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Members of Group :

1. Arini (321710020)
2. Grace Yuli Utami (321710143)
3. Punasan (321710077)
4. Rahmat Maulana (321710009)
Class : B Morning

Is Social Media Bad for Teenagers

Social media is a site that provides a forum for users to interact with each other online. Social
media offers many convenience such as communicating, socializing, and so on that make
teenagers can stay longer for surfing in cyberspace. For teenagers, social media seems to come
addiction, which is no day without opening social media even almost every hour. Does social
media affect teenagers development? Is it positive or negative for teenagers? This article will
discuss about the favours and againsts of social media that influence teenagers.

Social media has some favours in the aspects that can influence teenagers. First, Social media
can make people easy to find latest information. Lots of information or news that can be obtained
on the internet such as blogs or websites. Teenagers are usually interested in news that is viral on
social media. They will easily and quickly find out what events are happening in the world. By
knowing the latest information, teens will think critically in finding solutions to problems that
occur. In addition, the information obtained can also add to their knowledge and references
(Fadhli 2013).

Second, social media can expand friendship networks. Teenagers will be easier to make friends
with other people around the world, even those who are not yet known. Many teens use several
social media applications to communicate with friends who are far away. They can exchange or
share their information and experiences. So, teens will also be motivated to learn to develop
themselves through friends they meet online, because they interact and receive feedback from
each other (Noviani, 2015).

In conclusion, social media can make teenagers easy to find latest information and also they can
easy to make friends with other people around the world. But, social media also has several
againsts that can influence them.

First, social media is not spared from fraud. Many people easily commit fraud on social media.
So, a lot of fake accounts have sprung up used by bad people to cheat, extort and even kidnap
someone. They misuse social media to spread gossip and even unclear news (hoax), making
many people cheated and slandered. Of course this is very dangerous if teens easily believe and
receive information without seeking the truth (Kusuma, 2015).

Second, teenagers become lazy in communicating in the real world because of social media.
They don't care about the environment around them because they spend a lot of time in
cyberspace. They are busy accessing various social media so that interactions in their
environment begin to lack like ignoring the talk of people around them where they are only
concerned with themselves. Therefore, social media can make someone close to us feel far
because of lack of communication in the real world (Warsono, 2017).

In short, after looking at the favours and againsts of social media for teenagers, social media is
very influential on the development of teenagers. However, social media can help teenagers in
various fields such as communication even though they are far away and can easily get the latest
information. We recommend that teens should use social media well and wisely so that social
media can have a positive impact on their development.
Reference :

Fadhli. 2013. "Dampak Sosial Media Terhadap Kalangan Remaja". Kumpulan Informasi.
remaja.html, accessed December 11, 2018.

Kusuma, S. 2015. "Pengaruh Media Sosial Bagi Generasi Muda". Kisah Klasik.,
accessed December 11, 2018.

Noviani, N. 2015. "Dampak Positif Dan Negatif Jejaring Sosial". Wordpress.Com.,
accessed December 11, 2018.

Warsono. 2017. "7 Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Sosial Media (SOSMED)". Kelebihan dan
memikat.html, accessed December 11, 2018.

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