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Business Development - The Missing Link

between Marketing & Sales

Business Development

The Missing Link Between Marketing & Sales

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

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Noble House Group -

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First edition: 01-08-2014 Printed in the Europe

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

From the same author:


 11/07/2011 Collaboration - The new Global
Economic Paradigm (Logistics)
 11/01/2010 4PL - The book that never
should have been written! (Logistics)
 28/07/2008 Vuil Spel – Thriller written in

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Business Development

The Missing Link Between Marketing & Sales


Business Development is the process of

continuously boosting communication, PR,
sales and marketing to be & remain
successful in the selected (and new)
markets with existing and new products or

Business Development thus includes parts of

all the above functions.

Paul Van den Brande

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales


Unlike in the evolution of sciences e.g.

physics or mathematics Business
Development is not a science even though
some of us try to persuade ourselves that it

My approach would not sort under authentic

research although I feel that it will be
interesting to share some of the results of
my enquiries with a wider audience.

I humbly rest at the unscientific choice of

sample of actual inquiries nature, and the
interpretation of results. It is simply a
collection of material that today’s Business
Development Experts refer to of having an
influence on enterprise business
development & its evolution.

As a practitioner this white paper provides

recipes for success, blueprints for action,
advice on how to behave and guidance on
how to deal with generalized Business
Development changes.

All rights reserved. Except for the quotation

of short passages for the purposes of

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

criticism and review, no part of this

publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without prior permission of .

Europe, August 1, 2014 – First Edition

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Business Development IQ
What you can read in this paper:

1. The Difference Between Sales and Business

2. What’s the Difference Between Marketing
and Business Development?

3. Business is granted based upon trust and


4. Influencers, Affluent.

5. Positioning BD – the diverse rolls in the go

to market process.

6. What kind of working skill do we need to

be a qualified Business Developer?

7. Read like your eyes are on fire – Street-

Smart Codes & Practices

8. The importance of Networking Smart.

9. Calling on the CEO - Executive Relationship


10.Appointments & how to help the prospect

with positioning/placing and naming

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

objections when applying for a meeting.

Learn to fly around them.

11.Questions are never an exam – when

meeting difficult or shy people just use
choice questions: e.g. Whose budget is this
coming out of sales or marketing?

12.Qualifying your customer is the process of

determining their interest in your value

13.How to clarify: It cost too much - I'm

satisfied with my current vendor - It
doesn't meet my needs -It’s not in our
budget - We have had a bad experience
with your (mother) company in the past

14. Wall of Fame - contributors to the white


15.Red-Hot Cold Call-Mail Selling Business

Development Cycle

16.The 10 commandments of prospecting.

Enjoy the reading and have a BD-Day!

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

A rejection never means 'no.'

It means 'not now.'

Until the prospect becomes a customer,

the sales life cycle continues.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

The Difference Between Sales and Business


Almost daily, I run into the misconception that

the function of sales and business development
are interchangeable, from co-workers to industry
peers. This stems primarily, I believe, from the
shift in titles of salespeople to business
development -- which has been done in an effort
to avoid the negative connotation that surrounds

In reality, the two are very different.

When you think about the function of business

development, it should be thought of as a kind of
marketing function. Yes, there are some soft
sales skills (qualification, negotiation, etc.) that
are necessary to become a good business
development professional, but at the end of the
day, it's closer to a marketing function.

If you were to think about it on a sliding scale

between a pure function of sales or marketing, it
would wind up somewhere around here.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

The reason behind this, is that typical goals of

business development include brand placement,
market expansion, new user acquisition, and
awareness -- all of which are shared goals with
marketing. The slight slide towards sales is
simply because of the tactics business
development employs to achieve those goals.

Which is where we get into the meat of it.

Regardless of the company, business

development tends to hold the same structure,
which I sketched up quickly below.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Simply stated, the function of sales is to sell

directly to the end customer. The function of
business development is to work through
partners e.g. pre-existing sales teams or
communities to sell to the end customer, in a
scalable way.

That last part is key.

Scalability is the differentiator. It allows a

company to use pre-existing sales teams or
communities that a partner has developed to
reach new audiences. Sales is very much an
equation of capacity, which is why sales teams

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

tend to grow so large. Business development

teams, on the other hand, are typically very
small, maintaining their small size by working
through existing partner infrastructures.

The art of business development comes in

identifying partners that fit that description, while
finding a way to provide value to the partner's
end customer and business.

Now, all of this isn't meant to de-value the

function of sales. Truth be told, I really respect
good salespeople. It's an extremely difficult
career, one with constant denial and pressure to

Sales is hard, and should be respected when it's

done at a high level.

But the two are very different, despite their

apparent overlap.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

What’s the Difference Between Marketing

and Business Development?

Marketing and Business Development: They go

together, but they're not the same.

Marketing. Business Development. I hear these

words used interchangeably all the time. If you
want more business, everything you do to
achieve that goal could be called “business
development,” right? Maybe.

That mindset is a bit confusing and can quickly

lead to unmet expectations. If you think you need
marketing or business development support, you
should first understand how they differ and where
they overlap.

What is marketing? Marketing is about identifying

your key differentiators, developing your
message and establishing a positioning within
your market(s).

Think advertising, event promotion, website

content and building thought leadership through
public relations – these are all marketing
strategies (or at least first cousins to marketing).

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

What is Business Development? Business

development is about making connections. It’s
building upon the brand that you have
established through marketing efforts to connect
your audience to your products and services.

It’s prospecting (think networking events),

qualifying leads and then converting those leads
into clients through sales teams.

Business development is all about creating


Some in-house marketing directors wear both

marketing and business development hats. A
talented marketing generalist with some business
acumen can provide strategic advice and
coaching in both areas.

But the truth is that the efforts are quite different

and usually require a different set of skills and

Marketing and public relations people tend to be

creative. They’re usually good storytellers and
know how to develop a message through a brand
look and compelling marketing messages.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

They create new and interesting ways to build

awareness for your brand.

They’re scouting opportunities and thinking of

new ideas.

They also probably pitch stories to the media,

write content and provide creative direction
and/or design.

Business development people must be able to

close a sale where opportune, otherwise prepare
the path for the sales(expert) team.

They go out and develop business, sometimes

without realizing that they’re even doing it. For
many professionals, business development takes
training, coaching and a couple of steps outside
their comfort zone. Whether they like it or not,
lawyers, accountants, financial advisors and other
providers of professional services MUST wear a
business development hat.

A marketing person may be great at formulating

messages, but the relationship your client is
buying is not with them – it’s following the
recommendation of the advisor they have grown
to trust with their business.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Where do marketing and business development


The sales cycle for most professional services is

longer than ever.

Once you have identified a qualified lead, your

marketing efforts can’t stop. Nurturing leads over
a long period of time is critical for retaining top-
of-mind awareness.

The marketing side of lead nurturing may include

sharing branded content and educational
opportunities through email marketing, event
marketing and social media outreach.

Marketing should also provide business

development with the sales teams they need to
convert a warm lead into a client (proposal
language, presentation training/support, slide
decks, printed collateral and even branded thank
you notes and gifts).

The true business development side may include

personal emails, follow-up phone calls, one-on-
one meetings/lunches or golfing together.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Business is granted based upon trust and


True differentiation in the market place is getting

more and more difficult.

Sooner or later, services, technological and

support-oriented advantages are copied by
competitors so that customers often perceive
products and services as roughly equal in value.

To aggressively compete on price is a risky

strategy and so, not really a preferred option.

This leaves the human element, the front line

sales person, to make the real difference.

In view of the sophisticated nature of the product

and its specific application, lots of companies
have no alternative but the direct sales avenue to
bring their products to market.

If the front line sales staff are to make the real

difference, this presents us with an interesting
issue. Human nature dictates that with some
people we get on better than with others. Selling
to people with whom we have good rapport
generally is much easier than convincing people
who are “neutral” to us or worse still, we don’t
particularly like.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Unfortunately, with ambitious growth and profit

targets we cannot live on selling through
“friendly” customer contacts only. Usually, there
are more people involved in making the decision
(“Decision Making Unit”)than the ones that we
naturally connect with.

We will have to find a way of selling into Decision

Making Units regardless of these natural “click”

We must succeed in selling to that person who

never has time for us or that purchasing agent
that is only interested in price, price, price.

Business is granted based upon trust and


Building relationships with anyone – influencer,

co-worker, colleague, family member, friend,
anyone – takes time. It takes meaningful
interactions – not just a few tweets or Facebook
posts here and there.

Experiencing meaningful interactions is

something I genuinely love, which has helped me
connect with “influencers.” But if there’s one
thing I’ve learned about relationships, it’s that if
you aren’t sure, just ask.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

As a general reflection - business is granted

based on trust and a contact quality with at least
8/10 - with everyone in the DMU - so we should
not sent proposals before we know the Major
Buying Motif - the prospect will share this when
trust is established - Full Circle !!

Questions start with Personal Interest (interest in

the persons you meet, his goals, targets, …),
then Functional interest (what the person wants
to reach to further his functioning) then the
Business Interest (challenges, issues, pains,

Map consequences, needs and solution.

Find out what are important issues to proceed

and have then prioritized to the Dominant Buying
Motif (DBM) and Only then, when you have a
solution present it.

DBM can be different to the various participants

in a sales cycle.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Objections or excuses.

With the DBM in place you can find out whether

an objection is an excuse or a manageable
objection. Mind you (market) price is never an

When an excuse, or upon meeting an

unsolutionable objection comes back three times
… walk, politely with the door half open for the

When you have a solution to the objection then,

just ask in one go (don’t let anyone nor yourself
interrupt the flow:

I hear what you say. (or understand that…) The

question is: what weighs heavier ….(the
objection)… or …(the DBM)… What do you think?
Because you know…(name the presented
solution)… is what we showed you. Shall we start
….then…. or then….?

Then stop and shut-up!

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Influencers, Affluent.

Inspired by the rich variety of influencer types 10

key influencer archetypes are identifiable. Among
these influencer profiles are:

 the Authority, the influencer who is expert

in connecting topic areas and can package
insights into a meaningful bundle for his

 the Insider, who finds alliances to build the

market story he needs to tell and pushes
the industry forward; and

 the Agitator, who always looks for ways to

stir the pot and push conversations to new

How is New Business Development* addressing

the influencer aka affluent?

What triggers the Affluent at this point in their

lives is three things product and services must
tune on:

1. Time Saved.

2. Life made easy.

3. Not to be ripped off.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

*New business development concerns all the

activities involved in realizing new business
opportunities, including product or service design,
business model design, and marketing.

When splitting business development into two

parts, we have: ‘business’ and ‘development’.

The first things that come into mind when looking

at business are: economics, finance, managerial
activities, competition, prices, marketing, etc.

All of these keywords are related to risk and

entrepreneurship and clearly indicate the primary
scope of the term ‘business development’.

Development is very abstract and can be linked

with some of the following keywords:

technological improvement, cost reduction,

general welfare, improved relations, movement in
a (positive) direction, etc.

In the traditional definition of Business

development, Business Development is mostly
seen as growing an enterprise, with a number of
techniques. The mentioned techniques differ, but
in fact all of them are about traditional

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

The main question in these issues is: how to find,

reach and approach customers and how to
make/keep them satisfied, possibly with new

Since this definition is limited and lacks some

essential factors in business developing, a
complete new definition of Business Development
will be introduced.

Of course, the theory on “traditional” marketing

is still correct and can be adopted from the old
definition. When supplying a solution, it is
important to focus on the total offering you give
instead of only focusing on the product or

An offering is a package consisting of different

proportions of physical product, service, advice,
delivery and the costs, including price that are
involved in using it.

Hereby the advice, adaptation to the customer

and the costs are the most important factors to
get the right combination within the offering.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

The missing link between

marketing & Sales

As translated further:

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Positioning of Business Development – diverse

rolls in the go to market process

Marktcontacten Contacts
Aankondigingen Brand Sirening
Publicaties Publications
Belangstellenden Suspects
Geïnteresseerden Qualified Suspects
Informatieverzoeken RFI
Prospects & leads Prospects & Leads
Offertes Offers
Projecten Projects
Opdrachten Contracts

Ex-Libris & Propriety: Noble House – – Update: 2009-09-09

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

What kind of working skill do we need to be

a qualified Business Developer ? -

Posted by Paul Van den Brande Managing Partner

at Noble House Group

To ask the question is to answer it - this answer

is so good :
Meg C (Maritsa)
1. Read like your eyes are on fire, then read
some more. Anything and everything that holds
an interest or possibly impacts your development
targets (especially new technology, your targets
past performance and problems encountered by
your target). It serves many purposes not only to
enlighten and teach but also to support you in
your dialog. Targets have vast interest from
skiing to horticulture – one never knows.
Normally for a first time ramp up meeting with
clients the ramp up chit chat is very casually,
everyone is trying to suss out everyone else by
asking questions and they are trying to figure out
the same thing you are…. who’s the fox?

2. Cultivate to the point of being “gifted” with the

ability to listen. The ability to seek and dig out
where the clients “pain” lies buried. Your

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

company is the physician that cures the pain.

Most deals fail in their infancy because the
Business Developer talks too much – usually
about them self. Stop it – kill it because it kills
deals. Find the pain – you find success.

3. Keep personal handwritten notes (not on a

computer – of your targets strengths and
weaknesses and characteristics of the players
that surround the “fox”. There will most always
be a “Seymour” / See More types – who are most
always assigned the task of digging, questioning,
stonewalling and asking for more information.
He/she is the one you derail first – obliterate
them with information, bury them deep, so you
never see them again because they are not your
decision maker. They hate to work and they hate
to read. Beware, they are a decoy and may knock
you out first. NEVER, EVER share your
information with anyone.

4. Know the company you represent – inside out.

First learn their weaknesses and where they
failed. Why they failed and how they cleaned up
the mess – if they ever cleaned it up at all.
Obsess until you get your answers. Your target
must never surprise you with hidden secrets
about your company – if they do, never act
surprised. Know your target better, than they
know themselves. Ask questions and LISTEN!

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

5. Surround yourself with your generals

(specialists, engineers, whatever) your job is to
open the door for the others to pass through. You
are not in command of the theater. You are the
ringmaster not the star. Learn to hand off to the
experts, in their field of endeavor. They will make
you shine so bright it will blind your adversaries.
You fish’em and your team scales and guts them.
That is the way of the fisherman. You are a
fisherman. Find the right people to perform the
right job.

6. Respect everyone including the parking

attendant (the grunts). Speak to them as you
wish to be spoken to. They are a plethora of
secrets. Do not speak to them kindly because you
can usurp – otherwise they will know you are a
fraud and very superficial.

7. Learn to team all the components, sometimes

even with your competitor if you know that they
can do a better job at a specific task. Find the
talent to team and wrap them into a package –
you win the prize.

8. Never give up! Ever! Let everyone know you

are relentless. Never fear the word “no” only fear
when you get no response what so ever.

9. Learn what to say. Learn what never to say

and learn what you can’t say.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

10. Learn to be a good tipper. Targets notice

things like that. Skimping on a tip means you’re a
real jerk.

11. Never under estimate what may seem to be

the least important person in the meeting.

12. Do the unthinkable! If you don’t have a cure,

create a team of companies that can.

Best wishes,
Hope it helps,
Meg -

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Read like your eyes are on fire – Street-

Smart Codes of Practice

Normal humans can't read minds. try asking


Critical introspection & comprehension, listen not

to react, but understand, adjust your
position/possibilities & certainly go for it.

Just ask: how can I help! And listen! Whatever

comes on your mind - keep it for yourself. Until
you get that "ahaaaaa" eureka feeling. Not a
moment before!

Strong Relationship with key clients is the key

driver for any business developer. Effective
communication skills and sharing innovative ideas
does work as a key drive for each business...

Be able to quickly build solid relationships and

always learn something. Concentrate on filling a
need and establishing value.

Fearless ability to call anyone.

The best business developers understand how to

use all of the resources at their disposal.
Organizations have vast relationship capital
resources that frequently go underutilized by
business developers. This problem can result

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

from divisional silos, divisional competition, or

lack of communication. Whatever the reason, it is
clear that underutilizing your firm's relationship
capital leads to missed opportunities for business

To be intriguing enough to have people ask you

what you do…, before you have the opportunity
to tell them.

Be perceptive, confident and have great

communication skills.

Ability to read customers mind is a key point to

remember for any business developers.

A qualified business developer needs to have

"anticipatory needs assessment skills"

Honesty, honesty & honesty + hard working +

self motivated + Instant problem solution.

A qualified Business Developer must have the

ability to drive sales and at the same time
manage Business Relationships in a competitive

1. Sensitive to any potential opportunity by

listening, talking and meeting.
2. Logical thinking to link up cue which seems
to be useless/meaningless.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

3. Act following planning proactively be setup

with team.

Just do not take all literally and adapt to cultures

and mentalities of people and countries where
you want to develop your business..

In order to be a qualified business developer the

individual needs to have intellectual curiosity.

Perseverance, believe in chances, and most of all

: FIRE. (not a working skill)

Business Development is a tacit gain, comes with

time for those who are customer and service
excellence obsessed! - I don't need a qualification
for this, just the thrill and euphoria that comes
with succeeding! -The bank balance eventually
qualifies this, your choice!

No special need except dedicated passion. As

most of the business if you have no passion into
what you do then change quickly and move into
something you like.

In agreement with comments:

1. strong business analysis skills.
2. strong communication skills first of all to
convince the customers.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

3. understand the needs / wants of the

4. Must have to be Quality conscious.

My opinion is there is only one fundamental

ingredient needed to start your Business
development rolling and that is Passion, you need
to be passionate about what you are doing or all
the business tools in the world are not going to
help. Then you can begin with dedication,
patience, trust and so on.

First, you need to be able to sell and then be

resilient for all the rejections. I am speaking as a
former Director of Business Development. Even
more critical, which came as a surprise to me,
the company must have the capacity to handle
the business you bring to it. I lost a $10K
commission once because the company couldn't
handle the million dollar account I secured. The
client was so angry that we couldn't fulfill our
promise of service after months of price
negotiations, that he would never speak to me
again. I resigned shortly afterwards because I
was so disgusted and disappointed with this

I believe Business Development is the ability to

communicate with all people. You need to be a
GREAT listener, caring, responsive and focused.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Determined to follow through on a lead, the

ability to analyze your approach and the desire to
change it when it isn't working.

Vision and Mission....

The working skill is patience, closely followed by


Thick skin and a sense of humor


"Great ears and a small mouth"

Be creative, progressive, competitive, aggressive

and knowledgeable. Know your competitors.
Work your plan!

Always giving a conscious effort.

Filling the sales funnel with qualified leads is an

essential skill and process

BD needs to be able to disagree and say no to a

customer. If done following logical reasoning and
politeness, it actually conveys respect and trust.
I've had clients opening up right after I firmly
disagreed with what they were saying..

It’s truly a layer cake of skills and talents.

Creative selling and strong networking skills are

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

in the foundation. Outside of that, keep your

head on a swivel and see the opportunities rather
than the problems.

A BDM must build the strategy early on and build

possible scenarios

The one skill that is center to being successful in

sales is listening? By remembering that we have
two ears to absorb more information that our one
vocal tool, the mouth, can or should
communicate. If you absorb what is needed you
can then formulate the plan to gain acceptance of
what you are trying to sell.

Be honest and apply win-win every time in deals

Listen, Listen, Listen and then separate the wheat

from the tares..

Determination and an ethical approach at all


To complete the list a line on importance of

taking into account intercultural aspects might be

I think a good BDM need also a pinch of EQ .

Especially for international business involving
more cultures!

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Contacts , contacts , contexts. Ability to network

well and also the ability to join the relevant 'dots'
works well across industries do help .

Here is a quick go at my early Business

Development list (It's similar).

Before you leave the office ...

A) Knowledge – the SWOT ... and how well you

do it!

 Research deeply and widely to create a

bank of facts.
 Contact and listen to all those you can re:
the opportunity.
 Dialogue interested allies regarding the
 Embrace public tools and information
widely. Google a lot!
 Know the uniqueness of the environment
in detail.
 Understand your own and your targets
value chain from source to end.
 Understand power and who has it.
 What is their current single big issue and
how is your proposition?
 There are tools for this ... use them if you

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

B) Consider – Strategy – Big Picture Thinking!

 Consider the “whole” solution needed and

make honest reflection.
 Understand who benefits and is already in
 Plan partnering, aligning and goal sharing
with allies.
 Consider competitor strategy and counter
 Understand timing for priorities, decision
makers, personal aims.
 Use strategic tools for leading, selling,
account, Risk management, etc.

C) Next: Leave the office :-)

 ... Implement
 ... Repeat A and B.

... that'll do for now ...

One thing to remember though, execution is the


Good ideas fail because of poor execution; as I

used to tell my students when I was a professor,
"Lobster in Crap out". Just because you have
good ingredients doesn't mean you can cook

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

good food. Lobster meat can turn into Crappy

food if you don't know how to cook!!!

An important point to remember, what values do

you bring to the table when you try to sell me
something? Customers base their buying
decisions on a very simple cost-benefit model:
Price-Value. Are the values you provide bigger
than the price you want me to pay?

Values are not what your products or services

can provide; values are solutions to solve my
problems and opportunities for me to generate
additional profits.

Curiosity for knowledge, passion for finding

solutions and genuinely being interested in
people and helping them. So, true....What I
always find so difficult is the "never give up" part.
At these difficult times, where do you draw the
line? Opportunity costs make it so difficult for us
not to choose another option. Dilemma.

Is it a working skill or behavior and character?

Being able to act like a chameleon, making it
possible to follow every change recognized and
asked for, not forgetting to be the spider in the
web, arranging multiples task and duties to be
able to steer marketing and sales related
processes. You have to like doing this as it asks
for an enormous drive (to my experience). As a

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

working skill you will have to show 'feeling' for

the topic/products dealt with, with a clear long
term view.

You have to be someone that others want to be

friends with, someone who can influence...

Passion, Honesty, Courage. Passion - if you

behave as if the company you work for is yours
and its profit is yours profit, the success come.
Honesty - if you know yours, company and
product minuses,. you can innovate ways how to
turn it into advantage. Courage - you will need it
when telling your boss the honest true - before
you can start to innovate. ( I got twice fired and
twice promoted for doing so! :-))))

As a strong supporter of your statement

"Cultivate to the point of being “gifted” with the
ability to listen. The ability to seek and dig out
where the clients “pain” lies buried". Without
going overboard and become a strategist and
another overly excited consultant.

Had a lively discussion at a networking event this

morning and mentioned some of these key
points. The general thought on what makes
someone good at Business Development is
personality and long term relationships - how can
we help each other!

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Steadiness to the full in terms of projection and

application of statistical analysis into actual

As BD first you need to be a curious person (goes

to point 1). It is not sufficient to get information
or data you need be willing to understand and go
deeper. It is time consuming but it will pay off on
long run.

Second you need to have systemic and logical

approach of projects, clients markets etc (similar
like engineering design). Components are
connected to each other in some way,
understanding how and why it will really help
building the right model. (Basically mapping and
analyzing the data)

Third - Initial I was under impression that in

order to be a good BD you need to have
connections and a wide network or certain
nationality and be very pushy. I do not believe
that anymore. We are talking about people, who
at the end of the day, they will like to work with
someone charismatic, trustworthy, flexible - who
can make their life easier (goest to accuracy,
transparency etc).

Keep on learning, analyzing and more focus on


Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I agree that reading and learning are important in

being successful at business development, but
also a keen understanding of sales techniques
and marketing is necessary. Knowledge without
the skills to put it into play render it useless.

I think getting to know how to interact with

different generations. In the mining sector there
is a huge gap of 20 something’s jumping into late
40's to early 50's. Nothing much in between, and
although all of them are graduate level-technical
people, the approach varies a great deal.

I hear you loud and clear! In our business we

also encounter the 30 year olds and they too
have their own ways of receiving information.
Building a relationship with an existing customer
or creating a new one with a prospect involves
reading that person and how they want to be

Gen Y Now is a great book in Leadership of Gen

Yer's but also gives you some insights into how to

Changing yourself and the way you approach

your role to suit the changes in your industry -
Keeping up with the market changes as they are
ALWAYS changing. For some people change is
difficult and can be hard to get your head around.
I have struggled with this myself. If you don’t

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

take chances and think outside the box and make

a change whatever it may be, you can’t expect to
move forward. I feel adapting to change is a
necessary skill for a business developer to have.

Education and Training Skills. Some people know

what to do but not how to do it effectively. Of
course, Education Skills include market research,
evaluations, client needs, and current / future

Not sure it is a skill, but rather a gift, you need to

have the "Passion" to want to help people solve
their problems.

Learn to understand people, this means you need

to understand yourself first, before being able to
understand others. The key to listening is the key
to success in business in all disciplines. When you
visit a client it is about their story not yours, you
are there to enhance their journey. Gain their
trust and belief in you, then you will find the
journey to success.

Prospecting for the correct staff, to do the job

there are hired to do. Encourage them to love
their job, their work environment, make sure
they are happy at home and work, and then
reward them with appraisal and rewards.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Vital piece of advice in business development.

Commercial awareness is everything!


Nothing is more important than knowing your

clients needs, what are your goals for your
development, and lastly DUE DILIGENCE. Please
tell me what is more powerful than information?

The ability to know where to dig for insights.

A listener that listens beyond the words to the

relationship and the client's drivers.

The ability to listen, take briefs properly and give

resplendent ideas.

Understanding and accepting that the role we

play is the "Ringmaster" is huge, we are a team,
everyone benefits from this approach.

Relevant is: How to Develop a Marketing Focused

Sales Approach?

As a newbie BDM this really made some of the

"jargon" more accessible and actionable. Coming
from hardcore sales background, the comment
about "you are the ringleader, not the star"

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

On #3 Personal Notes, I would add that BD's

capture the key words used externally and
internally and "peel the onion" to assure mutual
understanding. It often helps to prioritize a few
key thoughts, and shoot them back to the group
in their own words in a confirming email. Often
important information comes to light when
assumptions are corrected when they respond.
And on #8, No Fear, and Persistence are key, but
"relentless" can sometimes get BDs into trouble if
we do not know why and when we should walk
away. In some cases - No, or "That's not a fit for
us," is an acceptable and best answer so we can
all focus our time and energy where it is most

No often means not now…

My experience regarding success in sales and

business development include: Skills are learned
and improved, whereas natural talents are given,
something you already possess & must develop

Example: If you already "like meeting new

people", then you develop that talent by putting
yourself in situations where you are "meeting
more of the right people" to grow your business.
If you have learned a new sales skill like,
"questioning to uncover objections", then work
on developing that skill by compiling a list of
great questions on paper before your next sales

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

visit. Great questions get them talking, and

uncover valuable information.

