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AI Magazine Volume 12 Number 4 (1991) (© AAAI)



Roger C. Schank

I survey four viewpoints about what AI is. I describe a program exhibiting AI

as one that can change as a result of interactions with the user. Such a program
would have to process hundreds or thousands of examples as opposed to a
handful. Because AI is a machine’s attempt to explain the behavior of the
(human) system it is trying to model, the ability of a program design to scale
up is critical. Researchers need to face the complexities of scaling up to programs
that actually serve a purpose. The move from toy domains into concrete ones
has three big consequences for the development of AI. First, it will force software
designers to face the idiosyncrasies of its users. Second, it will act as an impor-
tant reality check between the language of the machine, the software, and the
user. Third, the scaled-up programs will become templates for future work.

38 AI MAGAZINE 0738-4602/91/$4.00 ©1991 AAAI


It is not that AI needs definition; it is more that AI needs


For a variety of reasons, some of which I dis- one of the following four things: (1) AI means
cuss in this article, the newly formed Institute magic bullets, (2) AI means inference engines,
for the Learning Sciences has been concen- (3) AI means getting a machine to do some-
trating its efforts on building high-quality thing you didn’t think a machine could do
educational software for use in business and (the “gee whiz” view), and (4) AI means
elementary and secondary schools. In the two having a machine learn.
years that the institute has been in operation, The magic bullet view of AI is as follows:
it has created quite a few prototypes that go Intelligence is actually difficult to put into a
beyond the kind of things that have tradi- machine because it is knowledge dependent.
tionally been built under the heading of edu- Because the knowledge-acquisition process is
cational software. Behind these new designs complex, one way to address it is to finesse it.
are a number of radically different “teaching Let the machine be efficient computationally
architectures” that change the nature of how so that it can connect things to each other
students interact with computers, moving without having to explicitly represent any-
from what is called “the page-turning archi- thing. In this way, the intelligence comes for
tecture” to architectures based on simulation- free as a by-product of unanticipated connec-
driven learning by doing, story- or case-based tions that the machine makes.
teaching, and Socratic dialogues (Schank An alternate version of this view is that AI
1990a; Schank and Jona 1991). is something that one could, in principle, dis-
These prototypes have been successful, and cover in one’s garage. What the form of this
for the most part, the institute’s sponsors have discovery might be remains a mystery, but
been impressed with the results, acknowledg- one would drop the discovered item or tech-
ing that they have never seen anything quite nique into the machine, and it would become
like them before. Nevertheless, researchers at intelligent. This view is held, quite firmly, by
the institute have been plagued by a curious many people who write me letters after
kind of question when they show these pro- having read my name in a magazine article as
totypes to certain audiences. The question well as by many venture capitalists (and, pos-
they keep hearing is the title of this article: sibly, some connectionists).
Where’s the AI? The inference engine view of AI was
At first, I found this question puzzling. brought forth by a variety of people on the
Everything they do is AI. But apparently, AI West Coast (for example, the MYCIN [Shortliffe
has a specific definition to many people, and 1976] and DENDRAL [Buchanan and Feigen-
these programs didn’t fit this definition. My baum 1978] projects at Stanford University
concern was to figure out what this definition and the PROSPECTOR [Duda, Gaschnig, and Hart
was. And while I am at it, maybe it would be 1979] project at SRI International). Their view
helpful if the field of AI itself understood the was, I suspect, an answer to this same ques-
answer to this question in a more profound tion. When the expert system world began to
way. It is not that AI needs definition; it is explode, AI experts were expert at finding out
more that AI needs substance, a distinction what an expert knew and writing down the
that I discuss later. knowledge in rules that a machine could
follow (this process came to be known as
knowledge engineering [Feigenbaum 1977]).
Although such expert systems could, in fact,
Four Viewpoints on AI make some interesting decisions, business
When someone who is not in AI asks where types who were called on to evaluate the
the AI is, what assumptions about AI are potential of such systems probably asked,
inherent in the question? There seem to be at Where’s the AI? The real answer was that the
least four prevailing viewpoints that I have to AI was in the ability of AI people to find out
deal with, so this question assumes at least what the experts knew and to represent the

