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1. What is virtue and what is its place in the ethical theory of Aristotle?

"Excellence is an art won by training and habitualization...We are what we repeatedly

do.", Aristotle always emphasized this in his Nicomachean Book that indeed we build
ourselves thoroughly through habits. Greek defines virtue (arete) as excellence that is
known to fulfill the task in accordance of being a man. It does what it is supposed to do
in the most possible and positive way. It fulfill the purpose of a one's persona in which
they act of what supposed to act in regards to their capabilities and potentiality. People
first habituated by performing certain actions day by day that are habitually correct and
virtuous. Being in character is the result of the experiences and teaching that a person
used as guidance that constitute to become a habit. With this character/habit,the
product of the action then become a habit that bring a man to be a virtuous man where
the persona chooses to do good actions accordingly and well mannered. The purpose
and the rule of ethics is to always do the 'good' and virtue is a practical doing. A virtuous
person consistently practices the traits of being a 'good man' to achieve the common

2. What is the difference between moral virtue and intellectual virtue? Be able to provide
an example for each type.

Human beings have two (2) kinds of virtues - moral and intellectual, these two virtues
constitute in coming into human beings.Moral virtue is the performance and the actions
to decide in accordance with being moral and practical. I can't say that I am a good
dancer when I only practiced one time or when I only watched it. To become a good
dancer I need to practically do things right with all the steps and counting. I need to allot
time and effort to practice to be said that I am good at it. The role of practice is
important in the formation of a moral virtue. and according to Aristotle, we become
morally virtuous by doing morally virtuous acts.Intellectual virtue explains how humans
reason and contemplate according to the teaching and knowledge acquired, this virtue
emphasizes the use of theoretical approach. I can properly operate the SAP application
in my major subject mainly because of the lessons and teaching I acquired in that
subject. My development will always be based on teaching and terms, and development
requires time, effort and expertise.

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