We all know successful people who are better at

one skill or talent than another, the key is to be
effective, constantly improving at "what you are
best at", while also working on your areas of
improvement. Know your customer, what the
problem/obstacle is, then use the skill, talent, or
team resource that gets the job done. #see NFL
Petyon Manning.

I work in the marketing and PR field for a retail

chain. I have tried to do also BD in the past and
still need to learn a lot in this field. I hope to find
information on how to improve my skills and my
actual work.

Of course the experience is the main teacher for

this kind of skills but they have a name. They call
this People Skills and for those who wish to
improve there are many ways to get relief for the
burns during attaining a better level.

Understanding your existing customers and how

your products/services have supported them in
their business can really help your business
development efforts with identifying potential
new clients and business opportunities.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I liked it very much in this article how you focus

about the human and management skills, which
every professional who is seeking for success and
to make a big impact in their profession, need to
be constantly cultivated and learned.

BD is always caught between the rock and the

hard place. However, that's also why BD is so
critical and instrumental in growing businesses.

2nd point is awesome & plays a major role in

securing the business.

Know the Product thoroughly.

o Where it is used.
o How many buyers for the product.
o How many competitors.
o Differences between yours and competition
o People skills.
o Negotiation skills.
o Learning to sign forand say thank you for
the current and future businesses in

Critics, wanna have fun.

A creative and adventurous mind!

You can't go far wrong with a good old helping of

common sense, observational skills and the

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

ability to listen and not just hear what people are


Skills? Qualifications? None. . .First thing you

have to have is a likable manner and persona. A
natural ability to build rapport and have people
gravitate toward you and want more. Being
comfortable and unfazed in any scenario you find
yourself in. A healthy bit of common sense,
confidence, charm, intelligence and yet even
though you're full of steam . . still be able to
come across with humility. A knack to make the
decisions in life that pay the highest residuals.

Patience knowing that the long hours networking

and building relationships now will pay reciprocity
later. Either through the business they bring
directly or referrals/synergy. And that in turn will
lead to countless opportunities to have people
help grow your brand awareness through all the
different channels.

What Qualification can you study for to attain

that? This is not an affectation, it’s just a cold
hard fact.

Without those life environment/experience

attained attributes, you're like a person who's
paying for drumming lessons yet you have no

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

rhythm? You're never going to be able to play the

drums no matter how many lessons you have.
It's a pointless waste! Rhythm can't be taught!
It's a natural ability that you either have or you

After this has been established/realized, you can

work on defining your particular strategy. If you
feel that approach suits you. I personally feel you
can give guidelines all you want. But everyone's
different and you have to adapt to the situation
you find yourself in and the people in it.

This only comes with life experience. Getting out

there getting your fingers burnt and learning
from it. You must always understand that you're
constantly learning, You're never going to know it
all. But insure you know enough about what you
do/represent at all times.

True. You either have it or you don't

But sometimes it's just hard to prepare some

vital questions.

Rule 2 cannot be understated. There are many

ways to act in a pitch but the best way is not to
act at all. Assuming you are through the door and
skilled at gap analysis and identifying solutions

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

you can still meet resistance or the inevitable

price challenge. I've found great success in
simply asking "What do I have to do to win your
business?" at that point. The client will buy the
solution they buy into and this simple question
pressed correctly will open them up to their own
understanding of their needs. If they don't
understand their needs how can they buy a
solution? Achieving this shared understanding,
often exposing deep issues and challenges for the
client, can be the basis of a strong and long

A few philosophies about BD, but this

summarizes perhaps the most important one,
"Much of life is about understanding other
people's stories and helping them achieve their

Paraphrased from Stanford Coursework: The

Power of Stories to Fuel Innovation

Always be open to opportunities even if it's on

the wrong side of the table.

Common sense and a unilateral perspective

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Add one more thought. Never forget that the

prospect is a person just like you are and treat
them like one!

Indeed people prefer to do business with people

they like, but not at the expense of meeting all
the business requirements that dictate the
compelling need to do the deal. Understanding
how to quantify that need, guiding your company
into finding a solution to that need, finding a
financial solution for providing the solution to the
need within the financial means of the customer,
these are the skills that we refer too. Getting
your customer to guide you through this process
and be open and candid with you based on
mutual trust and respect is where relationships
come into the equation. Then of course driving
the deal process within your organization to get
the resources and financial commitment you need
to do the deal and the belief that it is really
dependent on the respect, trust and relationships
you have.

Only to have an open mind and knowledge of

different areas and subjects.

To be able to have a meaningful well informed

conversation with your client that demonstrates
that you have made an effort to understand their

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

business and market challenges is vital. This in

the context of your organizations capability and
value delivery.

This will make the client take you and your

company seriously and be prepared to spend
time with you exploring opportunities. Dent waste
peoples time!

Because sales persons are being rewarded mostly

for numbers, not for the efforts how to get it-
sometime forget that we are dealing with humans
and not with figures ! I know from my past, that
clients who takes you (and your
company/product/service) seriously, will have
time for you every time you wish to step by and
discuss with him. But we need time to earn this
reputation with the client. One tool for this is do
not waste their time, be there - but (mostly in
the first period) only in useful quantity.

Understanding your client's business and having

a meaningful conversation about it is paramount.
Do not waste your client's time, then you
certainly will not have the opportunity to build a
relationship. It is vital that your client feels you
know what you are talking about and you can
make a relevant contribution to the area under

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Treat all others with the respect and courtesy you

wish to receive. I would also suggest that your
success comes from a genuine attitude of mind.
What I mean by that is that if one 'acts a role' it
becomes clear that lip service is being paid. You
need to believe your desire to help your client
and live that. In this way you become trusted and
if the people you speak with trust you, you will be
90% on the way to winning business.

Business Development is a profession and a

science in my opinion. It requires very specific
skills and techniques and commitment to process
if one is to be successful. It is not a warm and
fuzzy relationship thing that many people believe
even though relationships are important.

It depends on the industry you work in and

where you live. In my experience of working
within service related industries and living in a
rural county, relationships are very important.
When I was working within the recruitment sector
I used to have clients that gave their reception
staff specific instructions not to put any 'sales'
calls through - particularly from agencies - I was
the exception! Warm and fuzzy works for me - I
guess I'm a farmer rather than a hunter though!
I appreciate that the 'slow burn' doesn't work in a

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

fast paced city environment where time is most

definitely money though.

Specific skills are necessary, understanding how

business works, and your client's in particular, is
a must. In some cases I understand the real
workflow processes better than the management.
This allows you to be proactive in opening

Undoubtedly the industry you are in will change

the details but the overall approach is valid.
Personally I find relationships as important as the
technical knowhow. But. Both are necessary as
the lack of EQ will knock you off the opportunities
possibly more effectively than not knowing what
you are doing. At base, folk listen and buy from

You have to embrace change, listen to what is

asked of you, process and deliver your
experience. Technically, you need to be good.
However your high order thinking skills are
critical such as manageability, capability,
reasoning-ability, judgment-ability are key to
successes, delivering what is being asked of you!!

A best business developer needs to understand

the business needs first and he or she must also

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

be capable to take the right designs while

communicating with the client. If they do both
things smartly they become very useful for any

Sometimes we are so eager to tell a customer

about our product or service that we do not listen
to them. When it is time to speak we offer them
exactly what they said they were not interested
in. If only we had listened because now we need
to back track and could lose their interest. Also,
being kind to all no matter what the title is so
important. I lose respect for a person I am out
with that is arrogant and unkind to anyone we
are dealing with either at a restaurant, parking a
car or answering the telephone etc.

I think the best method I use for my own children

to learn tolerance, patience and being respectful
to all is to start them in some sort of service work
from day 1. I remember being a waitress and the
way customers would speak to me at times was
very upsetting. It was the job that taught me
several important life lessons that I have brought
with me every step of my life. There is not one
perfect person in this world that can condemn
another human being for having an off day or

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

trying to do a job that they cannot grasp but

have to do it to survive.

You never know who that receptionist is related

to in the company. We've also had meetings with
some of our customers who were promoted from
a lower position into their current one and they
notice how you treat all of the staff.

And it's just the right thing to do!

While I've been in corporate relocation for more

years than I'd care to admit I'm just getting
started in the business development end. While I
know my company, our offerings and the
business inside and out I'm just learning how to
actually sell them.

The receptionist is one of the most important

people in the company! I've known companies
who actively encourage their receptionist to keep
an eye on visitors and report back as to how they
were in reception - when they didn't think anyone
was taking note of them! Always be genuine and
treat people the way you'd like to be treated
yourself and you can't go far wrong.

This reminds me of 48 Laws of Power.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

To be a qualified Business Developer He/She

should have the real physical experience by
shedding BLOOD TEARS AND SWEAT also should
have good analytic skills with right MARKETING

The genuine desire to partner with your

customers to help them achieve their target goes
a long way.

Determination, persistent, assertiveness, the

ability to canvas the market and find suitable
business who would benefit form the services you
have to offer!

2, 6, 8 and 11 gets my vote. Empathy is the way

to go and respect to all show that you are one
who can be trusted with the task and the one
who can develop the solutions palatable to the
customer. Listen and understand may not be
enough, transferring that requirement to your
support members and making them understand
that you and them are part of an important
process that only benefits the customer. All
customers these days may be conscious of costs
but to have someone who understands their
needs and carry their worries, priceless.....:)

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Dare by creating a team for catching business

opportunities and empathy by trying walking on
the shoes of the clients.

You need lots of EQ, understanding and passion

to what you do, it need not be your skills of
expertise but your interest in making it happen.

You have two ears and one mouth for a reason -

remember to listen twice as much as you speak!

There can be a baseline requirement to be a

successful BD person but at the end of the day
it's the company that defines what role you need
to play. If you work for a smaller company, for
instance, you have to wear a lot of hats. Sales,
marketing, operations, design, etc. The flexibility
that comes with the business development title is
nice but can be a little broad.

Understand your Company, your customer and

your market, and see where all of them are
going, so you can design the links between them
in a path that will keep them together in long
term relationship.

Thriving on rejection and a pit-bull mixed with a

basset hound personality.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Before now, I had been admin/support person at

my previous jobs. So quite challenging when I
took this BD job in January 2014. I have had to
learn fast about my business - Real Estate, with
adequate training support from the company.

So this piece intricately captures my

fears/challenges proffering easy to swallow


Your article makes so much sense. It all relates

to adding value by knowing what will have an
impact on your target or your client, being honest
and remaining consistently in front of your target
with information that has value to her or him.

Comments give some clarity about what a

Business Development Professional does, and
should be doing. Also paint a clear picture so we
see there are differences as compared to sales or
marketing pros. "Hawks and Falcons are both
great, but the eagle get's better with age!"

I enjoyed your article and all of the further

interpretations I was able to glean from my point
of view.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

There is one more extremely important aspect to

learning and becoming a better business
developer. That is numbers.

Absorb what things cost, whether it is a product

or a service and how their prices increase or
decrease. You touch on this in point one, but I
can tell you, the ability to instantly recognize cost
and compare, or to estimate on the run can
provide you with the edge required when dealing
with a new client or business. This also runs
further into managing procurement for your
needs. When someone is testing your knowledge
or acumen with questions regarding their cost
because they truly believe they have done a good
job, the closer you come to that figure, the more
that person is interested in your ability.

There are many facets of work and life skills

required to be a good Business Developer which
have been addressed and covered by all the
feedback from comments on this topic. My
intention was to try and simplify these into a
format that can be used as a form of affirmation
and in particular, one of the most important is
the "Sales" component.

I am a killer sales person, a Top Gun in every

sense and one of my most important lessons

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

when converting from a Sales Person to a

Business Development Professional was to defrag
my brain to clean out the "Sales Mentality" I have
been conditioned in. Being a great sales person
does in no way qualify you to be a great Business
Developer. Business Development is founded on
relationships, building rapport and trust - if you
try and go in for the kill, you will almost always
fail so more than anything, get rid of the "Sales

It’s a good question that has many answers.

What I lack in most business developers CV is the
diversity and I think this is a key "skill". In many
cases we tend to think inside out when we
develop businesses due to that we don't "force
ourselves" into strange combination. A qualified
business developer need to be curious and "visit"
new, uncommon markets, to find new business

Be the person, you want to work with and not

what people want you to be...

You need persistence along with intelligence. Find

out what your prospects are looking for and feed
them that information.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Good listener-- for insights. Connector--

connecting pieces of data that can lead to
opportunities. Disruptor-- to create opportunities
that get you in to he blue part of the ocean.

Discipline Your Disappointment. Don't let the

word "NO" slow you down and effect your next

 You need resilience and resolve to

overcome the rejections.
 You need to be dogged in your
 You need to be a detective to sniff out
needs, wants and hurts.
 You need to be an entrepreneur to compile
the solution vision.
 You need to remove the selling component
and replace this with problem solving
 You need to be surgical to implant the
 You need to be a friend, a mentor and a
 You need to stay true to yourself as well as
being true to your client - For Life!

Business development requires the ability to

combine sufficient industry knowledge with a true
child-like inquisitiveness. Must be able to know
how to analyze the market, identify

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

opportunities, meet the demand and deliver the


Business Developer should have a sound

understanding on the Business before to develop
it. This requires financial, market and commercial
analysis skill, strategy thinking capability, know
ledges of business execution.

Communication is a vital working skill as a

Business Developer.

Communicating with the client/company when

trying to understand their Business Development
needs and then helping them to communicate
their service or product for business growth.

Long term vision, analysis skill of the business to

be developed, key customers' relationships and
joint development value creation with key

Being creative and a visionary without forgetting

the environment you are working in and its
constraints. It is not only about having great
ideas, it is to be able to make them become

A good business developer will engage internal

resources along the way to ensure the company

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

can meet the goals and expectations of a


A good Business Developer has to mold

themselves with the organization vision, mission,
goal and understand the strategies of the
organization. If anything is there that upsets
them, than they have to clarify with the
management because if they are keeping that
thing in their mind, they can't perform well.

If the business development team and their

members are having the unified goal that
matches with the organizations need than other
things will come in to picture.

Believe we should focus on listening and asking

seek to become a trusted advisor who will be
embraced then price becomes less of an issue.
Use experience and seek to advise as though it
were your own company and then clients will lock
onto you.. Networking is the key way to embrace
new prospects.

A reminder of what it takes to be the best you

can be in this role, and how you can advance as a
talented BDM professional. I'm a little green, so
this definitely served a purpose for me. Takes
time to foster the skill, but as the article

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

states....NEVER GIVE UP!! I thought humbling

yourself as the Ringmaster and Fisherman was an
interesting analogy. Had a lot of fun reading my "eyes were on fire, and then read
some more".

Great article! I would also say that being natural

but professional at the same time is a desirable

My initial reaction to the question is "active

listening" skills. Further, business development
requires the ability to combine sufficient industry
knowledge with a true child-like inquisitiveness.
One that must be developed and nurtured. Just a

Learn to step back and introduce the experts.

"They will make you shine so bright..."

So few people have the right skills and aptitude

to succeed in this field.

Point No 2 and point No 3 is very important for

any people who are into business development.
They have to develop their listening capacity and
every day, junior or senior, have to sharpen their
skill on Paper first and then execute in the
market effectively.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Relationships building.

To add that you need to be passionate with the

benefits that your products/services could give to
your customer. You always need to be prepared
to deliver a new concept which will give a
competitive advantage to your customer. We
never can be focused only in the product but in
the way your customer and you will have profit to
the respective companies. If you have a lot of
competitors with the same product use your team
to build a new business to your customer with the
tools and expertise you have.

One is qualified, if he/she proved the skills.

Students and Young Professionals have lots of
skills. They still need to prove them, so they
qualify as candidate.

The skill of developing within a predefined time

set and target goal from a bunch of unqualified
names/leads/prospects is the best match
(number/revenue) for growing sustainable

Need to have an understanding of the

environment you are operating in, be dynamic
and innovative.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Lessons from war making for business planning?

I guess my training (US Army) will work for
customer support. Perhaps we can use a Sniper
for CFO?

Using military combat strategy for business

shows why we are no longer #1 in war or peace.
I would respectfully suggest using proven
business processes in developing an "attack
plan". Less blood, more new customers.

IBM reinvented itself and is doing very well. The

point being that "war is not the answer" (always).
We seek methods of serving the customer by
affiliation with some of their existing suppliers,
not by killing and eating their existing vendor
network. Perhaps that is because our three
principals come from (1 each) the Army, Air
Force and Marines.

Although it is fashionable to abandon our allies

and throw folks under the bus, we focus on
building loyalty and our customer base by strong
customer service and fidelity to Affiliates.

This may be a longer slog, but, I hope, more

fruitful. I believe that technology makes the pie
bigger, not smaller. That single thought is a big
driver for our business practices.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Technology will recycle the laggards. We must

protect our customers from the tendency to get
fat and happy. Like IBM, we must constantly
redefine our market.

In the past, I have observed that the MBAs of my

generation who favored the War in Business
model all served in Canada with Bill Clinton (but
never inhaled).

Hopefully, we can learn from our mistakes.

Remind yourself that the Japanese favored the
war in business planning in the late 80's and
ended the 90s stuck in flat growth mode.

Lead from the front, follow a service model and

provide your customers with a good
product/service at a good price. You may or may
not get rich but you will sleep at night.

Some customers might deserve it. 'Proven'

business processes are yet 'tactics' to promote a
corporate strategy, or should be. I was
suggesting that business can and should be
thought of as war and strategic thinking plays a
part. We talk of SWOT analysis, strengths,
weaknesses opportunities and threats are
important to understand or a business competitor
will come up on your blindside and pass you

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

unseen. One of the most dangerous mental

states I reckon, is Hubris as the history of
business is littered with the remains of companies
that were 'owning' their market and did not spot
the dangers, or ignored them. IBM? Anderson
Consulting, Royal Bank of Scotland? Baring
Brothers, First Trust, ANB, Sec Pac, the list is
endless. Microsoft trying to reinvent itself but not
the power it was.

Precisely the point of my (much) earlier (and

seemingly ignored) post. I'm sure many biz dev
people think as did the US steel and UAW
workers; that there's no reason to change
trajectories or methods. IBM is indeed an
excellent example of the productive pivot that's
kept their stock north of 100 and dividends

Knowing your company is good but I would add:

know your competition and your market.

”If you know the enemy and know yourself, you

need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If
you know yourself but not the enemy, for every
victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you
know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will
succumb in every battle.” (Sun Tzu).

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Never give up? I fully agree, but only when you

know you are capable of winning and can make a
profit (or there is strategic value). Sometimes it
is wiser to walk away.

Also add: Network and connect people.

How true 'sometimes it is wiser to walk away'....

Glad to see Sun Tzu is alive and kicking after

2000+ years, yes his book was about war tactics
and selling is war with no prizes for second place
(often forgotten). Like war you need friends in
difficult times so avoid making enemies in life,
and to quote Clint Eastwood 'know your
limitations' , but when you know your limitations
get help to cover the gaps and weaknesses
before you go into battle. Watch Braveheart to
see how a win plan when executed correctly can
overcome your strongest competitor.

Sun Tzu, also known as Sun Zi was a Chinese

military General, strategist and something of a
philosopher, wrote the original Art of War which
contains chapters and ideas which are still the
staple of MBA Strategy courses today. Worth
looking up if you have not come across him,
widely quoted in the Strategy book by Jorge
Vasconcelos when he was teaching summer

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

school at the University Catolica in Lisbon.

Strategic thinking is vital when facing opposition
against whom you might lose.

Braveheart, sadly, was a work of fiction. William

Wallace upon whom the character was based,
was a landowner, born in Elderslie became a
leader during the wars with England and Edward
1, otherwise known as the hammer of the scots.
Wallace defeated an English army in 1297 in the
Battle of Stirling Bridge (which can still be seen
and is v narrow). However lacking in the skills of
battle, he was consistently beaten and eventually
captured outside Glasgow and handed over to
Edward who had him Hanged, Drawn and
Quartered for high treason and undoubtedly as
an example. He has since become iconic but with
much unreality.

I agree that Braveheart was a work of fiction but

just using the fictional battle scene to illustrate a
point. Yes some folk in Hollywood may be
considered for the same fate as William Wallace
for their vision of historically events, but
sometimes perception becomes reality.

Roll up your sleeves and let's get results by

decreasing expenses, increasing productivity, or
increasing sales

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales


o Listen
o Do what you say you are going to do
o Connect people

Excellent attention/focus on
building/fostering/nurturing relationships.
Integrity, with a capital "I".

Building relationships based on trust and long

term loyalty. Remember this: satisfied customers
will listen to you, loyal customers will follow you.
Satisfied customers will leave you in a heartbeat,
Loyal customers won’t leave you until your heart
stops beating.

Making clients friends has been a successful

strategy to me in this line of work.

Experienced in international marketing

recognizing that the end using customer is the
center of my client's universe

It’s my contention that business development will

supplant the role of finance-attorney as business
models transition from M+As to opportunistic
strategic alliances. As such, the successful
business developer of the future will need to be
more attuned to forecasting and visioning than

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

today’s tactical orientation of project

management and “product” sales.

Your comments especially on the need to listen to

the client and the people around the client are
top. It is not for nothing that we have 2 ears but
only one mouth. However, I think more emphasis
should be placed on timing. Part of the listening
and adaptation of the solution has to be viewed
in time. For example, if I am repairing a wharf
and there is one nail to be put anybody with a
rock and a nail will be welcome. However if there
is major repair work and the time is important
the preferred help will be someone with a
hammer, spare planks and many nails. I will be
willing to pay much for that solutions, However if
that solution arrives when I am 95% done, I will
discard it even if it would have been the right
solution. Thus, listening and reading and
analyzing and proposing are important but very
time dependant.

Along with people skills, listening skills, analytical

thinking, negotiation skills and all the rest, it
occurred to me the importance of administrative
and organizational skills. Becoming proficient in
the use of various CRM systems is essential to
the success of a Business Developer. We get

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

loads of information through our daily customer

contact. That information has to be put
somewhere for later follow-up. Names,
addresses, titles, etc require storage in one CRM
or another. Get to know your system inside and
out. Learn all its' capabilities and you will have
easy access to what you need to know about a
customer at a moment’s notice.

Connecting the dots between marketing,

advertising and sales

Good article. Most importantly though - listening

and understanding the core underlying issue is
key to developing the business. Understanding
the client "holistically" leads to not just a "one
off" commercial relationship but a "long term"
business relationship.

Good combinations and great ideas.

The most important skill in Business Development

is the ability to create a respectful and
comfortable environment within which your
target wants to tell you what they need to
succeed. Sounds simple but it is not. To do this
you must know what their issues are, what
opportunities you can create from their issues,
where are the synergies that can help them

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

succeed. To know this takes research and the

willingness to see their business from their
perspective, particularly the perspective of the
decision maker. That person is not always the
one at the end of the table. They may not even
be in the room in the beginning. Find them, learn
how to hear what they want to say. They really
do want to tell you, but they have to believe you
are genuinely working in their interest, to help
them succeed, or they won’t tell you a thing - if
you even get to see them. You need to know
them and to know yourself. You need to know
their issues and your strengths. You need to
gently lead them to where they can comfortably
let you in. And the word “no” – that at least
means they heard you, perhaps not what you
wanted as a response but it is not a closed door.
Dig, Find out why “no”, find a solution. Show
them that you are interested in finding what will
work to help them. “No” doesn't bother you, it
only means you need to keep trying. Many times
solutions are created from seemingly unrelated
pieces which, when assembled become the
answer. But the pieces are the nuggets of
information, the bits of capability scattered
around engineering and marketing and sales and
accounting and, well, everywhere, even your
target’s suppliers and customers – their

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

competitors. You are the detective that finds

these nuggets, the glue that holds them together.
If you pay attention and create a real sense that
you are valuable to them then they will let you in.
Why? Because they want to succeed and you can
help them do that. If you don’t have that you
don’t have anything. Go home.

No is Not Now. Trust at first contact counts for

3% only.

How true, I agree that we as business developers

must do everything we can and more to facilitate
solid, long term business relationships based on
respect. And I believe the mark of a true
professional is that they are passionate about
doing just that. Focus your energies on
respecting yourself first and then everyone else
that you come into contact with. When you do
this and start a relationship based on respect it
will take you where you wish to go.

Don't promise that which you can't deliver. Don't

negotiate with people who can't say yes. Respect
as well as bonuses are earned.

Present in activities, should be sharp in

communication skill and also must have a

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

knowledge about that particular product and

satisfactions reply to customer..

Bloody thick skinned.......

Understanding your business and their mishaps

helps a lot where they made wrong decisions, be
a catalyst in business

Listening, tenacity, and follow up are the key

skills required to turn a cold call into a new
account. One additional quality I find essential in
developing new business is integrity. Don't
operate without it or you will be dead in the

Add to listening, understanding because without

it, it is like a cat chasing its tail. One can always
listen but paying attention to what is being said
leads to understanding and building a working

Ask qualifying questions, looking for the

experienced "pain" with current solutions and
listen intently to customer
requirements/needs/wants. A solution approach
to then position the strengths of your product
solutions and services

Establish Alliances. Needs - Solutions.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Market data and ability to transform it into

information .

Personal knowledge ("working knowledge") of the

marketplace we are trying to penetrate counts.

Being able to focus, an active listener and a good


Must be able to know how to analyze the market

and identify opportunities. Should be focused in a
changing market. Should be oriented to a
multicultural society.

Basic: knowledge of technology, bilingual and

love what you do.

Sharp and focused.

Business success is hugely about relationships

and the confidence your client has in you.

In a nutshell what I get out of this is not to go

into a meeting with all guns blazing......bound to
hit your target but this means you could be killing
your entire audience.

Good Communication , Good Understanding,

Working flexibility is the most important skills for
business developer..

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Don't fear failure. Every "no" is still a learning


BD is a personal disciple to shape his own

thought and acts in a way to reach unexpected
result ?

