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Manuscript Abstract.The abstract should be written in

History English, written with Calibri light font size 10,
single spacing. It should briefly summarize the
essence of the paper and cover the objective,
method and results, conclusions, significance
and impact of the research. It should not
contain any references or equations. The
abstract should be 150-250 words. Keywords
should be written in no more than 5 words or
Available online
phrases. Objectives:The objectives define the
structure of the research project. Which can
fulfil the aims defined by the research question.
Aims are the knowledge and understanding
Concrete required to answer the research question. Well-
Wastewater; designed aims create clear links between your
Filtration; research project and the big, important
COD; question that motivates it.Method and
results:Method is simply a research tool, a
component of research. Methodology is the
justification for using a particular research
method. The results section should simply state
the findings based upon the information
gathered as a result of the applied method,
without bias or interpretation, and arranged in a
logical sequence. The results section should
always be written in the past tense.
Conclusion: The conclusion is intended to help
the reader understand why the research should
matter to them after they have finished reading
the paper. A conclusion is not merely a
summary or a re-statement of the research
problem but a synthesis of key points. For most
essays, one well-developed paragraph is
sufficient for a conclusion, although in some
cases, a two-or-three paragraph conclusion may
be required.

Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx,
Month, Year

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

Literature review is a critical analysis and assessment for research

purposes of the existing problems. This was done to increase the
depth of the writer's comprehension of their subject of study. As
an author, it takes a broad understanding of theory and
associated experiments to show how valid or valid this research
is. Hence, having a review of supporting literature in the research
itself is very important.
The literature required for research in this case will revolve
around the parameters, characteristics, methods of treating
concrete wastewater. Because concrete wastewater treatment
method is a broad method of adjusting wastewater quality
standards, there is also a need for some literature on the
importance of specific wastewater treatment. It is important to
realize that the concept of wastewater treatment does not have
specific objectives, therefore in this case it is important to study
the processes involved in the treatment and its effects on the
concrete wastewater parameters.
As for methods, discussing how relevant those methods are for
research purposes is more important. The method used will act as
a tool to find out what is required in the research, and the results
will ultimately be the root of the conclusions of the research
themselves. Therefore understanding the connection between
methodology and research goals is very important for the study's
final results.
This paper itself aims to provide solid evidence for further study.
This work will have a strong foundation, with the help of reliable
sources, which will be carried out for further study. Hence it is|2
Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx,
Month, Year

also very important to find a reliable source for credibility in

Construction industry is becoming an important sector to boost
economic growth. The construction industry is closely related to
economic activity in almost all countries. On the other hand, due
to the high amount of waste produced from construction, whether
due to renovation, demolition or construction-related activities,
the construction industry is one of the big contributors to the
negative impact on the environment. (Journal 11)
Apparently, the handling of building waste in Indonesia is still very
limited, because the relevant parties believe that building waste
that exists will become waste that is not useful, so that it is often
overlooked without any handling measures to use or reduce the
volume of material that is not used in some way.( Journal 10)
The environment will be disrupted by substances which exceed
the quality standards permitted to flow into the body of water
continuously. (Journal 4) As a result of the decrease in water
quality, water may not be used for human uses, even for
agricultural irrigation purposes, it may not be permitted either.
(journal 1) To order to overcome this issue, we need a good
treatment program to obtain waste content that meets the
requirements of the quality standards. (Journal 9) Waste is
residual material which is generated from an activity process.
(Journal 14)
The presence of waste from construction has a negative impact
on the environment around the building project.(Journal 12) An
interesting thing to note is that the concrete production process
contains a large volume of wastewater from the concrete
production process (Journal 13) Hence, wastewater treatment
plant manufacturing is required, but making large-scale|3
Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx,
Month, Year

installation needs quite a lot of costs. The filtration process is an

alternative for handling liquid waste. (Journal 5)
On this analysis concrete waste water is waste from PT. XYZ
Precast Plant Karawang. The largest plant with an area of 17 ha is
PT. XYZ Precast Plant Karawang which was established in 2015.
This plant is a precast concrete producing company. We
manufacture concrete with 575,000 tonnes / year capacity.

1.2 Purpose

Based on the background above, the author will conduct a study

of the filtration process in reducing COD in wastewater.