WINTER 1991 39

…the gee information in some reasonable way, but this better over time. No system that is static, that
answer would not impress a venture capital- fails to change as a result of its experiences,
whiz view… ist. There had to be something that could be looks smart. Real AI means a machine that
maintains labeled AI and that something came to be learns. The problem with this definition is
known as an inference engine.1 Of course, that according to it, no one has actually done
that…if no much of the AI world understood that infer- any AI at all, although some researchers have
machine ever ence was an important part of understanding, made some interesting attempts.3 According
so it made sense that an expert system would to this view, there is no AI, at least not yet.
did it before, need to make inferences too, but to label the Thus the question, Where’s the AI? is a tough
it must be AI. inference engine as the AI was both mislead- one to answer.
ing and irrelevant. The business world
believed that it needed this label, however, as
I discuss later on. Knowing Something Helps,
Thus, it came to pass that business people
who read about AI and assumed that AI and
Knowing a Lot Helps More
expert systems were identical began to expect Let’s consider the SAM-FRUMP-ATRANS experience.
inference engines in anything they saw on a In 1976, a group of my students and myself
computer that “had AI in it.” Many other built SAM, a program that summarized, para-
people in AI were left in a quandary, however, phrased, translated, and answered questions
about how to explain that what they did was about newspaper stories (Cullingford 1978,
also AI, which led to questions such as, What 1981). The program was slow and cumber-
is AI anyway? This question was never easy to some and was capable of reading only a few
answer without discussing the nature of intel- stories in a few domains. Nevertheless, it was
ligence, a subject best left undiscussed in a the first program to perform this task, and we
business meeting. were proud of it. No one asked where the AI
I term the next view the gee whiz view. was because no one had ever seen anything
This view maintains that for a particular task, like it. It qualified as AI based on the gee whiz
if no machine ever did it before, it must be criterion.
AI. Two important types of programs to dis- In 1978, we attempted to improve on SAM
cuss within this conception of AI are optical in some ways, thus came FRUMP (DeJong
character readers and chess-playing programs. 1979b). FRUMP was very fast in comparison to
Are these programs AI? Today, most people SAM. By this time, we had even faster machines
would say that they are not. Years ago, they of course, but the major speedups were
were.2 What happened? accomplished by limiting inferencing and
The answer is that they worked. They were attempting to understand only the gist of any
AI as long as it was unclear how to make them given story. We were able to blur the distinc-
work. When all the engineering was done, tion between inferencing and parsing in a
and they worked well enough to be used by way that made interesting theoretical claims
real people, they ceased to be seen as AI. (DeJong 1979a).
Why? The answer is threefold: First, “gee We were excited by FRUMP. It worked on
whiz” only lasts so long. After a while, people roughly 50 different domains and succeeded
get used to the idea that a computer can do on about 75 percent of the stories that were
something they didn’t know it could do. in these domains. The branch of the United
Second, people tend to confuse getting a States Department of Defense that had spon-
machine to do something intelligent with sored this work wanted to use FRUMP for a par-
getting it to be a model of human intelligence, ticular task. We were put in the strange
and surely, these programs aren’t intelligent position (for a university research lab) of
in any deep sense. Third, the bulk of the work having to hire people to code domain knowl-
required to transform an AI prototype into an edge into FRUMP. After a year of this coding,
unbreakable computer program looks a lot FRUMP’s robustness had only slightly improved,
more like software engineering than it does and the sponsor was annoyed because it had
like AI to the programmers who are working actually wanted to use the program. Further, I
on the system, so it doesn’t feel like you are was concerned about having to hire more
doing AI even when you are. and more non-AI people to make a piece of
The fourth view of AI is one that I myself software really work. I had always thought
have espoused. It is a long-term view. It says that our research money was for supporting
that intelligence entails learning. When your graduate students to do research. I was
dog fails to understand his environment and uneasy about actually trying to develop a
improve on mistakes he has made, you refer product. And it didn’t interest me all that
to him as “dumb.” Intelligence means getting much to try. What did it mean to be doing


AI, I wondered. It meant building theories would have been justified in complaining
and programmed examples of these theories, that they had come to work there to do AI,
it seemed to me, in the attempt to understand and all they were doing was working on end-
the nature of the mind as part of the ultimate less details about determining various abbre-
quest for the learning machine of the fourth viations for bank names. They also asked,
viewpoint given earlier. In 1978, I was not Where’s the AI?
interested in building products. The lesson to be learned from ATRANS is
By 1982, though, I had become interested simple enough. AI entails massive software
in trying to build AI products. Why? Probably engineering. To paraphrase Thomas Edison,
the main thing that had changed was AI. The “AI is 1-percent inspiration and 99-percent
expert system hype had hit, and the venture perspiration.” AI people will never build any
capitalists were everywhere. I spoke loudly real AI unless they are willing to make the
and often against this overhype and ran a tremendously complex effort that is involved
panel that year at the National Conference on in making sophisticated software work.
Artificial Intelligence (held at Carnegie-Mellon But this discussion still doesn’t answer the
University in Pittsburgh) on the coming AI original question. Sponsors can still honestly
winter that was likely to result from ridicu- inquire about where the AI is, even if it is in
lous expectations.4 At the same time, I had only 1 percent of the completed work.
begun to think more and more about the
FRUMP experience. I realized that AI people
really had to produce something that worked
at some point, that we couldn’t simply write
papers about ideas that might work or worked
on a few examples and satisfied the sponsors
From Three Examples to Many
who were pouring real money into AI. With The answer to Where’s the AI? is that it’s in
the increase in money coming from the com- the size. Let me explain.
mercial world, the die was cast. We had to For years, AI people specialized in building
produce something then, I figured, or we systems that worked on only a few examples
might not get another chance. Thus, I, too, or in a limited domain (or microworld).
started a company, called Cognitive Systems, Sometimes these systems didn’t really work
with FRUMP as the intended product. on any examples at all; it just seemed plausi-
Why FRUMP never was the product of Cogni- ble that they would work. The practice of get-
tive Systems is a business discussion not rele- ting AI programs to work on a few examples
vant here. What Cognitive Systems did wind is so rooted in the history of AI that it is
up building was something called ATRANS , rarely discussed. There are many reasons for
which was a program that read international this practice, but the simplest explanation is
bank money transfer messages (Lytinen and that until the creation of the various venture
Gershman 1986). The program is working capital backed companies in the early 1980s,
today in various international banks. It parses almost all AI programs were Ph.D. theses that
sentences that all have similar content about proved the concept of the thesis with a few
how and where money is to be transferred examples. It was almost never anyone’s job to
from country to country. In essence, ATRANS is finish the thesis.5 Often, it wasn’t clear what
a single-domain (and a narrow domain at this finishing meant anyway because these
that) FRUMP. A version of this program is also theses were rarely directed at real problems
used by the United States Coast Guard. At a for which there was a user waiting. In any
Defense Department meeting three years ago, case, even if there was a ready use for the pro-
ATRANS was identified as one of only three AI ject, no one wanted to tackle the inherently
programs actually in use for defense. uninteresting task of doing all that software
Why am I telling you all this? Because there engineering—at least no one in an AI lab
is 1 important fact to know about ATRANS. It wanted to. And even if someone did want to
took something like 30 person-years to make do it, there was no one who wanted to pay
it work. This number is in addition to any of for it or who seriously understood how much
the SAM- FRUMP work. There is an important it would really cost to do the other 99 percent.
lesson to be learned here. Nevertheless, there were otherwise intelligent
To make AI—real AI—programs that do people claiming that Winograd’s (1972) SHRDLU
something someone might want (which is, program that worked on 31 examples had
after all, the goal of AI for those who fund AI solved the natural language problem or that
and for many of those in AI), one must do a MYCIN (Shortliffe 1976) had solved the prob-
great deal of work that doesn’t look like AI. lem of getting expertise into a computer. 6
Any of Cognitive Systems’ programmers Prior to 1982, it is safe to say that no one had

