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One a upon a time, there lived a kitten with his mama in a village called Dineville Terri. Every
evening, the kitten named Terri goes would go to the park to play with the other kittens. One day,
while he Terri was playing, he noticed a group of dogs playing ball nearby. Terri got very excited and
abandoned decided to stop playing with the kittens, instead sat its game with the kittens, and sat
down to watch the dogs play football. Since then, Terri has been choosing to watch the Terri was
entranced and will run to watch the dogs play the ball instead of playing with the kittens. So every
evening, the six dogs will be playing with their ball rather then playing with the kittens. They seem
to have lots of funThe dogs seemed to have a jolly good time every evening. Terri, on the other
hand, enjoyed watching them andcould only wished it he had his owna ball to play with too.
However, Terri was afraid to ask his mama to buy him a ball as they were poor.

One day as Terryit sat at his usual spot to watchhing the dogs play, one of the dogs mistakenly
kicked the ball towards himit.

Terri : Oh! MY GOD, the ball is really here! I can’anot believe thisit. I must have it.

TSo Terri instinctively grabs grabbed the ball by the his mouth and runsran as fast as he could…
Phew, they are after me!

The dogs chased after Terry (visual)

Dog 1 : Terri, Terri that’s our ball. Why are you running away with it? Give it back , please as they
chase after Terri

Dog2: Stop Terri, stop Terri

Dog 3 : Don’t do this Terri

Terri : Silence as it tares down the field towards a tall tree and climbs fluidly up and upTerri quickly
climbed up a tall tree and looked down at the dogs who kept barking:

Dog 42 (British Dog) : Barking … Terri, give us back our ball, give it back, you no no good cat!

Dog 1: Give it back Terri! and then in chorus all the dogs bark in unison Give us back our ball Terri!

Terri refused to answersat in silence on the branches of the tree as he looked down over the
helpless dogs. ItHe loved the ball too much to return it. As the evening got darker, It was getting
late and anight was creeping in, all the dogs were tired and hungry. They began to realize that Terri
is not going to return the ball back to them.

Dog 2: Let’s go back home. Its late and our papa and mama will be waiting for us. And I am hungry.

Terri speaksays to himself : “Sounds quiet. Maybe all the dogs have gone home.” It Terry climbs
down the trees cautiously and notices all the dogs have left. He lower and finds the place deserted
and heaves a sigh of relieve!
Terri: “Phew! They have goneare all gone.”

Terri It ransran back home.

When it reaches backOnce he reaches home, Terriit opens the door as silently as possible, so to
avoid hisits mama noticing. Mama catGinger, however, notices him immediately since itas she was
worried that Terri whas not come home yet.

Ginger Mama Cat : Terri, why are you so late today?

Before Terri could answer, Ginger Mama Cat continues : Is that a ball? Why do you have a ball with
you? Whose ball is it?

Where did you get it? At that Terri stammered, : Mama, mama… I love balls.

Ginger Mama Cat ( not to be diverted) : Yes, Terri, but where did you get the ball from?

Terri : Mama, I was at the park today and the dogs were playing as usual but they and they
accidently kicked the ball towards me. Then, e and I just grabbed it and ran away. I…I just couldn’t
myself mama. It was a dream come true. I did it in the spur of the moment mama. I know now that
I shouldn’t have done it mama. and It it was wrong,

Terri admitted sheepishly.

Ginger Mama Cat : I have always taught you to not take other people’s things belonging Terri. I am
so disappointed with your actions today.

Terri : I am so sorry mama. I regret my action today what I did and I promise mama that I willto
make amends tomorrow morning with the dogs. I will give them back their ball and let them know
how sorry I am. I am sure They they will forgive me, mama.

Ginger Mama Cat was happy with Terri , realizing his regret.

The Next day dawned cheerfully.

Ginger Mama Cat : Wake up Terri, we can walk to the park now.

( As they approached the park, they saw all the dogs sitting mournfully, and looking towards the field
that they used to play football)

Terri goes went up to the dogs with the ball clutched by the teeth : I deeply apologize to all of you
for taking what belongs to you. This is your ball and I should not have taken it. Dogs , I am reallyso
sorry. I will never do it again.

Dogs : “Thank you Terri. Thank you very much for returning the ball to us. You can play with us too
if you wantwould like that”, they They offered.

Terri : I’m am so happy to have returned the ballglad that all of you forgive me. Thank you for
asking me to join you even after what I had done.
( they became good friends after that )

As they were about to play, Mama Cat called Terri out:

Ginger Mama Cat : Come Terri, lets go to town.

The two of them walked to the town nearby.

( when they reach the supermarket)As they reached the supermarket,

Mama Cat: Terri, go now and pick up a nice ball that you want. ( Terri was ecstatic, It sees all the
different coloured balls and picks up a yellow one)he ran over to the balls section and picked a
yellow coloured ball which was his favourite.

Terri : (holding the ball closeclose the ball) : Thank you mama. I love you..

Ginger Mama Cat : (Hugs Terri and says) , “Its wrong Terri to take things that do not belong to you,
Never, never again take other people’s things. Promise me. Always remember that you can ask me.

Terri : Never again , mama, I promise!

Every evening from then on, Terri plays ball with a group of catsthe dogs at the park. Both the cats
and the dogs were good friends.


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