2 Method
A systematic approach to find related sources was done as follows
1. Using google to find related sources by typing related
keyword such as: Wastewater,Filtration, COD, etc.
2. Find the new one that related with this research.
3. Skimming through related literatures, usually keypoints are
located in the abstract and conclusion.
4. Downloading literatures that is related to the research
The analysis was done by reading through the downloaded
sources. It is important to read the important section of the
literature to ease the process of understanding the literature.
After the reading process, the information will be written in this
paper. It is also important to compare between different
literatures when trying to understand a topic. This will be
broadens the knowledge of the author regarding the topic.
Based on the topic, the method of this research was done as
follows :|4
Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx,
Month, Year

1. Standard methods were adopted and analysis of the

selected performance monitoring parameters (Journal 17)
2. The population is the entire study topic, or the object under
study. (Journal 18)

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Wastewater
Environmental pollution is the introduction or absorption into the
environment by human activities of living things, objects,
resources and/or other elements so that they surpass the
environmental quality standards set. (UU Perlindungan dan
Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup No.32 Tahun 2009 di download)
Wastewater is the residue from a business and / or activity in
liquid form..(REG2) (Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No.5
Tahun 2014) Wastewater which is released in large quantities into
the aquatic environment and can result in environmental pollution
for a long time. (Journal2)
-Evaluasi Parameter limbah cair

3.2 Filtration
3.2.1 Pengertian Filtrasi
Filtrasi adalah proses pemisahan solid-liquid dengan cara
melewatkan liquid melalui media berpori atau bahan – bahan
berpori untuk menyisihkan atau menghilangkan sebanyak-
banyaknya butiran – butiran halus zat padat tersuspensi dari
liquida. (Journal 20)
3.2.2 Konsep Efisiensi Filtrasi
Faktor yang mempengaruhi efisiensi penyaringan ada (4) factor
dan menentukan hasil penyaringan dalam bentuk kualitas efluen
serta masa operasi filtrasi yaitu (Journal 21) :|5
Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx,
Month, Year

1. Ketebalan lapisan media filter

Semakin tebal lapisan media filter, hasil dari proses filtrasi
akan lebih baik karena luas permukaan penahan partikel –
partikel semakin besar dan jarak yang ditempuh oleh air
semakin panjang.
2. Suhu air
Suhu air akan berpengaruh terhadap kekentalan air, aktivitas
biologi dan reaksi kimia yang akan mempengaruhi proses
3. Kecepatan filtrasi
Kecepatan aliran akan mempengaruhi proses penahan
mekanis terhadap bahan – bahan tersuspensi. Apabila
kecepatan filtrasi meningkat, efektivitas akan menurun.
4. Kualitas air
Semakin rendah kualitas air yang akan difilter, maka
memerlukan pengolahan yang sempurna atau kompleks.
3.2.3 Media Utama Filtrasi Zeolit
Zeolit dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai material filtrasi karena mampu
memisahkan molekul berdasarkan ukuran, bentuk, polaritas dan
derajat ketidakjenuhan. Zeolit dapat dimodifikasi dengan cara
sintesis langsung untuk meningkatkan kandungan silika sehingga
dapat meningkatkan sifat hidrofobik pada zeolit. (Journal 7) Pasir
Pasir merupakan media penyaring yang berupa butiran bebas
yang porous dan berdegradasi yang biasa digunakan dalam
proses penjernihan air. (Journal 3) Pasir berfungsi untuk
menghilangkan/menurunkan suspended solid yang terlarut dalam
air. (Journal 21, Pengembangan Filtrasi) Kerikil
Kerikil berfungsi sebagai|6
Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx,
Month, Year

3.2 Treatment Effect on the COD of Wastewater

3.2.1 Variasi A
Pada experiment ini, dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar COD air limbah
lsetelah dilakukan proses filtrasi multimedia filter arang 20 cm,
zeolite 20 cm, pasir 10 cm dan kerikil 10 cm. Kemampuan filtrasi
multimedia tersebut dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut :
Tabel 1. Hasil Penurunan Kadar COD Sebelum dan Sesudah Filtrasi Multimedia Ketebalan
Media Variasi 1

o Replik Hasil Pemeriksaan Selisih Persentase

asi (mg/l) Penurunan Penurunan
Sebelu Sesudah
(mg/l) (%)
1. I 1000 360 640 64
2. II 800 520 280 35
3. III 800 480 320 40
Rata - rata 866,66 453,33 413,33 46,33

3.2.2. Variasi B
Pada eksperimen ini, dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar COD air
limbah laundry setelah dilakukan proses filtrasi multimedia filter
arang 30 cm, zeolit 30 cm, pasir 10 cm dan kerikil 10 cm.
Tabel 2. Hasil Penurunan Kadar COD Sebelum dan Sesudah Filtrasi Multimedia Ketebalan
Media Variasi 2

