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111Equation Chapter 1 Section 1379 - 14-04 - fluids at rest - 8-24: solve problems 8-24.

Chapter 14, problem 9: Blood pressure in Argentinosaurus. (a) If this longnecked, gigantic sauropod had a
head height of 21 m and a heart height of 9.0 m, what (hydrostatic) gauge pressure in its blood was required at
the heart such that the blood pressure at the brain was 80 torr (just enough to perfuse the brain with blood)?
1.06 103 mkg3
Assume the blood had a density of . (b) What was the blood pressure (in torr or mm Hg) at the

The hydrostatic blood pressure is the gauge pressure in the column of blood between feet and brain. We
calculate the gauge pressure using Eq. 14-7.

(a) We can derive the equation we need from Bernoulli’s equation,

P Pbrain ; P  Pheart
P  12  v 2   gh  P  12  v2   gh 
v  0  v; h  0;
 Pheart  0  0  Pbrain  0   gh  Pheart  Pbrain   gh;

The gauge pressure at the heart of the Argentinosaurus, using Error: Reference source not found, and
h  hbrain  hheart  0 (the checking of h  0 verifies the pressure at the heart will be greater than that in the
brain, due to the increased “depth”), is,
1 torr
Pheart  Pbrain   gh  80 torr  (1.06 103 kg/m 3 )(9.8 m/s 2 )(21 m  9.0 m)  1.0  103 torr .
133.33 Pa 313\*

(b) The gauge pressure at the feet of the Argentinosaurus comes from another invocation of Bernoulli's equation

Error: Reference source not found, (which, we should see, gives a pressure difference
P  Pheart  Pbrain
P  Pfeet  Pbrain  0
resulting from a height difference h  0 as in the previous question, and here ),
1 torr
pfeet  pbrain   gh  80 torr  (1.06  103 kg/m 3 )(9.8 m/s 2 )(21 m)
133.33 Pa
 80 torr  1642 torr  1722 torr  1.7  10 torr.

• Chapter 14, Problem 12 (9th ed.) or • Chapter 14, Problem 12 (10th ed.): The maximum depth max that a
diver can snorkel is set by the density of the water and the fact that human lungs can function against a
maximum pressure difference (between inside and outside the chest cavity) of 0.050 atm . What is the difference
d max for fresh water and the water of the Dead Sea (the saltiest natural water in the world, with a density of
1.5  103 kg
d max  d max
 d max
m3 )? Notations are in which,
0   F  Fhold  Fliq  Phold A  Pliq A   Phold   gd max  A  d max  Phold  g

Hence, one directly calculates,

Phold P P 1 1
d max  d max
 d msaltax   hold  hold   0.17 m
 fresh g  salt g g  fresh  salt

• chapter 14, problem 17 (||18): Crew members attempt to escape from a damaged submarine 100 m below the
surface. What force must be applied to a pop-out hatch, which is 1.2 m by 0.60 m, to push it out at that depth?
Assume that the density of the ocean water is 1024 kg/m3 and the internal air pressure is at 1.00 atm.
F  pA  (  gd ) A  (1024 mkg3 )(9.8 m/s 2 )(100 m)(1.2 m)(0.60 m)  7 .2  105 N .

• Chapter 14, Problem 20 (9th ed.) or • Chapter 14, Problem 20 (10th ed.): The L-shaped tank shown in the
Figure is filled with water and is open at the top.

If d = 5.0 m, what is the force due to the water (a) on face A and (b) on face B? (a) The force on face A of area
AA due to the water pressure alone is
  
FAw  p A AA   w ghA AA   w g (2d )d 2  2 1.0 103 kg m3 9.8 m s 2  5.0 m   2.5  106 N

The contribution from the atmospheric pressure is,

F0  (1.0 105 Pa )  5.0 m   2.5 106 N

Summing up these forces,

FA  F0  FAw  2.5 106 N  2.5 106 N  5.0 106 N

(b) The force on face B due to water pressure alone is

3d 94
FW   dF   d  PA    P  dA    gy  d (d  y )  d  g   y  dy  d  g  12 ([3d ]2  [2d ]2 )   gd 3
2d 2

The above integration is fortuitously equal to the following multiplication of averages,

 5d  5 5
FB  pavgB AB   g   d 2  w gd 3 
 2  2 2
  3

1.0  103 kg m3 9.8 m s 2  5.0 m   3.1106 N

Adding the contribution from the atmospheric pressure,

F0 = (1.0  105 Pa)(5.0 m)2 = 2.5  106 N,

we obtain
FB  F0  FB  2.5  106 N  3.1 106 N  5.6 106 N.
• chapter 14, problem 18: In Fig. 14-32, an open tube of length L = 1.8 m and cross-sectional area A = 4.6
cm2 is fixed to the top of a cylindrical barrel of diameter D = 1.2 m and height H = 1.8 m. The barrel and tube
are filled with water (to the top of the tube). Calculate the ratio of the hydrostatic force on the bottom of the
barrel to the gravitational force on the water contained in the barrel. Why is that ratio not equal to 1.0? (You
need not consider the atmospheric pressure.)

