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Dina Agustina Nur Fadzilah (1830611085)

Accounting 2B

1. Resume the story “Friendship Hurt”

This short story tells about a woman who experienced friendzone. Her name is Mary-Ann Maloni
and she is 24 years old. She is an only child who is always spoiled by her parents, but it was always
hard for her to find friends.

She finished school with good grades and started studying. Then, she got the chance to go abroad
for a practical semester and she was very excited. She hopes to find a true friend there. It was better
than she expected. She met new people with whom she spent her time, had fun and was able to
enjoy the summer. And then there was this guy.

He was her supervisor at work and she really like him. They became friends and that was all she
wanted. She had a secret crush on him but she never showed that because he had a girlfriend and
she is not someone who breaks a relationship apart. They had a great time, exchanges ideas,
listened, gave advice because this is what friends do.

Then, she had to go and they promised to call and write and everything. But, it was always difficult
to find a time to talk because he was so busy. She visited again shortly before Christmas. During that
time, she met him too and they had a good time but she just met him again shortly to say goodbye.

From that point, suddenly he had no time to talk to her anymore and answering an email became a
problem too. Then one day she just wanted to know and she wrote him and she asked if they were
still friends because he just didn’t answer her mails anymore.

In his eyes they were only colleagues who work together and nothing more and he didn’t want to
waste his precious time to talk to me. She was quite devastated after this message and she called
him some not so nice names. His rejection still hurts and that’s the reason why she didn’t think it is
possible to be close friends with a guy. Maybe that will change with time but at the moment it still
hurts and she isn’t finished with licking her wounds and starting again with someone else.

2. Best Part

In my opinion the best part is in paragraph 5 and 6, because she came out of her comfort zone and
met new people with whom spent her time, had fun, and was able to enjoy the summer. In this
paragraph she looks very happy even though she never showed her feelings for him.

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