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Prod. Eng. Res. Devel.

DOI 10.1007/s11740-015-0617-8


Strategic production technology planning using a dynamic

technology chain calendar
Josef Greitemann1 • Benjamin Stahl2 • Alexander Schönmann1 • Boris Lohmann2 •

Gunther Reinhart1

Received: 3 February 2015 / Accepted: 8 May 2015

Ó German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP) 2015

Abstract Producing companies need to apply production 1 Introduction

technology chains that best fulfill current and future re-
quirements. They have to evaluate whether the technology Producing companies have to face numerous challenges
chain currently being used is sufficient or if there exist including shortened innovation cycles [1], the demand for
another chain that is more suitable. Moreover, companies sustainability [2] or changing customer demands [3]. Due
have to ascertain the right period in time to switch from to this turbulent environment [4] companies need to ex-
one chain to another, which depends strongly on multiple amine if the production technologies currently being used
cycles that occur temporally, e.g., the technology lifecycle. within the company are fulfilling future requirements [5,
To handle these cycles, this paper presents a dynamic 6]. In this context, production technologies include all
technology chain calendar that is integrated in a method for processes needed to produce a product [7], which are re-
strategic production technology planning. Within early ferred to as technologies in the following. These tech-
phases, technology planning relies on qualitative informa- nologies should offer a competitive potential on the one
tion in the form of expert knowledge. To model this hand [8] and have attained a certain maturity on the other
knowledge mathematically, continuous-time recurrent hand [9]. Thereby, maturity refers to the current stage of
fuzzy systems are used. The practical use of the method is development of a technology [10], whereby this evolu-
illustrated in an exemplary application. tionary development over time can be described as a
technology lifecycle [11, 12]. It can be divided into four
phases including innovation technology (IT), key tech-
Keywords Production management  Production
nology (KT), standard technology (ST) and displaced
technology planning  Continuous-time recurrent fuzzy
technology (DT) [11]. Especially emergent technologies
are not always mature enough to be used efficiently in the
existing production environment and need further
development [13].
Further, most products cannot be produced by a single
technology. Therefore, a combination of technologies, a
technology chain, is applied [14]. Replacing the whole
technology chain or a link of this chain in the current
& Josef Greitemann manufacturing environment is a decision that affects future
conditions of a producing company significantly. In order
Benjamin Stahl to identify the most suitable technology chain in terms of
strategic planning, companies need to evaluate alternative
Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management technology chains and determine the right point in time to
(iwb), Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany conduct a technology change. This timing depends on in-
Institute of Automatic Control, Technische Universität ternal and external factors, which might be temporally and
München, Munich, Germany structurally recurring, referred as cycles in the following

Prod. Eng. Res. Devel.