Having the capability to "think out of the box",

strategize on valued added solution(s) and do
something that has not been done before or
perhaps unconventional..but before that
skills/ability to uncover, understand and validate
& revalidate potential customer's actual needs;
be open and show sincerity in working through
with clarity in approach/presentation on proposed
innovative solution(s) with the targeted

Last but not least, key capability to lead teams in

implementing effective execution, which will be
key to success.

Because we now live in an "I need it now-lets

Google search for it" world where essentially ads,
emails, etc are ignored and when a need arises,
we Google search. The most important skill may
be knowing how to find and reach genuine
prospects without facing competition and do so

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

before they Google search. (Yes, that's why I do

what I do as a consultant)

Harvesting customers from social media has

nothing to do with how many sites you are on,
nor paid ads. It has everything to do with
knowing where your natural target audiences
hang out online to discuss common issues,
challenges, needs that you and your offering can
directly solve.

Find those hidden social media sites and join in

offering short expert ideas for resolving the
issues being discussed. Don’t sell but do sign
your name, company, email.

The result will be lots of calls from genuine

prospects to you asking for help.

Try not to get too far ahead of the curve. We

need the "vision thing" but we can't look so far
down the road that our prospects can't see what
we are talking about.

It's great to have a story to tell and a bond to

create. It is even better when the prospect can
understand the opportunity.

Primarily, one must be internally committed with

an unrelenting passion for innovation, driven to

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

finding a way forward even if it means breaking

away from the crowd. BD is about overcoming
the limitations of pre-authorized standards and
rules. Creativity, the most intangible of all skills,
is the one constant requisite.

The ability to listen--truly listening will lead you

beyond your customer's words to "needs"....this
is where the up sell appears. Then, don't be
afraid to challenge your customer into that up
sell--if YOU believe in the up sell, they will too.
And THIS is where customer retention and
referrals come in....if you stay on top of the
process, accountable for the details. Now you've
provided more than your competition, right? Most
important word--listen, listen, listen!

Drive, integrity, innovation, listening skills and


No one in BD has the corner on the market

today---regardless of who your audience may be,
there is always a competitor. I don't believe that
loyalty to a supplier just for "loyalty's sake" is the
norm in today's society. What I DO believe is that
it's those who are willing to find the alternative
solutions that are most effective, that give your
customer added value they're not expecting, that
win the account and garner the referrals.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Developing new standards and processes, giving

the customer an advantage by doing business
with you and sets you apart is the whole point in
BD, isn't it? And it's FUN :)

Surround yourself with your generals (specialists,

engineers, whatever) your job is to open the door
for the others to pass through. You are not in
command of the theater. You are the ringmaster
not the star. Learn to hand off to the experts, in
their field of endeavor."

Surrounding oneself with great people is fun and

rewarding. I think it’s what they want as well...
the opportunity to shine.

Able to see market place, make a division, go

with the right direction with complete product

The right attitude, communication skills, an

individual handling of the situation.

Too many opportunities are missed because of

failures pertaining to one or more of the points
made in the article.


Courage, perseverance, intuition and experience

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

It is adding value to those active but not seeing

result positively. Good to follow if one make sure
for his success.

Information is power but I find listening works

quite well too as you can perceive more
intuitively your market...

1. Should have strong business analysis

2. Strong communication skills to convince
the management and the customers.
3. Be a good listener to understand the needs
/ wants of the customers.

Be smart enough to know what you don’t know

and learn it.

As the driving force behind generating new sales

leads and contacts, a successful business
development manager is a highly-prized asset to
any company. This role revolves around
communicating the co's offers in a better way
and so whatever business you work in your duties
are likely to include:

Following up new business opportunities and

setting up meetings.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Ability to understand and effectively

explain the benefits of co's offers.
 Cultivate mutually beneficial relationships
with Strategic partners..
 Work with Sales Teams on pursuit efforts,
prioritizing opportunities and allocating
 Understand the competitive landscape and
customer needs so you can effectively
position your product.
 Find the right opportunity and develop it
 Inspirational, informative and to the point;
wonderful tit bits.
 Persistence and patience!

My colleagues and particularly senior ones do not

fully understand the interface difference between
the sales and development role.

Never stop learning from all circumstances and

those you come in contact with on a daily basis.

As you said Listen, Listen, Listen... And be


Must read n read n read. The more information

we know, the better decision we can make.

Great instinct.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

The companies different faces must match.

Website, Business Cards, Logos - do they match?
sales pitch(es) and Ads - do they match? Target
Markets and long range goals - do they match?
And do the goals and methods of the company

To be a good business developer you need to

understand the product and the target market as

Below are the critical skills:

• Demonstrate learned business

development thinking.
• Display proficiency in gathering and
analyzing first-person, human intelligence.
• Have the ability to engage clients on any
• Use information obtained in an opportunity
identification and qualification process to
make intelligent decisions concerning
viable business prospects.
• Serve as a catalyst for changing the way
your organization conducts business.

Honesty and integrity are key in all one's dealings

and that you should never make any promises
when you have any doubt that you cannot deliver
100%. Rather under promise and over deliver.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

As a BDM I've seen the positives and negatives

from most of your advice in action and neglect.
Sweat the small stuff. You must have a very good
sense of awareness.

It is easy to quantify the skill sets necessary for

success in Business Development. It is harder to
get the boss and customers to agree to that write
up. Just don't make the job spec in your image.
Make it based on the skills necessary for success
in your industry.

Analyze the situations, be courageous and a good

communicator to convince all the stakeholders.

A good BDM needs to have a genuine desire to

help, strong interpersonal communication skills,
and an ability to get the right people together
and facilitate successful outcomes.

To develop a business you need to analyze and

understand the business very well then you
should have the ability to find various market

'Never under estimate what may seem to be the

least important person in the meeting' - This
happens too often.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

It is hard to find a way through our counterparts

but the way is in there. LISTEN! That is the key-
factor. Self-presentation should be reduced to
most effective minimum and then let your
counterpart talk: that is the reason why you are
there. The reason why there is a slim chance to
do business together. Let that slim chance grow
by means of empathy.

Empathy is a nice warm word. If you don't lay the

foundation for mutual need and profitability. That
woe gets cold..... Fast.

Let's say "aimed" empathy.

Paying attention and showing interest in

everything … you never know when or where you
get that brilliant idea.

The importance of listening, perseverance, and

above all, understanding your customers' needs
deeply. The ability to see reality (your company's
capabilities, product capabilities, competition) as
another important factor in meeting customer
needs and wants. The point about treating
everyone well and with sincerity is critically
important. Credibility and integrity are one's most
important attributes in developing business.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Experiential understanding of organizational

behavior, consumer behavior and sales.

It has been said that anything that what is true

should seem obvious, once stated. Kudos on a
well-written list.

For me to be a Business Developer (and since we

are still struggling to get out of the start-up
phase) I have to keep my eye on the prize and
forge alliances to fill in between where we are
and the goals. This is difficult as the target is
moving at a high rate of speed.

My favor on this list is surround yourself with

generals. As you said, a business developer is the
ring leader, often leading many others in the
overall quest of your goal. You're not taming lion,
but you are corralling others to help achieve your

Resilience and Discipline: You must be resilient

when doors are closed on you, objections are
given and when people tell you no. You must be
discipline to work hard, smart and honest, and
also make up slack days with a full effort after.

Over the years while selling insurance products

respected parking attendants, receptionists and

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

office messengers. They will tell you when not to

speak to the ''Boss" or the most opportune
moment when their guard is down. It worked. To
date I chat them up while I wait to see the big

Only passion & commitment, + attitude + trained

team, can give more business.

Asking good questions, learning to stay silent and

listening intently to what clients say and want.

Top three ... Listen, Listen, and Listen! That's

how you learn what your customer needs. Then
(after listening and learning) turn what you learn
into solutions.

Trained many years ago to watch for the quiet

one in a large meeting, the person who
introduced themselves by first name only, then
sat quietly, probably didn't even take notes
(someone else did that for them) - the Fox - the
silent influencer.

It's been a long habit of mine to acknowledge

everyone in a meeting or business where a casual
question could divert their intention to do
business with you to another vendor. It's the
same as introducing yourself on cold calls when

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

you get an EA or receptionist, treat them as

equals, they may be more than that but it's a
start at least.

Best one was the former CEO who was now a

'consultant' within the client, non-paid, not on
any org chart but 'training' the new CEO (his son)
on the intricacies of long term contract
negotiations - engaging with him opened up a
long term relationship with him, also with the

He now has introduced me to a large number of

new clients and business opportunities over many
years, simply because I recognized his then
current worth and position as what it was, not as
a faceless consultant filling a chair.


Listening, Attentive and grabbing the opportunity

are the skill sets required if we narrow down

There aren´t perfect formulas, but, what about

this one?? :

A win-win modus operandi + empathy + early

opportunity detection (that´s an advanced skill)

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

+ empowering "selected" collaborators (not

everyone has the required personality for BD)

I could add millions more.(A humble advise:

never try to clone yourself, it´s boring to death).

Empathy/listening. Being well informed and well

read. All relationships ( business or personal) are
based on need - so your ability to add value
when starting the business relationship is key
and, for the long term, the ability to adapt.


Amen to diversity..... Let the ego go and turn the

prospect who doesn't like you or speak your

I have been doing this awhile and in my opinion

you need to possess the 4 P's: you need to be
Professional, be Pleasant, be Persistent and
Patient! Once you master the 4 P's you stand a
very good chance at being one of the best you
can be.

Ooh - another 4 consonants or vowels to

consider. That's a different discussion that I'll
start in a few minutes. (By the way Persuasive is
a good one).

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Going back to earlier comments about removing

BD's when the mistake is possibly of others. Just
look at the current situation in every football
league in the world - sorry Girl's if this isn't your
bag (no pun intended)...

A good football player doesn't always make a

good football manager! This is a proven fact.
That's why, at this time of the season, those
struggling clubs sack their managers and get new
ones in to try and save them from relegation.

Ergo, the same applies to BD.

A good BD, who always gets results and is then

promoted, isn't always the best BD Manager.

Absolutely! You are right - that is a no-brainer.

Note to self: add another "P" to my list. I can be
very persuasive. :) Again you are right with your
analogy above. Most good/great managers of the
sport were not good/great football players. I have
done management and quite frankly unless I had
a bunch of mini-me's (not to sound conceited) I
would rather be the player. If you know what I

I do understand. In most small businesses (and

growing a fledgling department) the most difficult

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

thing a self starting manager (owner) can and

must do is find (or train good staff), delegate and
let go. It is a hindrance to growth and
progression if the manager constantly takes over
and 'does'. Clones of oneself are not a good
thing, nature shows us that mutation and
diversity succeeds best. After all, that contact
that does not get on with me, may well
communicate well with my colleague. Two of me
would be 'interesting'

Agree, I would not want more of me one is

enough and as my mom would say they "broke
the mold" with me - :) but what I was more
referencing was their ambition level, commitment
and general demeanor. I absolutely think we all
need to be a little different because we deal with
so many different people who respond differently
to different people...but our core should be all the
same. That is probably what I meant to say and

Did not mean to sound smart***e. You are right

of course, in demeanor, commitment, client
centricity and so on. Totally agree

But here is an example he was a very good

player and manager - Franz Beckenbauer

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Dooh! Thanks. OK, this is an excellent example.

(I am sure there are more).

The big difference between football & sales is that

the results of a football team are evident, and
regardless of how good / bad the players are, it is
the Manager who bears the brunt. And rightly so
because they are the person who has organized,
hired, trained, motivated, & directed the team.

However, in business, as said before, a bad

Manager can pass the blame downwards and be
believed by their boss, (who probably had
promoted them in the first place), and doesn't
want to be seen by their ultimate boss as have
had made the wrong decision.

But now we're drifting into a management

discussion - which detracts from the original

I did chuckle about having clones of oneself

working for you (even though it has been
explained out earlier).

On the face of it I'd love to have several clones of

me working for me. They'd be diligent, truthful,
honest, hard working, thoughtful, good planners,
very good speakers, great presenters etc. Oh,

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

and a tad good looking if I may be so bold! (I'm

so perfect it hurts).

However, on the serious downside, they'd

question every decision I made, stray from the
set agenda and do some of their own things (I
always found it hard to strictly follow a "company
line"). They'd also know in their heart-of-hearts
that they could do better than me etc.

They'd also probably write things about me on

LinkedIn as well - ha!

In fact, they'd be a pain in the gluteus maximus.

No, if a manager ever wanted clones, then they

are a very bad manager (regardless of how good
looking the clones may be - arf arf).

As I am sure we're all agreed, diversity in a team

is the key.

Oop's, drifted again into a management theme.

PS - "I'm so perfect it hurts" is a blatant lie.

So very true! I want to be surrounded by people

who inspire me therefore if they are like me I
probably will not be inspired... I mean I would
already be me - ok so now I am confused. :) It

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

does not matter if I am the manager or the

worker bee I am always wanting to be
surrounded by creativity, healthy ambition, and
thoughtful challenges. If you are not you will
become complacent in either role and that my
friend is in my opinion the worst! Of course there
are some rare examples in the football world of
good managers who were good players, but again
I think the norm is they are good or better at one
or the other. Managers who "pass the buck" or
anyone who does not take ownership for their
work (or lack thereof) are not an employee to be
respected and unfortunately it does happen, and
probably more than we would think. I firmly
believe if we are patient (another "P") the old
saying "what comes around - goes around"... or
so I like to think.

I've read so many of these and this has been

going on for so long...sum up with one word what
skills do we need? Mine is 'empathy' - ha ha
putting it out there guys...sorry it's a Friday

Can I ask one question that the business

development scope is very much why company
remove the person when the mistake is of others.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

If I understand you correctly, you are asking why

the BD person has been removed when the
company does not see results. If there are
reasons why existing customers are not pursuing
added value business with a company other than
lack of performance by BD, then these reasons
must be catalogued and faced. This must be done
without bringing personalities into the equation,
reporting the client issues rather than pointing

If however you are in a situation where others

are scapegoating BD to management to cover
their backs, or management are covering their
backs or those of their friends then you must be
fireproof in documenting what you do.

• If not then the old adage applies:

• Seek out the guilty.
• Punishment of the innocent.
• Praise and honors to the non combatants!

It was ever thus. Regards with humorous


You´ve made me laugh. Cynicism is ok. It´s as

you says, non combatants always have
something to say. Come to the battle field for
once, and let´s see if they keep thinking as

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

before!. Business Development is the art of

inspiring confidence in less than one minute, and
inoculate enough enthusiasm in the other part to
make him/her want to know you a little better
the second minute.

BD is not for the faint of heart. Many think they

are called ..... Few are left standing....

Agreed, few left standing. It takes conviction and

courage to keep going back. Having said that,
@Shell, sometimes the relationship needs to
work on a personal level before the business end
can. If your offering is not wanted or needed
right now, doesn't mean it will not be tomorrow,
if you have left the lines of communication open
you can go back and eventually the business
opportunity will present itself. My longest
dialogue with a company that became a business
partner was 6.5 years.

What about team efforts??

Without Team efforts no company can be able to

sell the products even through the business
developers do extra home work

The remarkable thing about this is that it appeals

to either hemisphere of the brain - it's fiercely

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

logical and highly creative at the same time.

Definitely a thumbs up.


What do you think about Transparency and vision

Is there any space for quality for business
development ????
Honesty is absolutely vital in my view. A total

You seem my type of character to be honest.

PS been selling since the early 80's and agree

with the promised deal that has borne no fruit
due to speaking at the wrong level, with the
wrong person; indeed it has happened that the
person plunked in front of me was put there to
extract any knowledge I had and then use it
internally without involving me or my company. A
salutary lesson.


read above comment.

So true, and will continue to happen until the sun

stops going down, the moon fails to rise, and the
seas forget to lap the shore.

Is there any space for " PASSION" for BD.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

As to the questioning of the awkward / oblique

prospect / client, I always ask:

"Are you directly responsible for placing the

order? Will you be the person who places the
order? Are you the contact that my internal sales
will liaise with?" etc.

Yes, very closed end questions indeed. But, as I

am sure most experienced sales people have
learned, many a promised deal hasn't borne fruit
if you haven't made sure you're talking to the
decision maker.

A great 80's saying comes forward in my mind -

"Am I talking to the organ grinder or the

Negotiation skill and strong PR

I think numbers 6,10, and 11 go hand in hand.

The respect you show towards others will come
back to you in return. There are more times than
I can count where the most unimpressive person
in the room, was actually the most important.
Don't discount anyone. Besides, you never know
who may be watching your actions.

I believe in the human resource when teaming

up. Through empathy and understanding - Your

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

teammates will add their best ideas to the


Very interesting, and I especially agree on #2

and #6. On top of it I do believe that honesty
and integrity are what rewards you the most in
the long term, also in a business relationship.

Knowing how to sell is a vital ingredient for

success in BD. In simple terms, effective sales
and negotiation techniques blend talking to the
right people and listening to find out what they
want to buy. Once you've got both those
elements, you can close the deal to mutual

Good sales skills include anticipating and dealing

with any reasons the customer may choose not to
buy, known in sales terms as 'objections'. Last
but by no means least; your selling techniques
should include the ability to see when the
customer is ready to buy, and the right selling
technique for closing sales. If your customer
believes that you're working with their interests
at heart as well as your own, they're more likely
to be more honest about what they view as their
alternatives. And this in turn allows you to do the
same — making for a more positive environment
to do good business.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

We used to call it empathy - the ability to fully

understand the target/prospect and for them to
start to understand and trust you. Who you are is
not as important as How you are. We have 2 ears
and one mouth for a reason - use them in that
proportion. Enjoy the wins with the team and
analyse the losses privately and carefully. Good
hunting out there ...

Pro active...meeting customers wants and needs

are outdated; we need to create wants and needs
for customers. Very often your targets do not
know they have problems or where opportunities
are, it's business developers' job to identify for

Sales is not selling, it's consulting, it's solution

providing, it's value adding.

This is what consultative selling is all about.

Product selling does not complete the job of win customer's trust is main work..

Keep It Simple .... Sometimes complexity, many

words, ideas and rules lead to confusion and no
results. That’s why we should stay focus on our
target as it was mentioned before.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Focus on client's requirement with abstraction

and proposal should address those requirement
so that client should feet this is my best gut.

Keep It Simple & Stupid is KISS meaning keep

the message as small and straightforward as

You do need to have empathy and consideration

for the client's business. Plus an understanding
on where they want to go, and how you can help
them get there.

But you also need to keep your business hat on

and look at the long term game and see how
your proposal meets with their aspirations.
Sometimes a short term fix doesn't do it,
whereas a long term vision does...and gains you
long term business rather than a quick fix, one
off sale.

BD needs clear target, sometimes a lot of

undercover preparation before you hit the target
or to say mildly approach the target and go for
hit, ya we need to know the background, key
decision makers in the target, then BD should
apply marketing as well sales and commercial
tools. It is very exciting it is like project ! BD is
amalgamation of few skills ....... assimilated over

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

the years and scale varies according to products .

To me BD is carried out perfectly by head of
states during their visits to other countries .

Persistence with an edge!

We need every aspect of the business industry.

We have to learn how to speak properly on the
phone with clients, send proper emails, and greet
the customer with excitement. To sum it up a
Business Developer needs to Stay Motivated!

Most of the times we must be SELF MOTIVATED!

Find new ways all the time to succeed! We have
to push ourselves and keep all the excitement for

So develop us, first!

We have to keep telling ourselves AND BELIEVE

that the most exciting part of our job is to keep
Enjoying The Journey!

Business development, persistence, resistance

solutions resolutions. 4 key attributes to making
it happen.

It's a passion & hard working with team efforts

with new innovative ideas

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

This is a matter of intention only with a positive

attitude & be specific to do hard work with your
team. I am sure you will get the business.
Respect the customer & the team mate.

To listen, question and understand why, how and

when. Then put it all together and hey presto!
Simple really!!

Keep personal handwritten notes (not on a

computer – of your targets strengths and
weaknesses and characteristics of the players
that surround the “fox”. There will most always
be a “Seymour” / See More types – who are most
always assigned the task of digging, questioning,
stonewalling and asking for more information.
He/she is the one you derail first – obliterate
them with information, bury them deep, so you
never see them again because they are not your
decision maker. They hate to work and they hate
to read. Beware, they are a decoy and may knock
you out first. NEVER, EVER share your
information with anyone.

Really it's too good and works for me..

A very key factor is " Right Attitude ".

Proactive, follow the customer with questions

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Probe, Probe, Probe and then listen. It all comes

down to being able to develop rapport with
prospects. It doesn't matter how qualified you
are - business cannot move forward without the
trust-building and rapport. And, I agree - talk

A great man once said, and I'll paraphrase.... The

success of what happens between 8am to 5:00
pm is greatly determined and reflected by what
one does from 5:00 pm to 8:00 am the day

We all will become a product of our preparations

and taking the right opportunities when they
cross in front of us. I call it a little bit of lucky.
It's similar to combining a great gambler who
assesses risk well, allowing yourself to become an
opportunity magnet through attraction, sow your
success and visualize it's growth, continue to be
educated in your field and fields of various
diversity because you never know when the two
greatest things will cross paths and come
together and you'll get lucky and success will
materialize. Simply put, I'll invite you to grab a
Resee's Cup at lunch.

Business Development Genius is not freely nor

easily achieved no matter how great your idea or

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

product works, and it's not guaranteed through a

list of to do's and meetings that are overrated
and waste time with technology available through
various CRM and communication programs that
allow for time saving idea and planning without
spending 1-2 hours in a board room. Use meeting
to motivate and stimulate the managers or board
members, cheer on the company's vision, and
rally the results by painting the picture of
success. Then build it up and it will become
available and manifest into reality. I will sum up
Business developer man as the artist who
choreographs all the variables of possibilities in
success on every level or department working
together as an interdepartmental seamless
collage of a vision of greatness where all areas
are equally important, accountable, and excited
to achieve or fail wonderfully only to accept the
big picture of where your failures push you into
your solutions not the unemployment line. Take
the right and wrong risks and use the diversity of
your entire companies brain power. Try to Hire
from within whether it's a promotion or a lateral
move from one department to the other.

Google, Facebook, and many others have

discovered in my opinion that in order for a
company of people to thrive and develop it's got

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

to be in the box and out of it at the same time.

Your best employee might be the guy that
delivers your mail with all these great ideas no
one ever asks or inquires him to offer his opinion.
Great things happen in every place, everyone,
and all the time. Learn to capture your human
resource's full potential, loyalty, and maximize
their importance to your success. Build them up if
they want more teach them if they learn and
have ideas that work and make or save money
you've just made a department head out of your
receptionist or mail delivery guy. Exploit the
possibilities that what's going on inside your
company is the reflection of its outward success.
Get to know who is who and learn your company,
it's people, what they're capable of, what their
plans are, who wants to manage and who is the
best manager that might need some schooling
but in a year your now a better company. People
are not degrees or knowledge or inventors that
make great companies. It's what they do with
their talents and in the right areas of your
business you need them. Put your socialites and
closers on the front line and generate the
business. Let the creative artsy weird out of the
box compete and collaborate with the inside the
box college degree marketing majors who
couldn't draw a stick person. My friends business

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Development is an art form that's formed

through a great vision of prosperity and success
that is always managed by goals supporting it.
The business developer must be a person who
can change at a moments notice if market
changes or consumer needs shift. To restructure
and continue forward after a fall or failure. To see
the optimistic power of failure bringing you closer
to the answer that's going to take business in the
right direction. Weather the storms and basque in
the sunshine of success and share it with the
whole company. Build, build, build your human
resources and know who and what works for you
and with the right people in the right place will
always prosper a group. It could be temporary
and change through maturity and changes that
occur and adjust your people accordingly. Growth
in a company always has ups and downs and
growing pains. Learn from everyone and
everything that happens. Study why, explore why
not dream, dream, dream sand remember your
vision. It's probably the only thing that won't
change when everything is always adjusting to
find solutions that solve those things resisting
and creating the friction that's interrupting the
light inside your company that lights the world
from the hearts of those that make up your
company your employees.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Thanks enjoyed that. It reads like the Desiderata

for Business Development!

There are a lot of companies that have

employees with great knowledge. But because
they do not have a college degree they have not
been taken into consideration for growth in that
company. The same company they have been
working, for five or even ten years. What chance
do they have for growth?

Business Development Depends on Information

and Relations you build, nothing else.

To become successful business man need passion

& focus. result oriented, thinking out of the box,
determination, dedication & honesty..

The goal of listening well is to achieve win-win


Need to be a consumer as well as a sales

associate. One needs to have the ability to see a
set goal or product from not only the numbers
and profit aspects, but from the customers
interpretation. To be a business development
manager or associate, we need to be focused on
a common goal. Providing the right product, at

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

the right time, at the right price, to the right

target customer.

Hmm. I looked at the comments and thought who

were the people who best succeeded in business
the intellectual or the emotionally charged? All
the movies, and real life examples seem to point
to the emotionally connected. The people who are
closest to making things happen or being in front
of others with the power to do so.

That is a good point. To me, it seems that both

aspects can be successful, but there is a fine line
between successful in business and successful in
life. Personally, I value the connections that I
have and the relationships I make with my
customers and staff. I may be a great sales
associate and business developer but being a
good human being while maintaining that
professionalism is in my opinion the key to your
success as well as the mutual success of all

Tenacity, perseverance, resilience and being a

good listener are in my opinion the most
important attributes for being an excellent BDM.

One of the many fine lessons I've learnt when

dealing with people especially prospects. You

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

have two ears and one mouth; you must always

use them in proportion!

Need entrepreneurship!

I have implemented all tips and really it's works.

We got good healthy business in this month.
Maximum business in this month is earned only
with team efforts. Thanks to all for your input.

It's works for me ....

Cultivate to the point of being “gifted” with the

ability to listen. The ability to seek and dig out
where the clients “pain” lies buried. Your
company is the physician that cures the pain.
Most deals fail in their infancy because the
Business Developer talks too much – usually
about them self. Stop it – kill it because it kills
deals. Find the pain – you find success.

I am remembering this statement always

whenever I go to finalize the new business deal..