No Replik Hasil Pemeriksaan Selisih Persentase

asi (mg/l) Penurunan Penurunan
Sebelu Sesudah
(mg/l) (%)
1. I 1000 200 800 80
2. II 800 400 400 50
3. III 800 360 440 55
Rata – rata 866,66 320 546,66 63,07

3.2.3 Variasi C
Prototipe bangunan pengendapan dengan kriteria waktu tinggal 3
jam, periode antar pengurasan lumpur 24 jam, kemiringan dasar|7
Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx,
Month, Year

450, dimensi bak, panjang 3 m, lebar 1,5 m, dan tinggi 3m.

Sedangkan untuk prototipe bangunan unit filtrasi (saringan pasir )
dengan kriteria jumlah bak saringan 3 bak, kecepatan
penyaringan 6 m/jam, periode antara dua pencucian 24 jam,
dimensi bak, panjang 1 m, lebar 0,5 m dan tinggi 3 m.
Tabel 2. Hasil Penurunan Kadar COD Sebelum dan Sesudah Filtrasi

No Replik Hasil Pemeriksaan Selisih Persentase

asi (mg/l) Penurunan Penurunan
Sebelu Sesudah
(mg/l) (%)
1. COD 316, 54,162 216.987 68,63
Rata – rata 316, 54,162 216.987 68,63

4 Conclusions
Ketebalan lapisan media filter merupakan salah satu faktor yang
mempengaruhi hasil filtrasi. Semakin tebal lapisan media filter,
maka luas permukaan penahan partikel - partikel semakin besar
dan jarak yang ditempuh oleh air semakin panjang. (Journal 21)
Air hasil olahan IPAL bisa dimanfaatkan kembal isebagai
penunjang proses produksi seperti untuk pencucian mikesr dari
sisa beton untuk dipakai kembali. (Journal 15)
Berdasarkan penelitian COD terhadap air bersih hasil saringan,
dapat disimpulkan bahwa air hasil saringan ini memenuhi baku
mutu kelas IV (Journal 16)

Provide acknowledgements accordingly. List here those
individuals or institutions who provided help during the research
(e.g., providing grants, laboratory facility, language help, writing|8
Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx,
Month, Year

assistance or proof reading the article, etc.). In case of the grants,

please provide the number and year of the grant received. The
acknowledgements should be typed in 11-point Calibri Light.

6 References
Here are some examples:
[1] R. Hakiki, T. Wikaningrum, and T. Kurniawan, “The prospect of
hazardous sludge reduction through gasification process,” IOP
Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci., vol. 106, no. 1, 2018.
[2] P. J. McNamara, J. D. Koch, Z. Liu, and D. H. Zitomer, “Pyrolysis of
Dried Wastewater Biosolids Can Be Energy Positive,” Water
Environ. Res., vol. 88, no. 9, pp. 804–810, 2016.
[3] T. Kurniawan, R. Hakiki, and F. M. Sidjabat, “Wastewater Sludge As
an Alternative Energy Resource: a Review,” J. Environ. Eng. Waste
Manag., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–12, 2018.
[4] B. Assamoi and Y. Lawryshyn, “The environmental comparison of
landfilling vs. incineration of MSW accounting for waste diversion,”
Waste Manag., vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 1019–1030, 2012.
[5] International Organization for Standardization, “ISO 14040:2006
Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - Principles
and Framework.” ISO, Switzerland, 2006.
[6] C. Bayer, M. Gamble, R. Gentry, and S. Joshi, “AIA Guide to
Building Life Cycle Assessment in Practice.” The American
Institute of Architects, New York, p. 48, 2010.
[7] Claudia Di Noi, A. Ciroth, and M. Srocka, “openLCA 1.7
Comprehensive User Manual,” no. November. GreenDelta GmbH,
Berlin, p. 104, 2017.
[8] R. T. Noor and P. Soewondo, “Selection of Alternative Domestic
Wastewater Treatment Technology with Using Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) Approach: Case Study Settlement Area of
Riverbank Karang Mumus of Samarinda City, East Kalimantan,”
Indones. J. Urban Environ. Technol., vol. 1, no. 2, p. 165, 2018.
[9] U. Arena, “Process and technological aspects of municipal solid
waste gasification. A review,” Waste Manag., vol. 32, no. 4, pp.
625–639, 2012.
[10] A. Z. Nugraha, E. I. Wiloso, and M. Yani, “Pemanfaatan Serbuk
Gergaji Sebagai Substitusi Bahan Bakar Pada Proses Pembakaran -
Kiln Di Pabrik Semen Dengan Pendekatan Life Cycle Assesment|9
Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx,
Month, Year

(Lca),” J. Pengelolaan Sumberd. Alam dan Lingkung. (Journal Nat.