[15–17]. To handle these cycles a technology chain cal- Fallböhmer [14] presents an operative approach com-
endar is developed that is integrated in a method for bining the tasks of technology planning and product de-
strategic technology planning. Due to the lack of quanti- velopment. The approach is based on a systematic linkage
tative information in a strategic planning horizon, qualita- of derived product features and potential manufacturing
tive knowledge has to be considered. Fuzzy logic processes. The focus lies on both generating various al-
introduced by Zadeh [18] is a well established method for ternatives and selecting the most suitable technology chain.
modeling qualitative knowledge with various applications Trommer [28] extended the approach by integrating
in production management (cf. [19]). company-specific constraints and including transportation,
Starting from the state-of-the-art regarding planning of handling and storage in addition to the technology.
technology chains and technology roadmaps, this paper Denkena et al. [27] developed an operative method for
presents a method for planning technology chains strate- designing manufacturing process chains. Therein, techno-
gically. The results of the method are displayed in a dy- logical interactions are simulated in a reference process
namic technology chain calendar. The occurring chain to achieve a global optimization based on a multi-
interactions between the corresponding cycles are modeled criteria approach, whereby technological-economical in-
through continuous-time recurrent fuzzy systems, as com- teractions are also described. Besides potential cause of
mon quantitative modeling methods (i.e. linear models, failure are analyzed.
differential equations) are not applicable due to vague in- Reinhart and Schindler [10] describe a method for
formation. The method is then applied exemplary in a case strategic planning of technology chains. Their five-step
study. Finally, the paper is concluded and an outlook of approach considers the accuracy of information. The main
further research activities is given. objective of the approach is to visualize the evaluation
results (e.g. maturity and profitability of the technology
chain) in a static technology chain calendar.
2 Strategic technology planning Schindler [7] details the approach focusing on the se-
lection of suitable technology chains from a strategic point
In order to ensure and establish competitiveness in the of view taking uncertainties into account.
long-term companies have to conduct technology planning. Operational technology planning focuses on the short-
Its major goal is to determine in which technologies to term perspective and does not take vague information
invest depending on the production requirements and to about future requirements into account. Furthermore, when
ascertain the point in time for a technology change [20]. facing strategic decisions in technology planning, dynamic
According to the planning horizon a distinction is made interactions of factors that influence the future application
between strategic technology planning (long-term planning of a technology chain have an increased impact which is
horizon) and operational technology planning (short-term not fully covered.
planning horizon). In contrast to operational technology
planning that is based on precise information, strategic 2.2 Technology roadmaps
technology planning is affected by an uncertainty [21],
which is caused by the long-term planning horizon and the To sum-up and visualize the results of strategic planning
lack of accurate information concerning the design of fu- processes, technology roadmaps are an appropriate medi-
ture products (e.g., materials, geometries, dimensions) [22]. um. A structured overview regarding various established
Strategic technology planning contemplates technologies technology roadmap approaches is offered by [25, 29–32].
and technology chains that are not necessarily available in Due to the variety of industrial applications, most of the
the company, while operational technology planning fo- basic approaches have to be adapted company-specific
cuses exclusively on internal technologies that are already [33]. While the majority of roadmap approaches are pro-
applied within the production environment [23]. The re- duct technology-based, the technology chain calendar [10]
sults of technology planning are illustrated mostly in illustrates suitable production technologies combined as
technology roadmaps [6, 24, 25]. chains.
Technology roadmaps are mostly created statically at a
2.1 Technology chain planning specific point in time and do not ascertain dynamic changes
that result from a company’s environment.
Reviewing the literature concerning the planning and
evaluation of technologies (e.g., [23, 26]) and technology 2.3 Problem statement
chains (e.g., [14, 27, 28]) a wide range of methods and
models exist. The most relevant ones for technology chain Operative technology planning approaches merely focus
planning are briefly described in the following. on technologies already available in the company. In

Prod. Eng. Res. Devel.

