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Sending regular recommendations of important news articles, business books, videos, podcasts, etc.
can help our readers continue to enhance their professional skills. Sending recommendations around
various topics and trends via daily or weekly newsletters is an awesome way to engage our
employees & readers.

Quizzes, polls and surveys.

These tend to get great engagement, and they’re especially effective if we don’t show the results
until someone has participated in the quiz, poll or survey. We have a strong interest in seeing how
we compare to others, so withholding the results until someone has completed the poll is a great
way to boost engagement.

The answers to these polls can also help your company, even if it’s for minor things. Just don’t make
the polls too self-serving, or always business focused. They’re entertainment for your readers, so
keep things light.

Give readers a chance to offer their feedback and sentiment on your content. Surveys and polls
encourage a culture of feedback while helping readers feel heard. Feedback section below the article
can be created in the website which will be developed newly.

Ask customers what they want. They will tell us, and accordingly newsletter can be brought into a
good shape.

Employee profiles

Who is Mudita from HR? What are her super-powers? Employee profiles are a great way to
encourage connection and discourse, while recognizing and appreciating employees.

Employee stories

We can feature cool stories that happen on the job or interesting stories about employee’s lives. This
will probably break the monotony of the newsletter flow.

User-submitted content

People tend to value things they have contributed to more than they would otherwise. We can use a
simple Google form and ask for user submissions in each newsletter. Whether its book reviews,
features, images or stories, user-generated content is a great way to get readers involved and


Announce company wide events or events the company is sponsoring to maximize your promotion
impact and attendance. Company events can help readers get to know the organizer and encourage
community. Tell subscribers about upcoming events in our company (like our monthly webinars or
weekly podcasts) or industry (such as conferences and expos) so they can participate or trust us to
pass things on.
Customer stories

Use this opportunity to praise employees for a job well done. Feature positive stories from
customers that our organization or product has helped. When employees can see their work impact
lives, it can help make their jobs feel more meaningful.

Customer profiles and case studies.

If we can make our customers into heroes, will make ourselves look good too.

 Do a customer profile. We could spotlight people who use a particular product or live in a
particular location, or people who have a particular non-standard use for our product.
 If we have customer training or customer appreciation events, take pictures and use them in
the newsletter.
 Run a contest for best or most creative or most … something … use of our product or service.
Promote the contest in our newsletter, then run the winners.
 If a customer wins an award or gets great press or does something notable, mention it.

A Column by an Industry Expert:

If we have a thought leader or just a really opinionated manager in the client office? Harvest their
knowledge and give them their own column in our newsletter. In their space they can share opinions
on best practices, teach new tactics and comment on news.


Either interview someone in the industry to pick their brain about upcoming trends or best practices,
or interview an expert to teach readers how to do something.

E-course or training:

Offering training material makes a business newsletter something our customers look forward to
receiving & helps to capture subscribers.


A quote or two with client’s testimonials about a specific product or service can boost our sales and
shows that we are a great company to do business with.

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