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"Pathogen" is the scientific name for "germ." Infectious diseases are caused
by pathogens.

Pathogens are tiny organisms (called microorganisms) that invade the body
and cause diseases.

*** Disease causing organisms are called pathogens

Examples of pathogens are viruses, bacteria, protoctists, and fungi.


Different kinds of pathogens cause different kinds of diseases. Here are

some example diseases caused by each type of pathogen:

 Viruses - Viruses are extremely small and consists of DNA with a

protective coating of protein. Diseases caused by viruses include
influenza, the common cold, measles, yellow fever, and hepatitis.

 Bacteria - Bacteria are small microorganisms. They can cause diseases

such as tuberculosis, cholera, typhoid fever, and tetanus.

 Protoctists are microscopic single-celled organisms.Some protoctists,

have features like an animal cell. Others have chloroplasts and are
more like plants. Diseases caused by protoctists include

 Fungi - Fungi are microorganisms such as yeasts and molds. They can
cause diseases such as fungal meningitis, ringworm, and thrush.

They are organisms that live on and in another organism (its host) in a
relationship where the parasite gains from the relationship, but the host
does not.

The Difference Between Parasite and Pathogen

The major difference between a parasite and a pathogen is that parasite
can be a category of pathogen whereas pathogens are disease-causing
organisms in the host. However, not all parasitic organisms are


What are viruses?

Viruses are very small particles that can infect animals and plants and make
them sick. Viruses are made up of genetic materials like DNA and are
protected by a coating of protein.

Viruses hijack the cells of living organisms. They inject their genetic material
right into the cell and take over. They then use the cell to make more
viruses and take over more cells.

Are viruses alive?

Scientists differ on whether viruses are actually alive or not. They are non-
living because they cannot reproduce without the aid of a host. Viruses also
do not metabolize food into energy or have organized cells, which are
usually characteristics of living things. They do not show all 7 life processes
for life.

Characteristics of Viruses

 They do not have an organized cell structure.

 They have no cell nucleus.
 They typically have one or two strands of DNA or RNA.
 They are covered with a protective coat of protein called the CAPSID.
 They are inactive when not inside a living cell, but are active when
inside another living cell.

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