order to apply new technologies, strategic technology Triangular membership functions lxjii and luqii are as-
planning is necessary. Especially dynamic approaches, signed to every linguistic value Lxjii and Luqii of the input and
involving the interdependencies of various kinds of cycles state variable.
(e.g. product lifecycle, technology lifecycle) are still According to [36] the membership functions have to
missing. This paper aims to extend the methods of Gre- fulfill the convex sum property
itemann et al. [34], Reisen et al. [35], Reinhart and X X
Schindler [10] and Schindler [7] by adding a dynamic lxjii ¼ luqpp ¼ 1 8i; p ð1Þ
ji qp
technology chain calendar that considers cyclic influenc-
ing factors through continuous-time recurrent fuzzy Similarly, Lwx_ii ; wi 2 f1; 2; . . .g, denote a linguistic values of
modeling. Thus, the time period to change a technology the state derivative x_i , the so called linguistic derivative.
chain can be ascertained allowing companies to take Singletons twx_ii are defined as membership functions for each
necessary measures timely. linguistic value.
The dynamic of the system is then defined through lin-
guistic rules
3 Modeling of qualitative knowledge
If x1 ðtÞ ¼ Lxj11 and. . .and xn ðtÞ ¼ Lxjnn ;
3.1 Fuzzy logic and u1 ðtÞ ¼ Luq11 and. . .and um ðtÞ ¼ Luqmm ; ð2Þ
then x_1 ðtÞ ¼ Lwx_11 ðj;qÞ and . . .and x_n ðtÞ ¼ Lwx_nn ðj;qÞ :
The basic idea of fuzzy logic is to model human-like de-
cision-making mathematically. In contrast to decisions Employing the index vectors j ¼ ½j1 ; . . .; jn T (index of the
based on classic boolean logic, human conclusions are states), q ¼ ½q1 ; . . .; qm T (index of the inputs), and w ¼
usually characterized by a certain vagueness and grounded ½w1 ; . . .; wn T (index of the state derivatives) each rule (1) is
on a linguistic classification of the relevant information. defined by the mapping j; q ! wi ðj; qÞ.
For instance, the human decision which cloth to wear when Using the algebraic product as operator for aggregation
going out depends on the outside temperature, which may and implication, and summation for accumulation of (2),
be characterized in ‘‘cold’’ and ‘‘warm’’. The linguistic the following mathematical structure for the CT-RFS is
values ‘‘warm’’ and ‘‘cold’’ are thereby fuzzy characteristic obtained:
as they cannot be strictly bounded by crisp temperatures. X Y
n Y
Fuzzy logic realizes the vagueness of these linguistic x_ ¼ fðxðtÞ; uðtÞÞ ¼ _
txwðj;qÞ lxjii ðxi Þ luqpp ðup Þ: ð3Þ
values in a certain space X by introducing so called fuzzy sets j;q i¼1 p¼1
Lxj ; j 2 f1; 2; . . .g, which are characterized through certain
membership degrees lxLx ðxÞ 2 ½0; 1 of each x 2 X to Lxj .

Fuzzy operators like the union U x ¼ Lxj [ Lxq ; q 2 4 Method for strategic technology planning using
f1; 2; . . .g of two fuzzy sets are defined to represent lin- a dynamic technology chain calendar
guistic expressions like ‘‘warm or hot’’. Finally linguistic
rules like ‘‘If temperature is warm then go outside’’ are A six-step approach for strategic technology chain plan-
defined. ning is presented as illustrated in Fig. 1. It combines a
technology identification and preselection approach of
Greitemann et al. [34] and Reisen et al. [35] with a tech-
3.2 Continuous-time recurrent fuzzy systems
nology chain generation and evaluation method of Reinhart
and Schindler [7, 10]. Finally, a new dynamic technology
In this paper, continuous-time recurrent fuzzy systems
chain calendar is presented in order to forecast the devel-
(CT-RFS) are used for modeling expert knowledge
opment of concurring technology chains and determine the
mathematically. They are introduced in [36] based on
optimal time period to shift to the most suitable technology
the above mentioned fuzzy logic as follows. A CT-RFS
is a dynamical system with a state space X ¼
fxjxmin  x  xmax g  RN and a input space Step 1 Identification of technologies
U ¼ fujumin  u  umax g  R . Hereby, ‘‘  ’’ means
Due to the wide range of available technologies, com-
component wise inequalities. The input and state space is panies need to identify those which can be used within the
then partitioned into linguistic values Lxjii and Lqpp in each production environment. Technologies can be identified
dimension xi ; i 2 f1; 2; . . .; Ng of X and up ; p 2 purposefully and resource-efficiently by selecting relevant
f1; 2; . . .; Mg of U (Fig. 5). search fields based on companies needs (cf. [34]). In this

Prod. Eng. Res. Devel.