"" Never give up! Ever! Let everyone know you

are relentless. Never fear the word “no” only fear
when you get no response what so ever. """

"""Surround yourself with your generals

(specialists, engineers, whatever) your job is to

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

open the door for the others to pass through. You

are not in command of the theater. You are the
ringmaster not the star. Learn to hand off to the
experts, in their field of endeavor. They will make
you shine so bright it will blind your adversaries.
You fish’em and your team scales and guts them.
That is the way of the fisherman. You are a
fisherman. Find the right people to perform the
right job. """""

Turning neighborhoods into communities. And

coaching towards a healthy lifestyle.

Multi skills.

Being a BDM is a state of mind and everyone

responds to empathy.

For sales, changing people's mindset is


Never try to change people, be honest and If you

want to make somethink valuable (sale or
business contact or else), make sure you believe
in your CHOICE/PURPOSE with your Hearth not
only with brain :D

Listening is the key.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I really liked this and feel I follow most of those

to the T. Not just in business, but in everyday life
for that matter. It doesn't matter what you are
doing in life... someone is buying and someone is
selling. It is just a matter of who is doing what?!
When you walk into a meeting, is the customer
selling you (Price is too high, product isn't good
enough, customer service needs improvement,
etc...)? Or are you selling them on ways you are
going to improve all of those things and how you
are willing to go out on a limb for them and bring
home the PO?

And probably consistency in execution builds up

customer trust and commitment.

All of the above is so, so true! Only people that

are in the sales arena know how much we should
be like all the above mentioned. I will add
PASSION as the stepping stone for this job. We
have to be passionate so to be creative to offer

Well for being a successful Business Developer

you should be focused with a long term approach.
One may not be successful in the first go but if
you are firm, consistent, organized & passionate,
I am sure one will be surely successful in
nurturing a business & developing a profitable

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

market for it. Also you should be a strong

decision maker & should have a "Never Say Die"
Attitude with a habit of taking onus of your
actions. In brief Sales & Business Development is
simply about having a right attitude blended with
a lot of hard work, consistency &

Vision, leadership, communication, negotiation,

good trainer & retainer, team management,
understanding, well human being, discipline &
one who can understand customer & colleague +
company requirement time to time..

Should have a better Vision.

The Challenger Sale, definitely.

It is not only important to understand the clients

pains but also the opportunities the market
presents to them. Have a throughout
understanding of the industry, competition etc.
the customer operates in.

A business developer need to be an out of the

box thinker fundamentally and this is the basic
requirement of the profile

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Yes, a business developer must not give up and

accept no for an answer. He must do everything
legitimate to achieve his/her objectives.

Be CREATIVITY! So, when customers compare

between options, they will easily distinguish your
product's notorious differences.

Come up with another topic. customer support ??

How to make your customer's also a
part of BD.

I suppose academics to a business developer's

skills are like control valves to an internal
combustion engine.

The features and specs of the engine determines

its overall performance, but the control valves
determine, within the limits, when and how much
efficiency to deliver.

Most of the points stated will be considered

imperative to the BD-er's skills; and being human
beings alongside professionals, we will always
prioritize those points as per our respective
experiences or encounters.

Summary of BD skills for me has always been

like basic communication skill sets - almost like
what could make me better as a human being....

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Generalists that have the ability to listen,

evaluate and respond in a way that adds value to
client needs, whilst having sufficient people
knowledge to know who matters, who to avoid
and who are your real competitors. Ability to win
more than you lose, and learn from your losses
so you win.

One of the key elements I have found is to

understand the target company inside out.

How many of you BD's have your target

companies on a Google alert?

If you don't, then do so now. This is an order - so

do it.

With an alert you are most probably way ahead

of the target person you are trying to contact or
keep in contact with.

I have found that with these alerts, you have a

vehicle that will help you to converse more
intelligently with a client than just a continuation
of conversation.

PS - it also works really well with existing clients

- as sometimes, they're the last people to know
what is said about them!

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Pardon me, but I left out CREATIVITY, thinking

outside of the box, creating a path to success
that is not there. An effective BD Specialist is just
that, special.

When you stop being creative you begin to die.

Thus, without creativity BD's main objective
which is growth will be defeated.

There is one more thing......what I found in my

22 yrs work experience your immediate boss
wants some personal favor from you.. mostly he
used you for his personal favor/ work .

Words by which to succeed. Personally, the

comment on listening is top on my list of must-
do's and requires discipline. I find I want to slip
away from time to time. I would like to add one
additional comment to the insightful quote "Know
the company you represent – inside out."........
Know your "target" better than they know

Thanks for wonderful explanation on business

deals but moreover business development teams
looking for leads and generating revenue for
company development.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Business development is not just about signing

new customers, but also putting a business
development plan together for 12 months, then
executing it. Proactive development is key to
business success. The plan will identify, Who,
What, How, When and Where the concentration
needs to be to develop your business.

My point of view: You just need to love what you

do plus a solid academic base, every skill after
that comes by itself.

To love what you do is a key factor. I am seeing

in my working life that having an academic base
provides knowledge but does not guarantee
anything else. In my personal view an academic
degree can help to develop existing and hidden
skills as long as people have them.

But an academic base not only provides

knowledge. It comes also with an improvement of
the self-confidence to face new opportunities and
challenges. About the skill theme, I guess you
are talking about the innate skills but do not
forget about the acquired skills. Those I consider
as the most important ones and I think no one
could develop them without a good base and

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Listen. Listening to your customer is key. Forget

the academia and ego. The simple act of listening
will tell you when there is a need which others
may have missed so that you can either find it
and resell it, create it and patent it, or provide an
alternative totally creating a niche for yourself or

Honesty & Hard work... are existing values for


Agree with "listening", but I think that "empathy"

is the way to get people freely speaking, and
answering to key questions, so "emphatic" is the
first skill. "Intuition" is the second, ability to link
and connect to a possible business. Third the
"capacity of synthesis", how much effort,
investment money, people, should be used to get
the sales, and in how long time. Forth, as already
said is "honesty and hard work"

There are no "One Fixed Formula" for "What Is

Needed" to be a "Qualified Business Developer"!
A very dull sense may rouse one's business mind,
very often. Not expression.

Work culture and working environment..... these

are also key point for BD..

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I'm thinking that understanding both the work

culture and the work environment must be a
given since you must work with and through
every part of the business that is involved in
sales, product mgt, customer support, marketing
and training. If you are not in sync with those 2
areas, you can't get cooperation, team help nor
get things initiated and supported.

In business development a key skill is to learn to

understand those differences and to adapt
accordingly to succeed. I have seen people failing
to embrace these challenging situations or
putting the effort to make it work.

A good Business Developer will be creative,

enterprising and resourceful. They will be able to
lead in any field and community.

I am an American who works in Eastern Europe

and India. I find the people here agree with you
and try. The problem I see is with the
Americans..They do not try to understand every
culture they expect those to understand only the
American culture...

I have faced cultural difference within my

country, India, as well. The tact that could be
working in the eastern part may not be

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

completely valid for the western or northern

states (provinces).

Had a brief opportunity of working in the

southeastern part of Asia. Understanding the
psyche of the natives of the land was only
possible with able support from my team
consisting of locals with foreign educational
exposure. We had managed to set up a market to
sell financial instruments and schemes like, credit
cards, life and property insurance, etc., in a
country, which was ruled by the Chinese for 1000
years, then by the French for 62 years and then
was controlled by the Americans for about 30
years, but which still had its communist roots
well grounded.

All these were possible because of a government

opening the gates to foreign investments, the
people getting exposed to foreign products and
services and tact of the BD team.

To site an example, the main tact to sell credit

card was to avoid calling it a CREDIT card; We
called it plastic money which would not get wet or
soiled even if the holder is drenched in the
tropical downpour or sweat, the money that can
fetch a gift for a child "on special OFFER" without
waiting for the payday...and so on.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

So, the three things we zero in as KEY elements

are place, time, persona - work for us - and this
is not the 1st time, in fact, I have reaped the
yield of these three since the beginning of my
working life.

Pardon me, but I left out CREATIVITY, thinking

outside of the box, creating a path to success
that is not there. An effective BD Specialist is just
that, special.

When you stop being creative you begin to die.

Thus, without creativity BD's main objective
which is growth will be defeated.

I believe in the old sales adage of - two ears and

one mouth' so listen. Building a relationship and
empathy with your customers/clients will ensure
that they trust you and will tell you the truth
about what is happening. All too often business
owner/managers hide from the truth as they do
not like to admit frailties, and often treat their
business as an extension of their own personal

As to #2, a very wise man once told me "if you're

doing all the talking, the potential client is just
being polite".

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Product competency, overall business savvy,

charismatic, a leader, great listener, and
partnership builder.

There are people who deny their frailties and

constantly think to be right or at least to have all
the excuses for it.

Your number one: "Read" is so critical. You never

know what you pick up which will be relevant and
be the connection.

I have been seeing "What kind of working skill do

we need to be a qualified Business Developer?",
since the very 1st day I joined this group and
explored the discussions. Honestly, could never
gather enough courage to put in my couple of
cents till now, because what you have written is
so complete...And I was not getting any
satisfaction by the thought of merely
communicating an appreciation for it; Rather, I
was longing to offer a little more to enrich the
expression of experiencing a read through.

If I may talk about the majority of market driven

businesses, and not the minority product driven
businesses -

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Developing a business a thoroughly

entrepreneurial job; And that would indicate that
the Business Developer should have knowledge
about his strengths & weakness (your points 2 to
5 representing know thyself) AND all the levels
and aspects of the business that he needs to
grow (See... your point number 4 would mean
just that).

So, what can I say, I find my 20 years all

enveloped in your given 12 points and feel great
about myself doing fairly well in those aspects.

I like no.2 most. Talk less, listen more and find

out the pain. Then you can provide a solution. A
lot of people miss out the point just because they
are busy marketing themselves.

Transparency & honesty, dedication.

Cold calling done right is not cold calling at all.

The first rule is to know your contact. Are they a
good prospect? Find out who is the decision
maker and then send them an email or snail mail
introduction ahead of the call. Even if they do not
remember the mailer it provides a starting point
to launch the conversation.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Most importantly, try not to sound like a

telemarketer, but quickly get to the point. Briefly
introduce yourself and why you are calling. Then
ask permission to continue. Show respect for
their time and allow them to feel that they are in
control of the call. Remember, the reason for the
call is to build a relationship that will ultimately
result in a sale. Making calls is hard work but
worth the effort; just remember to be patient,

For BD..first we have to understand exact

requirement of customer first....second . We can
present our product..third--we can demo

Definitely pay particular attention to the

relationship building aspect agreed. Also, in my
opinion, the best BD's are those who truly believe
in their product, don't bother with trying to
business develop a product/service you don't
believe. You are interacting with predominantly
smart business people, don't try and fool them or
yourself if you don't believe in the
company/product ! BD for me is not difficult when
you are passionate about what you are building -
simple ! I have met many BD's who are
dissatisfied and generally unhappy in their role

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

and most often it is because they feel like a fraud


Ensure you gather all the insights of your

prospect and competitors needed, to know how
to create influences and be able to drive sales

Business Development must first answers the

ultimate question of "why does this business
exists?" what is the purpose of this particular
business. Once we understand the why, then the
how and the what will be formed according to
that specific purpose.

To see underneath what is on top of any

issue/question and be able to explain what
one/you can get/achieve is the key factor of
Business Development.

Market development is understand why an

industry would want to buy your product or
service, building a winning pitch, selling
management on your resources needs,
organizing the resources to attack the market,
and then executing... either by yourself or
through third parties.

MBA-degree is not required to market the legend example is late Mr. Dhirubhai

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Ambani--founder of Reliance Industry...

everybody can do MKT who know very well about
customer requirement, product quality & cost has
an important role to sell product. Customer
relation & repeat business also have great

I agree about MBA or other titles. Business

Development is about ATTITUDE. Qualifications
can give some indication about knowledge and/or
intelligence, but attitude, an open mind and
communication skills are at least at the same
level of importance. Perhaps a little bit more?

Being a good salesman is a must in my opinion.

2nd great communication skills, a good vision
and the guts to take it to the max.

Good stuff at its core is Listen Acknowledge

Evaluate Respond but also watch your back and
do your homework

If you go back to the original premise & thoughts,

then nothing has changed throughout all of the

Wise words...very wise words indeed that we

should all adhere to as Business Developers.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I’ve followed this subject and the many

responses from the members for some time now,
so many insightful suggestions, however I revert
to my original response by example: recently
attending a breakfast function I experience what
I would consider an unexpected pleasure. The
guest speaker was Rosco McGlashan, the man
attempting to break the World Land Speed
record, Rosco emphasized on several occasions
the governing factor to his success, not to
discount knowledge and experience, was and is
an enormous amount of passion and love for
what he does.

I sincerely believe without reservation that

passion is one of the primary factors is all forms
of success.

Passion is key, alongside determination and

persistence. I would personally recommend
constant personal development with diverse skills
acquisition. Business Development is a dynamic
field and it's imperative to be on top of our game
at all times.

Such holistic vision in just a few bullets. Fifth

advise is the best summary possible of our role.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

BD managers should have this complete package

to be successful, plus an effective strategy. Have
that "third Eye" working every second, too.

Learn to team all the components, sometimes

even with your competitor if you know that they
can do a better job at a specific task.

If you take the time to practice this results will

happen. Many of these points should be common
sense but we don't take the time to execute them
on a daily basis.

The relationship between sales and marketing is

complimentary. In fact the second is the
forerunner of the first and its assessment and
forecasts the entire system is geared up.

These are key messages which demonstrate an

authentic leader, a coach, a supporter and a
listener - all qualities needed to develop any
business, whether that is through key accounts,
new accounts, our senior teams, our teams on
the ground and our customers - if we approach
each relationship, without ego and with a
questioning, listening approach we will succeed in
all that we strive to achieve.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

All the skills and qualities should be adopted and

honed in such a way that it becomes part and
parcel of your daily routine and you start thinking
the same way as listed. Your mind should be
working on those skills and qualities - 24 hrs - no
matter if you are in a meeting or outside. This
will be possible - to carry each and every
member - as a team, only if you kill your EGO.

Pay particular attention to Relationship

Management aspect of business development.
Relationship aspects will bridge the gap between
service lapses as well as intense contract

For me, business development vs. sales is the

ability to put in focus the BIG picture, putting
together components that set one apart as a
resource person.

Identify the goal (or target) or the business

development activity - does it enhance a
company's core competency, or take it to another


Adaptive - embrace change, helpful

Being Genuine!

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Enhance core competencies of the company and

Self Accountability in terms of ROI pertaining to
$$ or time invested in projects for the company

So often the vision of the company is overlooked.

It becomes a dead phrase posted in obscure
documents. But truly, it should be understood
that this is the guide for all business
development. The CEO is the "vision keeper" but
the business development person has the job of
making the vision a reality. Make sure your
company has a meaningful vision. Understand it.
Be able to talk about it both in elevator pitch
sound bites as well as in depth discussions. Then
ask yourself, "Who in the world do we need to
make all this happen?" It's a good start, but
understanding the vision statement puts you in
alignment with the rest of the executive team. If
there is no alignment, vision statement or clear
and easily understood vision. Make it your job to
create one and get the buy-in of the entire team
and it will give you force and direction.

Combination of the companies vision and the

customer needs is powerful.

The skill required for BD is ability to be creative

to extend or take ones business with business

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

models or channels competition has not or cannot

think of. A sales person is required to nurture.

Never under estimate what may seem to be the

least important person in the meeting. Has been
proven over and over!

Developing long lasting friendships and having

the ability to stay in touch is key.......

Persistence and innovation. Need a pencil note


Common interest of each party, communication,

operation, decision, adapt to change

A working knowledge of contemporary marketing

practices relevant to your industry and
exceptional insight into the overall operations and
future our your business. Beyond that its critical
that you can manage and inspire your team with
a vision of where the company is going and their
role in attaining each goal!

Agile, good communicator, being an expert in

your business, connect people within your
organization, understand customers needs and be
able to translate this into your company
deliverables. Always hands-on.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Reversing the question somewhat, one

requirement for a skilled BizDev is understanding
the capacity of your own organization for certain
partnerships. Too often I've seen ineffective BD
that connects the dots, only to find that the dots
were not ready to be connected.

Remembering that we have two ears and one

mouth for a reason, allied to putting client first
and seeing things from their perspective. Add in
the ability to read and get on with people to
excellent facilitation skills and we are halfway

Great script and one that I have followed very

successfully in my career, the skill is recognizing
each situation and reading people. Then reacting
is the most appropriate way.

As a Manager for a full-service engineering firm.

BD for our industry is keeping in tune with
customers, business partners, and networking to
get your name out there. In a service-oriented
business, referral business is so important by
gaining the trust from customers to continue the
relationship along with obtaining new leads. I
look forward to hearing other methods out there
in the service arena.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Always adhere to No 6; purposely arriving early

in order to chat with reception teams etc.
Amazing what you can find out sometimes!

I too find that no.6 is under appreciated. You

never know how a kind word or action can be
noticed, appreciated and can make a huge
difference in gaining new business. Know your

So is there really a bizdev 'personality'? Many

professionals say yes - if just for the fact that
those people find their way in the field..

Creative selling and building relationship with

attention and integrity.

Charisma will go a long way to building business

relationships, and this is a good start for those
who don't have it naturally.

I find point number 2 key to involve others into

your idea.

Straightforward, no nonsense and relevant....

Love and affection to work, accepting challenges

to meet target, long term objective.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

The skill is in having an organized approach to

make business development happen with the
folks who can say yes to your idea or product,
solution and issue the PO.

Here’s a way to create a path to “Yes!”, based

upon my experience in sales & with many clients:

STEP #1. Do some research & understand the

target company, especially how & why your
product or solution can help.

STEP #2. Next, make a short 30 second

commercial based on your findings that can
quickly & succinctly say what you do, create a
reason for listening, relate pertinent issues,
benefits & problems solved and let you ask if its
something that the prospect needs or would

STEP #3. Next find & define who would be right

to hear that commercial at the highest level of
responsibility & authority, relate to it & give you a
true assessment of need/value on the spot. Note:
that’s usually not the CEO because the CEO is not
focused on running their divisions or
departments. Other folks are & can relate to what
you have because of that fact.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

STEP #4. Make the phone call to that person &

use the 30 second commercial. After the
commercial, ask for & qualify the possibility of
need or value for what you have explained from
the person you are speaking with. Ask it this way
“Is this an idea that can benefit you & your
company.” (While this is a “yes or no” question,
its what you must know at this stage.)

STEP #5. If the answer is “no” skip to Step 6. If

the answer is “yes,” start a brief discussion about
how, why, reason, problems solved, impact, etc.
This creates a link between you & the person that
you have called for the sales process to begin
that, if pursued properly, you have the basis of
selling value/ROI & not cost & you know it has
possibilities to yield a sale based on those
criterion. Skip to step 7.

STEP #6. If no, or you get a weak maybe, stop

selling, say thanks, move on to the next
prospect. Don’t waste sales time on this one.
Say: “Thanks for your time & your honesty. I can
see that our solution isn’t applicable to you.”
Then ask “Do you know of a colleague that could
use my solution.” You might get a great prospect
to call or even an introduction. If so, go back to
Step 1 & start over.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

STEP #7. Ask about the process for moving

forward. Find out who else needs to be involved.
Ask: “If we do have a worthwhile solution for
you, who along with you would need to be
involved in evaluating, adopting & purchasing.”
Since your idea or solution has already been
acknowledged as worthwhile by the prospect.
using this question lets you ask them for help in
moving forward. IMPORTANT: Don’t ask: “Who is
the decision maker?” That’s an insulting question
because it says to your suspect that you consider
him or her a peon.

STEP #8. After you have found out that they may
want to buy your offering, state a rough cost
right then to your suspect for the solution and
ask if there is a budget for implementing the
concept if it’s a worthwhile idea. Don’t even think
of continuing the sales process without knowing
the answer to this question. It tells you if you can
proceed with your idea & also lets you ask and
understand the company’s usual process for
evaluating and ultimately purchasing your idea is.

STEP #9: Set up the next step, which will

probably involve meeting (in person or on the
phone) with other individuals involved in the
decision or purchasing process.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

It is important that sales and business

development management buys into this. I see
so many "sales managers" not on same pace.

I would add one concerning availability; that is to

be there for your target, to be open and willing to
help them out with anything at your reach, even
if it is not directly related to the business your
looking to close. When your targets see you as
reliable and available, new and unexpected doors
may open.

A good point. Sometimes being there for your

client more than just for a deal will go so much
farther than closing and losing the relationship.
The relationship is what matters the most. There
is no deal if there is no relationship.

Good paper, very true. It did bring-up some

memories, once, one of my teachers said, with
every NO you are one step closer to a YES. It will
come, it is just a matter of time, patience... Then
also, very true... "Know your target better, than
they know themselves". I remember a meeting
with a customer, buyer was trying to remember
the extension of a R&D manager, my regional
dev. manager reached out, dialed, and talked as
if they just parted from a game.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I agree, it's nothing like cultivating that


As BD manager, it is very important to act

quickly. Stay fool and stay hungry.

Listen, observe, take notes those are definitely

important actions to structure your point of view
about the "situation" and consequently draw the
solution(s). I would also add: take some time to
understand the environment, the culture of the
company, people feel and think differently around
the globe when working with a Project leader.

I would add two skills:

1. The ability to see the company(s) you work for

through the eyes of their customers/clients.

2. The ability to identify strategic prospects,

those who can bring you multiple
projects/orders/clients/customers, spend 80% of
your time and resources on them. One strategic
prospect turned into a client/customer can bring
you 100s of sales for many years without you
having to chase 100s of prospects to make one
sale each.

To me #13 should be added: Look for

opportunities 360 degrees everywhere. Once, I

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

found an Opportunity, which converted to a Sale,

sharing a bottle of wine with a stranger in a bar...

See yourself as a consultant and not salesy.

Motivating and Precise

Seeing yourself as a consultant and never

forgetting the first rule "be the he must
know every corner of its territory as in a jungle

Seeing beyond the obvious

Have a terrific method of collecting and filing the

information you gather for easy retrieval, such as

All skills listed are invaluable. Loved the 2nd

bullet re. listening skills and asking the right
discovery questions. So true!!!

I think any successful Business Developer needs

a broad range of skills in order for their
recommendations to have any credibility. An
understanding from varied operations in different
industry sectors such production productivity,
lean processes, strategic marketing, increasing
workforce capabilities, sustainable practices,
financial budgets, the lists goes on. Of course all

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

of these are mute if the individual is not a great

influencer and communicator.

It’s very important to learn that what you should

say . coz sometime what we thought and what
we say become different and it create problem so
it’s very import to learn this things.

For me, I think to be a Business Developer you

need to have a package of different attributes.
You need to establish a good reputation, by
showing you are trustful, friendly, intelligent in
different areas, efficient, social and want to be
the best in what you will be! The most important
thing is to work in or with a team that creates
synergy. I think if you have the luck to be in a
team like this, you are going to be a topplayer in
the business development.

The points that are pointed out are true and also
very useful!! The one I like the most is to never
underestimate someone, even when they are the
least important person at the table. Everybody
has its strong and weak points. The key is to
assemble the strong ones and find others who fill
in the weak point.

I am new in this job but my boss hired me

because I am:

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Open minded and curious!!

Goals oriented.
and I understand the need to partner
(which could become customer) and help
him to express it better

I hope he was right !

At first he should be good in observation.

Understand the needs of the client. Very good
speaker and presentation of the services and
goods .Playing with words with client.
Professional communication Like (Phone, and
Email). Point to Point communication and also
knowledge about present market condition.
Should know what kind of market to target for
the product and services company he is into.

I have always found that by listening you find the

answers to what keeps them awake at night, to
many times I go into meetings where colleagues
just keep talking like its public radio and the
threat of dead air would result in catastrophic
consequences, if you’re talking, you’re not

I would only add, that we must be very focused

on matching the strategy of our businesses to all
opportunities that come across our desks or that
we hunt. If there's one thing that ruins a great
idea let it not be on strategy. Being the link
between the business and engineering side of the

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

business, allowing everyone to be able to execute

on the best ideas with the most resources at the
right time, furthering the company's strategy is
necessary for success!

The ability to see problems and opportunity from

several points of view with in a companies. Be
able to provide tangible solutions that increase
production and profit. A successful BDC knows
their job is to bridge the gaps between sales,
service and clients, maximizing every opportunity
to create new and retain current sales..

It is so easy to want to lead the parade but once

you can clearly identify your goals and stick with
them, it becomes a whole lot easier.

Listening and absorbing and then forming your

own thoughts and ideas on how to become their
very best business partner. Always be discreet.
You never know when your friends may become
your adversaries. I learned this the hard way with
a colleague some years ago! Don't say anything
to anyone that could get you in hot water. Taking
chances, being brave and forward thinking and
believing in yourself will always benefit you.
Learn from your mistakes and try not repeat
them, literally!

To be a fair BD you need to accept failure and

move on.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Getting Difficult People to Trust You!!

One very basic skill - being assertive.

Here's why that’s the core skill:

In business development, waiting for an

opportunity doesn't work. Being self motivated to
research markets, decision/influencer people,
defining your natural target audience, educating
yourself in it and then, figuring out who to reach,
why, what to say so you create an opportunity,
that requires being assertive.

Also, knowing when and how to "push" once

again and do so without ticking off the person
you are trying to influence, that takes

Remember, there is quite a difference between

aggressive and assertive.

If by core traits, in your core being, assertiveness

is not an automatic part of who you are, then
business development is not your field.

Everything you do from starting the

conversations through closing the deal requires
assertiveness so you manage it and that’s why its
the core trait and working skill needed in order
for everything else "business development" to
happen and work.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Thinking out of the box: in order to ask the "how

can I" do it..

I have been in the game of Sales, Business

Development for over 25 years. What a great
article! You never know it all.

Both practical and passionate about the subject!

I've fallen into the Item #11 trap a few times and
I've learned my lesson all too well.

Basic thing is the Strong communication and Fast

reach in order to grab more clients or customers
because Reach makes you recognize.

Be swift in communication as that what major

MNC lacks ! Think Global Act Local - to make it a
win, win affair !

Read, read, read, read. Listen, listen, listen,

listen. Ask, ask, ask, ask.

Its derived from pragmatic real world experience

and is not theory.