WINTER 1991 41

really tried to build an AI program that was be proposing matching any new word to a
more than simply suggestive of what could be database of hundreds of thousands of proto-
built. AI had a real definition then, and it was types. He had not even begun to think about
the gee whiz definition given earlier. this type of matching because he was really
But underlying even this definition was the not an AI person in any sense of the word. He
issue of scaleup. AI people had always agreed was simply working on a problem that looked
among themselves that scaleup was the true like AI to an outsider.
differentiation of what was AI from what was Suppose he had been thinking about doing
not AI. This measure of AI was one of those speech recognition as a step-by-step differen-
things that was so clearly a defining charac- tiation process. At the time, I would have
teristic of the field that there was no need to said that this approach was silly, that what
actually define it on paper, at least I am was needed was a theory of recognition of
unaware of any specific statement of this view phonemes in the context of predictions
of what was AI in the 1960s and 1970s that we derived from language understanding in real
all adhered to. So I will say it now. And true situations. It is at this point that “unlikely”
to form, I will say it in the form of a story: comes in. I was, after all, simply guessing
When I arrived at Yale in 1974, there was a about whether his system would scale up. It
junior faculty member there who, I was told, was a good guess because he hadn’t thought
was in AI. I looked into what he was doing about anything except 10 words, and it is
and decided that he was not in AI. Here was unlikely that his solution for 10 words was
what happened: He was working on speech going to happen to work for all words. What
recognition. He had developed an algorithm bothers me about this story today is that
for detecting which of the numbers 1 through although I would still like to see speech recog-
10 had been spoken into a computer. As far as nition driven by a good theory of language
I could tell, the program did what it claimed understanding, it is nevertheless now possible
to do. I asked, as any AI person would, how to conceive of a program that really does
the program had accomplished the task. The store all the words of English and compare
question was not what he had done but how one to another. Would this program be AI?
he had done it. Here’s why. Certainly, there are those who would say
Suppose his program had determined that it was AI. This debate aside for the
which of the numbers 1 through 10 had been moment, it is possible to come to a point of
said by comparing the sound that was received view that defines AI as one of two things:
to a prototype of what each of the 10 num- Either an AI program is one based on a theory
bers should sound like and then determining that is likely to scale up, or it is a program
the best match of the features of the incom- based on an algorithm that is likely to scale up.
ing sound to the features of the prototype. Either way, I am talking about best guesses
This method seems like a reasonable one for about promises for the future.
performing this task, and it should work. The point here is that the AI is in the size
Why then isn’t it AI? or at least the potential size. The curiosity
It isn’t AI because it is unlikely that it would here is that when the size gets big enough, it
scale up. The key concepts here are “scaleup” all ceases to matter. We merely need to look
and “unlikely.” If the problem that this man at AI work in chess.
was working on was the “detection of 10 Chess was one of the original AI problems.
numbers” problem, it really wouldn’t matter Getting a machine to do something that only
how he did it. Any algorithm that worked smart people can do seemed a good area for
would be terrific if someone wanted a pro- AI to work on. Now, many years later, you
gram to do this task. But AI has always been can buy a chess-playing program in a toy
concerned with the solution of the deep store, and no one claims that it is an AI pro-
problem behind the small problem. The issue gram. What happened?
in this part of AI was how a program would For many years, the popular wisdom was
detect any word that was spoken, and the that AI was a field that killed its own success-
solution being proposed, to be an AI solution, es. If you couldn’t do it, the wisdom went, it
had to address this issue. In other words, the was AI, and when you did it, it no longer was,
question that I asked myself was whether which seems to be what happened in chess,
what he had done for 10 words would work but the reality is somewhat more subtle.
for any word. That is the AI question. Chess was an AI problem because it represent-
Now, obviously, I decided that his solution ed one form of intelligent behavior. The task
(which was indeed the one given earlier) in AI was to create intelligent machines,
would not scale up. This conclusion was easy which meant having them exhibit intelligent
to come to because for it to scale up, he would behavior. The problem was—and is—that


…an AI program is not intended to accomplish a particular

task but rather to help shed light on solutions for a set of tasks.

