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Itinerary - is a schedule of events relating to planned travel, generally including destinations to be visited

at specified times and means of transportation to move between those destinations.

Things to do list - a list of errands and other tasks often written on a piece of paper as a memory aid
that one needs or intends to accomplish.
List of Suppliers - companies that provide tour operators with services are called suppliers. The most
common suppliers include hotels, bus companies, airlines, cruise lines, bus companies, restaurants.

General tour report - on this form, a tour conductor reports the delays, problems, or other unusual
occurrences. The tour conductor also profiles the group on this form. Finally, it usually asks a tour
director to evaluate services from the personnel at hotels, restaurants, airlines, cruise lines and
Daily tour report - some tour operators use such a form to report the daily experiences of a tour.

Time Sheets - a few companies, especially those that pay an hourly rate will require you to log in your
working hours for each day on a company time sheet.
Copies of Confirmation - some tour operators provide tour managers with photocopies of confirmations
with prices and dates agreed upon, from each supplier.

Expense sheet - to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses, there’s a need to use a special form to list
each expense.
Rooming List - several weeks before a tour begins, the tour operator must send a list of passengers for
that tour to each hotel being used.

Passenger List - this document lists vital information on each client. Information such as a name, home
address and telephone number will be crucial in an emergency.
Blank seating chart - on most tours, passengers are given assigned seats on aircraft, trains and even
motor coaches.

Optional Tour List - many tour companies offer extra side tours to clients at an additional cost. On this
form, tour managers note which clients have signed up for extra cost services.
Passenger Questionnaire - tour operators are interested in feedback from clients at a tour’s end.
Questionnaire is the best way to obtain this information.

Emergency Form - for legal purposes, a tour operator must receive a detailed report on any accident,
sickness or death that occurs on a tour. This form must be filled out carefully, with all circumstances
clearly described.
Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs) -is a variety mobile device which functions as a personal information

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