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Tutorial 4 (Solutions)

1. If 5 days mean cell residence time is to be maintained and sludge contained 5700 mg/L,
what should the sludge waste rate? Volume of the aeration tank is 970 m 3 and MLVSS in the
tank 2000 mg/L.


θc =
Qr X r

5 days = 970 m3 * 2000 mg/L/(5700 mg/L * Qr)

Qr = 68 m3/day

2. Estimate the volume of the air to be supplied (m 3/d) for the new activated sludge using the
following data. Assume that BOD5 is the 68% of the ultimate BOD and the oxygen transfer
efficiency is 8%.

 Flow = 0.15 m3/s
 Air density = 1.185 kg/m3
 O2 in the air = 23.2%
 BOD5in = 84 mg/L, BOD5out =11 mg/L
 Waste activated sludge produced =378 kg/d


MO2 = Q (So-S) *10-3 kg/g/f -1.42 Px

= 0.15 *24 *3600 (84-11) *10-3/0.68 – 1.42*378 = 854.5 kg/day

Density of air = 1.185 kg/m3

% O2 in the air = 23.2%

Volume of air = 854.5/(1.185*23.2/100) = 3108.3 m3/day

If air transfer efficiency is 8%, volume of air = 3108.3/8/100 = 38853 m3/day

3. The town of Gatesville has been directed to upgrade its primary WWTP to a secondary plant
that can meet an effluent slandered of 30.0 mg/l BOD5 and 30 mg/l suspended solid (SS).
They have selected a completely mixed activated sludge system.
Assuming that BOD5 of the SS may be estimated as equal to 63% of the SS concentration,
estimate the required volume of the aeration tank. The following data are available from the
existing primary plant. Flow = 0.150m3/s, BOD= 84.0 mg/l, Assume the following values for
the growth constants, Ks = 100 mg/l BOD5, µm= 2.5 d-1, Kd = 0.05 d-1, Y = 0.50 mg VSS/mg BOD5


S = BOD5 allowed – BOD5 in the suspended solid = 30 -30 *0.63 = 11.1 mg/L

K s ( 1+ K d θc )
θ c ( μm −k d )−1

100 ( 1+0.05 θc )
θ c ( 2.5−0.05 )−1

ϴc = 4.0 day

ϴ s Y ( S o−S)
t o ( 1+ θc K d )

Assume MLVSS (X) = 2000 mg/L

t o ( 1+0.05∗5 )

to = 0.0608 d = 1.46 h

Volume = retention time * flow rate = 1.46*3600*0.15 m3 = 788.5 m3

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