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Exercise #8

Pretend you are planning a surprise vacation for your partner. Send your friend an informal
email telling them about your plans. Use at least 5 new idioms

Hi, friends
I’m writing this email to let you know that I’m organizing a surprise vacation for Sam: we will
go to Argentina on June!!! This organization is a little bit overwhelming for me, I think I’m
bitting off more that I can chew. So, I’ll need your help! Can I count with you?
1) The most important thing: please, don’t let the cat out the bag. It has to be a surprise!
2) I don’t want to make a mountain out of molehill, but I am a little bit concern about the
current situation: does anyone know if airports will be operating normally in June? My
mom told me to jump the gun and buy the flight ticket right now, isn’t it to risky?
3) Her boss should know about this. I plan to send her an e-mail but I’m on pins and
needles. Can anyone can help me with my English?
Thank you so much, y’all!
Love you

Dear colleagues:
I am writing this personal email to informe you that I am organizing a surprise vacation for my
partner. We are going to travel to Argentina in June. Since this organization has been
overwhelming for me, I would need some support. In case you are interested to help me, these
are the mot important items:
1) It is a secret, so I hope I can count on your discretion.
2) I have concerns about the current COVID situation. Does anyone know if airports will
be operating normally in June? Do you think that it is too risky to buy a ticket in this
3) I need to send a email to my partner’s office. Could anyone can help me with my
Thank you so much in advance.

Beating a dead horse: to fight for something that is pointless

Jump on the bandwagon: to join the party
Don’t spill the beans: be careful about something
On thin ice: in a delicate situation
Kill two birds with 1 stone: I’m doing my homework while I’m cooking. So, I kill two birds with
one stone.
Hit the nail on the head: do the right thing

I wasn’t expecting to have a roommate in San Francisco, but it is what it is.

Having a roommate was something unexpected for me.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

Sorry, dude.

I ran to the store for toilet paper as soon as I heard we were going to be quarantined.
I freaked out with the news about quarantine and I ran to the store.
I don’t mean to beat a dead horse, but this coronavirus stuff really sucks.
Coronavirus situation is inconvenient for all.

Please be prepared to meet our operator in the plaza at 8:30am for your scheduled tour.
Please, be at 8.30 to meet the operator. Don’t be late!

She told me she was from Cali, but like... she thinks Taco Bell is authentic Mexican food.
She informed me that she was from Cali but I can not prove that.

My daughter did well on her exam.

My daughter passed the exam.

I dunno if that’s a good idea maybe it’ll work but it seems unlikely
That idea may not work.
As the price was reasonable, I decided to make the purchase.
It was cheap so I bought it.

In the United States, the concept of a working class remains vaguely defined.
In the United States, people don’t know what a working class means.

Hi there how’s it going? How was your flight?

I know we don’t talk everyday or even every month smh BUT I still already miss you being near
by. Let me know if you wanna come back early and I’ll do what ever I can. And as long as I have
a roof over my head, I’d always share it with u. Just saying lol have a great, fun, safe, exciting
adventure. Proud of you, love you and thinking of you always. See u soon.

Sent from my iPhone

Dear, Eli.
How is everything is going? How was your flight?
Even though we don’t talk every day, I already miss you. If you wan to come back early, I will
do whatever I can. You will be always welcome in my house.
I wish you had a great, fun, safe and exciting adventure. I am proud of you.
I love you and I always think of you.
I am looking forward to see you soon.

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