Then Comment, Challenge Advise, add to the

conversation. Seems like that’s not happening
here and yet, that’s what a group discussion
should do.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

What do you all think of what folks have said in

this discussion? Why? What works? What does
not? Why? It’s the why that matters so we can
then understand how to manage the issue in this
discussion for ourselves.

#5 intrigued me as I thought being BDM would

make me a specialist, but having had one of our
best Engineers in on my last customer meeting
showed me that opening the door for him to
shine was the best advice ever.

Well done, maybe you are the specialist,

specializing in knowing when and who to bring in
to the negotiation process to enhance the
relationship between your company and the
customer which is what BD is all about.

Go out and practice every day.

Strongly believe that BD is a process and working

through specific steps are equally as important.
Being organized, respectful of people's time,
knowing one's own and your companies VP
(Value Proposition) down pat; having depth for
each keep VP point to illustrate and elaborate at
a moment’s notice; reading the body language of
the audience and never having someone in a
meeting that doesn't contribute. I also believe it's
invaluable to know your margin zone & minimum
position. Finally, BD is about value creation NOT
value claiming. Our role as BDM's is to create

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

solutions even if it means we aren't the only

player within that solution.

Tenacity and a highly strategic approach. Have

an organized method to your madness. A well
designed process for business development is
essential to success along with fearlessness and

Absolutely True!.... Listen & Observe & Learn!

Business Development is an art. I often see the

main challenge for successful BD persons is from
within his or her own company.

Great article - could you provide any more

information on Meg the author? Is she on
LinkedIn? -> see

Its key to have a broad commercial knowledge

covering sales marketing logistics finance etc.
Equally to understand how your offering / product
fit in with the client you are working with
especially key in B2B environments.
See the situation from their point of view and
ensure your offering meets and adds value to
them. This empathy for their needs helps to
shape your offerings so helping reach a strong
mutually beneficial relationship.

Many people don't get what marketing is about.

Especially people that actually only learn it from

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

College and yet don't have Natural Ability's. Or a

real life experience to teach this skill.

Now I know I'm doing at least something right


Business development is just like hunting in


o identify your prey.

o analyze the potential of struggle involved.
o wait for the right time.
o make the right move.
o hit the switch hard.
o cut the jugular.
o avoid the unnecessary beneficiaries.

Each step refers to differences between potential

and overestimation and a difference between the
right move and a quick action. And finally closing
is the most tricky part of the same .

In addition to all the skills mentioned in this

discussion, major skill required is generating
leads for business. And if you are new in this
profile, then you need an effective tool to do the
same. To make life of Sales Rep easier, we did a
thorough research of market and requirements
and we came up with a product which could solve
this problem.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Listening, observing, thinking different, being

creative, effective planning, rapid execution,
sharp personality......are all some of the skillsets
I believe a BD should have in order to discover an
untouched or underdeveloped Market
segment/Product, find a Niche to capitalize on,
layout & build a proper path within an efficient
time for deploying the marketing/ sales (M/S)
team to it before the competition lay their hands
on it!! Lead & guide the M/S team to it where
various prospective opening clients will have to
be impressed & convinced, and finally ensure
things are on track until major accounts are
opened. At the end of this, we then start all over
for something fresh & new!!

It's the end I love being a BD, as we BD's don't

have to stagnate or be bored at one
Market/Product, instead we can always move in
to new ventures/exploration and feel always fresh
& energetic!

Being in Sales for more than a decade and now

thinking of shifting myself to new dimension like
Business Development, you have done a very
remarkable thing "my fears are Gone" I am now
well prepared....

Just one thing I noticed, as you may be from USA

or in an environment where tipping is common
practice #10 can be a bit more culture specific.
But along the same lines of that point is treating

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

service staff the same way you would treat any

client. Respect and appreciation. Nothing worse
than witnessing someone berate a human being
who is working hard in their profession.

Knowledge of market from grass root level,

always assist you in Business development.

I think experience is also important

Sometimes we get so caught up in growing the

business that we forget how important basic
principles can be. Sometimes it is the listening,
caring, and showing respect that truly makes the


Interpersonal skills.


Experience in sales, the ability to listen to people,

ease of building relationships,

In Business development, there is the word

"Development". Your article #1 is a very good
recommendation. Development means future and
if you do not keep track of the new developments
you might just do only "Business" or "Business

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I really like your reflections and findings and

would like to add some more.

A successful Business Development requires top

down and bottom up commitments plus
empowerment. By facilitating a dynamic and
respectful team spirit, you will find additional
customer values for a win / win. Leading by
example, thinking out of the box and connecting
the required people will create a successful team
spirit for Business Development.

You need to explain your 'never ever share

information' policy to me.
Seems like a mindset of scarcity that won't travel
very far in a world of abundance. What am I
missing here?

I would like to add more on your good words:

1. Listen as well as answering in addition to

keep the answers very strict and enhanced
with your targets.
2. Cultural knowledge valuable in meetings to
open thinking channels; this to start
dropping the required and find pain and
the cure.
3. Don't EVER let the conversation open with
no perfect close, be the winning one
wherever you go.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

4. Earn the opposite party minded & feelings

to ensure of return business/ investment,
also for a future friendship.
5. Be yourself with confidence enhancement.
6. Put your target in mind to reach it fast.

I agree wholeheartedly with many contributors on

what it takes to be a good Business Developer.
I'd like to add these thoughts: 1 - most important
skill is being comfortable adapting your product,
service and value proposition to prospective
clients. 2 - Passion about the company and
quality of work is essential. Without it one does
not have the energy to read and research till your
eyes burn! 3 - Cultivate your own sources of
reliable information within your industry. 4 -
Those sources must be widely diversified and
challenge you to take what you learn and come
up with your own ideas on whom to go after, with
what and why. As a great business developer one
must provide sales with a portfolio of information
that walks them into the prospect with ease. 5 -
It is critical to be an experienced and respected
member of your Sale & Marketing Team. One's
track record in conversions are only one basis for
that respect.

Strive to maintain relationships and customer

satisfaction. Identify market needs
establish and execute annual sales plans/strategy
and sales promotions to meet and exceed the
monthly and yearly revenue objectives. Develop

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

an effective system to maintain contact and

opportunity databases that will help

What I like almost as much as the words and

their meaning is the excitement and emotion of
the above summary. I really feel that when I read
it! I would like to add a couple traits/skills that I
think are essential to implementing the listed
items effectively...both are implied but not
overtly mentioned:

Empathy - We have to be able to understand

people's issues, pain and problems if we are to
help them with a solution. And, w/o empathy, we
lack the ability to do so in a sincere manner
which makes all the difference...because, a
client/prospect may not be able tell that you are
not being sincere, but they will definitely know
when you are!

Patience - Maybe this is too obvious to state?

Development is a process that can take 15
minutes or 15 is a marathon, not a
sprint... I assume everyone knows this though,
because if you do not have patience you are not
doing BD for very long!

Adding to the points of empathy and patience

makes this list very comprehensive. The only
point I would like to add it to know when to walk
away. Some opportunities and businesses are not
worth the effort involved in developing them and

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

wasting time on these can see others more

realistic opportunities missed. Develop your own
system of qualifying so you can allocate
resources appropriately.

The Basic working skill needed is Excellent Local

(Business Specific) Communication skills . If you
do not process it there will be Dead air both ways
and the Business developer probably will never
succeed . Hence Excellent communication skills is
the Basic requirement .

For business development......being a good

listener is the "KEY".

Correct......if you cannot help the client.....steer

them in the right direction to someone that
can......clients NEVER forget these things, and
could pay big dividends for you down the road

I laughed when I read not to fear the "no" rather

the lack of response; its so true. I am going to
utilize your bury the stonewalled strategy - it is
new to me and I love it! Thanks for sharing.

I would also say always respect someone's

attitude or actions, even if you think they would
be a perfect fit for your product and service do
not ever try to be pushy to the point of being
annoying or insulting. People always remember
someone who treats them with respect and they
also remember someone who is annoying. I have

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

bad people who were very rude and even curse

me, call me back and apologize because I kept
my cool and even agreed to what I was offering,
always remember everyone just like you can
have a bad day!

A Business a sales person

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He or she needs all the skills
of a good sales person.

I think building a strong network of related

professionals and contacts is important for
favors, connections, etc that can help you (and
you can help them) and referrals to help a
prospect (and referrals from through which your
performance helps them with their prospects).
Get involved, not really with industry groups and
events but with ones that get you in front of
potential prospects and others looking to do
business with them (build the related
professionals/contacts, favors/advice/referral
network or what some call "rolodex..") Get known
in and around your industry.

A Business Developer must maintain attention to

a lot of details AND important "you getting one
chance to make a first impression". In
Technology related Industries it is important to
set up and manage strategic relationships &

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

With my 20+ years of experience in sales,

marketing and business development, I just want
to add to it one more skill: love your job and be
passionate about it!.

When your Passion brings you halfway to success

the other half is your Attitude

I believe to be a great BDM we'd become the

'jack of all trades'. More to the sales and
marketing skills a successful BDM should know
the strategies to develop the OVERALL business
results, from any point of view. A great BDM
should know about the areas like planning,
analysis, positive thinking, new dream,
innovative marketing, customer relationship,
expansion, etc..etc..


My favorite is point 4. Most just talk too much, a

wise man once said "God gave you two ears and
one mouth, use them in that order ... you should
listen twice as much as you talk" However as an
employer I find it's becoming more and more
difficult to find people with those skills. In my
opinion the best BD's are bred not from large
global companies but from start-up companies, a
good BD requires to be extremely versatile ...
along with passion, vision and ownership should
come the understanding of what it takes to keep
a company alive. The lessons to be learnt from

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

creating a network; where a network did not

exist is truly an ability one should aspire too.

That's a good writing however when it comes to

practice, the truth of matter is different.

Learn how to connect the dots between all the

information that you come in contact with figure
out how to use that material, who can benefit
from it, explain it in laymen terms on how it
benefits your target audience, show them how to
use it, the most important is to convey it in a
helpful manner not condescendingly or
arrogantly. People are people, just show them
how it matters to them and then the rest is easy.
As a BDM taking complexity and dissemination off
in a useful and usable format is everything. The
most funniest thing to see is seeing very
intelligent people explain something in the 1st
person and people look around at each other
wonder if they are the only ones that don't "get
it"? That's not missing the boat that's a guy on a
soapbox and the crowd around will disburse and
no point is ever made or conveyed except white

In other words "keep it simple".

It’s all about people buying people - and they do

that if they trust each other. So listening and
understanding is very important. Identifying the
prospects problem then solving that is alot more

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

powerful than just walking in and promoting your

own product, but how many sales people do just

Active listening, listening, listening... a lifelong

passion to achieve this skill set. Not there yet but
I suspect that's a good thing as I become more
consciously competent. So important to success.
Paying attention to the detail around you
provides many clues indeed; the least important
turns to be most important. Defining the Client's
pain is paramount. If you don't find it, whatever
you achieve is built on a weak foundation and
you are vulnerable, always..
'The gift of listening' Listening to what the
potential client has to say is a great first gift.
Active listening. Golden.

One area I love to do is help or assist others

where I can. It is about networking letting others
know what you do and positioning others to help
others gets you the reputation as an enabler and
a true Business Develop Manager. We get paid
not to know the future but to anticipate areas of
need and growth in what we represent. Not doing
what everyone else is doing is the key because if
it is working then they wouldn't be calling you or
asking for your assistance.

I didn't know there were any people who still

thought as I do.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Respect everyone including the parking

attendant... THE most important of them all. You
will be surprised of what it will give you.

Many clever insights that should be

acknowledged and certainly worth remembering.
Whilst each and every point is accurately
portrayed, the real trick is knowing and
understanding the situation and when to use
which tactic.

I think the very specific advice is fantastic as it

really encompasses a lot info about what it takes
to be in business development. Being a good
tipper was excellent advice as it really shows how
when dealing with this field you must take every
minute detail about your self and put it under a
microscope because those extra details can be
the difference of a one time meet up or a lasting
relationship with someone.

As per me the skill that is Business Development

Manager- Correct hold on the product / Market. -
Good listener.-Flexible in approach.-Correct
analysis of information.

I cannot claim these comments as my own.

Rather, I read the below excerpt written by a
member in another group I am part of. I felt his
description of what a Bus Dev person is was spot
on, and thought it would be a good addition to
this discussion. Here is that text......

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

"In the market today, it seems that BDM is just

another word for sales person. I say NOT! When I
was a Marketing Manager, I needed a Business
Development Manager to perform a number of
duties that the sales crew is simply not trained to
perform. If you look at a sales person/account
manager, they are to keep the pulse of the field,
buy cycles, forecasts, account activity,
competition, etc.

As the market gets more complex, and as I see

it, to lob BDM functions on to an overloaded sales
territory is counterproductive. So what are BDM

Missionary work! Being able to see where new

business will eventually come and turn into sales.
I have worked in several highly technically
advanced fields and to expect that a sales person
can talk savvy with everyone from the bench tech
to the CEO is a dream that will never come true.

As new directions are determined by the sales

management, marketing and product people, the
BDM is the go-to guy with the know how to
excavate a new path to business. What this
means is getting in the trenches and finding out
how the new technology that the developers
(MKT) have dreamed up can fit in to a complex
market. Meetings with key ‘friendly’ customers to
give a potential uses and under NDA. The BDM

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

needs to work with the customer, marketing and

product people to make the adjustments to
create a viable product that truly has benefits
and not features. All this work goes on while the
sales person is making a living doing what a sales
person does.

After field trials the BDM becomes the knowledge

carrier for marketing to convert that knowledge
to sales support material. At introduction the
BDM is the market/product expert in helping the
message to the field, by supporting the sales

Then it all starts again."

I've long been an exponent of the fact that the

definition of a BDM is definitely not a salesperson.
As I have previously stated, and wholeheartedly
in agreement with others, the BDM is a different
animal with a far wider portfolio of skills and
cannot be held to account for failing to reach
weekly sales targets. The BDM as described by
others is a strategist and the link between what is
made/supplied by the business and what is
ultimately sold via sales.

All these points are more related to "the way" in

carry out the business development process.
However, I think one of the most important
criteria is to know "the door", hit the right person
and key decision maker. Take precaution and

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

sensitive on the hidden agenda on business

deals. Off course, we need to study all the pre-
emptive defense measurements from competitors
and in return create a frontal attack strategy to
win business. Right timing is crucial !!!! Don't
miss it.


Yeah we are certainly door openers!

Excellent! I can only summarise as "going back to

the basics"

Find the pain – you find success. Truth and take

away for me

Tips really insightful and responding to basic

human needs - respect, interaction with others,
trust etc and I think you really brought it back to
basics...I'm printing it out to start getting familiar
with it in my everyday thinking.

Fabulous, I particularly resonate with #6, be

approachable....the information gathered using
this technique is invaluable.

I love #5 «You are the ringmaster not the star.

Learn to hand off to the experts, in their field of
endeavor. They will make you shine so bright it
will blind your adversaries.».

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I came across this discussion - here are my 2


In my opinion, great business development has

no rules and no winning template. There isn’t
even a ‘box to think inside of’ and that is why a
great business developer is worth everything to
the business he applies his magic to.

Success in this line of work is about cultivating a

mindset of challenging the status quo while
finding the common ground with the
establishment so they will go along with the
‘crazy people from BD’.

It is not about the ideas – those are easy – but

rather about the execution. A process is needed
that helps find the right strategic partners and/or
the functioning of a team of people who can put
their ‘super powers’ to work to make the ideas
happen. In turn, this process must be flexible
enough to continuously adapt to the dazzling
pace at which both technology and our society

The best thing about the great business

development endeavors is that they haven't ever
been done before!

We've all heard much of it before, but the

reminders are welcome and needed. It's just too

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

easy to get into "selling" and not listening to the

client's needs.

Going into this field a BDM needs to truly

understand the personality types of everyone
involved. In my opinion, getting to the point
where THAT is 2nd nature is invaluable--if you
"bury" the one you believe not to be the decision-
maker with information (as you put it--grunt) and
that approach doesn't fit the personality type,
you can lose the sale before you ever have the
opportunity. You should never assume that you
know who the decision-maker is--it can produce
rude surprises. Also, never leave without peeling
the layers--you've got to probe and listen...ask
lots of questions then LISTEN to the "underlying
issue" answers from the client, rather than giving
a "speech". If you become skilled at these, you
will be more successful in up selling (creating
additional opportunities within one sale), you'll
solve more of your client's problems and your
retention and referral levels will increase! What's
not to love about that?? My motto is--"Success
comes not from the 1st sale, but rather from all
the sales that follow"
Happy BD-ing to everyone!

I agree that there's no 1 winning template, but

there are certain aspects of a great BDM or BDO
personality that are always there-- Listening,
then listening again--there are many times that a
client won't even know that he/she has "pain"

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

(liked that Meg!!) beyond the initial reason for

the meeting with you. A great BD person is
perceptive, hears what is "between the words"
that are being said, is able to draw on knowledge
of resources quickly to respond and solve the
issue. Once everything is completed, use that
developing skill to always follow up---the care
and concern after the sale needs to occur 100%
of the time.
Beyond that the talent is in standing apart from
the crowd in a good way--becoming the "go to"
1st source for the client and tenacious enough to
find the Plan B if Plan A fails. The more time you
can save ANY client (or potential client), is
relative to the exponential growth of your
portfolio! I believe that I have given my 25 cents
rather than 2 (apologies?):) Do hope that this is
of some value to you guys!

I read this article again and I cannot just get over said earlier there really is no No.1 winning
template, but for me I believe in the acute
intuitive ability of a BDM/BDE/BDO that has been
developed in the field to mark out and map out
targets and be very attentive to what the
prospect/customer is or might be saying...

"Know the company you represent – inside out!"

I personally prefer most for that idea. Only you
know what you are representing, the needs and
the gaps, strengths and weaknesses of your

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

organization, you can carry out strategic business


As long as we keep responding to it I would


If we have an attitude for business to develop,

skill will come , there is
no rules for BD, IT IS a mindset how to do....

This article is useful not only for business

developer but also for every Sales Manager.

Let's not forget that pushback is not a dirty word!

If you are going to be a a good business
developer there will be times that you will need
to push back in a manner that gets your potential
customers attention. Find the pain and then
administer the cure even if it hurts!!! You will
gain a great long term customer and they will
thank you for pushing back.

Some good advice here, but I felt I must express

my opinion on the point of " find their pain and
administer the cure "

Business development is all about building long

term working relationships with your clients,
nurturing and ensuring their requirements are
met with excellent service and good rapport.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I personally would never use the pain /cure

analogy as this instantly infers that your potential
client is struggling or in desperate need of
something. This is not the case in my opinion.

For example... when you go to a shop to buy

something do you ever sound desperate to the
sales person ?? If you did most likely they would
take you to the cleaners as all they will see is
pound signs and a sale, in most cases we expect
that person to sell us the product and install our
faith in that product.

Therefore a potential prospect is neither

desperate or in pain they simply dont realize at
the time what your product or brand can
potentially do for them and that is where your
rapport and empathy can kick in and establish a
good healthy relationship which in turn will lead
to sales and a longer term business partnership (
essential to longevity of a business )

I see what you mean, but there is always pain,

and there is always a cure. Not all may be aware
of it, but you should then help them to discover it
and eventually cure it. If you can cure with your
own medicine, fine, but if you can cure it with a
medicine that you can produce with your
customer, third parties and even competitors,
you more than cured the problem, you have
created a trustworthy long lasting partnership
with your customer as well as your network.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I do completely understand where you are

coming from and also the analogy of find the cure
to their pain, but are we not in business ?

If I assumed that any potential client was in pain

or could not survive without my product etc then
I would instantly be on the back foot. Assumption
as they say is the mother of all mistakes and to
assume anything about a client is a recipe for
disaster :)

In my opinion the goal is to first establish a

requirement from the client through open
questions and knowledge of their business. If
there is a requirement then that can then be built
on by meeting and matching their needs,
requirements and budget.

I also feel strongly that people buy from people

so creating good rapport and empathy is
paramount to any long term business
relationship. All of these things if done correctly
will always lead to excellent business
relationships , sales and good networking.

The pain/cure analogy is good but just not

something I would employ as a tactic to gain new
business but that is only my personal preference
If you key in on your customers needs and what
your solution proposal is that would be the simple

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

way to generate a proposal that is not too

involved yet gets your customers attention. Make
sure that you are clear on their issue as well as
what you plan to do to solve their problem with
your offering.

I like the "You are the ringmaster not the star"! A

lot of Business Developer thinks they are not a
star but God!! (more!?)

It seems my proposal is not bringing me

business? It’s a business proposal for a turnkey
project and maintenance services

Then my question would be, are you talking to

the decision makers or do you have enough
information to even put a proposal together. One
of the biggest mistakes we as BD people make is
wanting to put the cart before the horse. If we do
not have the information that leads us to a viable
solution to a potential need no matter how good
your proposal is it will not be accepted. Try the
20/60/20 rule. 20% of people will never buy from
you. 20% of people will always buy from you and
60% will sometimes buy from you. If you spend
most of your time working with the 60% you will
find more success and don't waste your time with
the 20% that just want to chit chat and have no
desire to do business with you. I hope this helps
a bit.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Just a general reflection - business is granted

based on trust and a contact quality with at least
8/10 - with everyone in the DMU - so we should
not sent proposals before we know the Major
Buying Motif - the prospect will share this when
trust is established - Full Circle !!

Yes to Major Buying Motif is important but also

buying cycles. I think the most important is to
know and learn the REAL needs of the prospects
and not to oversell! Overselling make your $€
cash bigger but only in a short period, if you want
to have long term relation with you prospect
(clients) never oversell!

Interesting. A large part of what I have been

doing; now framed in a context that makes sense
in a 'larger picture' overview. In a nutshell, I
have the clients back when I know they are not
looking. Trust is everything in for a long term
business relationship to flourish!

An articulate and apposite synopsis of what it

takes to succeed. Much of the piece is good
common sense ( which isn't so common) ! Many
thanks for the piece - a great game plan for
successful business development.

A Business Developer always have patience and

keep good relationship with everyone, do the
right thing’ and have courage to speak up...........

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I was completely on-board with your discussion

until, I read the unthinkable for a sales
management professional; 'NEVER, EVER share
your information with anyone.' The idea (and I
may be taking this point out of context) that
information is not shared within the office or
within your sales team or like-minded
individuals/professionals charged with the
responsibilities of closing, implementing or
servicing the client or deal; is in my mind
unacceptable. Every scrape of information that is
relevant in closing a sale, should be
communicated within the confines of the business
development team (whether that is composed of
insiders, professionals or external firms –
obviously information that is supplied to the team
must be relevant to the function or roles or an
individual or firm assigned to the team). Hence it
is necessary for the team (engineers,
implementation specialists, finance, stagers, etc.)
to understand the landscape of the engagement
and to be forwarded/supplied any and all
knowledge on the subject. Information must or
should be delivered within the framework of the
engagement with the following caveats:

1. That there are no trade secrets exposed

2. The core competency of the firm / team is not
3. Implementation advantages, Product or
process advantages are not compromised
4. The Strategic intent of the deal is not exposed

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

5. The Gross Margins that the firm selling the

deal is protected (particularly when multiple
companies need to be involved to fulfill the
engagement or contract)

Lastly, simply a comment on hiding relevant

information on a qualified lead; when I started in
the sales / business development profession all of
the business developers tended to work in
secrecy and would not discuss their client based
information. The assumption is that client specific
information would protect them and or their
position within the firm. I have learned over the
past twenty years that sharing information and
meeting or exceeding all client expectations
(always a team task), wins repeat business and
referrals which are the lifeblood of a firm
(identified as the valued recurring revenue; to be
fair one off revenue is also acceptable but does
not add as much long-term value to the firm.
Hence in the eyes of upper management is not as
valuable, all business development professionals
are rewarded based on the long-term goals of the
firm and you must attempt to understand the
corporate vision, mission and goals to understand
the value of the contract to your position long-
term other than simply viewing GM and your
commission as the only deliverables’). Hence all
of the truly great business development
professionals that I have dealt with are great
communicators; with both internal and external
stakeholders and they do not hold back

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

information, they share information freely which

will assist in closing the sale and which conforms
to the ultimate goals of the firm.

Another can do all these things

well, but sometimes it boils down to the
Likeability Factor on top of these traits.

My rules as Business Developer:

1. Be always full of energy and joy: there is
no chance to develop relationships without
an attitude. And catch Energy everywhere.
2. Learning, studying, developing yourself as
professional and as human being. Never
stop learning.
3. Listen more than talk. A deep listening
supports you to understand needs of your
4. Understanding who is your target, your
partner, the person behind the business
5. Business developing is building
relationships. Strong relationships are the

Really like what you have said. Business

developing is not rocket science, but being good
at it does require good sense. My philosophy is to
look at this as not just my job but my life too.
What I mean is everyday we should be
"developing relationships" or enhancing the ones

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

we already have. It is easy to step into a position

like this when you "live it" too.

I do believe that living and working in the same

way is healthy and wealthy. Developing
relationships is an attitude because life is the art
of meeting. It is difficult but challenging in the
global competition to create and enhance
relationships especially cross border. Today at
this crisis stage we have the chance to establish
actual relationships, to stay closer and feel less
alone against the complicate scenario.

I'm glad to see listed as #2, the gift to

listen...perhaps the most important skill. Entering
a new situation with established paradigms often
clouds judgment and prevents complete
realization of the opportunity. By listening to
inputs from every direction, even the least likely,
successful creative solutions will emerge

Nowadays, no matter how knowledgeable or

focused in your business territory, one should
have a Godfather, then only your work will be
appreciated and recognized!

I will add: be international...

Very comprehensive and if you work to

incorporate some of those points, you will have
cracked it. All I will add to that, falls out of a

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

statement from Stephen Covey........"Seek first

to understand, then to be understood". A key
area is to UNDERSTAND your client. Not just
what is said, but also what is NOT said. Thats the
key to being perceived as credible or as stated in
point 2 "Gifted". If you gain that credibility or
trust, then you are on your way to being a
"Qualified" Developer!

Part of being a good business developer I would

add is a balance between an analytical and logical
ability but also a keen intuition as well.

It surely points the way to not only open doors

but to win your customers.