exactly what constitutes intelligent behavior smaller domains. But the chess work didn’t
is not exactly agreed on. With my scaleup scale up at all, so the reasonableness of doing
measure, the idea in looking at a chess pro- such work is simply a question of whether
gram would have been to ask how its solution this work was needed by anybody. If there
to the chess problem scaled up. Or to put it had been a need for chess programs, then
another way, were people writing chess pro- chess would have been seen as a success of AI
grams because they wanted computers to play but probably not as actual AI. In the end, AI
chess well, or were they writing them because was never supposed to be about need, however.
they scaled up to other problems of intelli- In the 1960s and 1970s, most AI people didn’t
gent behavior? care if someone wanted a particular program
It would seem that no one would want a or not. AI was research.
chess program for any real purpose, but this The correct AI question had to do with the
question, after all, is a marketing one. If the generality of a solution to a problem, and
toys made money, well, fine: It doesn’t matter there was a good reason. It is trivial to build a
how they work; it matters that they work. But program to do what, say, Winograd’s (1972)
if we care about how they work, there are SHRDLU program did for 31 sentences. Just
only two possible questions: First, we need to match 31 strings with 31 behaviors. It would
know if the solution to making them work take a day to program. People believed that
tells us anything at all about human behavior. Winograd’s program was an AI program
Second, we would want to know if it tells us because they believed that his program “did it
something that we could use in any program right.” They believed it would scale up. They
that did something similar to, but more gen- believed that it would work on more than 31
eral than, playing chess. sentences. (In fact, so did he. See Winograd
Brute-force, high-speed search through a [1973]). At the time, when I was asked my
table of possible prestored moves is unlikely opinion of Winograd’s work, I replied that it
to be anything like the human method for would never work on a substantially larger
chess playing. Chess players do seem to number of sentences, nor would it work in
understand the game they are playing and are different domains than the one for which it
able to explain strategies, and so on, after all. was designed. I did not reply that his program
Thus, the only other question is whether one was not AI, however.
could use these same methods to help tell us The fact that a program does not scale up
something about how to solve problems in does not necessarily disqualify it from being
general. In fact, the original motivation to AI. The ideas in Winograd’s program were AI
work on chess in AI was bound up with the ideas; they just weren’t correct AI ideas in my
idea of a general problem solver (for example, opinion. What then does it mean for a pro-
Newell and Simon’s [1963] GPS system). The gram to have AI ideas within it? After all, this
difficulty is that what was learned from this question is a key one in our search to find the
work was that people are really specific prob- location of the AI.
lem solvers more than they are general prob- So to summarize the argument so far, an AI
lem solvers and that the real generalizations program exhibits intelligent behavior, but a
to be found are in how knowledge is to be non-AI program could as well. An AI program
represented and applied in specific situations. should scale up, but many do not. And an AI
Brute-force chess programs shed no light on program has AI ideas in it. Further, an AI pro-
this issue at all and, thus, are usually deemed gram is not intended to accomplish a particu-
not to be AI. lar task but rather to help shed light on
Thus, the scaleup problem can refer to solutions for a set of tasks. This summary was,
scaleup within a domain as well as to scaleup more or less, the standard view of AI within
in the greater domains that naturally embody AI prior to 1980.

WINTER 1991 43

The fact that a program does not scale up does not necessarily
disqualify it from being AI.

The Great Expert System smart people and quite good with Lisp (the
Shell Game programming language used by many AI
researchers), and maybe they could pull it off.
At the beginning of the last section, I said When I heard about the plan that the venture
that the answer to the title question was in people had for them, however, I knew they
the size. When building FRUMP, my students were doomed.
and I realized that the difference between The plan went like this: If the expert system
FRUMP and something somebody wanted to people were given a hard problem, enough of
actually use involved a great deal of engineer- them could build a program that could solve
ing of some rather dull information. To build this problem within reasonable constraints.
ATRANS , we had to bite this bullet. Little by But no one solution would have been a prod-
little it became clear to me that to build an AI uct. For a certain amount of money, they
program that someone wanted, an idea that could build a program to solve problem A,
was virtually a contradiction in terms in the but they wouldn’t be a great deal closer to
1970s, someone would have to stuff a machine solving problem B. Venture capitalists would
with a great deal of knowledge. Smart is nice, never invest in a custom software develop-
but ignorant tends to obviate smart. Gradual- ment company. They want a company that
ly, it was becoming clear that AI would have makes one thing and then sells that thing
to actually work and that making it work 100,000 times. A company that makes one
might mean paradoxically, using our own thing and sells it once isn’t much of an
definitions, not doing AI at all. investment. What the expert system people
This situation was all brought to a head by knew how to do was build custom software.
the great expert system shell game. When But there isn’t much money in doing it.
the venture capitalists discovered AI, they What they were asked to do instead was build
brought more than just money to the table. a shell, an environment for developing soft-
They also brought with them the concept of ware. This project made sense to the venture
a product. Now, it took me a long time to guys, and the AI guys had to go along. The
understand what the word product was sup- problem was that although the shell might be
posed to mean, so don’t assume (if you are in great to sell, first, it would be wrong, and
AI) that you understand it. In fact, I am still second, where was the AI?
not sure I understand it in a profound way. I The first issue first: Why would it be wrong?
thought, for example, that a conceptual The assumption of the venture capitalists was
parser (for example, ELI [Riesbeck and Schank that given the right tool, any programmer
1976] or CA [Birnbaum and Selfridge 1979]) could build an expert system. This idea was a
might be a product. It isn’t. I thought that marketable one, so it worked in their terms.
FRUMP might be a product. It wasn’t. An expert Of course, it wasn’t an idea that had a lot of
system shell is a product. Unfortunately, it’s reality in it. Building a complex AI system is
not always a profitable one (which is, not sur- certainly made easier by having a good envi-
prisingly, the standard measure of goodness). ronment for programming, but knowing
I don’t intend to explain here what a product what to program is the real issue. So one is
is. What is important to understand is why left addressing the second issue, namely,
the venture capitalists insisted that their AI where is the AI? This issue was addressed
people build expert system shells. from a business point of view with the con-
When the expert system folks went into cept of an inference engine. The idea was that
business, I was skeptical that they could build there was a piece of magic that was the AI
anything that anyone really wanted. After all, and that this magic, plus a software develop-
no one had ever done that in AI before, and ment environment that made it easy to build
as I have said, it was kind of out of the bounds these things, was salable. And it was, at least
of AI to even try. But I figured, they were initially. The problem was that little of a


