt + Windows key for 3 seconds for
Windows lock (windows key will be disabled)


Hold Fn and press key below for 2nd function

Hold Fn + Alt and press key for 3rd function

Fn Fn Alt
Esc - ` Esc - Check Macro
1 - F1 Profile
2 - F2 1 - Select Macro Profile 1
3 - F3 2 - Select Macro Profile 2
4 - F4 3 - Select Macro Profile 3
5 - F5 4 - Select Macro Profile 4
6 - F6 5 - Select Macro Profile 5
7 - F7 6 - Select Macro Profile 6
8 - F8 Backspace - Delete
9 - F9 current macro profile
0 - F10 Tab - Begin Macro Config
- - F11 T - Cycle RGB
= - F12 Hold to turn off RGB
Backspace - Delete Y - Set debounce to 5ms
Q - Left Click U - Set debounce to 10ms
W - Mouse Up I - Set debounce to 15ms
E - Right Click O - Set debounce to
R - Scroll Up 25ms
Y - Insert Caps - Record Custom
I - Up Arrow RGB
O - Pause Key G - Turn on CM1
P - Page Up J - Decrease RGB
[ - Home animation speed
] - PrtSc L - Increase RGB
\ - Menu Key animation speed
A - Mouse Left Left Shift - End Custom
S - Mouse Down RGB Recording
D - Mouse Right Z - Increase RGB Red
F - Scroll Mouse Down X - Increase RGB Green
H - ScrLk C - Increase RGB Blue
J - Left Arrow B - Turn on CM2
K - Down Arrow N - 2 Zone Gamble Game
L - Left Arrow M - 4 Zone Gamble Game
; - PgDn , - Minesweeper Game
' - End Windows - Windows Lock
N - Calculator Space - RGB Color
M - Mute Palette
, - Volume Down Ctrl - Display Mode
. - Volume Up

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