Resour. Environ. Manag., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 188–198, 2018.
[11] E. I. Wiloso, R. Heijungs, G. Huppes, and K. Fang, “Effect of
biogenic carbon inventory on the life cycle assessment of
bioenergy: Challenges to the neutrality assumption,” J. Clean.
Prod., vol. 125, pp. 78–85, 2016.

The detail explanation about citation and bibliography:

Oneauthor W.K. Chen. Linear Networks and Systems. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123-35.

Twoauthors M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Eds., Handbook of

Mathematical Functions (Applied Mathematics Series 55).
Washington, DC: NBS, 1964, pp. 32-33.

Moreauthor B. Hancock et al., Advanced Ethernet/802.3 Network

s Management and Performance. Boston: Digital Press, 1994,
pp. 5-8.
Handbooks Motorola Semiconductor Data Manual, Motorola
Semiconductor Products Inc., Phoenix, AZ, 1989.|10
Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx,
Month, Year

Lecture, Thesis and Dissertation

Lecture S. Maw. Engg 251. Class Lecture, Topic: “Speed skating.” ICT
224, Faculty of Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary,
Alberta, Oct. 31, 2003.

Thesis N. Kawasaki, “Parametric study of thermal and chemical

nonequilibrium nozzle flow,” M.S. thesis, Dept. Electron.
Eng., Osaka Univ., Osaka, Japan, 1993. .

Dissertatio J. O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer,” Ph.D. dissertation,

n Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, 1993.

Journal G. Pevere. “Infrared Nation.” The International Journal of
Infrared Design, vol. 33, pp. 56-99, Jan. 1979.

Proceeding D.B. Payne and H.G. Gunhold. “Digital sundials and

s broadband technology,” in Proc. IOOC-ECOC, 1986, pp. 557-
Magazine A. Fluturim. “Telehealth in Alberta.” Toronto Tribune
Star(Nov. 12, 2003), pp. 1-3.

Newspaper B. Bart. “Going Faster.” Globe and Mail(Oct. 14, 2002), p.1.

Electronic References
Book S. Calmer. (1999, June 1). Engineering and Art. (2ndedition).
[Online]. Available: [May 21, 2003].
Journal A. Paul. (1987, Oct.). “Environmental properties of flying
machines.” Flying Machines. [On-line]. 38(1), pp. 778-998.
Available: www.flyingmachjourn/properties/ [Dec. 1,
Article M. Duncan. “Engineering Concepts on Ice. Available:, Oct. 25, 2000 [Nov. 29, 2003].

Citing the Original Phrase

Use single space when quoting part of a sentence, or part of a

paragraph. Use a 1 cm indent from left and right margin. Begin
and end quoted sentences with quotation marks. Example is given

“The percentage of the total metal content in exchangeable and

sorbed forms was very low, averaging between 1.1 and 3.7% for|11
Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx,
Month, Year

all of the metals regardless of the type of soil, the form of sludge
applied, or the sludge application rate. The application of sludge
tended to reduce the sulfide fraction and to increase the organic
and carbonate fractions of all five trace metals. At the highest
rate of sludge application, the predominant forms of the metals
were: Ni, sulfide; Cu, organic; and Zn, Cd, and Pb, carbonate..”

Citing the Author’s Name

One author

To refer to a manuscript with one author, write the author’s last

name and the year of publication, separated by a comma, inside
parentheses. It can also be written in line with the text, where the
name is followed by the year in parentheses.


• An incinerator can recover 54% thermal energy of MSW

• Incinerator built just a few decades ago often did not include
a materials separation to remove hazardous, bulky or
recyclable materials [3], [8].
• Porous burner exhibits an extremely low emission of
nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide [4].
• University Bridging Program allows students to expand their
horizon more intensively during the internship periods [3].
• According to Crusoe [22], the energy balance in an MSW
incinerator may include a number of external sources.
• In 2009, Manik and Yusmira [7] described the advantages
and disadvantages of the Pre-University Bridging Program. A
RFID system is done.
• In their study reported in [4], Ludovic, Djordjevic and
Zarzalis found that the flame stability of porous burner is 9-
10 times broader than free flame burner.|12

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