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Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Regional Antioquia
Sistema de Centro de Comercio
Gestión de Simple Past Questions
la Calidad


Simple past questions

What did you do yesterday?
Answer: Yesterday I studied English.
1. Where did you go on your last vacation?
Answer: I went to Cartagena
2. What was the last restaurant you went to? How was it?
Answer: The last restaurant I went to was the carbonera and it was all
very delicious
3. What did you do last weekend?
Answer: last weekend I was eating pizza
4. What did you eat for lunch yesterday?
Answer: yesterday I was eating for lunch roast beef with french fries
5. What was the last movie you saw? How was it?
Answer: The last movie I sawed is The Curse of La Llorona, I was very
interesting and very scared
6. Talk about the last time you were surprised by something.
7. What was the last game you played?
Answer: the last game I played was soccer

8. When was the last time you rode a bicycle?

Answer: the last time I rode a bicycle was the month past
9. Were you a well behaved child? Explain.
Answer: 9.
10. What was a funny movie you watched recently?
Answer: the funny movie I watched recently it call the Hangover
11. Where did you grow up? What was it like?
12. What was the last book you read?
Answer: the last book I read was the metamorphosis
13. What did you do this morning?

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