really complex nature could be built with weeks when years often didn’t help.
these shells. Or in other words, a program- Thus, my claim is that although some
ming environment plus an inference engine expert systems might well have been AI, few
doesn’t make up all there is to building an of those built with inference engines were
expert system, which might not have been likely to be unless one changed the then-
the thing to be building in the first place. current definition of AI. The change is easy
Where was the AI? It wasn’t in the infer- enough to describe. AI had been the creation
ence engine at all. These inference engines of new ideas about how to represent and use
were, after all, pretty simple pieces of software complex knowledge on a computer. Now, the
that tested to see if the logic of the rules that definition was changing toward AI being pro-
the knowledge engineers wrote came up with grams that utilized these AI ideas in some
any conclusions. The AI in complex expert application that someone wanted.
systems was in the organization and represen- Where was the AI in the expert system
tation of knowledge, the attempt to under- shells? It was in the assertion that rules would
stand the domain under study, and the effectively model expertise and in the programs
crystallization of what was important in the that attempted to implement this assertion.
domain and how experts in the domain rea- The only problem was that for complex
soned. Now, I was saying at the time (see, for domains—that is, for AI-like domains of
example, Schank et al. [1977]) that the AI was inquiry—the assertion was wrong.
also in collecting the actual experiences of the
experts and indexing them so that reminding
and, hence, learning could take place, but the
expert system folks were in no mood to pay
The Larger the Better
attention. Those that did were usually not One of the real issues in AI, as I mentioned
involved in the shell game. To put it another earlier, is size. When we talk about scaleup,
way, the AI was where it always was—in the we are, of course, talking about working on
attempt to understand the intelligent behav- more than a few examples. What every AI
ior in the system being modeled. person knows is that a program that works on
The fact that no expert ever experiences 5 examples is probably not one-tenth the size
anything in his(her) domain of expertise of one that works on 50. Outsiders imagine
without learning something from the experi- that it might be the same size or, possibly,
ence and changing in some way was easily one-half the size. But what is really the case is
ignored.7 The hope was that static systems that for real domains, the size changes work
would model an expert’s reasoning ability at the other way. Once you have to account for
any moment. But experts don’t remain experts all the myriad possibilities, the complexity is
for long if all they do is blindly apply rules. phenomenal. It is critical, if AI is to mean
The act of creating a shell with which non-AI applications of AI ideas rather than simply
people could write rules to be run by an infer- the creation of these ideas, that size issues be
ence engine was, in a sense, an act of not attacked seriously. No one needs a program
doing AI. What had been left out was the skill that does 5 examples. This approach worked
that AI people had been learning all this time, in 1970 because AI was new and glossy. It
the skill of figuring out what was going on in will not work any longer. Too much money
a domain and getting a machine to model the has been spent. AI has to dive headlong into
human behavior that occurred in the domain. size issues.
What had been left out were the AI ideas. Now, as it turns out, although this issue
Some companies tried to remedy this situa- might seem to be annoying and, possibly,
tion by training the users of these new shells dull as dust, the truth is that it is size that is
to become knowledge engineers. But AI is at the core of human intelligence. In my
kind of a funny subject. For years, we have recent book, Tell Me a Story (Schank 1990b),
been taking graduates from the best institu- I argue that people are really best seen as
tions in the country and teaching them AI. story-telling machines, ready to tell you their
Often, even after a few years, they just don’t favorite story at a moment’s notice. People
get it. What don’t they get? They don’t get rarely say anything that is new or something
what the issues are, how to attack an issue, they have never said before. Looked at in this
how to have an idea about an unsolved prob- way, conversation is dependent on the art of
lem, and how to build programs that embody indexing, finding the right thing to say at the
these ideas. AI is a way of looking at complex right time.8 This problem is pretty trivial for
problems, and often, it is difficult to learn to someone who only has three stories to tell.
do. It seemed to me that it was hopeless to try Much like our speech-recognition friend earlier,
to teach this area to programmers in a few it is simply a problem of differentiation.