1 T1 T3 T5
alternatives to the actual point in time including the tech-
T2 T4
nology maturity, or the technology’s profitability among
others (cf. [7, 10]).
2 Technology Step 6 Dynamic modeling of technology chain calendar
In order to forecast the development of the maturity and
3 Technology suitability of a technology chain the dynamic behavior and
evaluation interactions of relevant cycles have to be taken into ac-
4 T1 T4 T6 count. Therefore, dynamical modeling is necessary.
Technology chain
T2 T3 T4 Although some of the cycles can be easily quantified based
on reliable data, most of the cycles can only be qualita-
5 tively described by experts in the fields. The relevant in-
Technology chain
evaluation formation can be well formulated through linguistic rules.
In order to include this linguistic expert knowledge about
Technology chain cyclic interactions into mathematic models, the use of re-
calendar current fuzzy logic has proven to be an effective method
Fig. 1 Method for strategic technology planning (based on [7, 10, 34, As the interdependencies of the relevant cycles for
forecasting technology chain suitability can be well for-
context, each single search fields is a combination of a mulated as linguistic derivatives, CT-RFS are applied in
technology function and the requirements set by the mar- this approach. For example, development efforts do not
ket, whereby the former describes the purpose a technology directly cause high maturity but increase its growth.
fulfills. Grid partitioning facilitates both the interpretation as
well as the visualization of fuzzy systems. However, a
Step 2 Preselection of technologies
drawback is the exponentially growing number of rules
In order to reduce expenditures for detailed technology with increasing number of inputs. Therefore, modeling of
evaluation, technologies are preselected. Therefore, their all cycles and their interdependencies in one CT-RFS is not
ability to produce current and future products is examined practical. As different cycles have impact on the develop-
by aligning technology’s abilities with the requirements ment of the technology and some of them even influence
specification of these products (cf. [34, 35]). each other, a qualitative graph of the interconnected cycles
is set up first, where each node represents the model of a
Step 3 Evaluation of technologies
certain cycle and the edges illustrate influences between the
Preselected technologies are then evaluated in detail. cycles (Fig. 2).
Replacing a technology chain or a single technology as a Subsequently, a submodel is created for each node of the
link of this chain induces risks for manufacturing companies graph as shown in Fig. 3. The inputs u1 ; . . .; un of the
if the technology is not mature enough to be used efficiently subsystem are the current states of all relevant cycles. A
in the production environment. Therefore, the maturity separate CT-RFS is set up for each input ui quantifying the
needs to be assessed [22]. Besides, development and pro- influence of the input ui on the development of the cycle x_i
duction cost of a technology are decision factors. These depending on its current state x. Following the method
three criteria result in the suitability of the technology [7]. presented in Sect. 3, both variables ui ; x are fuzzyfied into
linguistic values Luqii ; Lxj and a rule base is set up in order to
Step 4 Generation of technology chains
describe their interconnection. All rules are interfered and
Based on the evaluation of alternative technologies, the resulting influence on the cycle x_i is calculated. The
technology chains are generated considering the different
interdependencies between single technologies as well as
the synergy effects and interactions within a technology
chain, through application of a method developed by cost Technology chain
Schindler [7]. suitability

Step 5 Evaluation of technology chains Development Technology chain

cost maturity
Once various kinds of suitable technology chains are
generated, the fifth step focuses on the evaluation of the Fig. 2 Exemplary network of interconnected cycles

Prod. Eng. Res. Devel.

