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Pampanga State Agricultural University

College of Education
Magalang, Pampanga

Digital Technology: A Trouble?
or a Solution?


Mrs. Aica Carla Briones


John Kennette B. Berja

I, a young individual, admitting as to be a user of today’s digital technology, from
the very first moment where my fingertips touches the digital keyboard of my phone
gave me guts of it was the newly way on how to do conversation, human conversation. I
spent more than ten hours daily resisting the radiation coming from my phone just for
the reason of connection to other users. And I found it literally good and helpful. Digital
technology became part of my life so it would be a great impact if it disappears in a
glance. Now, as I was watching the TED video, I literally have learned different from it.
Like on how digital technology had made so much results into us, into our identity,
environment, planet and the most intriguing, our human connection. Even on how
people had bound themselves intimately not into physical but with the version of digital.
And how does Digital technology steals a precious treasury from us. So much hidden
portions of the world in touch of digital technology got exposed through this video of
TED; it’s so interesting, informational and mind-opening reality talks. Connected, but
alone? Here’s what I’ve learned and reacted.
First, this statement “being together while not being together” absolutely caught
my attention, because it leads me to have this thought, “Even though people bonds
together yet used their phone more often than talking about anything, it shows that their
togetherness is futile”. For what’s the sense of physically connected yet feels like alone
because of Digital Technology. We expect more from technology and less from each
other, we tend to ask more from Chat Robots rather than speaking out to your co-
human. This is a sad reality yet we are blinded by its deceiving gift while our genuine
conversation and connection is being killed by its pretending digital enemy. These days,
those phones in our pockets are changing our minds and hearts because they offer us
gratifying fantasies; one, that we can put our attention where we want it to be; two, that
we will always be heard; and three, that we will never have to be alone. Such reasons
might serves as your gasoline for you to run your machine continuously, or it may offer
you a lifetime electricity just for you to have undying lights yet won’t stop even you want
it so. Once you got jailed find better way to get out or else you would face the
consequences until the last beat of your heart. This taught me to see the difference of
before and now, the statement of from being “I have the feeling and want to have a call”
to “I want to have a feeling and need to send a text.”
“Connected, but alone?”, such a profound item yet pointing out a single direction, that
people is drowned too much and suffocated a lot and deceived unconsciously with
beauty brought by digital technology while never sees the equal beauty it steals from us
our true conversation and connection.
Despite of mostly negatives as what are tackled above, still we are blameless to
seek the sweetness taste amidst the bitterness or sourness. We always find solution for
every problem we face, once we become a trouble-maker we always make sure that we
as well the solution. If digital technology either slowly or rapidly fades our face-to-face
conversation, digital technology can also be the reason for it to become widely use and
popular again. We all need to focus on the many, many ways where technology can
lead us back to our real lives, our own bodies, our own communities, our own politics,
and our own planet. They need us. Let’s talk about how we can use digital technology,
the technology of our dreams, to make this life the life we can love. So, as my
conclusion, Digital Technology is comparable as with a coin, it has two faces the head
and tail, either of the two could be the problem but the other side for sure could also be
the solution.

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