WINTER 1991 45

AI in the program they were sponsoring, they

are likely to be rather disappointed.
Real problems are needed
for prototyping. Five Issues to Think about
Before You Try to Do Real AI
If this answer to the question about where
the AI is makes no sense to an outsider, as it
surely will not, I hope that it makes sense to
Many a grandfather has survived many a con- people who are in AI. AI is in a rather weird
versation on the same few stories. state these days. AI people are hoping to live
But when the numbers get into the thou- the way they lived in the 1970s but for a vari-
sands, one has to be clever about finding— ety of reasons, those days are over. We cannot
and finding quickly—germane stories to tell. continue to build programs that we hope will
We cannot even begin to attack this problem scale up. We must scale them up ourselves.
until the numbers are large enough. To get It might be that one can argue that we are
machines to be intelligent, they must be able not ready to face the scaleup issue just yet,
to access and modify a tremendously large that the fundamental problems have not
knowledge base. There is no intelligence been solved, that we don’t know all there is
without real—and changeable—knowledge. to know about the mind and how to model
And this thought, of course, brings us back it. This statement seems fair enough, not to
to the original question: If a system is small, mention true enough. Nevertheless, because
can there be AI in it? In the 1970s, AI systems of the realities of the 1990s, we must give it a
were all, in essence, promises for the future. try. There are things we can do, and there are
They were promises about potential scaleup, some good reasons to try. For one thing,
promises that the theoretical basis of the pro- sponsors will expect it. For another thing, the
gram was sound enough to allow scaleup. problems of AI demand it—we simply must
Now, the question is, How big is big enough start to look at the scaleup problems for the
to declare a system an AI system? sound theoretical reason that these consider-
It is fairly clear that although this question ations will force us to address many real AI
is an important one, it is rather difficult to problems. But I think the most important
answer, which brings us back to the implicit reason is that this is where the action has to
issue in this discussion—the concept of an AI take place. The sheer amount of difficulty
idea. When I said earlier that certain programs present in the creation of a functioning piece
have AI ideas within them, I was declaring of software from a prototype that worked on
that even programs that did not work well a few examples is frightening. We simply
and never did scale up were AI programs. must learn how to deal with these issues, or
What could this mean? there never will be any AI. AI people cannot
AI is about the representation of knowledge. keep expecting that non-AI people will some-
Even a small functioning computer program how magically turn their prototypes into real-
that someone actually wanted could be an AI ity. It will simply never happen. The worst
program if it were based on AI ideas. If issues effect of the shell game is that it got AI
of knowledge representation were addressed people believing what venture capitalists
in some coherent fashion within a given pro- wanted to believe.
gram, AI people could claim that it was an AI If you buy what I am saying, then the fol-
program. But the key point is that this ques- lowing five issues represent some practical
tion, Where’s the AI? is never asked by AI problems that must be faced before you do
people; it is asked by others who are viewing any real (scaled-up) AI:
a program that has been created in an AI lab. Real problems are needed for prototyping:
And the important point is that to these We cannot keep working in toy domains.
people, it simply shouldn’t matter. The Real problems identify real users with real
answer to the question about where the AI is needs, considerably changing what the inter-
to be found in a program that does a job that actions with the program will be, but they
someone wanted to do is that the AI was in must be part of the original design.
the thinking of the program’s designers and is Real knowledge that real domain experts
represented in some way in the programmer’s have must be found and stored: This state-
code. However, if the reason that they wanted ment does not mean interviewing them and
this program in some way depends on the asking for the rules that they use and ignoring
answer to this question, that is, if they wanted everything else that fails to fit. Real experts


have real experiences, contradictory view- content-based indexing of this knowledge,

points, exceptions, confusions, and the ability and the adaptation and modification of this
to have an intuitive feel for a problem. Get- knowledge through the exercise of this
ting at these issues is critical. It is possible to knowledge. What I really think is that case-
build interesting systems that do not know based reasoning (Riesbeck and Schank 1989;
what the experts know. Expertise can be cap- Jona and Kolodner 1991) is a much more
tured in video, stored and indexed in a sound promising area than expert systems ever were
way, and retrieved without having to fully and that within the area of case-based reason-
represent the content of the expertise (for ing, the most useful and important (and
example, the ASK TOM system [Schank et al. maybe even somewhat easier) area to work in
1991]). Such a system would be full of AI ideas, is case-based teaching. Building real, large,
interesting to interact with, and not wholly case bases and then using them as a means by
intelligent but a far sight better than systems which users of a system can learn is a problem
that did not have such knowledge available. we can attack now that has enormous import
Software engineering is harder than you for both AI and the users of such systems.
think: I can’t emphasize strongly enough Case-based teaching depends on solving
how true this statement is. AI had better deal the following problems: the indexing of
with the problem. memory chunks, the setting up of tasks based
Everyone wants to do research: One seri- on indexing, the matching of student state to
ous problem in AI these days is that we keep an index, the anticipation of the next question,
producing researchers instead of builders. knowledge navigation, problem cascades,
Every new Ph.D. recipient, it seems, wants to Socratic teaching, and button-based interaction.
continue to work on some obscure small I will not bother to explain each of these
problem whose solution will benefit some problems because I have done so elsewhere
mythical program that no one will ever write. (Schank 1991). The major point is that even
We are in danger of creating a generation of though getting machines to tell what they
computationally sophisticated philosophers. know at relevant times is a simpler form of AI
They will have all the usefulness and employ- than the full-blown AI problem, it is not
ability of philosophers as well. simple. Even the kind of practical, develop-
All that matters is tool building: This mental form of AI that I am proposing is full
statement might seem odd considering my of enough complex problems to keep many a
comments about the expert system shell game. theoretician busy. I would just like theoreti-
However, ultimately, we will not be able to cally minded AI people to stop counting
build each new AI system from scratch. When angels on the head of a pin.
we start to build useful systems, the second So where is the AI? It is in the size, the
one should be easier to build than the first, ideas, and the understanding of what is sig-
and we should be able to train non-AI experts nificant that contributes to the behavior of
to build them. I don’t mean that these tools intelligent beings.
will allow everyone to do AI on their personal
computers. It does mean that certain standard
architectures should evolve for capturing and
finding knowledge. From this point of view, Notes
the shell game people were right; they just
1. Inference engine is just another name for a pro-
put the wrong stuff in the shell. The shell
duction system; see Davis and King (1977) and
should have had expert knowledge about var-
Waterman and Hayes-Roth (1978).
ious domains in it, knowledge that is avail-
able to make the next system in the domain 2. For example, in Computers and Thought, one of
that much easier to build. the early seminal AI books, there appears a chapter
These five issues are real and important to entitled “Chess-Playing Programs and the Problem
think about. They are practical points, not of Complexity” (Newell, Shaw, and Simon 1963). In
theoretical ones. A little practicality might the entry for optical character recognition in the
help the field get to the next level of theory. Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, Hull (1987)
states: “The reading of text by computer has been
an AI topic for more than 25 years” (p. 82).
3. For example, see Carbonell (1986); Carbonell and
OK, But What Do You Gil (1990); DeJong and Mooney (1986); Hammond
Really Think? (1989); Lenat (1983); Mitchell (1982); Mitchell,
Keller, and Kedar-Cabelli (1986); Quinlan (1986);
AI depends on computers that have real
knowledge in them. Thus, the crux of AI is and Sussman (1975).
in the representation of this knowledge, the 4. Another panel on this same subject that I also