Don't keep patting yourself on the back when

things go well, look for the problems in product,
process and people and fix them. Training is
everything so make those who are good at
something great and don't worry about the little
things they don't do well...we can't be good at
everything. Analyze market trends and
competition and encourage development of both
product and customer support to make sure your
potential and current clients get a fantastic

Indeed, it is an excellent idea to answer the

missing chain among "clients, organizations,
entry levels and senior positions". The business
developer would not be so great with no enough

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

skills to deal with irregular tasks and

extraordinary challenges.

The 12 points above are great guidelines for

doing our jobs effectively and with integrity.

A fabulous reference, to do a quick reality check

from time to time is so important and this will be
added to my library to peruse.

The definition of business development manager

varies from organization to organization as well
as specific skill sets (technical or otherwise).
According to my experience, there are three top
qualities required of business development
managers in any industry:

Tenacity: BD is about mid-term and long-term

goals. Unfortunately there are no shortcuts to
success and just as in sales, it takes a tough skin,
focus and perseverance and a flexible attitude to

Good Judgment: Recognizing the trade-offs,

benefits and risks regarding new business
partners and clients and having the courage to
act accordingly (which often means saying no to
short-term benefits in exchange for long-term

Patience and Timing: strong relationships are not

built overnight. You have to be consistent in your

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

communication with clients and partners as well

as delivering on your promise/commitment. Over
time, clients and partners will come to trust you
and your organization, which in hypercompetitive
markets can be the only thing between losing an
important client to a competitor offering similar
products and services at a lower price.

I really like this definition, it describes perfectly

what is needed to be a BDS. I work for a highly
reputable company that I feel comfortable
standing behind. That is important as well. But to
add a few points or to elaborate from a personal
opinion I would like to say that in addition to be
tenacious, patient, and having a good head on
your shoulders you also have to have an
excellent, unwavering good attitude. The biggest
point I can make is you also have to be flexible
and courageous enough to re-evaluate your
process. If you add that to the mix, your results
will reflect your ability to change what you can
and move on from the things you cannot.

It is also essential that we know how to position

our company's objectives in direct alignment with
those of our prospect. When our prospect realizes
that mutual success is the goal, we can foster a
culture of collaboration and teamwork that will
set us apart from competitors looking for a one
sided relationship.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I always make a point of explaining to my clients

(potential clients) that I view their business as an
extension of my own. It is imperative that you
create the perception that this is a partnership.
You need them to believe that you have a
genuine personal and vested interest in the
success of their business

A good Business Developer fully understands the

value of offering the company they represent has
while also being able to be capable of 'listening'
to the customer across the organization to fully
understand the real needs (Not perceived needs)
and then be able to articulate a Value Proposition
that will deliver a clear return for the customer.
In most cases this also involves multiple people
both externally as well as internally to fully
realize the total impact.
If I may, I would like to add one advice: Never
underestimate the predictability of stupidity even
to yourself. It means be concise, focused, direct
and seek to master what you are doing.

Regarding point 9, many sales people miss out on

what not to say; I would like to share with you an
experience that triggered my interest on this
point: Glengarry Glen Ross, a movie with Al
Pacino: it's about real-estate salesmen and how
they are driven to achieve their targets.

Unfortunately often we all miss the point ... sales

wants to "rock", op's being "in the way and not

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

performing to standard" ... however: marry the

two, with flaring passion and your business
should be ROCKING! ... Not many "get that", do

Technical and knowledge about the products you

sell/develop market for.
Is there not an enormous need in nearly every
company bringing the knowledge levels (not only
technical) to next levels....1st part to develop
your business, that of your customers together
and bringing up revenues to new heights in a
small period of time.

We all know, but how many are effectively doing

this ? 1 way to get a company less affected by
the recession ? there is business enough, but you
need to listen to the customer more....seems we
keep forgetting this :-)

I made my best business deals after the "no"


I'll add one additional thought - PASSION. If you

don't love it, the lack of passion will show. Be
personally and intensely interested in the
solutions and industry where you work. Make it
something you LOVE to do and that passion will
show through and gain the confidence of your

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

With the final point, we can all create and gauge

our success for companies...and not restricted to

(Adapted from the real estate business: location

It's clear by your insight that you "do as you


The worrying unqualified instruction to never

share your information disturbs me immensely,
as does the large number of blind followers.

The sharing of information within your

organization is an obligation, not a choice.

As an employee of a company you have an

obligation to supply any and all useful information
to your employer who pays your salary.
Deliberately withholding pertinent information is
simply unethical.

Obviously you should not share information

outside the correct circle. For example senior
managers within your organisation are absolutely
dependent upon upwards feedback to make the
correct business decisions. If you deliberately
withhold information you are helping to make
your company worse. Why would you do this
unless you are completely selfish?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

If I had sales or BD managers working for me

whom I suspected of deliberate withholding of
information, I would consider them non-team
players and seek to rehabilitate them and
implement an objective information gathering
tool - eg with the use of a CRM system - if they
continued to fail to share important business
information then they would be on their way
sooner rather than later.

However, aside from the strong difference of

opinion on the sharing of information, most of the
rest of the advice provided is very good indeed
and pertinent to both sales and business
development professionals.

Funny thing is, we all do some of these things,

we just never put them all

I must conclude then that innovation is at the

very heart of business development. Would you
say then that Business Development should be a
function of the CEO, and not by the Head of

Not exactly à CEO although not impossible. BD

should report to the CEO & the latter should be

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

A business developer is a door opener for the

sales team. I would add that Business Developers
need to be skilled in sales, marketing and PR.
And it would help tremendously if they had above
average listening, empathy and presentation
skills. I think that the CEO job description should
include BD, just like his/her other functions.
However there should be another position within
the organization that's devoted 100% to BD, just
like Marketing, Sales, or Finance. As at times the
CEO can get very focused on one urgent and
important problem area his/her other functions
(like BD) would be "neglected" momentarily as
they would fall into a lower priority . So having a
dedicated BD position, ensures that this crucial
function of the organization is fully operational at
all times as the market evolves rapidly ignoring
totally your own internal issues, and you could
end up missing important business opportunities
although you might have already invested time
and money developing them.

I live every day of my working career by the

exact 12 tips shared. Thank you so much for
placing in print, exactly what I have lacked to
share with my colleagues/connections/students.
These tips are innate to me, and I must NOT
assume that they are innate to all.

Curiosity, analytical mind, listening.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

I am new to the group. In my previous role I was

responsible for Strategy and Business
Development for some specific scientific
instrument products. I found the advice excellent
and one which could be a code-of-practice for
many business professionals. In regards to the
question "What kind of working skill do we need
to be a qualified Business Developer?" I would
also add the following: I believe the most
successful Business Developers have a strategic
thinking mindset and the ability to grasp and
understand the big picture. They also know
enough about their products and services, their
target markets and customers that they have the
ability to get beyond the obvious customer
requirements and pain points. Finding the subtle
customer requirements potentially, even before
the customer knows them, can lead to major
differentiators in the market.

The hammer to the nail thanks to all for throwing

light on the roles, strategic & tactical ... this
stream builds to becoming a better BD ...

The key is to ask the right questions and listen to

others needs. So often we want to impose our
needs on others without listening to what is best
for them. Take the time to have compelling
reason that benefit the client not yourself.

We need to be able to look forward, we need to

be able to predict market reaction on our

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

development action, we need to be able to

translate market needs into a product, we need
to be able to say NO at the right times and we
need to believe in the strategy decisions we take.

I also think that the ability to be flexible and

revise your every tactic is crucial. Persistence and
a relentless attitude are far more powerful than
all the skills I have listed on my resume. You
shouldn't step into a biz dev role if you don’t
have the basic skills and I would say you won't
stay in biz dev unless your personality is similar
to how it is described. My motto to myself is
collect enough No's to come across a Yes. It's
almost like a sport.

One other thing, you are a change agent. Your

prospect does not want to change. You have to
provide unavoidable reasons why they must
change to your solution. Push against their
reluctance. Keep hitting them where it hurts until
they are compelled to change.

My understanding to BD:

1. Necessary intelligence skill (market

intelligence/business intelligence) in
today's informationized world.
2. Communication skill (how to deliver your
message in a proper way and how to
positive influence working environment
with your right message).

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

3. Analysis skill (Know deep and systematic

to your business).
4. Leadship skill (Capable to gather people
from different function working together to
right direction).
5. Diligent (no lazy).

Trying to summarize it> as business developer

you need to be smart, discipline, a solution
thinker and high level of leadership skills then
only you can dominate every market you enter.

You have to know your business and have

passion for it. You have to want to work hard to
bring business to your company. You have to
understand the market you are in.

Outstanding synopsis of the approach and

attitude fundamentals necessary for BusDev
success (in any industry)! The only addition I
would suggest is to always remain alert for how
you can create additional value for each
individual at the table, i.e., identify and deliver
on "what's in it for them" to facilitate their buy-in
to your solution.

So important to know when to bring in the

technical expertise.

Always keep your eyes and ears open, for any

opportunity, be persistent, never think this

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

product has no use in that company, thoroughly

research and then draw the conclusion.

I'm so glad I joined this group. It all seems so

obvious but can we all say that we religiously
adhere to the principles all the time?

You missed to talk about treated the objections,

so Preparation for appointment, Agree with
"Listen", but we have to identify what kind of
person is in front of you, pedigree, Dominant
person, (PNL) etc... Did you hear about? "what
do you think "method"" when we are in face to
face sales situations. What about culture? What
kind of tactics are you planning to do? Introduce
clearly your objective before listening the clients
or use Push sales or empathy. I think that to
become a qualified BDM is a huge investment
about knowing about itself (personality,
company, sector etc...and people, company that
you targeted) e.g. points of development for
client's market. The goal is to find the tree that
hide the forest of opportunities. And don't forget
to be patient (time,= rigorous) and put gas in
your human engine to surpassed failed business
situations then be successful..

Can there ever be a time when the

prospect/client will have to be a brief ally?
Because recently I got into a hitch during a sale
and due to my persistence and instant response
to the issues on ground, the prospect instead of

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

turning me down asked me to compensate on the

product use so as to subscribe to my coy's

I would add in the "Know Thyself" category that

you filter through input from all the value chain
members in addition to your company's
perspective. They may all have deferring stories
but if you get enough you can piece together
what are your perceived strengths and
weaknesses which will help you understand if you
have a competitive advantage and where you
need to allocate your resources.

Absolutely never share your information on your

customer with anyone (unless it's intended to
spread disinformation). Even sharing information
about a client with someone you presume is a
trusted colleague may come back an hurt you.
Once I shared some information with a former
employee that I had known for over 25 years. In
fact...I had hired him into the business and later
went to work for another company. I shared
some what I thought was harmless information
about an account I was working on. A couple of
months later the former employees company got
the business! His company was not even working
the account. This also caused a great strain on
our friendship. Keep it to yourself! Pound your
chest when you close the deal.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Being a business developer is an attitude and a

philosophy of living. Bring the right people
together as people make the business.

I would like to add one important attitude a

business developer must have: change

The ability to keep calm and always listen to

objections from a client, identify key concerns
and proper solution to that customers objection.

Ability to have a bird’s eye view of S.M.A.R.T

objectives required for that particular business

Quite a lengthy list and a bit too much for

focusing on all at once. Granted we need to read
and study these types of descriptions as we
continuously learn the craft of BD, what we focus
on must be something we can describe in a
sentence or two. I'd boil it down to "Qualifying
leads by mutually determining fit which builds a
relationship of mutual trust and respect without
manipulation." In other words "Let's agree
together if it's mutually beneficial for our
companies to do business together" (regardless
of my desire to get a sale).

Not only a good list for us, also for senior

management. It could help to better understand

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what we are doing and why we work the way we


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Business Development, The Missing Link between

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between Marketing & Sales

The importance of Networking Smart.

7 open and 1 closed questions – DON’T reply

your own questions!

Introduce yourself = name + function +

company. That is all!!

1. Which business problem is solved by your


2. What is the best example at how you do


3. What is the biggest success (win) for you

and your company the last 6 months?

4. What will that be the next 6 months?

5. What is the most interesting initiative that

you planned for your company this year?

6. How will that change your company the


7. How crisis sensitive or crisis resistant is

your company?

Looks good. In what way can I help you?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

When yes fix a date right away.

When no :

It was nice of you to spend some time with me to

get acquainted and I wish you a fantastic
networking evening (… Spring, summer, new
year… life)

Move to het next network attendant.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Calling on the CEO - Executive

Relationship Marketing

The section below is a document that is written to

help with the process of calling CEO's and getting
in the door. It is not a simple task and can test
one's selling skills.


Calling on the President and/or CEO of accounts

is not as difficult as one might think. Our past
negative experiences striving to get on their
calendars ranges from letters, voice mails, e-
mails, faxes and confrontational experiences with
executive Assistants that brings no closer to the
President than the Titanic was to land. Why do
we have sparse success when trying to meet with
the President or CEO?

Is it a mission impossible? Hardly. The key to

making an appointment with the President is
viewing it as an adventure. There are events that
need to take place before you can sit down with
the leader of a company.

Every person has their own personality and style.

The following information is to be digested as
merely pragmatic suggestions that have worked
consistently for Account Representatives when

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

contacting over 500 companies over the past 30

months. If the information is useful take it. If it's
not leave it. Enjoy the adventure!!!


° Realizing our call anxiety is a positive factor.

84% of all marketing and salespeople have call

° Procrastination is the number one indication

that a problem is developing. The sooner contact
is made with a prospective CEO or his/her
Executive Assistant the less likely you will revert
back to only calling at the I/S level.

° Tailor the call for the prospect's benefit. Show

value for their personal gain.

° One of the primary causes of phone fear is

failing to set an objective for the call. Have a
clear-cut picture in your mind of why you are
calling and possible directions the call might take.

° After introductions make a benefit statement to

the Administrative Assistant. “EA, [My company]
wants to provide XYZ Corporation with greater
access to certain resources.”

° Count on being turned down and made

uncomfortable by a CEO’s EA. That is just part of
this process. It is our job to develop rapport with

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

the EA and show significant value to overcome

their rejection. EA's side job is to act as a gate
keeper and they will work hard at it. You have
lots of gate keys in you experience, use your
experience to figure out which key opens the

° Schedule time on your calendars to call your

CEO nominated prospects just as you would
schedule a meeting or conference call. If it is not
on your calendar it usually slips through the

To build rapport with an EA or CEO remember:

1. Thank them for taking time to talk!

2. Speak with respectful inflections and tones,

ingratiate yourself to an EA. The EA is the
"gatekeeper" and can be your avenue to success
or your instrument of destruction.

3. Use open ended questions that ask which,

what, when, where and how. Strategically worded
questions can open the door to vast amounts of
useful information.

4. Key on his/her responses. Include their

thoughts in your questions and responses. They
will "invest" more time with you.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

° When making a phone call or face to face call

with the CEO of a company the focus of
conversation must be changed from the
technology traditional conversation. It is natural
for High Tech soldiers to have a very tactical
dialogue focused on platforms, software,
architecture, PC’s, blaa, blaa, blaa, blaa.

The top reason a CEO will not want to talk to a

technology provider is that he/she thinks they are
going to drug through a painful discussion about
High Tech products that they are not even
remotely interested in. CEO’s love to talk about
STRATEGY. That is what is most important to

If you can remember not to go into a 5 minute

opera on why your company is so wonderful but
rather stay in focus on what the CEO’s
responsibilities are for that company. If he/she
says “I deal strictly with product development”
try not to ask them how they use technology,
blaa, blaa, blaa, but ask them “what areas are
most important to them in product development.”

Then ask “how involved do you get in product

development.” The key is to clarify in detail the
CEO’s priorities. And then you will have enough
information to begin an relationship.

° When talking with a CEO focus on what the real

problems/pains are. Try to help the CEO drill

Business Development - The Missing Link
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down to the root cause of problems; find out

what, at the core is consuming all the attention of
the CEO.

For example if you have influenza (get your flu

shots) the root cause of the problem is not fever,
chills, headache, etc. these are symptoms. The
root cause is the VIRUS and not the symptoms.

° Find out quickly how the CEO or Assistant

perceives you and your company.

 Do they look at your company like they do

every other technology/solution provider?
 Have they had a horrible out of the blue
experience with your company in the past?
 A positive experience? Do they envision
you as being a Sales Guy, Sales Rep, Sales
Exec, Client Rep, Client Exec, or a

You want tocome off as a Resource!

° Through research, develop an understanding of

the prospect's business. Make sure you pay
special attention the prospect's business
objectives. Research can be performed for you or
you can perform research for yourself over the

Be sure to have the research in front of you when

making the call. If the prospect has a WEB

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

presence, have the prospect's business WEB page

open on your computer.

° Use only 1% of your total knowledge when

trying to talk to CEO’s, use 100% of questioning
techniques and listen carefully understanding
what he says. The quality and clarity of questions
will have a direct affect on the answers that you

The person who asks questions is in control of a

discussion by allowing others to freely give

If you feel uncomfortable with the Executive

Assistant or the CEO then ask a quality question.
This will take the heat off you.

Always let the CEO or EA complete their

sentences and thoughts.

° Focus on the Executive Assistants, they are the

ones who have the formula for you to get on the
calendar of the CEO. In many cases the
Assistants manage the CEO's calendar.

Try not to talk as if they are not the most

important person in the company. It doesn't hurt
to make them feel as if they are the most
important person in the company.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

If you can get their opinion on how to approach

the senior executives you will be more effective.

° If the Assistant is trying to make you be more

specific about the reason for calling do not fall
into the trap. You really don’t know the VALUE
you can provide the company until you find out
what is IMPORTANT to the CEO.

If the Assistant persists for specifics, tell him/her

that you will prepare a fax or e-mail of topics and
send it to him/her to review because you would
like her feedback on whether it is clear and valid
enough for a meeting with the CEO.

The key here is to use the Assistant’s knowledge

about the company and the CEO. You will
discover tremendous leverage with the Assistants

° You may ask the question, "Should I try to get

in front of the CEO, face to face or should I try to
talk on the phone with him/her?" Great question.

If you are working with the Assistant your goal

might be to get face to face since that is the
logical next step. If you are getting pushed back
on face to face time then it may be a smart move
to ask for 5 minutes on the phone with the CEO
to explain
your intentions.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

If the EA sends you right through, being prepared

can save you a lot of blushing, sweating and
wasted time.

° If you do get the CEO on the phone or in person

you are at the point of no return. It is at this
moment that you can solidify your presence and
relationship with a senior executive.

The conversation with the leader of the company

should NOT have anything to do with technology.

Technology is a “four letter” word when talking to

the Chief. He/she will sent you to the CIO or I/S
person if he/she feels the issues for discussion
are not focused on “the business drivers (profit,
revenue growth, reducing inventory, increasing
inventory turns, lowering operating costs,
lowering cost of sales, increasing return on
assets, increasing return on investment, etc.).”

° When the CEO asks you “what can you do to

help my business”, he has fallen into your trap.
The natural response might be that “Your
company is a 1 trillion dollar company with 6
zillion employees that can sell you 1 million
different products and services.

” This can result in sudden death, not your goal!

It is not how many facts about your company can

be regurgitated to the CEO; rather, it is how you

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

find out what is most important to him/her. A

more appropriate response might be “before I
answer your question Mr. CEO, may I ask you
what is it that is most important to you in today.

What keeps you awake at night! What is it that

you see is the most important problems that you
need to solved.”

The call to the CEO is not about your company,

it's about what is most important to the CEO. If
you can find this out, the call will be of value to
the CEO and to you.

° Express to the President, CEO or Executive

Assistant or any other contact in the executive
offices that your call does NOT have anything to
do with computers, hardware or software.

Convey the thought that your company is

focusing on partnering with key executives in
select companies to discuss their business
problems not technology issues.

° Northwestern University surveyed executives in

300 corporations and found that executives found
value from solution providers in 3 areas:

1. The person calling them (type of personality,

title, presentation) --- Non-commodity selling is
about people selling to people.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

2. The offer (why is the contact find

out what is important to the Executive)

3. Frequency of contact being more important

the medium (face, phone, e-mail, pigeons)

Have an offer:

1. Letter (includes introduction & value statement

from rep)

2. Memento (hand cut and hand polished with a

lathe; the lettering is lasered)

3. Ms. President “[My company] would like a

closer relationship with you...

4. Ms. President “your company was selected

from others in the Geography to pursue a

° Internet research before calling the company

is a necessity (Presidents and/or CEOs can tell in
a “New York second” if you don’t know
background on the company).

° Have a “call sheet” that records contact

information you have with the account. On this
sheet track information about the Assistants and
President put dates, times, names, doctor
appointments, birthdays, vacations, sick days,

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

travel information etc. (this gives you information

to use for conversation topics).

° Talk with enthusiasm when on the phone. A

monotone voice will get a monotone response.

° To reach the President or CEO, it is imperative

that you make first contact with the executive’s
Assistant. You will be “shot down” quickly if you
look past the Assistant. Treat the Assistant as if
he/she is the President.

° NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER leave a voice

mail with a CEO or Assistant unless they call you
first and you need to let them know that you are
trying to call them back. They receive hundreds
of calls a day.

If you put an expectation on them to call you

back and they do not, you have given them an
easy way to say NOT INTERESTED. You will
"not" stand out among other solution providers if
you leave a voice mail. Keep calling until you get
the Assistant and/or CEO.

This is why a “call sheet” is important. You can

review your call activity and identify a window of
opportunity to reach the Assistant or CEO (hint:
ask the operator to page the Assistant or put you
through to someone who sits by the Assistant so
you can find out where he/she is hiding).

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

° If the CEO travels, find out when he will be in

town and let the Assistant know you are available
(“Pat, will Mr. Smith be in town this week?) Give
the Assistant a time you can talk on the phone or
meet and see what kind of response you get.

If you are turned down say “well, next time I am

available, I will give you a call.” Wait a few days
and call back.

It is better not to appear anxious or aggressive

when talking with the Assistant.

Keep in mind you have something that will

benefit their company (“Pat, this is an excellent
opportunity for Mr. Smith and his company or I
would not waste your time, what is the best way
for me to talk with Mr. Smith”).

° If you feel it is not possible to get face to face

with the CEO right away then ask for a five
minute phone meeting with the President.

This 5 minute phone meeting could turn into a 40

minute phone call if you have researched the
company well enough and know the industry

Use lines like, “Pat, I know Mr. Gerstner’s

schedule is tight, is there a window of 5 minutes
early in the morning or between meetings to
speak with him on the phone?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

The conversation need not last more than a few

minutes, I want to let him know how we can start
a partnership and what some of the businesses in
your industry are doing.”

Sometimes you can get a face to face call before

the phone call. Usually, though, the phone call
request is used when it is clear you are not going
to get face to face in the near future .

° Focus on developing a relationship of trust

and value between you, the President and
his/her Assistant.

The purpose of your phone call to the President is

to explore a strategic relationship between their
company and your company and share valuable
information (such as hot topics in the industry,
Management Consulting, supply chain, eBusiness,
ERP, CRM, eProcurement, increase profit, growing
market share, executing strategies, leverage the
Internet/Intranet/Extranet, improve customer
satisfaction, defeating competition, becoming
customer centric or whatever you can put
together after extensive research on the

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales



° Try not to give the Assistant too much

information to make their own judgments. He or
she will refer you to someone else in the
company. One of the Assistant’s responsibilities is
to find out what you want and refer you to
someone else in the company.

Always keep in mind, the Executive Assistant has

the power to put you on the CEO’s calendar. The
Assistant has to power to make an opening for
you. It is essential that you realize and respect
this power.

Say, “Pat, in the companies [your company] has

chosen to contact, we like to explore critical
issues with the President to see if she/he wants
to partner with us. Sometimes Pat, the President
is extremely interested other times he/she is not.



° Emphasize that your focus is not information

technology. If the Assistant or President detects

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

information systems in your blood, you will be

sent to a place far, far away from the executive
offices, a place called Information Services JAIL.

° Ask for no more than a fifteen minute face to

face meeting once you have a chance to discuss
scheduling a meeting. When you are viewed as a
“time bandit” you will be less likely to get the

If the President sees value in the first fifteen

minutes you will find yourself there an hour or

° Develop a value statement for the company

before calling them.

Why should the CEO talk to you?

Value statements should include customers,

markets, products, services, competitors,
business economics (cost pressures, margin
pressures, human resources).

What value can you and your company bring the

company? This is difficult to develop without first
talking with the client but there is a wealth of
information available on the Internet (Financials,
Journals, Home pages of the client etc.)

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Example: “Mr. President, you released 250

products in 1998 and 400 in the previous two

According to the annual report these products

presently account for only 15% of revenues. You
are turning out a lot of products.

Do you have visibility on the effectiveness of your

investment in all these new products?

° Use the person’s name on the phone and in

person as much as you can.

A person’s name (spoken) is the most motivating

word in the English language.

° Humor is an effective tool when talking to the

Assistant about the $2 memento piece (“Pat, I
hope you didn’t pry the plaque apart and take the
$2 bill..ha ha ha. Pat, I hope no one dropped the
paper weight on their foot..ha ha ha.

Pat, We were going to put $100 bill in the Lucite

block but we figured that Mr. Smith would smash
the piece and take the money..ha ha ha)” If this
is not your style to joke around then don’t.

After expressing humor make sure you let the

Assistant and the President know that the $2
Thomas Jefferson memento is hand carved and
polished with a lathe.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

The lettering on this attractive piece is done with


° Try to use open ended questions such as what,

where, when, why and how while addressing the
President or Assistant.

“What is important to you right now?” Where are

most of your problems in the Supply Chain?”

When do you do most of your business planning

(develop strategic initiatives) with your senior

Why has your company revenues grown X% and

the industry average is less than 1/2X%? How do
you solve cross functional inconsistencies with
design engineers, procurement, marketing and

What are the three things in your company that

are giving keeping you awake at night?

° Smile when talking on the phone.

° Let the client do the talking and listen closely. If

the President or Assistant stops talking, rather
than jump in and start to talk, remain silent until

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

he/she starts talking again. Self critique each call

when you’re finished.

Ask yourself, "How could I have been more


Try not to talk more than 30% of the time when

addressing the President.

° Presidents are persuaded as much by conviction

as they are by logic.

° Company Presidents and their Assistants are

people too. They are no different than you and
are motivated by their own self-interest.

° You must constantly show appreciation for the

AA’s time on the phone.

° End the call with respect for his/her time.