The alternative technology chains as well as the current

chain were evaluated in Step 5. For the presented case,
suitability s, maturity m, development cost d, and produc-
tion cost p were relevant. As sawing and extrusion finally
turned out to be the most appropriate alternative, detailed
results are only given for the current and this alternative
technology chain in the following.
To assess the actual maturity of the concurring tech-
nology chains, expert interviews were conducted using a
defined questionnaire developed by Schindler [7], resulting
in m0;c ¼ 0:9 for the current and m0;a ¼ 0:75 for the al-
ternative technology chain.
Fig. 3 General cycle model
The calculation of development cost and production cost
is based on Schindler [7] already taking interdependencies
influence x_1;...;n of all inputs u1;...;n onto the cycle is then between technology chain maturity and cost into account.
combined into x_ through weighted summation and finally In this application example, the actual cost provided by the
integrated over time to receive the development of the controlling department were forecasted applying a time
modeled cycle x. series analysis. The plausibility of the trends were validated
Based on the graph model (Fig. 2), the development of by experts. The development cost of the current technology
all relevant cycles of technology chains can then be pre- chain was determined to dc ðtÞ ¼ 0:10 to ensure a stable
dicted, considering the initial conditions evaluated in Step process. Additionally, the estimated production cost per
5. unit of the current chain decreases by 0.5 % per year from
A prognosis can be made for all selected technology pc ð0Þ ¼ 7:80 EUR to pc ð60Þ ¼ 7:57 EUR within the fol-
chains and optimal period to change from one chain to lowing 5 years (prognosis horizon) (Fig. 7). This depends
another can be suggested. on the learning curve and the growth of the estimated
Continuous planning can be achieved by updating the production quantities within the product life cycle, where
initial conditions whenever changes occur either in the the peak value of 44,000 units is reached in month 50.
organization or in the environment to anticipate external Within the first 10 months the predicted investment
and internal cycles in technology management. needed for further development of the alternative tech-
nology chain rises to the peak value da ð10Þ ¼ 0:80 and
remains stable on that level for the following 20 months.
5 Application At the beginning of month 30, the development cost de-
clines to da ð30Þ ¼ 0:10 and stabilizes at this level to ensure
Facing rising production quantities accompanied by an a productive working environment. Besides, the manufac-
increase of commodity prices, a manufacturer of welding turing cost per unit decreases by 1 % per year from
nozzles made of copper, decided to identify alternative pa ð0Þ ¼ 8:00 EUR to pa ð30Þ ¼ 7:76 EUR in the following
technology chains in order to improve the production 3 years due to learning curve effects. As a result of the
process. The current process consists of three technologies. increased maturity, realized through high development ef-
First of all sawing, then turning respectively milling and forts, production cost declines by additional 4 % per year
finally grinding of the welding nozzle. Therefore, the above to pa ð60Þ ¼ 6:66 EUR because of an optimized material
mentioned method is applied. utilization (e.g. reduced scrap) and cheaper operating cost
In Step 1 two alternatives to sawing were identified: (e.g. reduced downtimes, processing times).
normal and adiabatic cutting. Similarly, extrusion and The dedicated values of the three cycles pð0Þ; dð0Þ and
swaging were found as possible substitutes for turning and mð0Þ of the concurring technology chains provide the basis
grinding. As all technologies are potentially feasible to for calculating the initial suitability of the technology
produce the company’s products (Step 2), their potential for chains s0;c ¼ 0:8 and s0;a ¼ 0:75.
application in an alternative technology chain was In Step 6 dynamic modeling of the relevant cycles was
evaluated in Step 3. Turning and adiabatic cutting were conducted based on the evaluation results (Step 5). The
dismissed due to a low level of maturity and high material interdependencies between the four cycles are displayed in
offcuts respectively. Subsequently, four technology chains Fig. 4.
were generated in Step 4 by combining the remaining A CT-RFS is set up for each influence on the maturity
technologies. and suitability. The respective input variables are therefore

Prod. Eng. Res. Devel.

Production cost Technology chain suitability

p( t ) ṡ 1 ( t )

ṡ 2 ( t ) ṡ ( t ) s (t )
Development cost Technology chain maturity CT-RFS
d( t ) ṁ ( t ) m (t )
ṡ 3 ( t ) s0

Fig. 4 Selected cyles and their influences in technology chain planning

(a) L s1 ’l’ L s2 ’m’ L s3 ’h’ (a) m (t) (b) s(t )

IT KT ST DT l m h
degree µ( s )

µs1 ( s )
µs2 ( s ) l z p z z l p pb z
µs3 ( s ) d(t) m p pb p z p(t) m z p z
ṁ (t) s˙1 (t)
0 h pb pb p z h z n z
0 0.5 suitability s 1

(b) Lm
1 ’IT’ Lm
2 ’KT’ Lm
3 ’ST’ Lm
4 ’DT’
(c) (d) s(t )
s(t ) l m h
degree µ( m )

1 (m )
2 (m )
l m h IT z p z
3 (m ) l z z z KT z pb z
4 (m )
m (t) s˙3 (t)
d(t) m z n n ST z pb z
0 s˙2 (t)
0 0.5 maturity m 1 h z nb nb DT z z n

