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ACTIVITY 1. Match the following elements of the Romanesque architecture with their description.
Also you can cut and paste the floor plan in your notebook.

Apse, Apsidiole, Semi-Circular Arch, Groin Vault, Barrel Vault, Capital, Dome,
Crossing, Ambulatory, Latin Cross Floor Plan, Bell Tower, Transept, Triforium

 Arch used to attach the pillars to the walls:

 Shorter section of the Latin cross floor plan:

 Semi-circular dome divided into sections by arches:

 The intersection of two barrel vaults:

 Small, semicircular structure surrounding the apse:

 Element that facilitated the movement of pilgrims around the church:

 Part located above the crossing, with openings to illuminate the interior:

 Semi-circular area at the top part of the cross where the altar was found:

 Structure next to the main entrance, used to announce the time for prayer or as a watchtower:

 Place where the two sections of the Latin cross met:

 Top of a column usually decorated:

 Church floor plan with unequal lengths:

 Tribune located above the two aisles of the church:

ACTIVITY 2. Copy or cut and paste the following picture in your notebook and complete it with the
missing parts





ACTIVITY 3. (Pages 98-99) Copy this summary in your notebook.

Point A “Monastic Orders”

Monastic Orders were created in order to give a service to the community. Their main tasks were to
pray and to work (ORA ET LABORA, in Latin words).
To be admitted as a monk (men) or nun (women) they had to pass a period knew as NOVITIATE. In
that period the candidate had to make 3 vows (promises)
Obedience---Obediencia Poverty---Pobreza Chastity---Castidad

The person in charge of the community was the Abbot for male communities or Abbess for female
Each order had to follow a series of monastic rules to live and to organize the monastery (place were
they used to live)
The Principal Monastic Orders were
- Benedictine Order. It was founded by St. Benedict. Its principal rule was “ORA ET LABORA”
- Cistercian Order. It is a reform of the Benedictine order from the 12th Century onwards.

ACTIVITY 4. Answer these questions. (You don’t need to copy them)

1. Explained how the monastery should be organised and how the monks and nuns should live.
2. The three vows a monk must make to be ordained:
3. Highest authority in a monastery of men:

4. Highest authority in a monastery of women:

5. Order born that began as a reform of the Benedictine Order in the 12th century:

6. Religious order founded by St. Benedict of Nursia in the 6th century in Italy:

7. Learning period for a future monk:

8. Basic rule in any monastery:

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