“Thank you for your time.”

° If you sense the Assistant or President is busy

(he/she has calls holding, preparing for a
meeting, have people waiting, etc.), insist on
calling back at a more convenient time (“Pat, you
are swamped, can I call you back another time?

If their mind is preoccupied they will not be

giving your unfair share of their attention.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

° Key on the client’s responses. Respond to what

they say rather than what you plan to say.

For example, Mr. Smith says, "I cannot get

effective communication working between
management and my sales force!" Respond with,
“Mr. Smith, you are not the only one trying to
communicate more effectively with the sales

Sun, HP, Oracle and Microsoft are experiencing

the same thing. How have you tried to solve the

° Send a brief thank you e-mail or letter to the

Assistant or President after you have spoken to
him/her on the phone or following an in person

This shows respect and concern for his/her time

as will as giving you a chance to summarize the

° Call the prospect within a week of the $2

memento and cover letter mailing.

But don’t be dejected if a takes you 3 or 4 tries to

get the Assistant and another few calls to get to
the President.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

The key to talking to the top is patience and

persistence (a trite and overused phrase, but

° Being aggressive with the Assistant usually

yields very little.

Persistence with politeness achieves more.

Contact with the Assistant (but not leaving voice
mail) should not appear hurried, frustrating or

Speak slowly and use few words. In the case of

rapport building, using the spoken word less can
mean a lot more.

° Closed ended questions allows the Assistant

and CEO to say NO.

If you give them a chance to say yes or no only

immediately, you will not be able gather
information critical for relationship building


“Do you use the Internet?

“Have you used consultants before?”

“Are you getting the information you need from

operations to make sound decisions?”

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales


“What do you think of the Internet?",

"How do you feel consultants can best help your


“Where do you get most of your information to

make your strategic decisions?",

"What area of the business are you most


° Try not to talk technology with the Assistant or

President. Use business vocabulary not
information virtual verbiage (No Tech Speak).
Position the conversation for the CEO not the

Express that the areas you want to explore are

business and industry issues.

° Avoid assuming the Assistant or President

understands [your company] organizational

Explain your go to market strategy and let them

know your company is in the business of

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° Focus on forming a closer relationship with the

CEO. This can be done by being interested in
his/her strategic priorities, problems and vision.

Try to develop relevant and interesting

conversation (“Mr. Smith, I am impressed at your
accomplishments over the last 5 years. I know a
company who released 200 new products in 1999
without a clue of the ROI.

Do you track the ROI on all your products?)”

Communicate partnership, partnership,
partnership (“Our Northern California team has
expertise in e-business, they may be a good “fit”
for a strategic partnership with your company”).

° Once you WIN a face to face meeting, do not to

take stacks of brochures or handouts into
meetings with CEO’s.

Take at most one "leave behind" as a reminder of

the meeting. After you meet with them you can
have an excuse for another interaction by mailing
such items.

This gives you a reason to have another


° Plan for your meeting using multiple resources

if possible to assist.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Select the attendees with caution, do not

inundate the CEO with your companies bodies
creating a haze in his mind.

Only bring people who add value and leave the

rest behind. These are principles that have
proven to work in most executive environments.

But each person’s communication style is widely

distinct, yet it is my experience aligning our
unique personalities with some of these tips
elevates our performance.


Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Appointments & how to help the prospect

with positioning/placing and naming

Many thousands of objections not to accept an

appointment boils down to 6 – This is how to fly
around them.

The remarks in red are the objection.

Make sure you suggest two dates, preferably with

time, to set up the appointment. Do not give up
on first next excuse… etc.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Already a supplier: Your company is Too expensive

unknown to me :

Then you are well That is exactly why I ..Kite to one of the
placed, during a call you. other excuses… e.g.
personal meeting You tell me that (x
with me, to compare service/product) is
what your present too expensive, do
supplier offers and you mean that your
what we could actual supplier is to
possible mean for expensive?

Would date .. be Would date .. be Would date .. be

convenient or rather convenient or rather convenient or rather
date … date … date …
No time now: Send Not interested:
Given your Mr…/Mrs… I
position I Mr…/ Mrs…. I will understand that for
understand that gladly do so. What you it is difficult in
you say this, the would you like to practice to
reason that I call read in these determine with
you now is to folders, as our whom you want or
make an approach is rather do not want to make
appointment in a specific, and that is an appointment,
fortnight.. exactly what my however practice
appointment is all has proven that it
Would date .. be about. Since I am in makes sense to
convenient or the neighborhood … meet me personally
rather date…

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Call me in 6

Mr../Mrs.. I will
gladly do so.
What will have
changed within
your organization
so you will have
time in
(September) to
discuss on
..(topic)…. And
this is exactly
what I would like
to review with

Would date .. be Would date .. be Would date .. be

convenient or convenient or rather convenient or rather
rather date… date… date…

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Questions are never an exam – when

meeting difficult or shy people just use
choice questions: e.g. Whose budget is this
coming out of sales or marketing?

Qualifying your customer is the process of

determining their interest in your value
proposition, their budget and their decision-
making process.

Do they have the Money, Authority and Desire


They are not fully qualified unless they have all

three. One of the ways you can determine if they
are MAD is simply to ask.

Here are some qualifying questions:


 Whose budget is this coming out of?

 How much have you set-aside for this

 How are you proposing to fund the project?

 What is your company’s process for
funding these types of investments?

 When does the budget process begin?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 What are the steps in your budgeting


 What is the decision-making process for

this project?

 Who else do you need to consult before
making a decision?

 Is there anyone else you think I should talk
to about this project?

 Whose head will roll if this project is not a


 What are your top three goals for this


 How important are these goals to your
company’s growth plans?

 How do they support the company’s
growth strategy?

 What typically happens to managers at
your company who achieve or

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 What happens if you do not achieve these


 What are some of the solutions you have
tried in the past (or currently using)?

 What results did you get?

 Were those results acceptable?

 What kinds of solutions are you considering
this time?

 What results do you expect?

 What thoughts do you have about
measuring results?

 Are you open to considering some creative

 What other firms are you talking to?

 Do you have a specific proposal from

 What is in it?

 What criteria are you going to use to select
a partner?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Which criterion is the most important to


 Do we have a shot at this?

Final Question

Is there anything else you think I should know?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Meeting objections or are they excuses?

When all is said and done.. will you look into the
mirror and ask yourself why you waited until it
was 'too late'...?

1 it cost too much

• What are your goals?

• Are you confident that we have the

expertise and resources to expand your …

• In your opinion is this the service to solve

your problem or need?

• What would you absolutely have to be

convinced of for you to go ahead?

• What motivates your buying decision?

• Why do you say that?

• How can we drive out unnecessary cost?

• How can we structure the financial package

better to meet your needs?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

2 I'm satisfied with my current vendor

• How does our solution compare with the

one your current vendor offers?

• Yes good service and prices are certainly

essential. What do you look for in these

• What results are you trying to achieve?

• How can my service stimulate demand for

your services?

• When did you start that co-operation?

Where are you satisfied? What could be
improved? What happens if the legislation

• Do you think this will be better?

• What do you mean exactly?

• What would you want that you are not

having today with your actual vendor?
When did he last offer a spontaneous price

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

3 It doesn't meet my needs

• How do you handle your needs for those

types of services at your company?

• How are core processes – production,

distribution, and sales – linked? If
something goes wrong in one function,
does it affect others?

• How does your company: beats – or lose

to – the competition?

• What happens if nothing changes?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

4 It’s not in our budget

• What action have you decided to take?

• Indeed proper allocation of funding is

critical. How do you determine the

• What will added 4PL functionality allow you

to do?

• What are you trying to accomplish?

• How do you feel about that?

• If you were ever to buy my service, what

would you want it to do for you?

• How will the financial decisions be made –

by ROI? Payback period? Cost savings?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

5 We have had a bad experience with your

(mother) company in the past

• What are your thoughts on this issue?

• If all remains the same what will be the

effect on your company? Which steps do
you want to take to correct this situation?

• Why are you unhappy? Where does your

discontent come from?

• Can you tell me more about that? Why do

you feel that way?

• How should we proceed on this? What is

the next step?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Wall of fame – contributors to the white paper –

with thanks. Grateful & much appreciated Likes
and Accolades names a can be found in the
Linked-In group.

Alphabetized by first name as shown in your

linked in profile :

 Abeer Tulaibah - Strategic Developer at Self Employed

 Adelina Cirstea - Business Development Specialist-
Growing People: The Heart of the Organizational
 Ademola Jemiyo - Marketing Executive / Account
Manager at Hafol Resources Limited.
 Adesola John-Phillips - Business Operations Associate
 Agnes Caroline Masi BBA, DipM MCIM - Chartered
Marketer Experienced Key Account Manager,
Visionary Entrepreneur
 Ahmed K. - Senior Business Development Manager.
Seeking new challenge.
 Ajesh Soman - Manager - Sales & Marketing at ABV
TEX Looking for change
 Akshat Sharma - Relationship Manager Wealth at
IndusInd Bank
 Alex Huang - Business Development Manager at The
Executive Centre
 Alexandra Datta - Country Manager CZ & SK, Chinese,
Russian, English, Czech ,Spanish
 Alexandra Robinson - Business Development Manager
at Robinson Sewell Partners

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Alisdair Harrison - Commercial Manager at Robert

Gordon University
 Amanda Ng – Associate
 Andra Ghevrec - Business development consultant at
Procer Technical Staffing & Recruitment agency
 Andrea Omar - Business Co-ordinator at medi UK
(Lifestyle) Ltd
 Andrea Sucasas Gottfridson - CEO, Founder at Sucasas
Group AB
 Andrea Suels Serizier - Digital Content Strategist |
Marketing | Business Development &
 Andrew Bussey - Senior Sales consultant - Carbon
Brush Technologies
 Andrey Bykov - Sales And Business Development
 Angelo Loukatos - Account Manager/ Inside Sales At
 Annette Bonacker-Hess - Business Development
 Anthony Johnson II - Sales Development
Representative: Providing Verified Email Address &
Direct Dial Phone Numbers to your top IT prospects.
 Antonio Puggioni - Business Development Manager at
 Appleton Business Development - Senior Business
Development Manager at Appleton Business
Development Limited
 Artur Krueger - President at American European
Consulting Company
 Ashish Hote - manager at Nagpur
 Ashley Peoples - Field Marketing Specialist at

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Asif Karmali - Business Development Manager at

Universal Navigation Pte Ltd.
 Asif Shaikh - General Manager at Atharva Data Forms
 Asim Baig - Accomplished Business Development
 Atul Kr. Joshi - Experienced Sales and Marketing
professional for Industrial Products
 Atul Sachan - Senior Business Analyst: Supply Chain at
Time Inc. - A Time Warner Company
 Aubrey Rahlapane - Business Development Manager
at Legal Wise
 Avijit Dev - Head - Marketing and Institutional Sales
 Aymen Mahrzi Business Management - Operations
Manager at World Design - FZ LLC
 Ayo Odeyemi - Marketing Manager @ Morison
Industries PLC
 Ayodele Ogundare - Business Development and
Relationship Manager at NLPC Pension Fund
Administrators Limited
 Babita Lodha - Business Development Manager at
Concept Groups
 Bal Matharu - Business Development Manager at
Morgan Reach Accountancy and Finance
 Baldwin Berges - Investing in developing economies.
Technology for Business Development and Marketing,
 Beauty Sargin - Business Development Executive at
Global Edge Recruitment and Training Consulting Ltd.
 Ben Guttenberger - Business Development at Design
At Work
 Ben Hayes - Business Development
 Benildus M - Area Manager Sales - South at General
Cable Energy India

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Benno Wijnen - Operational Excellence Manager

Digital/Technology Europe at UCB Pharma
 Bessie Zhao - Foreigh Trade at Techik Instrument
Shanghai Co.,Ltd
 Beverly J. - Business Development at Cochran
Wholesale Pharmaceuticals
 Bidyut Sen - Marketing, Productions & Quality control
 Bill Aubrey - Broker/Realtor at Prudential Contact
Corporation, REALTORS
 Bill Rosado - Account Manager at MGMT503
 Bioku Bidemi Adeleke –
 BLESELDA Gabat - Director/ General Manager -
Contracts in PR/ Marketing, Construction, IT Services,
Recruitment, Publishing.
 Bob Fiori - Managing Partner at 3D Printing Alliance
 Bob Myers - Account Manager at Thermo Fisher
 Bonilla B. Paula - Strategic Analysis, development and
 Brad Duncan - Dir. Business Development at Ben E.
Keith Foods
 Brad Lindsey - Business Development Through
Creative Sales, Marketing, Finance Manager, and CRM
Technologies **AUTOLOAN
 Brad Shinn - Business Development and Strategic
 Brent Dous - Strategic Business Development
Professional; Instigator of Purposeful Change
 Brent Johns - International Business Journalist and
Research Analyst at Global Business Reports
 Brian Ager, MBA, CPCM, CPSA - Director of Business
Development at NutriSavings

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Brian Carter - Director at an International Risk

Management Firm
 Brian Strzalka - General Manager at GUARDIAN
 Brinda Sorathiya - Business Development Executive at
Techmind Solutions
 Bruce Burdumy - Vice President, Smarter Analytics,
Banking and Financial Markets at IBM
 Bruno Gruaz - Principal at Miller & Gruaz
 Campbell Masters - Business Development Manager
at Mobile Mentor Ltd
 Carina Munn - Business Developer for Fleet
Management Solutions at FTC
 Carla Thiessen - Buisness Services Administrative
 Carlos Becerra - Business Development Manager –
Europe en Bioquímica del Agua
 Carlos Casado - Business Driver Manager en Ricoh
España SLU
 Carol Mullen - Business Development Executive at
Houston-Johnson, Inc.
 Carole Houtsch - Directrice Commerciale chez Sodexo
 Carrie So - Head of Global Strategy at TreeCircle
 Cesare Moses - Business Development Manager at
BDM Global
 Charles Ho - Leadership, Strategy, Business
Development, Sales & Marketing Management -
Specialty & Industrial Chemicals

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Charral Izhiman - Head of Business Development and

Marketing at PROTRAINING - Digital Marketing, Social
Selling, Experiential Training
 CHERYL ANN PHILLIPS (MBA, MSc) - Marketing and
Promotions - E-IDCOT
 Chimene Felton - Practice Manager, Client Liaison and
PA to a very busy boss!
 Chris Gibson - Accomplished Business Development,
Program Management and Engineering Leader
 Chris Klok - European Market Manager OEM & PWB
 Chris Pretorius - Sales & Business Development at
 Chris Weir - Director of Sales at Lee Company
 Christian Robles Chang - Country Commercial
Manager at Kellogg Company
 Christine Ward - Marketing and Account Manager at
Cogent Technology
 Churchil Ododa - Channel Devt Partner/Senoir Skills
Development Specialist( Sales & Distribution) at
Centum Learning Ltd, Airtel Kenya
 Cindy Adkins, CSI - Commercial Flooring Consultant at
CCSI, Certified Consultants & Surfaces Inspection
 Cindy Dames - Bus. Dev. Manager at Process Results,
 Claudia Vogas - Business Coach For Top Performers ♦
Keynote Speaker ♦ Special Focus On: Peak
Performance, Assertiveness & Influence
 Colette Wise - Director, Business Development at The
Adams Group
 Dan Chappell - Business Development Specialist

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Dan Fusco - Sales Consultant at Red Ventures

 Dan Wilson Sr - Owner/Director of Sales at Austin
Brake & Clutch Inc.
 Daniel Joseph - Commercial Sales Executive at
Ceridian Canada
 Danny Brown, Dip DM, FIDM, MIoD - Client Director
at UK Mail
 Darshana De Silva (CMILT) - CEO at Trans Global
Freight & Shipping (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka
 Dave Harris 2,000+ - Business Development Manager
- UTC Construction
 Dave Wheeler - Branch Manager at Manpower
Rochester and Red Wing MN
 David Bussell - Marketing Manager at Kick Ass Media
 David Laszlo - Business Development Manager at
STORMTECH Performance Apparel
 David Prentice - Senior Vice President at Cason Global
Wealth Associates (CGWA)
 David Pydlek - Business Development Consultant
 David van Schoor - Development Manager at Sanlam
 David Webber - Delivery Solution Specialist at Pakair
Cargo and Golden Messenger
 Debbie McClure - Author/Public Speaker
 Deborah King - President at Economy Office Supply
 Debra Brown - Manager-Healthcare
Consultant/Franchise Development at Bios Life ™ &
Unicity International ™
 Dee C. - Business Development / National Director of
Sales Canada at Sterling Bridge Mortgage Corp
 Deepak Dogra - Business Development - Asia &
Australasia at ESCATEC

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Del Leutbecher - Vice President, Business

 Denise Newman - International Business
Development Manager at Qatar specialized Eng. &
Constructions W.L.L
 Dennis Garlington - Marketing - Making Products and
Services Easier to Buy
 Detlev Goedbloed - MSc in Business Administration
(International Business). Young graduate with
commercial ambition.
 Devansh Doshi - Data Enthusiast | Growth Hacker
 Diat Khan - Managing Director | Differentainment
 Doug Miller, MS RECM, LEED GA - Director of Business
Development at Alliance Construction Solutions, LLC
 Dr. V P SINGH - Senior General Manager( Mktg. &
Sales) at Amba Shakti Ispat Limited
 Dr.Tweneboa Senzu - C.E.O Matrix Mind Marketing
Consult ltd.
 Dragan Stjepanovic - New Sales & Channel
Relationship Development & Sales Scaling Expert via
Lean logic & GTD
 Dustin Dees - Business Development Manager at
Transnorm System Inc.
 E. James Willrich, J.D. - Business Analyst at JPMorgan
 Earle Wanzer - Vice President Sales - Vice President
National Accounts -Director Sales - Business to
Business Development Professional
 Edward A B Hough - Payroll Business Development
 Eleni Bellou - Sales Development Mgr IN GROUP S.A.
 Elias Rizk - Solutions Manager at DiCentral

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Ellan Long - Freelance Marketing, Events, PR,

Meetings, Business Development (sixty7)
 Elton Serudzai - intern at ZESA Holdings
 Elvis Hong - President at Juna International Ltd.
 Emma Jones - Business Development Manager at i-
Class Solutions India Pvt Ltd
 Emran Khan - Business Development Manager. at
Elevation (Pvt) Ltd.
 Enrique Garcia - LATAM Market Expert. Business
Opportunities Researcher at Winet - Investors
 Eric Quanstrom - CMO @PipelinerCRM - For Sales
Entrepreneurs + Teams who 'Value the Visual' for
#CRM sales pipeline & #socialselling
 Erik De Waard - European Business Development
Manager at Xtratherm Limited
 Eugen Borsan - Business Development Manager at
Eaton Electric
 Fabio Meriggi - Market Development Manager at
Parker Hannifin
 Faith Oladimeji - Senior Consultant, Faybun
Development Services (FDS)
 Farooq Aziz - Manager Sales at DYNAMIC EQUIPMENT
 Farri Zam - Business Development Manager at Zam
Software Solutions
 Faruk Sirlak - Freelance Director
 Fatih CIFTCI - Business Development and Solution
Consultant – DATAMARKET
 Federico Nicolás Morales - Business Solution Advisor
 Felix B. Stutz - President at LITRAX AG LTD.
 Fernando Roso - Looking for new challenges

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Gail Leopold - Business Development Manager at

Smaller Earth
 Gareth Hackett - Senior Manager, Business
Development EMEA at Cadex Electronics
 Garry Yoxall - UK Fuels Business Development
Manager at Norland Managed Services
 Gary Jones - Director at IPS
 Gary W. Denson - Strategic affinity
improvement. Asia Pac' leader.
 Gary Zasimovich - Business Development - Project
 Gentiana Hasko - Marketing Manager presso
Carrefour Albania
 George Fletcher - Business Development
 George Smith - Business Development Manager at
Connect Community Trust (prev. Wellhouse
Community Trust
 Gerald Shelton - Agar - Business Development
Manager at TCQ Construction
 Gerrie Kotze - Bike Hut Manager at Halfords
 Gessy G - C.E.O. at MichiDe International
 Gideon Regev - Business Development Professional;
Experienced in Manufacturing; Sales; Procurement
and Translations
 Gideon Regev Business Development Professional;
Experienced in Manufacturing; Sales; Procurement
and Translations
 Ginger Kelly - Business Development Manager –

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Giovanni Cerizza - Business Development Manager

and Key Account Manager MEA presso Invensys
 Glenn Hahn - Vice President
 Graham Crews - International Business Development
Manager at Waste Spectrum Environmental Limited
 Greg Baldauf - Connected Home Business
Development Executive
 Gregg Anderson - Business Owner, Marketing &
Advertising Specialist, Entrepreneur & Business
Development Leader
 Gregory Jones - Oracle: Business Development
Programs Manager - CRM OnDemand for Social
Networking, Sales & Marketing
 Gretchen Hebl - Area Marketing Liaison at Sava Senior
 Gulnara Tomotoeva - Chef de zone Export at
PETITJEAN Al-Babtain France Central & Eastern
Europe/ CIS/ Central Asia/ Caucasus
 Gunjan Visaroliya - Business Development Manager
 Gurudev Basavaraj Goud - Sr. Vice President-
Corporate Strategy & Business Development at
Unizen Technologies
 Gutwin Chun - Global Marketing & Sales Healthcare
 Guy Wood - looking for a new challenge
 Hamdalat Sulaimon - Business Development officer at
Dammac Global Resourses Limited
 Hasan Ali - Procurement and Contracts Manager at
Harrison Markfield Ltd

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Heather Landau - Operations Director, Universal

Company Incorporations Ltd.
 Herman Sperling –
 Herman Sperling - Experienced in international
marketing recognizing that the end using customer is
the center of my client's universe
 Hernan Ynion - Chairman & CEO of Brainstalk
 Hussein Madihi - Health Innovation (Access, Engage,
 Ian Stephenson - Owner at Technology Training
 Ini Samuel - Business Development at Northcourt
 Iqbal Qureshi - Business Development Executive at
Magnetic Technologies L.L.C.
 Islam Kamel - Assistant Manager Business
Development at Energya Metals (Galvanized steel
 Isobel Hitchcock - Real Estate Agent at PROprop
Hibiscus Coast, Kwazulu Natal,
 Jackie Epler - Business Development Coordinator
 Jahangir Ahmed - Business Development and
Marketing Coordinator at WSP Group
 Jahidul Islam bidYuth - AGM, Finance and Admin at
LSI Group
 James Pere - Financial Technology Recruitment
 James Smith - Business Development Head at
 Jan Van Rosendaal - international business
development b2b
 Jason (Xiao Meng ) Zhao - Founder at

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Jason Jia - Business Development Manager at Jebsen

& Co
 Jason Nicholson - Owner FixMyPC
 Jean Manuel Gomes - Director of Business
Development and Innovation at PaperWorks
Industries, Inc.
 Jeanette Halliday - Senior Business Development
Manager at NSF International
 Jean-Philippe Vacher - Group Opportunities
Evaluation Manager & Key Business Development,
Italcementi Group
 Jeffrey L Smith - Marketing Strategist
 Jeffrey Peter Davis - Business Development |
Strategic Marketing | Sales Leadership
 Jennifer Everson - Business Development at Great
Northern Corporation
 Jeroen Meijer - Business Development Manager at
CPM Nederland
 Jignesh Bhatt - President at Answer Infotech Pvt Ltd
 Jillian Major - Account Manager at Integrated Digital
 Jim Manuel Labastilla - Regional Sales Manager
(Luzon) at Du Pont Far East
 Jock Sommese - -
 Jodi Ann Colter - Sales Manager @ Fathers and
 Joe Love - Sr. Software Sales Professional
 Johan Nuder - Vinudden AB, Business- and Product
development. Stockholm Value Labs, enable
organizations to optimize the market value.
 Johdi Adams - Business Development Manager at

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 John Hickey - Business Development Manager at

 John Hotz - Maritime Industry Business Development
 John Jenkins - Executive Director and Group Executive
Business Development at Business Connexion
 JOHN MUGO - Sales manager at Bedi Investments ltd
 John Yampiro - Business Development/ Sales
Management/ Sales Training
 Jon Rutenberg - Managing Member at
BizConnectOnline, LLC
 Joni Grounds - Business Development Director
 Joseph Cobb - Business Development Specialist at
Vaden Automotive Group
 Joseph D. Cornwall, CTS-D - World Class Sales
Management, Presentation & Communications,
Market Navigation and Strategic Execution
 Joseph Esparza - Capital Stack LLC | Business
 Joyce Hohoa Ovia - Business Development Executive
at IHG
 Julian Evetts - Managing Consultant Julian Evetts &
Associates ~ Business Development UK ~ Building &
 Julie Wicks - Business Development Manager at
Yarrum Designer Homes
 Jumbo Mahadev - no title at self-employed
FCIM(Retd)Chartered Marketer
 Jyotish Chugani – Entrepreneur

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Kailash Chandra Satti - country business head at 3

dimension vending
 Karen Baas - Business Development Professional
 Karen Ng - Market Development Manager at Stenta
Films (M) Sdn Bhd
 Kartikay Arora - Business Development Manager at
McCain Foods
 Kate Miglautsch - Inside Sales Representative at
Adelman Travel
 Katerina Rabava - Global Marketing Manager in
Molten, Business Transformation Consultancy, Energy
Sector, Oil & Gas
 Katherine Smith - International Business
Development Professional
 Kathryn Cook - Senior Business Development
Manager at Baker Tilly
 Kawaljit Singh - Business Development Executive
 KC Pang - Asia Business Consultant
 Ken Heath - Business Development Manager,
Commercial Aviation Aftermarket
 Kenneth Mabilisa - Business Development Manager
 Ketan Parmar - International Business Development
Manager at MDP LISTING
 Kevin Bibeault - Developing Business through Hustle
 Kevin Edwards - Owner & Consultant at Modulate
 Kevin Marksteiner - Sales Manager - General Manager
- Business Development Manager
 Kevin Power - Business Development Manager at

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Kevin Tan - Events, Sales and F&B - All in one!