The weight of the water W and the force upon the barrel-bottom g are respectively given as,
W  mg   Vg    LA   ( D2 ) 2 H  g ; Fg  PA   g ( H  L ) ( D2 ) 2  14  g ( H  L) D 2 ;

The ratio of these two quantities Error: Reference source not found is,
4  g ( H  L ) D 1.8  1
Fg 1 2
L 1
H 1.8
    1.999 ;
W  ( LA  4  D H ) g  D 2  L
1 2 4A H 4(4.6104 )
2  1.8
 (1.2)

Since the pressure (caused by liquid) at the bottom of the barrel is doubled due to the presence of the narrow
tube, so is the hydrostatic force. The ratio is therefore equal to 2.0. The difference between the hydrostatic force
and the weight is accounted for by the additional upward force exerted by water on the top of the barrel due to
the increased pressure introduced by the water in the tube.

Chapter 14, problem 20: The L-shaped tank shown in Fig. 14-33 is filled with water and is open at the top. If
d = 5.0 m, what is the force due to the water (a) on face A and (b) on face B?
(a) The force on face A of area AA due to the water pressure alone is
FA  p A AA   w ghA AA   w g (2d )d 2  2  1.0 103 kg m 3   9.8 m s 2   5.0 m 

 2.5 106 N.

Adding the contribution from the atmospheric pressure,

F0 = (1.0  105 Pa)(5.0 m)2 = 2.5  106 N,
we have
FA  F0  FA  2.5  106 N  2.5 106 N  5.0  106 N.

(b) The force on face B due to water pressure alone is

3d 94
FW   dF   d  PA    P  dA    gy  d (d  y )  d  g   y  dy  d  g  12 ([3d ]2  [2d ]2 )   gd 3
2d 2
 5d  5 5
FB  pavgB AB   g   d 2   w gd 3   1.0  103 kg m3   9.8 m s 2   5.0 m 

 2  2 2
 3.1 106 N.

Adding the contribution from the atmospheric pressure,

F0 = (1.0  105 Pa)(5.0 m)2 = 2.5  106 N,

we obtain
FB  F0  FB  2.5  106 N  3.1 106 N  5.6 106 N.

••• chapter 14, problem 24: In Fig. 14-35, water stands at depth D = 35.0 m behind the vertical upstream face
of a dam of width W = 314 m. Find (a) the net horizontal force on the dam from the gauge pressure of the water
and (b) the net torque due to that force about a horizontal line through O parallel to the (long) width of the
dam. This torque tends to rotate the dam around that line, which would cause the dam to fail. (c) Find the
moment arm of the torque.

(a) At depth y the gauge pressure of the water is P  P( y )   gy , where  is the density of the water, so we
need to consider the pressure P ( y ) upon a differential area dA  W  dy ,
Ff Af yf 0
F  dF 

P  dA  
 gy  Wdy   gW  y  dy   gW  (
2 02  12 D 2 )

  12 (1.00 103 kg
)(9.81 sm2 )(314 m)(35.0 m) 2  1.88 109 N ;
m3 818\*

(b) Following a like calculation in Error: Reference source not found, the torque-differential is d  dF  r .
However, one must be careful: notice that the torque has a maximum lever arm r  D at a depth of y  0 , and a
minimum lever arm r  0 at a depth of y  D ; therefore, r  D  y ,
f Ff Af yf D D
   d   dF  r   P  dA  r    gy Wdy  ( D  y )    gyW  D  y  dy  W  g  ( Dy  y 2 )dy
i Fi Ai yi 0 0

  gW  12 D 3  13 D3    gW  16 D 3   (1.00  103 kg
)(9.81 sm2 )(314 m)(35.0 m)3  2.20  1010 N  m ;
6 919\*

  Feff  reff r F
(c) If the torque is , then eff is the asked-for effective moment arm, where eff is given by Error:
Reference source not found, and  is given by Error: Reference source not found,
 1
 gWD3 D 35.0 m
r  16    11.7 m ;
F 2  gWD 2 3 3 10110\* MERGEFORMAT (.)

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