(c) Fig. 6 Rule bases for CT-RFS. a Influence of development cost dðtÞ
L s1˙ ’nb’ L s2˙ ’n’ 1 L s3˙ ’z’ L s4˙ ’p’ L s5˙ ’pb’ onto technology chain maturity mðtÞ. b Influence of production cost
degree µ( s˙ )

pðtÞ onto technology chain suitability sðtÞ. c Influence of development

cost dðtÞ onto technology chain suitability sðtÞ. d Influence of
technology chain maturity mðtÞ onto technology chain suitability sðtÞ

-0.04 -0.02 suitability derivative s˙ 0.04 (nb, n, z, p, and pb) (Fig. 5c). Analogously, the maturity
Fig. 5 Partitioning of cycles into linguistic values by fuzzy sets.
derivative m_ is characterized by five singletons
a Fuzzyfication of input variables by three equidistant triangular tm 2 f0:005; 0:0025; 0; 0:0025; 0:005g.
membership functions. b Fuzzyfication of maturity mðtÞ variables by The rule bases of all CT-RFS achieved by expert in-
three equidistant triangular membership functions. c Defuzzification terviews are summarized in matrix form [37] in Fig. 6. For
of linguistic values Ls_i of suitability derivative s_ and respective
instance, if the suitability sðtÞ is m and the production cost
singleton positions tis
pðtÞ is l the suitability derivative s1 ðtÞ is pb.
Considering the specific industrial sector and business
partitioned using triangular membership functions. The objectives of the company illustrated in the case study, the
suitability sðtÞ 2 S ¼ ½0; 1 and the development cost influence of the different input variables on the resulting
dðtÞ 2 D ¼ ½0; 1 are characterized by three equidistant cycles were weighted applying the analytic hierarchy pro-
linguistic values low, medium, and high (l, m, and cess (AHP) [38]. Due to the need of cost reduction the
h) (Fig. 5a). Equivalently, three values l, m, and h are de- weight of production cost was ascertained to w1 ¼ 0:625.
fined in the range P ¼ ½6; 8 of the predicted production Offering competitive advantages the investment in alter-
cost pðtÞ. For the maturity, four values IT, KT, ST, and DT native technologies involves risk and uncertainty as well.
are considered (Fig. 5b). For the suitability derivatives s_i Therefore, the weighting of the development cost results in
five equidistant singletons tis 2 f0:04; 0:02; w2 ¼ 0:125, while the technology chain’s maturity is w3 ¼
0; 0:02; 0:04g were defined representing the linguistic val- 0:25 through ensuring a stable production process in the
ues negative big, negative, zero, positive, and positive big long run.

Prod. Eng. Res. Devel.

technology chain suitability s ( t ) technology chain calendar. Therein, a set of cyclic influ-
encing factors is regarded that can be adapted and extended
depending either on the company or the industry. The de-
period for changing veloped technology chain calendar forecasts a technology
the technology chain
chain’s suitability and its underlying parameters including
10 20 30 time t in month 60 maturity, development cost and production cost over time,
technology chain maturity m ( t ) so that alternative chains can be compared to ascertain the
1 right period in time to switch a whole chain or any part of
it. The application of the method, was exemplary demon-
strated in a case study.
Further research activities will focus on the synchro-
10 20 30 time t in month 60 nization of technology planning, product development and
production cost p( t ) in €/pcs investment planning to take a holistic view on the com-
8 pany’s strategy. Besides, the different cycle length of im-
portant product components will be integrated in the
dynamic technology chain calendar.
10 20 30 time t in month 60 Acknowledgments The authors thank the German Research Foun-
dation (DFG) for funding this work as part of the collaborative re-
development cost d( t ) search project ‘‘Managing cycles in innovation processes—Integrated
development of product service systems based on technical products
(SFB 768)’’. This paper is a result of a cooperation of the subprojects
0.5 A3, B3 and T2.

10 20 30 time t in month 60
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