WINTER 1991 47

participated in, entitled “The Dark Ages of AI,” was An Experiment in Integrated Understanding. Ph.D.
held two years later at the 1984 National Confer- diss., Technical Report, 158, Dept. of Computer Sci-
ence on Artificial Intelligence. For a transcript, see ence, Yale Univ.
McDermott et al. (1985). DeJong, G., and Mooney, R. 1986. Explanation-
5. See McDermott’s (1981) essay lamenting this fact Based Learning: An Alternative View. Machine
and its effect on the progress of AI. Learning 1:145–176.
6. Dreyfus (1979) criticizes these and other overly Dreyfus, H. 1979. What Computers Can’t Do: The
ambitious claims of progress made by AI researchers. Limits of Artificial Intelligence, rev. ed. New York:
7. Now we have some evidence that experts do Harper and Row.
indeed learn from and use their experiences in daily Duda, R.; Gaschnig, J.; and Hart, P. 1979. Model
reasoning and decision making (see, for example, Design in the PROSPECTOR Consultant System for
Klein and Calderwood [1988]). For example, both Mineral Exploration. In Expert Systems in the Micro-
expert and novice car mechanics were found to use Electronic Age, ed. D. Michie, 153–167. Edinburgh:
their past experiences to help generate a hypothesis Edinburgh University Press.
about what kind of problem a car might have (Lan- Feigenbaum, E. 1977. The Art of Artificial Intelligence:
caster and Kolodner 1988; Redmond 1989). Archi- Themes and Case Studies of Knowledge Engineer-
tects and mechanical engineers were observed ing. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint
using old design plans while they created new ones Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1014–1029.
(Goel and Pirollo 1989). Menlo Park, Calif.: International Joint Conferences
8. For further discussion on indexing and the on Artificial Intelligence.
indexing problem, see Jona and Kolodner (1991), Hammond, K. 1989. Case-Based Planning: Viewing
Riesbeck and Schank (1989), and Schank et al. Planning as a Memory Task. Boston: Academic.
Hull, J. 1987. Character Recognition: The Reading
of Text by Computer. In Encyclopedia of Artificial
References Intelligence, ed. S. Shapiro, 82–88. New York: Wiley.
Birnbaum, L., and Selfridge, M. 1979. Problems in Goel, V., and Pirolli, P. 1989. Motivating the Notion
Conceptual Analysis of Natural Language, Technical of Generic Design within Information-Processing
Report, 168, Dept. of Computer Science, Yale Univ. Theory: The Design Problem Space. AI Magazine
Buchanan, B., and Feigenbaum, E. 1978. DENDRAL 10(1): 18–36.
and META-DENDRAL: Their Applications Dimension. Jona, M., and Kolodner, J. 1991. Case-Based Rea-
Artificial Intelligence 11:5–24. soning. In Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2d
Carbonell, J. 1986. Derivational Analogy: A Theory ed. New York: Wiley.
of Reconstructive Problem Solving and Expertise Klein, G., and Calderwood, R. 1988. How Do
Acquisition. In Machine Learning: An Artificial Intel- People Use Analogues to Make Decisions? In Pro-
ligence Approach, volume 2, eds. R. Michalski, J. Car- ceedings of the Case-Based Reasoning Workshop
bonell, and T. Mitchell, 371–392. San Mateo, Calif.: (DARPA), ed. J. Kolodner, 209–218. San Mateo,
Morgan Kaufmann. Calif.: Morgan Kaufmann.
Carbonell, J., and Gil, Y. 1990. Learning by Experi- Lancaster, J., and Kolodner, J. 1988. Varieties of
mentation: The Operator Refinement Method. In Learning from Problem-Solving Experience. In Pro-
Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach, ceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the Cogni-
volume 3, eds. Y. Kordratoff and R. Michalski, tive Science Society, 447–453. Hillsdale, N.J.:
191–213. San Mateo, Calif.: Morgan Kaufmann. Lawrence Erlbaum.
Cullingford, R. 1981. SAM. In Inside Computer Under- Lenat, D. 1983. The Role of Heuristics in Learning
standing, eds. R. Schank and C. Riesbeck, 75–119. by Discovery: Three Case Studies. In Machine Learn-
Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. ing: An Artificial Intelligence Approach, eds. R.
Cullingford, R. 1978. Script Application: Computer Michalski, J. Carbonell, and T. Mitchell, 243–306.
Understanding of Newspaper Stories. Ph.D. diss., San Mateo, Calif.: Morgan Kaufmann.
Technical Report, 116, Dept. of Computer Science, Lytinen, S., and Gershman, A. 1986. ATRANS: Auto-
Yale Univ. matic Processing of Money Transfer Messages. In
Davis, R., and King, J. 1977. An Overview of Pro- Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on
duction Systems. In Machine Intelligence 8, eds. E. Artificial Intelligence, 1089–1093. Menlo Park, Calif.:
Elcock and D. Michie, 300–332. Chichester, Eng- American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
land: Ellis Horwood. McDermott, D. 1981. Artificial Intelligence Meets
DeJong, G. 1979a. Prediction and Substantiation: A Natural Stupidity. In Mind Design, ed. J. Haugeland,
New Approach to Natural Language Processing. 143–160. Montgomery, Vt.: Bradford.
Cognitive Science 3:251–273. McDermott, D.; Waldrop, M.; Schank, R.; Chan-
DeJong, G. 1979b. Skimming Stories in Real Time: drasekaran, B.; and McDermott, J. 1985. The Dark