 Kim Finning - Account Manager in Cabling &
Connectivity - Copper - Fibre @ Madison
Technologies - Keeping you Connected!
 Komuraiah Poodari - Product Marketing Manager at
Freescale Semiconductor
 Kris Nelsen - Business Coach/Sales & Marketing
 Lan Shafer - People Connector | Idea Activator |
Business Broker
 Larry Broome - Director of Business Development and
Strategic Accounts at Odyssey Technical Solutions
 Laura Lee - Director of business development
 Laurence McKinley - Portfolio Analyst at Grand City
Property Management GmbH
 Len Beale - Retired but available on request
 Len Beale - Retired but available on request
 Leonardo Valettas - New Markets Operations Director
at Just Falafel | MBA candidate Strathclyde University
 Lic. Gabriela C. B. - Business Development-CRM-
Organizational Consulting
 LILY TAY - Group Director at AG Advertising Pte Ltd
 Ling Tao - Asia Commerical & Business Development
Manager at Nyrstar Marketing & Sales AG
 Liz Gilchrist - Business Development Director at RBS
 Lizz Atieno - CARE BUSINESS PARTNER at Maersk ltd
 Louis Bertrand - Co-founder and Vice President at
Sweet Gazoil
 Lowell Peabody - Commercial Real Estate Advisor
 Lynn Lacy - Linklyn Business Development Specialist

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 M.N.Balasubramanien Balasubramanien - Managing

Thibaudin - Business development ♦ Marketing
strategy and communication ♦ International business
 Madalena Moniz-Pereira - Head of Sales & Marketing
at Kaffa Cafés
 Madison Shoemaker - Strategy & Business
Development Consultant at Crowe Horwath LLP
 Manish Sharma - IT Infrastructure Management
Services, Cloud, Managed/Unmanaged Services,
Shared Environment, Mailing Solution
Expert in IFRS, ISA, Corporate Reporting, Business
Valuation, Costing & Budgeting, Investment
 Marcin Łukasik - Sales Manager at UniCall Central and
Eastern Europe
 Marcus Win - Business Development Manager at
Eden Office Seating
 Maria Julia Silva - Economist
 Mariano Gomez Argüello - MBA - International Sales
& Marketing Executive
 Mariella Amza-Prein - Sr. Account Manager -
North/Central Europe
 Marin Kostov - Senior Expert at Yambol Municipality
 Mario Backus - Senior Key Account & Business
Development Manager bei Emerson Process
 Mark Bates - Business Developer & Ambassador
 Mark Chapman - Director of International Sales,
Elexxion Lasers

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Mark H Anderson - Technical Sales of Highly

Engineered Products
 Mark Histed - Business Development Manager (AU) -
KN Drinks
 Martin Braendstrup - Marketing business
Development Manager at RealMæglerne A/S
 Martin Gilbert - Sales Associate/ Investment Property
Specialist at Laurence Realty North
 Martin Luther Changa - Training Facilitator at Highpro
Skills Professional Training
 Martin Swann - Director - Try at Try
Financial Limited
 Maureen Nova Ledesma - Business Development
Manager at MetisEtrade
 Max Klein - Creative answers to business questions
 Melinda Gardt, MBA, SSBB - Marketing & Business
Development Consultant Collaboratively Growing
Relationships & Businesses
 Melissa Schemmel - Marketing Manager at Referral
Coach International
 Melvin Evans - Business Development Consultant at
Evans Business Group, LLC
 Michael Mead - Vice President of Business
Development at Pijon
 Michael Smith - Logistics and Supply Chain - Gradient
 Michael W. Johnson - Community Outreach Manager
 Mickie Holden - Director Holden International LLC
 Mike Arsenault - Sales Professional - Business
 Mike Conroy - Owner/Consultant at Intelligent
Engineered Solutions

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Mike Crawford - Vice President Business

Development at International Truckload Services
 Mike Endulovski - Business Development Mgr at
 Mike Holt - New Business Manager at SLG Marketing
(2008 and 2011 CMA 'Agency of the Year').
 Mike Kennedy - Business Development Manager at
Cloud Shepherd Ltd
 Mike Levesque - Director Of Business Development,
contracted by all.
 Mike Lusk - WISP Sales Support
 Mike Saunders - Sales Specialist - Energy at Olympus
 Minhaj Zafer - Director Corporate Affairs - Business
and Sales Development Leader for Pakistan and GCC
 Mini Puri - Business Development Specialist at
Stoneham Bank
 Miriam Saidi - MSc Management Accounting 2014 /
Interested in Management & Business Consulting /
Organization & Business Development
 Mladen Zahariev - General Manager at Layher
 Mohammed Khaled Mehdi - Strategic Account
Manager at Avery Dennison
 Mohammed Zafar Shaikh - Business Development
 Monira Andkhoie - Looking for a new challenge in
account management, marketing or consultancy
 Mostafa Salaheldeen - Director Of Security Services at
Al Thuraya Misr
 Mr. P É T E R , Csongor - Experienced sales person
looking for new challenges in Hu and CEE

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Mugabirwe Twebaze Arthur - Territory development

manager at Crown Beverages Limited
 Muthoni Njuguna - Market Research Manager at KCB
Bank Group
 Muzamil Abdelkarim - Graduate Development
Programme at Dal Group
 Muzzammil Hussain - Management Engineer at
Politecnico di Milano
 Nadeem Malik - General Manager Marketing at
Syntronics Limited
 Nadege Orlova - Regional Manager at IGN France
 NANCY E. GROSS - MDM-Coca-Cola Refreshments -
Account Management - Social Networking - Digital
Media - B2B - Solution Selling - Marketing
 Nancy Gracia-Gungor --
 Narong Potewanagul - Business Development
Director at Borwornpong Co., Ltd.
 Naveen Bhadran - 11 Years Experience in Sales and
Business Development...
 Neal Vanderburg - Business Development Manager at
V-Twin Energy Resources, LLC
 Ned James - Marketing Manager at CSX
 Neil Licht - How to Acquire Sustainable Paying
Customers online without facing competition
 Neil Licht - How to Acquire Sustainable Paying
Customers online without facing competition
 Nermeen Hassan - Co-Founder & Executive Director -
Vivid Life
 Nicola Girotti - Organizzazione commerciale, Umana

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Nishant Sharma - Experienced International Business

Developer, with multinational and leadership
 Nitin Srivastava - An experienced Sales and BD
professional - Head Marketing at MENETA
Automotive Components Pvt Ltd
 Nuno Ferreira-Martins - International Business
Development & Marketing Manager
 Octavio Diaz - Retired, previously successful business
development professional in the high Tech industry
 Olanrewaju Ayoola - Business Development/Assistant
Manager at Expro Group
 Ovidiu Anton Talpos - Sales/Marketing Executive,
Entrepreneur, General Manager
 Pablo Guerrero Santibañez - Expatriate Business
 Pamela Parker, M.S - Senior Care Business
Development Consultant and Sales Training
 Paolo Evangelista - BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Director
 Patrick Van Craen - Partner at Just in Time
Management Group cvba - Regional Manager
Xpandsales Benelux/France - Owner at Deonta
 Patrick Van Hoorde - Business Unit Director @
TomorrowLab. Business Transformation & Strategic
Innovation expert. #IoT
 Paul Holt - Business Development Professional -
Consumer Electronics
 Paul Stephens - HouseBuilder Manager (Northern) at
SIG (UK) Group

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Pendrick Brown - Senior Client Relationship Manager

at DWF, Account Management and Client
 Penny Mason - Marketing and Service Manager at
Disaster Blaster
 Peter Collinge | Communications & IT - Sales Director
at WightFibre
 Peter Max - Senior Business Development Manager,
Nordic at Mondelez World Travel Retail, LLC
 Peter Wharton - Business Development Director at
 Phil Young - President at Swift & Secure Systems Inc
 Philippe Cochet - Director,Technical Account
Management, Lithography Systems Group at Rudolph
 Pouneh Hafizi - Business Development Manager at
Explorer Group
 R.H. "Ron" Ackerman - Principal Consultant-Customer
Engagement; Adjunct Faculty - University of
 Rachael Drum - Business Development Manager at
Hobsons APAC
 Rafail Rustamov - Director Business Development -
SOFOS Engineering
 Raffaele Nappi - Business Development Manager
(Export Markets) at SABMiller Brands Europe
 Rahula Nanayakkara - Regional Sales Manager at
Holcim Lanka
 Raj K - Director Marketing-Operations
 Rajan Srivastava - Sr. Manager - Business
Development with having 12 years in FMCG and 8
Years in Building material

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Rajesh Kaul - Sales Director and Country

Manager(Form. Wipro,Brocade and Ingram micro)
 Rajneesh Kumar Chauhan - Global Sales & Business
development professional
 Ralph Duncan, P.E. - VP, Business Development at
BMT Designers & Planners, Inc.
 Ram Gopal Goyal - Sales Manager -Level 2 at Paladion
 Raman Iyer - Senior Sales and Marketing Professional
 Reggie E. Cobblah - Investment officer &
 Rejith Moosa Karakuni - Business Development
 René Kouaté - Independent Sales Engineer at
 Renee Briggs-Gordon - Partnerships Manager at
Education Institute Services
 Rhonda (Lambert) Meeker
 Richard Nicholls - Mentor at Business Growth Hub &
Looking for something new and exciting
 Richard Pryce - Experienced business development,
strategy, and sales leadership
 Richard Teece - Business Development Manager
APAC at Sealite Pty Ltd (t/a Avite Systems)
 Richard Van Anholt - Sales Management | Product
Management | Business Development | Strategy |
Consultancy | B2B | Payments
 Rick Cloney - Operations Manager; Cobalt Canada
 Rob Coop - Sales & Development Professional
 Rob Womack - Creative Problem Solver at Blue Sky

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Robert Monroe - Business Development Manager

 Robert Nussmeier - Vice-President, Oil,Gas and
Chemical Business Development
 Robert Yarlett - Experienced Business Professional
 Robin Huang - Data Administrator at Online Republic
 Robyn Eames - Account Development Manager at
 Rocky Romeo - Sales and Marketing Diagnostics, Sales
Training, Business Development, Sales and Marketing
Forensic Investigations
 Rod Manrique - Commercial Business Development at
 Roger Campbell - Business Development Outsource
 Roger Wilson - Independent Sales & Marketing
Director / NED in IT, Automotive Technology, Sport,
Professional and Financial Services
 Roman Korzus - sales&management&trainings at
 Romolo Ferorelli - Business Development at Ankor
Energy Group
 Ronald Smith - Experienced Senior Business
Development Manager for both domestic and
international markets
 Roslan Zin - Marketing Manager
 Russell Cleasby - Tubular Linear Motor Enthusiast,
Business Development and Sales Management
 Ruth Mollison – Entrepreneur
 Ryan Ethridge - Director of Business Development at
EIG - Electrical Industry Group of Washington
 Ryan Fitzgerald - Vice President at KeywordFirst LLC.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 RYAN RHOADES - Regional Sales Manager, Business

 Sam Caloroso - Business Developement Consumer
 Samantha Crawley - NLP Practitioner/Coach - Head of
Community Partnerships & Sales - Anchor Trust
 Samuel Lim - Freight/Logistics/Airline Professional
 Samuel Qin - Business Development Manager and
Presales specialist at ZTE
 San Chow - Commodity Dealer - Precious Metals,
Agri-food, Petroleum by Products.
 Sarah Pooley - Business Development Manager at
 Sarah Pooley - Business Development Manager at
 Sarah Wang - Business Development Manager at New
Zealand Trade and Enterprise
 Satyajit Mishra – at
 Sebastian Anthony - Associate Marketing Manager at
Excel-Labs Private Limited
 Sébastien Soubaigné - International Business
Development chez Staiger GmbH & Co. KG
 Shah Zilanee - Assistant Manager at M
 Sharyn Grainger - Business Development Manager
with Digital Marketing
 Shauna Proctor - Searching for Employment
Opportunities: Experienced Marketing & Sales
Director/Professional Business Development
 Simon Esangbedo - Business Development/Project
 Sonia Smith - Director/ Principal Consultant at Sonia
Smith Consulting

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Sorin Ionescu - Business Owner

 Stan DeAngelis - President, DeAngelis Business
 Stan Oumedjbeur - Marketing, Business Development
& Sales at Saitran Software Inc.
 Stella Hmaine - Regional Sales Manager at Katun
Corporation, Sales is my Passion!
 Stephanie Lakin - Director, Marketing and Client
 Stephanie Pace - Business Development Manager,
(MEA) at Dimension Data
 Stephen Molyneux - Business Development Manager
Oilfield & Resource Rentals / International Corrosion
 Stepphone Mack - Region Sales Manager at FleetNet
America Inc
 Steve Broyles - sales and business development
 Steve Harman - Networked Results - Connector and
accelerator of trusted contact network leading to
business relationships.
 Subbramanian Meenakshisundaram - Head of
Consultancy - Strategic & Operational
 Sue Bornhorst, CRP - Global Mobility
Consulting/Corporate Relocation/Group
Moves/Business Development
 Sue Sylvester, LEED AP BD+C - Vice President of
Business Development, Roofing Southwest, Education
 Suzanne Smith - Funding Consultant at The Business
 Swapneel Kumar - Business Developmaent Manager
at Anant Ventures

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 T. Andre Villaruel - Executive Sales Manager at

Winvalco Trinidad Limited
 Tae-Woo Kim - Director, Business Development at
EZGO Co.,Ltd
 Tamer Ossman - Associate Global Partner at the
academy of business strategy
 Taran Chernin - Group Vice President New Business
Development at Macys Merchandising Group
 Ted Coombs - Technologist, Developer, Futurist,
 Terri Silva - Real Estate Professional & Business
Development Manager
 Terry Mistalski - Chief Operating Officer at Digital
Dental Solutions, Inc
 Theodore Giza - Business Development Consultant
 Therran Oliphant - Director of Platform Marketing at
xAd, Inc
 Thiago Macitelli - Business Manager at Imerys
 Thomas Englerth - Senior Client Manager at C.S.
Davidson, Inc.
 Tim Fitzgerald - Business Development Director at
CDP Print Management
 Tim Rosenblum - Business consultant
 Tommy Philips - Export Manager at Axess Lift
Solutions & GNS Brinkman (Value8 Tech Group)
 Tomori Bukola Vanlare - Distributor Sales Executive
Diageo Brands Nigeria
 Tony O'Neill - New Business Development at Asendia
 Tracey Anderson, B.Mgt - Business Development
Manager at Aquatera Utilities Inc.
 Tshepo Masigo - Business Development | Cloud and
Hosted Services

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 Tudorache Alexandru - Sales at Horizon IT

 Tyler Robinson - Director of Business Development at
Dunhill Staffing
 Vanessa Repetto - Business Development Manager
 Vanessa Simmons - Director of Business Development
at The Pythian Group
 Varghese Mathew - Managing Director & CEO at
Navainfotech Services Private Limited
 Veda Solomon - Business Development/Marketing
 Venkataramana Buditi (Ronnie) - Sr. Technology
Recruiter, NGA Group Inc. USA
 Vibhorr Rampall - Business Analyst @ Tata
Consultancy Services
 Vic Gross - Director, Business Development at
ELREPCO Jesús García Martínez - CEO en ISP
 Victor Scipioni - Industrial Automation Engineering &
Sales Professional
 Vu Le - Experienced Retail Sales & Associate Team
Manager | Advertising & Marketing Enthusiast |
Seeking new job opportunities
 Walter Horsting - Principal Business Development
International & Chief Business Officer at IPS Studios
 Wayne Moloney - Business growth specialist
 Wendi Orman - Sales and Business Development for
 William Chen - Project manager at RICH Bancorp
Limited in China
 William Stein - Marketing Intern at Relationship
Science -

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

 William Stein - Marketing Intern at Relationship

Science -
 Wm. Alan Marks - Business Unit Manager-
Pharmaceuticals at Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
 Xi (Guangzhou) - Expansion Manager at Decathlon
 Yannick Belliato - Senior Consultant at iconoclast
 Yasin Kanbur - Foreign Trade Operations and Sales
 Yee Wah Ong - Senior Export Sales Manager at
Success Electronics & Transformer Manufacturing
 Zack Maina - Business Development Manager at
 Zintia Meléndez Velázquez - Bilingual Marketing

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

If this is business development, how can it

be so bad? By Paul Goldner

Heaven will be a small room with a

telephone, a mail engine and a never-
ending list of prospects.

When you love cold-call-mail selling:

 You make money every time you dial

or mail.
 You have complete control over your
 You can handle every objection.
 There is no such thing as a rejection.
 No rejection.

Now doesn't that sound like heaven to you?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Most people take a "half-empty glass-" or

negative view of BD prospecting. They see
prospecting as the process of getting
rejected over and over again - and once in
a while getting an appointment that leads
to a sale.

When prospecting, forget the negative

outcome of your calls/mails - the
rejections. Instead, focus on the positive
outcome - the sales.

Who’s counting?

For example, say you made 100 calls/mails,

and those 100 calls/mails led to five sales
worth a total of €20,000. That means it took
you 100 calls/mails to make €20,000 in sales,
or €200 worth of sales per call/mail. Every
time you picked up the phone or send a mail,
you made an average of €200

Dials Comp- Appoint- Propo- Sales Sales €

leted ments sals
or dials
Mails mails
100 50 13 13 5 20.000

And say you make 5 percent commission

on sales. In that case, every single time

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

you picked up the phone or send a mail

and dialed/ mailed, you made €10

Dials/Mails 100
Sales € 20.000
Sales per Dial/Mail € 200
Commission rate 5%
Commission per € 10

During a recession, sales are harder to make.

You can't control the economic downturn, or
the resulting difficulty in making sales, but
you can maintain your turnover an income.

You just calculate the new dials(mail)/sales

ratio and adjust the number of dials/mails

Retailers, for example, can only slash prices

during a recession and hope that customers
will come back. They can try to influence their
level of sales, but they can't control it.

That's why cold calling/mailing isn't a burden.

It's a gateway to economic freedom available

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

only to a lucky few. With prospecting, your

turnover is related to your effort.

This gives you not only freedom, but also

responsibility. Cold calling rewards extra

But it also punishes lack of effort.

To increase your commission income, you can

increase the number of your calls & mails.
The secret is to target quality prospects only.

Calling large and small companies takes the

same amount of time.

When defining your cold-calling-mailing target

market you should choose prospects:

• Whose demographic numbers show they are

likely large-order purchasers.

• Who fulfill the geographic requirements of


• Or who fit the strategic criteria of prospects.

By narrowing your target market to qualified

prospects, you will make more money on fewer
calls-mails thus maximizing the return on your
cold-call-mail selling effort.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Segment Your Target Market

Once you have selected your target market based

on the criteria above, segment that market into
three priority categories:

• High-priority accounts. For example, an account

with more than 250 employees within fifty
kilometers of your office.

• Moderate-priority accounts.

For example, any account with 100 to 250

employees within fifty miles of your office or any
account with more than 250 employees farther
than fifty kilometers.

• Low-priority accounts. For example, any

account with 100 to 250 employees farther than
fifty kilometers from your office.

Segmenting your target market not only lets you

decide which accounts to call-mail first but also
which to call-mail more often.

Set call-mail and visit goals for each category.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

For example:

 One call-mail per month and one visit per

quarter for high-priority accounts.

 One call-mail per quarter and one visit per
half year for moderate-priority accounts.

 One call-mail per half year and one visit
per year for low-priority accounts.

Progress Scenario of the CALL

1. Grab attention. You have about ten seconds to

accomplish this goal.

2. Introduce yourself. When the prospect

responds always says an emphatic "Great!" it
starts to transfer your enthusiasm to the client.

3. State your reason for calling. If you have

previously sent mail to the prospect, say that you
are following up on that mail.

Note that mail is not a prerequisite to cold calling.

Too many salespeople use mail as a substitute,
figuring they can avoid the call.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Don't lengthen the sales process with

unnecessary mail. Critically evaluate each and
every piece of mail you send out.

4. Ask a question. Salespeople should do very

little talking and a lot of listening. Only then will
you be able to identify a need and establish the
basis for a face-to-face. Once you have asked
prospects about their needs, listen carefully to
their response.

5. Get the appointment. Now go for the close.

ALWAYS Have 2 exact dates and times to offer
prospects. E.g. can we meet at time am on rather time on …date..

6. Confirm the Appointment. Always confirm an

appointment by letter or read-mail. Sending a
confirmation letter demonstrates your
professionalism to the prospect.

Also, call to confirm a day before the meeting.

It's true, as some sales books argue, that some
prospects may take that opportunity to cancel.
But in that case, chances are the prospect would
have cancelled or been a no-show anyway.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Rejections? What rejections?

A rejection never means 'no.'

It means 'not now.'

Prospecting often leads to rejection - which is

why most salespeople hate it.

The best way to handle rejection is simple:

Refuse to accept it.

The Business Development Life Cycle Paradigm

lets you look at selling as a continuous process
that ends only in a sale, regardless how ever long
it takes. You put the proposal back in a sales
pipeline to be revived later, when meeting a no.

Business-Development Cycle

Reviving a proposal doesn't mean going back to

the same prospect with the same proposal. You'll
just get the same rejection.

When you return to a prospect, you must return

with new and better information that will cause
the prospect to change his or her mind about
your proposal.

And since a rejection is never accepted, you must

keep coming back with new information.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

The process of continuously returning to a

prospect with new information is called the
"business-development cycle"

Unique Selling Points

The cornerstone of the business development

cycle are your Unique Selling Points.

These are the products, services, or benefits that

separate you from the competition.

Each time you return to the prospect, focus your

proposal around a different unique selling points.

The Business Development Cycle

Intro USP#1 USP#2 USP#3 USP#4 USP#5

Message Message Message Message Message Message

Mail or Mail or Mail or Mail or Mail or Mail or

Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

When you were able to meet with a prospect but

were unable to make a sale.

Since the prospect was high priority, you

schedule a call back one month later.

The next time you contact that prospect, try a

different focus - or sales message - from the
general message of the first meeting. This
different message is provided by unique selling
point #1, your first-to-market capabilities.

You would then send a confirmation letter

reiterating unique selling point #1.

If the buyer rejects you at this point, wait, then

recontact the prospect with unique selling point
#2. If that fails, go to selling point #3, then #4,
then #5.

Based on the priority of the prospects, you have

material to keep in contact with the prospect for
half a year if they are high-priority accounts,
eighteen months if they are middle priority
accounts, and three years if they are low-priority

What If #5 Fails?

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

If the last unique selling point fails, start over. By

now, enough time has passed so that your unique
selling points would have evolved


Until the prospect becomes a customer,

the sales life cycle continues.

Because the business-development cycle keeps

the selling process going, no qualified prospect
will ever leave your prospect list.

But they'll try. Many prospects will throw

objections at you that they think will kill the
selling process. They're wrong.

You will not be able to turn around every

objection. Some prospects will refuse to see you.

Put them back in the business-development cycle

and, on schedule, start calling them with your
unique selling points.

Don't think of secretaries as corporate

gatekeepers. They are there to help the person
they work for, and they can help you too.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales


Taken individually, the ten commandments of

prospecting listed be-low are hardly
revolutionary. But taken together, they create a
proven prospecting success formula.

Commandment 1: Make an appointment with

yourself for one hour each day to prospect.

Don't fall into the trap of postponing prospecting

to later "when the time is right." Prospecting
requires discipline, and it is as important to your
selling success as a meeting with a client.

Make an appointment with your-self to prospect -

and keep it.

Commandment 2: Make as many calls as


By targeting your prospects, you ensure that

every cold call is to a prospect most likely to buy
large quantities of your product or service.

Since every call is a quality call, the more calls

you make the better.

Commandment 3: Make your calls brief.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

The objective of the call is to get an appointment.

Don't get embroiled in a debate or a complicated

Cold calls shouldn't last longer than two to three

minutes. This should be enough to introduce
your-self and your product, and to briefly
understand the prospects' needs so that you can
give them a good reason to spend some time
with you.

Commandment 4: Be prepared with a list of

names before you call.

Always have at least a month's supply of names

on hand.

For leads, you can purchase or trade leads with

someone in a complementary business.

You can also buy a leads database from database

sellers who have often already qualified the

You can even trade leads with competitors,

creating a large, combined pool of prospects. You
would then compete for each contract.

Commandment 5: Work without interruption.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

Refuse all calls and interruptions when you're

prospecting. You don't want to be distracted from
making the maximum amount of calls in the time
you set aside.

Commandment 6: Consider prospecting during

off-peak hours if conventional prospecting times
don't work.

Decision makers often work off-peak hours

(before 9:00 A.M., after 5:00 P.M., and during
lunch). If you are unable to reach them during
regular work hours, try calling during these

A favorite calling time is 11 :59 A.M. The "Golden

Minute" has proved very lucky - although we
don’t know why.

Commandment 7: Vary your call times.

Don't always call a prospect at the same time.

The prospect may be attending the same meeting
every Monday at 10:00 A.M, for example. Try at
a different hour.

Commandment 8: Be organized. With a

computerized contact management system, you
can schedule follow-up calls even years ahead.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

You'll also be able to note the outcome of the last

call. Chances are that years ahead you will have
forgotten what happened - but your software will

Commandment 9: See the end before you begin.

When you pick up the phone, keep in mind the

goal of the call: an appointment. To increase your
confidence, visualize the ideal outcome of a call:
You quickly make an appointment with a prospect
desperately in need of your services. This step
will give you a little psychological boost as you
make the call.

Commandment 10: Don't stop. Persistence is one

of the key virtues in selling. Most sales take place
after the fifth call. Yet most salespeople give up
after the first.

Keep calling back - although how frequently

depends on the circumstance.

For example, a prospect on the verge of a

decision should be called back frequently. A
prospect who just signed a two-year contract
with a competitor, on the other hand, can be
called back less frequently.

Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales


Dials Completed calls Appointments Proposals Sales Sales €

This chart is used to show the relationship

between dials and sales.

However, tracking your progress in this manner

can be very time-consuming and thus decreases
your calling time.

Is it worth it?

First, by allowing you to calculate the dial/sales

ratio, tracking your progress enables you to
predict future sales.

Tracking your progress will also highlight

weaknesses that have to be improved.

For example, if for every hundred dials you are

completing only twenty, then you must somehow
improve your completion rate. You could decide,
for example, to change your calling times.

Tracking your progress is non selling time well


Business Development - The Missing Link
between Marketing & Sales

A rejection never means 'no.'

It means 'not now.'

Until the prospect becomes a customer,

the sales life cycle continues.


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