Ages of AI: A Panel Discussion at AAAI-84. AI Maga- Schank, R. C.; Ferguson, W.; Birnbaum, L.; Barger,
zine 6(3): 122–134. J.; and Greising, M. 1991. ASK TOM: An Experimen-
Mitchell, T. 1982. Generalization as Search. Artifi- tal Interface for Video Case Libraries, Technical
cial Intelligence 18:203–226. Report, 10, The Institute for the Learning Sciences,
Northwestern Univ.
Mitchell, T.; Keller, R.; and Kedar-Cabelli, S. 1986.
Explanation-Based Generalization: A Unifying Schank, R. C.; Charniak, E.; Wilks, Y.; Winograd, T.;
View. Machine Learning 1:47–80. and Woods, W. A. 1977. Panel on Natural Lan-
guage Processing. In Proceedings of the Fifth Inter-
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Thought, eds. E. Feigenbaum and J. Feldman, national Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelli-
279–293. New York: McGraw-Hill. gence.
Newell, A.; Shaw, J.; and Simon, H. 1963. Chess- Shortliffe, E. 1976. Computer-Based Medical Consul-
Playing Programs and the Problem of Complexity. tations: MYCIN. New York: American Elsevier.
In Computers and Thought, eds. E. Feigenbaum and
J. Feldman, 39–70. New York: McGraw-Hill. Sussman, G. 1975. A Computer Model of Skill Acqui-
sition. New York: American Elsevier.
Quinlan, J. 1986. Induction of Decision Trees.
Machine Learning 1:81–106. Waterman, D., and Hayes-Roth, F. 1978. Pattern-
Directed Inference Systems. New York: Academic.
Redmond, M. 1989. Combining Explanation Types
for Learning by Understanding Instructional Exam- Winograd, T. 1973. A Procedural Model of Lan-
ples. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference guage Understanding. In Computer Models of
of the Cognitive Science Society, 147–154. Hillsdale, Thought and Language, eds. R. Schank and K. Colby,
N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. 152–186. San Francisco: Freeman.

Riesbeck, C., and Schank, R. 1989. Inside Case-Based Winograd, T. 1972. Understanding Natural Language.
Reasoning. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. New York: Academic.

Riesbeck, C., and Schank, R. 1976. Comprehension

by Computer: Expectation-Based Analysis of Sen-
tences in Context. In Studies in the Perception of Lan-
guage, eds. W. J. M. Levelt and G. B. Flores d’Arcais,
247–294. Chichester, England: Wiley. Roger C. Schank directs The
Institute for the Learning Sci-
Schank, R. C. 1991. Case-Based Teaching: Four
ences at Northwestern Universi-
Experiences in Educational Software Design, Tech-
ty, where he is also John Evans
nical Report, 7, The Institute for the Learning Sci-
professor of electrical engineer-
ences, Northwestern Univ.
ing and computer science, psy-
Schank, R. C. 1990a. Teaching Architectures, Tech- chology, and education. The
nical Report, 3, The Institute for the Learning Sci- institute embodies Schank’s
ences, Northwestern Univ. concepts for conducting lead-
Schank, R. C. 1990b. Tell Me a Story: A New Look at ing-edge interdisciplinary research in human learn-
Real and Artificial Memory. New York: Scribner’s. ing, providing software solutions for education,
Schank, R. C., and Jona, M. 1991. Empowering the and accomplishing the successful transfer of AI
Student: New Perspectives on the Design of Teaching technologies from the university environment to
Systems. The Journal of the Learning Sciences 1:7–35. the real world. Schank holds a Ph.D. in linguistics
from the University of Texas at Austin and is the
Schank, R. C.; Osgood, R.; et al. 1990. A Content author of over a dozen books, including Tell Me a
Theory of Memory Indexing, Technical Report, 2, Story, The Cognitive Computer, and the newly
The Institute for the Learning Sciences, Northwest- released The Connoisseur’s Guide to the Mind.
ern Univ.


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